The Civil War brewing among Democrats

"Centrist" administration.....**chortle**

Does the hilarity ever end with these stooges?
Yeah....they're ALMOST as funny as those "fiscal-conservatives" that Republicans keep electing.


People that believe in equal rights, civil rights, science, education and supporting the middle class have always been considered "left wing fringe" by those on the white.

Here is a list of black Republican candidates in 2010 provided by the Frederick Douglass Foundation:

Senate candidates:

Marion Thorpe, Florida TEAM THORPE

Larry Linney, North Carolina

Michael Williams, Texas Michael Williams for United States Senate

Congressional candidates:

Lester Phillip, Alabama's 5th District Les Phillip - Alabama Fifth Congressional District Republican Candidate

Princella Smith, Arkansas's 1st District Princella Smith for Congress » Welcome

Vernon Parker, Arizona's 3rd District Vernon Parker for Congress

Virginia Fuller,California's 7th District Fuller for Congress Home

Star Parker, California's 37th District Star Parker for Congress

Chrystopher Smith, California's 39th District

Mason Weaver, California's 53rd District

Ryan Frazier, Colorado's 7th District Ryan Frazier for Colorado

Prince Brown, Florida's 8th District voteprince

Eddie Adams, Florida's 11th District Eddie Adams Jr US Congress Florida District 11 congressman Tampa Hillsborough county St Petersburg Pinellas County Bradenton Manatee County

Corey Poitier, Florida's 17th District Corey B. Poitier for Congress ? Florida's 17th U.S. Congressional District (This is the fool who called Obama Buckwheat)

Allen West, Florida's 22nd District Allen West for US Congress 2010 | Allen West for Congress 2010

Deon Long, Florida's 24th District

Cory Ruth, Georgia's 4th District ~ CORY RUTH ~ -- This man is worth a serious look for people in his district.

Deborah Honeycutt, Georgia's 13th District Dr. Deborah Honeycutt for Congress - Welcome!

Rupert Parchment, Georgia's 13th District Rupert Parchment for Congress - Welcome home...

Isaac Hayes, Illinois's 2nd District Isaac Hayes 2010

Robert Broadus, Maryland's 4th District Broadus for Congress

Marvin Scott, Indiana's 7th District Marvin Scott for Congress

Charles Lollar, Maryland's 5th District Charles Lollar for Congress 2010 // Maryland

Bill Hardiman, Michigan's 3rd District Hardiman for Congress Committee

Angela McGlowan, Mississippi's 1st District Angela McGlowan: Fox News Political Analyst and Bestselling Author of Bamboozle

Barb Davis White (self-described conservative, running as Independent), Minnesota's 5th District http://www.barbdaviswhiteforcongress. com/

Martin Baker, Missouri's 1st District Martin Baker for Congress - Welcome

Shannon Wright, New Jersey's 6th District Shannon Wright for NJ

Michael Faulkner,New York's 15th District Faulkner For Congress

Jerry Grimes, North Carolina's 1st District Welcome to the Official Site of Jerry Grimes

Lou Huddleston, North Carolina's 8th District

Bill Randall, North Carolina's 13th District Randall for Congress

Tim Scott, South Carolina's 3rd District Vote Tim Scott

Jean Howard-Hill, Tennessee's 3rd Dist Home

Charlotte Bergmann, Tennessee's 9th District Bergmann for U.S. Congress - Tennessee 9th Congressional District

William Hurd, Texas's 23rd District

Stephen Broaden, Texas's 30th District Stephen Broden for US Congress Texas District 30

David Castillo, Washington's 3rd District Castillo For Congress

Now compare them to the other parties. Your numbers mean nothing in isolation.

You're welcome to make any comparison you want. I've clearly shown that the Republican party is not merely for white folk.
I think when the "rubber meets the road" Democrats, even Liberals, will realize that unless that accept the Dem candidates they will end up with people like Angle and Rand Paul. It should be obvious, just as obvious as the Tea Party should see the disadvantages of splitting the GOP vote in November.

But the Obvious is not so Obvious...obviously.
At least the Bubbleheads, in the U.S., (now) have their own, private, lil' saint!


