The Chinese Military Engineered And Intentionally Unleashed COVID-19

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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
According to:

(Begins around 12:17—interview with the Chinese virologist)

Myself, I have suspected this from day one. If the Chinese virologist interviewed by Tucker Carlson in the above video is correct, then the Chinese Communist Party declared war on the entire world and every single last human being in it, several months ago. Now, who else suspects certain elements of our own elected government of conspiring with the Chinese military to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans AND gain much more power over our everyday lives? Ask yourselves . . . who has benefitted most from the COVID pandemic? I know. I bet you do as well. And the truth shall set us free . . .
I'm glad Tucker had her on. This is as important an issue as any if even for the fact that the world has sat by idly. I've always been suspicious of the genesis of this virus and I will remain a skeptic.

Without strong voices and citizens with principle to call out, at the very least, the purposeful lies and activities of the WTO who ran cover for them, we will all suffer.

A few entitled A-holes looking to make money off the backs of cheap Chinese goods at all of our expense, is not good for anyone but themselves. As far as I am concerned they are treasonous and seem to lack even basic levels of curiousity. Quite willingly I'm sure....
Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.
Bruh. China needs to be severely punished.

Trump didn't engineer this virus, he didn't spread this virus, China did. They are responsible for our suffering, not Trump. You want to know why 200,000 people are dead in America? It wasn't Trump. This was an entirely new virus that the human immune system was not accustomed to.

I am beyond incensed.

Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.

No sane human being wants war between superpowers. That said . . . the Chinese Communist Party must pay. In order to make them pay we must remove them from the world stage.
Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.
dont worry if biden gets elected he said he will protect us from enemies seen and unseen.....we got nothing to worry about....
Bruh. China needs to be severely punished.

Trump didn't engineer this virus, he didn't spread this virus, China did. They are responsible for our suffering, not Trump. You want to know why 200,000 people are dead in America? It wasn't Trump. This was an entirely new virus that the human immune system was not accustomed to.

I am beyond incensed.


Yes, China must pay. If we fail to make them pay then what will stop them from repeating this global murder spree?
Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.

No sane human being wants war between superpowers. That said . . . the Chinese Communist Party must pay. In order to make them pay we must remove them from the world stage.
I would hope other countries would be willing to act against China if it is proven that China killed many of their citizens. In today's world, who knows. China could write a check to look the other way.
Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.
dont worry if biden gets elected he said he will protect us from enemies seen and unseen.....we got nothing to worry about....

According to:

(Begins around 12:17—interview with the Chinese virologist)

Myself, I have suspected this from day one. If the Chinese virologist interviewed by Tucker Carlson in the above video is correct, then the Chinese Communist Party declared war on the entire world and every single last human being in it, several months ago. Now, who else suspects certain elements of our own elected government of conspiring with the Chinese military to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans AND gain much more power over our everyday lives? Ask yourselves . . . who has benefitted most from the COVID pandemic? I know. I bet you do as well. And the truth shall set us free . . .

Dang, I was gonna watch that but I dozed off, thanks for posting.
Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.
dont worry if biden gets elected he said he will protect us from enemies seen and unseen.....we got nothing to worry about....

no he said that on one of his political ads.....
According to:

(Begins around 12:17—interview with the Chinese virologist)

Myself, I have suspected this from day one. If the Chinese virologist interviewed by Tucker Carlson in the above video is correct, then the Chinese Communist Party declared war on the entire world and every single last human being in it, several months ago. Now, who else suspects certain elements of our own elected government of conspiring with the Chinese military to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans AND gain much more power over our everyday lives? Ask yourselves . . . who has benefitted most from the COVID pandemic? I know. I bet you do as well. And the truth shall set us free . . .

Like you, I have suspected this was an engineered virus because it does not behave like a typical cold virus. I'm not sure if the initial release was deliberate, but it would perfectly consistent with the evil regime to sacrifice many thousands of their own people to provide cover for a bio attack on the world. As for US government complicity, I REALLY don't want to believe that but I suppose anything is possible.
I'm somewhat skeptical, but it was a compelling segment.
Skeptical, how??? I knew, and you should have known, the moment it became clear the WHO intentionally mislead the CDC, and thus the United States, how virulent this pathogen really was, that it had been an intentional attack, deliberately covered up initially so as to allow its spread internationally! It makes absolutely no difference whether they actually released it intentionally or not, the only thing that matters is what they did once it was out and they knew what it was, and we know exactly what they did because the WHO lied and lied and lied as Xi ordered them to do!

It is a distraction to split hair over whether initial release was deliberate, though I can make compelling argument it was, all that matters, the only thing that matters, is what they did once it was out and they knew what it was! Textbook example of asymmetrical warfare... In all seriousness folks, you're not nearly as cynical about the CCP as you should be, these are the most murderous, sinister humans to hold absolute political power over a great nation since WWII, and to make matters infinitely worse, the entire DNC, and almost every tech industry mega-billionaire is either in bed with them, or taking marching orders from them! :wink:
Holy crap, why is this being covered up? It seems like it would be obvious to anyone who studies viruses that it was man made. If it is proven that it was released on purpose, a biological attack, what should the US do? It would be painful, but we'd have to try to choke them off from resources like North Korea. Try to isoloate them worldwide.

No sane human being wants war between superpowers. That said . . . the Chinese Communist Party must pay. In order to make them pay we must remove them from the world stage.
I would hope other countries would be willing to act against China if it is proven that China killed many of their citizens. In today's world, who knows. China could write a check to look the other way.

I've replied a couple times that we will never know how many millions of Chinese people have already died from Covid-19.
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