The Circus from Hell: A Dystopian Grendel-ink


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I find it stimulating to write stories that introduce me to ideas for better-written stories.

Am I being seduced by the Internet?


A strange circus called the Jellyfish Goosebumps Circus (JGC) featured very oddly-dressed performers and entertainers and invited a celebrity who lived in the town (or city) they were visiting to be guest ring-masters. The JGC visited Boston, Massachusetts (where Matt Damon was the celebrity ring-master) and Los Angeles, California (where Leo DiCaprio was the celebrity ring-master). The JGC performed acrobat acts, lion taming acts, tightrope-and-trapeze acts, dancing clown and bear acts, and special 'evil magician' acts where the point of the entertainment was metaphysical bewilderment.

One magician's name was Stan who performed a clown trick comedy act where he spoke too fast for an otherwise above average stenographer to record his 'mock trial testimony' about unicorn holograms. Another magician's name was Bill who did a female saw-cutting act but recruited a midget with an above-average sized head and a regular sized person to sit in two wide but short boxes, and then the midget woman with the large head in the front of the box revealed herself to be a separate person from the normal-sized woman crouched in the second-half (or read) of the box with her legs poking out, Bill told the crowd, "We are bigoted against little people!" The third magician was Mandrake who used his Polaroid instant camera to take pictures of dogs jumping through hoops on fire and then projecting the photos onto a light-projector to show the audience was photo-frozen fire flames were shaped(!) like.

Critics of the JGC claimed it was an odd mix of standard engaging colorful circus fare and bizarre, confusing, unentertaining (in some cases), and spooky (in other cases). The JGC would claim that its magicians were the focal 'anti-socialism' philosophy gesture circus presentation and not their clowns and signified a non-mainstream social critique; since most circuses gravitated about clowns and the JGC uniquely gravitated about their magicians. The mascot of the JGC magicians was the comic book anti-hero Magneto (Marvel Comics), a super-mutant who could manipulate magnetic fields.

Everything changed when Hollywood (USA) movie director Woody Allen, creator of vain-glorious (but chic) society-mirror films such as “Celebrity” [1998] and “Manhattan” [1979], was the guest ring-master during one performance of the JGC. It was during this performance when the JGC magicians, dressed in full purple and calling themselves the Magneto Maniacs, unleashed a rain of machine-gun fire, killing Woody Allen instantly and wounding and/or killing a number of audience members. The JGC were shut down and the Magneto Maniacs were given the death penalty (by gas-chamber), and right before they were executed, they delivered their final words to a stunned audience: “Crime pays more than the law!”


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