Dr. H., your opinions are not facts. The Dem leadership is forcing the leftists to the center, while the Reps continue to implode because they are stuck in "no", have no leader, no platform, no program, are simply laughable. Like you.

Jokey, I gave FACTS in THIS thread...

You remain a joke and continue to demonstrate your lack of inteligence...

So you can't post anything of relevance, start whining when I correct you, then act a nard. Son, you are laughable, always have been, always will be. I have not neg repped in a long time, and it will take some of far greater import than you to make me do so.

Here is some advice for free: (1) quit your whining, (2) post facts, not opinions.

The facts I posted are here in this thread and won't take long for you to find them... Since you are a Democrat I know you are used to people doing things for you, but I refuse to hold your hand - no matter how hard you beg...
That was a democrat primary, knucklehead.

If that particular race proved anything, it's that even democrats can see that lurching even further left is death on a stick.
....Pretty-MUCH why Republicans cried-out:


.....during the Dems Presidential-campaigning.....'cause they were soooooooooooooo sure the Dems would Default to Obama....and, Republicans KNEW they could beat OBAMA (mostly because they were convinced Real Americans were as bigoted as Republicans are!)

I guess we know how THAT worked-out....DUDE!!!!!!

That was a democrat primary, knucklehead.

If that particular race proved anything, it's that even democrats can see that lurching even further left is death on a stick.

Dude, your politics, as your comments, are simply not relevant. You rant, you chant, you pant, then you realize you can't. :lol:
How cruel!!!

We should be supporting Dude's dreams/aspirations!!!

He's the kind o' "conservative"-tactician that's served Dems WELL!!!!!!!


Democrats' Civil War: The Fight Within the Party - The Daily Beast

Yes, the GOP is certainly seeing grand divides among its ranks, with Tea Party supporters pulling in different directions, but now the liberal wing of the Democrats are beginning to show intolerance for the centrist direction of this administration....????? HUH?

obama is quite centrist. the left wanted single payer, he settled for a muddled private/public insurance deal. the left wanted gitmo closed, patrito act repealed, and iraq war ended pronto. none of that happened. left wanted prosecution of bush/cheney. that didn't even come close to happening. there are tons more examples, but Obama is quite centrist, he just looks far left after having GW around for 8 years.

Obama is a centrist????????????? Compared to who? Mao Tse Tung????????


....And, McBush was a fiscal-conservative, right??

You're welcome to make any comparison you want. I've clearly shown that the Republican party is not merely for white folk.

You have shown merely tokens until you do the comparisons. That's undeniable, son. Your institute by the way is a front for The Hinterland Gazette, a white-run organization that calls itself a voice of African-American "centrists". Hypocrisy. Come on, give the numbers and compare.

Don't be like Dr. H, son, a hypocrite.
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Jokey, I gave FACTS in THIS thread...

You remain a joke and continue to demonstrate your lack of inteligence...

So you can't post anything of relevance, start whining when I correct you, then act a nard. Son, you are laughable, always have been, always will be. I have not neg repped in a long time, and it will take some of far greater import than you to make me do so.

Here is some advice for free: (1) quit your whining, (2) post facts, not opinions.

The facts I posted are here in this thread and won't take long for you to find them... Since you are a Democrat I know you are used to people doing things for you, but I refuse to hold your hand - no matter how hard you beg...

You are whining, son. You have to stop it to be relevant. I am a centrist Republican, not a Democrat, by the by, and you certainly are no Republican, but a reactionary loon.
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False analysis. If you are hispanic, and I say you are hispanic, son, that's not racism.

Saying that the GOP is a party of whites that are losing power because they are not diverse enough is not racist.

Take the self-defense phoniness elsewhere it may sell. Try Dr. H. He's a buy.
He did not simply point out the R's are mostly white. He uses (and commonly uses all over the place here) it in racist ways like:

People that believe in equal rights, civil rights, science, education and supporting the middle class have always been considered "left wing fringe" by those on the white.

If I had stated you hang out with a lot of black people and then said your just seeing things on the black he would cry racist. Then he pulls the same shit. Why are you defending him?
Would a far-left president sign into law a bill that allows loaded handguns on national parks?

Would a far-left president lift the moratorium on off-shore drilling?

