The CIA is an outmoded expensive dinosaur


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Let me illustrate the CIA's accomplishments since the OSS was authorized as America's secondary intelligence network during WW2. .............I can't think of any. The OSS was laughible as an intelligence network during WW2. As a matter of fact every major international event that impacted American security since WW2 came as a surprise to the CIA. The Korean invasion, the Berlin Wall, the Castro revolution in Cuba, The CIA's creation of a Cuba invasion army and the abandonment at the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile crisis, the Oswald repatriation after renouncing citizenship and subsiquent assassination of JFK, Vietnam, 9-11. ....The CIA has failed to protect America from it's enemies. It is a gigantic bureaucracy with secret funding that is supervised by fools.
Let me illustrate the CIA's accomplishments since the OSS was authorized as America's secondary intelligence network during WW2. .............I can't think of any. The OSS was laughible as an intelligence network during WW2. As a matter of fact every major international event that impacted American security since WW2 came as a surprise to the CIA. The Korean invasion, the Berlin Wall, the Castro revolution in Cuba, The CIA's creation of a Cuba invasion army and the abandonment at the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile crisis, the Oswald repatriation after renouncing citizenship and subsiquent assassination of JFK, Vietnam, 9-11. ....The CIA has failed to protect America from it's enemies. It is a gigantic bureaucracy with secret funding that is supervised by fools.

great stuff.well said and very true.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Let me clarify my opinion "inside job" > I don't think the CIA has deliberately undermined US security. The CIA couldn't keep a secret for ten minutes much less a decade long conspiracy to destroy the Twin Towers in NYC. The mission of the CIA is "intelligence" but the Agency couldn't uncover a spy in the next cubicle. The unauthorized purpose of a federal bureaucracy is to get bigger and secure more funding. What could be better for a super secret bureaucracy that has failed in every way to keep it's budget a secret? We can't even justify half of the CIA's former mission against the former USSR and yet the Agency has increased it's funding.
It ain't that simple wolfhead. The CIA was supposed to work for us and it became a gigantic boil on our backside and we still feed it. It has done nothing of substance in the last half century with a (secret) budget of God knows what. I wouldn't mind if the Agency could cite some success but it couldn't even identify a traitor in the next cubicle who was killing it's informants for ten years who thought they were protected. The Plame controversy illustrated the joke that the CIA has become.
The CIA has had many small but important successes protecting our country. Since the cold war has wound down the NSA has been our most important information gathering agency. There is still the need for real people identifying threats to tag and watch. There is also a need for interpreting the information gathered. The problem with the CIA is similar to the problems the DEA has. And frankly all of the armed forces. They are all used by the sitting administration to advance that administrations agenda. None of our defensive or offensive agencies or military branches are any better than the missions they are or ARE NOT sent to accomplish. We haven't had an honest intelligence community any more than we have had an honest president since Eisenhower. short I agree with the analysis of the results but dispute they were not carrying out their assigned mission.
Let me illustrate the CIA's accomplishments since the OSS was authorized as America's secondary intelligence network during WW2. .............I can't think of any. The OSS was laughible as an intelligence network during WW2. As a matter of fact every major international event that impacted American security since WW2 came as a surprise to the CIA. The Korean invasion, the Berlin Wall, the Castro revolution in Cuba, The CIA's creation of a Cuba invasion army and the abandonment at the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile crisis, the Oswald repatriation after renouncing citizenship and subsiquent assassination of JFK, Vietnam, 9-11. ....The CIA has failed to protect America from it's enemies. It is a gigantic bureaucracy with secret funding that is supervised by fools.

great stuff.well said and very true.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
You're an idiot.:lol::lol:
I agree pretty much with your assessment Huggy. The CIA leadership has been infiltrated by political hacks who are loyal to what ever administration hired them rather to the United States. The mission of the CIA is to gather and analyze information necessary to the security of the Country. The CIA is not an overt arm of the Military as it is assumed to be today. Under JFK and his quirky brother the CIA was used to train and feed a Cuban invasion army which was subsequently abandoned at the Bay of Pigs when the president got cold feet. We have about a dozen information gathering agencies today which are probably incompetition with each other. The unstated purpose of a government funded bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. With a secret budget the CIA is literally out of control.
It ain't that simple wolfhead. The CIA was supposed to work for us and it became a gigantic boil on our backside and we still feed it. It has done nothing of substance in the last half century with a (secret) budget of God knows what. I wouldn't mind if the Agency could cite some success but it couldn't even identify a traitor in the next cubicle who was killing it's informants for ten years who thought they were protected. The Plame controversy illustrated the joke that the CIA has become.

While there probably should be more of an audit trail...secrecy is absolutely vital to this department. And with all the dead terrorists showing up in the middle east..I'd say they are doing their job pretty nicely.

The Plame "controversy" wasn't a "joke" was a crime.
Let me clarify my opinion "inside job" > I don't think the CIA has deliberately undermined US security. The CIA couldn't keep a secret for ten minutes much less a decade long conspiracy to destroy the Twin Towers in NYC. The mission of the CIA is "intelligence" but the Agency couldn't uncover a spy in the next cubicle. The unauthorized purpose of a federal bureaucracy is to get bigger and secure more funding. What could be better for a super secret bureaucracy that has failed in every way to keep it's budget a secret? We can't even justify half of the CIA's former mission against the former USSR and yet the Agency has increased it's funding.

Not as an agency itself could it keep a secret.They couldnt just have the director give a memo to all personal and say lets do this and do that,no way could a secret be kept then.thats why they only select a few rogue agents who are evil enough that the only thing that matters to them is money,they dont care how many people they kill.their bought and paid for.they'll keep would be surprised at how good they are at keeping secrets for instance there was a covert war in indonisia the CIA was involved in that went on unbeknowest to the american people against thousands of indonisians in the mid 50's and the american people did not learn about it until the mid 90's through the freedom of information act.they kept that a secret for over 40 years.
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Let me clarify my opinion "inside job" > I don't think the CIA has deliberately undermined US security. The CIA couldn't keep a secret for ten minutes much less a decade long conspiracy to destroy the Twin Towers in NYC. The mission of the CIA is "intelligence" but the Agency couldn't uncover a spy in the next cubicle. The unauthorized purpose of a federal bureaucracy is to get bigger and secure more funding. What could be better for a super secret bureaucracy that has failed in every way to keep it's budget a secret? We can't even justify half of the CIA's former mission against the former USSR and yet the Agency has increased it's funding.

Not as an agency itself could it keep a secret.They couldnt just have the director give a memo to all personal and say lets do this and do that,no way could a secret be kept then.thats why they only select a few rogue agents who are evil enough that the only thing that matters to them is money,they dont care how many people they kill.their bought and paid for.they'll keep would be surprised at how good they are at keeping secrets for instance there was a covert war in indonisia that went on unbeknowest to the american people against thousands of indonisians in the mid 50's and the american people did not learn about it until the mid 90's through the freedom of information act.they kept that a secret for over 40 years.
Keep showing the world that you are an idiot.:lol::lol:
I agree pretty much with your assessment Huggy. The CIA leadership has been infiltrated by political hacks who are loyal to what ever administration hired them rather to the United States. The mission of the CIA is to gather and analyze information necessary to the security of the Country. The CIA is not an overt arm of the Military as it is assumed to be today. Under JFK and his quirky brother the CIA was used to train and feed a Cuban invasion army which was subsequently abandoned at the Bay of Pigs when the president got cold feet. We have about a dozen information gathering agencies today which are probably incompetition with each other. The unstated purpose of a government funded bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. With a secret budget the CIA is literally out of control.

thats true up to what you said about the mission of the CIA Whitehall.That was the original mission of the CIA when it first came into being and thats what it was created for but over a period of time it became a covert arm for the pentagon/military industrial complex which Eisenhower tried to warn the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech.The CIA now operates without the presidents authority instead and engages in starting covert wars with other countries and drug smuggling into the united states and other countries.Their the reason the world is in such a mess.there is no hope for the future of the world as long as agencys like the CIA,NSA,FBi and pentagon exist.its only going to get worse. Harry Truman who created the CIA when he signed the National Security act in 1947,in later years even said himself that creating the CIA was the worst mistake he ever made in his administration.That he helped create a monster.
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Obama troll you REALLY need to get over this pathetic obsession you have with me especially since you KNOW I have you on ignore.I know you address my posts cause you have proven you have a pitiful obsession over me.all you can do is fling shit and throw tattrems in THAT is need to get a life kid.
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Obama troll you REALLY need to get over this pathetic obsession you have with me especially since you KNOW I have you on ignore.I know you address my posts cause you have proven you have a pitiful obsession over me.all you can do is fling shit and throw tattrems in THAT is need to get a life kid.
And you answer a post from someone that you say you have on ignore.:lol::lol: Like I said previously...............................Keep on showing the world that YOU are a fucking idiot. Thanks, dude.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The myth of the CIA "rogue agent" was invented by hollywood. CIA agents are drones supervised by other government employees. They are no smarter or skilled than any other college grad trained by the government bureaucracy. The problem is that everyone thinks the CIA is some kind of super-agency because the ignorant mainstream media has been promoting the myth. Forget every lie hollywood ever told you about the CIA and you might get a handle on the situation.
The myth of the CIA "rogue agent" was invented by hollywood. CIA agents are drones supervised by other government employees. They are no smarter or skilled than any other college grad trained by the government bureaucracy. The problem is that everyone thinks the CIA is some kind of super-agency because the ignorant mainstream media has been promoting the myth. Forget every lie hollywood ever told you about the CIA and you might get a handle on the situation.

I rest my case tricky bitch. How do you argue with a Valley girl who substitutes happy faces for words?
The myth of the CIA "rogue agent" was invented by hollywood. CIA agents are drones supervised by other government employees. They are no smarter or skilled than any other college grad trained by the government bureaucracy. The problem is that everyone thinks the CIA is some kind of super-agency because the ignorant mainstream media has been promoting the myth. Forget every lie hollywood ever told you about the CIA and you might get a handle on the situation.

Spooks are real.

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