Would a far-left president increase troop levels in Afghanistan?

Would a far-left president so easily drop the public-option from health insurance reform?

Would a far-left president keep Gitmo open half-way into his presidency?

Would a far-left president be this lethargic about DADT half-way into his presidency?

Would a far-left president have kept the Patriot Act intact?

These are his actions as President that show him to not be far left. Is he left-of-center? Of course. But far left? No.

Who judges a politician solely on what they say? Sure, his voting record in the Illinois legislature, and the Senate, lean left. There's no doubt about that. But the issue here is Obama's Presidency. The real-world actions he has done as President show a mixture or leftist actions--GM, stimulus, HCR--and also some compromise with rightist actions like I listed above. Center left, not far left.

I don't know if Obama loves socialism anymore than Clinton loved Lewinski, and I really don't care what's in his heart of hearts. Words are cheap, actions matter. And his actions tell a different story from the "he's a radical leftist" meme that gives Glenn Beck a tingle in his leg.

Most telling, I think, is the increasing volume on the left--and specifically to the left of him--that are becoming impatient with his presidency two years in.

But I guess Pat Robertson would be a centrist in the opinion of Pope Innocent III.
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False analysis. If you are hispanic, and I say you are hispanic, son, that's not racism.

Saying that the GOP is a party of whites that are losing power because they are not diverse enough is not racist.

Take the self-defense phoniness elsewhere it may sell. Try Dr. H. He's a buy.
He did not simply point out the R's are mostly white. He uses (and commonly uses all over the place here) it in racist ways like:

People that believe in equal rights, civil rights, science, education and supporting the middle class have always been considered "left wing fringe" by those on the white.

If I had stated you hang out with a lot of black people and then said your just seeing things on the black he would cry racist. Then he pulls the same shit. Why are you defending him?

To see if you could make the comparison. You did. Good for you. You see, that is what Dr. H can't do. He mistakes his silly perceptions for reality, then whines when he is shown up for the loon he is.

FA_Q2, rdean has take a lot of flack from folks pretending to be GOP would are far righty reactionaries like Dr. H and others. Some of them (not Dr. H to his credit) are outright racist. They cry "racism" when they are called on it. Rush is the biggest one, that is where they have learned that tactic.
You're a joke, starkey...


Yep, the mark of a loser, Dr. H, when all you can do is name call. Stone cold loser. Come back when you can give facts, offer solid narrative analysis, and sound as if you know what you are talking about. Because, son, based on what you do here, you don't have a clue.
I don't think its a war between far left and centrist.

I think it is a war for America as we have known it.

I am reasonably certain that there were about as many identifiable Democrats at our Tea Party events as there were Republicans. I think those identified as "independent' were in greater numbers than those who identified with either party.

The fact is the country is pretty close to screwing itself into oblivion right now. If something doesn't give soon and we don't halt the headlong rush into bankruptcy, we will owe our very soul to people who don't like us all that much. And they could easily call in their loans just as soon as they think we are weakened enough.

It is only a handful of wingnut loonies--okay and those who have loved ones over there--who see either Iraq or Afghanistan as major issues right now. Many of us see healthcare reform as part of the whole mess and something to be addressed when we start addressing the mess. Nobody will make me believe more than a handful of extremists care whether single pay is in it. Certainly an insignificant few care enough to make than an issue in an election. When is the last time you saw GITMO in a headline? That isn't front and center in the national conversation right now either.

What is on people's mind is an oil spill that the Administration won't turn over to experts to fix and they don't know how to fix it themselves.

What is on people's mind is spending that is so immoral and dangerous that they will elect just about anybody at this point who will seriously address that.

What is on people's mind is an Administration that seems hellbent on taking more and more control and power and that is beginning to scare a lot of folks. Even a lot of folks on the left.

Whatever war is within the Democratic Party is there. Those with common sense versus those who seem to have lost all sense.
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"Centrist" administration.....**chortle**

Does the hilarity ever end with these stooges?
What should scare you is that if Obama is "Centrist" how radical must these wingnuts be? Bill Ayers is a kindly ole grandfathery figure now. Michael Moore is now a moderate maybe a little conservative investigative journalist.

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