The Census and the Triumph of Conservatism.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The Founders envisioned a decentralized political arrangement, one which empowers individuals because it dispersed power, rather than amassing it in one place. Read the Tenth Amendment, ratified in 1791:

a. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

b. It's the reason that James Madison's words make sense when writing, in Federalist 39, “Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a FEDERAL, and not a NATIONAL constitution.” Even those who disagreed agreed on federalism – Tenth Amendment Center

c. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis envisioned the state legislatures as "laboratories of democracy" willing to tackle new and innovative approaches in meeting the needs of society.

2. And that is exactly what the census identifies. The different "laboratories of democracy" have found different tax rates, amount of regulation, and ways of doing things necessary for the citizenry, and the American people understood these differences and, in fact, were more than capable of deciding which systems were best for them.

a. Texas...gained the most.
b. Heavily taxed states lost the most.
c. In effect, the Obama constituency lost 6 electoral votes, the McCain gained 6.
d. "This population shift certainly appears to benefit Republicans,..."

3. Another example of the genius of the Founders: federalism is the best approach, is that it allows folks to “vote with their feet,” and if they are unhappy with one jurisdiction, move to one more in line with their wishes. This mirrors the free-market system with businesses competing for customers. Where the federal government is a monopoly, federalism is a vehicle for freedom.

a. But the federalism is a problem for progressives, as states have less of a progressive tax system: property taxes and sales taxes tend to be less graduated, and some states have no income tax, as well. Redistribution is slowed to a trickle. Another consideration when folks 'vote with their feet.'

4. "In the big picture, there are two ways Democrats can deal with this: Admit that their tax-happy, regulation-loving, fiscally incompetent, union favoring, public sector nurturing, debt ridden, sharp edges rounded off, politically correct, smoke free, salt free, fat free, common sense-free social and economic experiments have been colossal disasters — or they can continue to try to nationalize every aspect of America and pursue the extinction of greener pastures as fast as possible so people have nowhere which to escape. Which will it be?"
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Ahh just wait for the gerrymandering to begin in TX once again.

btw this is the third or fourth thread on this in a couple of days.
I am surprised or perhaps speaking to soon, as I thought the redistricting would have the dems howling like scolded dogs, based on contesting the census figures ala the count being short because the number of minorities etc. are more difficult to ascertain vs. the constitutions language calling for an ‘enumeration’, not a statically driven estimate.
1. The Founders envisioned
Why should we care what they envisioned any more than what FDR, King George, Taft, Hitler, Lincoln, or anyone else envisioned?

Are we to be ruled by dead kings like North Korea?
a. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Rendered obsolete by SCOTUS in Texas v. White, which declared the states to be subjects of the Fed.

d. "This population shift certainly appears to benefit Republicans,..."

When you start to care about what benefits AMERICA, let us know
3. Another example of the genius of the Founders: federalism is the best approach, is that it allows folks to “vote with their feet,” and if they are unhappy with one jurisdiction, move to one more in line with their wishes. This mirrors the free-market system with businesses competing for customers. Where the federal government is a monopoly, federalism is a vehicle for freedom.

So... we should open our Southern border in the spirit of democracy, the free-market, and liberty?
a. But the federalism is a problem for progressives,

'the federalism'?
I am surprised or perhaps speaking to soon, as I thought the redistricting would have the dems howling like scolded dogs, based on contesting the census figures ala the count being short because the number of minorities etc. are more difficult to ascertain vs. the constitutions language calling for an ‘enumeration’, not a statically driven estimate.

Not sure I follow,as redistricting has yet to take place....

And how could the Dems complain about the census if they ran it from the White House?

1. "Local Democratic officials and advocates for minority groups protested the nomination because they feared Gregg would not support efforts such as sampling that they think will result in a more accurate census count. The White House responded by publicly promising that the census director would "work closely with White House senior management."

Read more: Why the 2010 Census Stirs Up Partisan Politics - TIME

But MediaMatters denies same:
2. "Reviving a nearly two-year-old GOP falsehood, Fox News' White House correspondent Wendell Goler falsely reported that under the Obama administration, "the Census director report[ed] to former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel instead of the Commerce Secretary." In fact, the administration made clear that the Census director reported directly to the Commerce Secretary."

If you can add to this, please do.
Ahh just wait for the gerrymandering to begin in TX once again.

btw this is the third or fourth thread on this in a couple of days.

Probably represents how significant it is to those of us who had faith in the good sense of the American people, huh?

Sometimes I overreact. Sorry if I kept you from more important things.
Ahh just wait for the gerrymandering to begin in TX once again.

btw this is the third or fourth thread on this in a couple of days.

Yeah, The Republicans tried to correct it a few times. ;) Some of those district maps look like Picasso's. Pretty low minded and despicable. Only Every major Population center can rival the unbridled audacity. Good one though, thanks for the laugh.
1. The Founders envisioned
Why should we care what they envisioned [...]

The founding fathers created a framework whereby the most prosperous society in the history of the world arose, primarily because it was protected from the encroachment of government.

That's why.

If you don't believe in the Constitution, you don't believe there are any limits on what government can make its citizens do.
Why should we care what they envisioned any more than what FDR, King George, Taft, Hitler, Lincoln, or anyone else envisioned?

Gawd, you're an idiot.

If you can't tell the difference between the people who wrote The Constitution and Hitler, you really need help.

Get some.

So.. you can't give any reason we should care what 'The Founders' envisioned?

I can't give you a reason you would understand. One can't explain Blue to a blind person.
Why should we care what they envisioned any more than what FDR, King George, Taft, Hitler, Lincoln, or anyone else envisioned?

Gawd, you're an idiot.

If you can't tell the difference between the people who wrote The Constitution and Hitler, you really need help.

Get some.

So.. you can't give any reason we should care what 'The Founders' envisioned?

Nothing that your liberal mind could wrap around. BTW, Revere had a good answer for you.
1. The Founders envisioned
Why should we care what they envisioned [...]

The founding fathers created a framework whereby the most prosperous society in the history of the world arose

What framework is that? Slavery?

America in the 50s was nothing like America in the 1700s
primarily because it was protected from the encroachment of government.

America prospered in the era following the Clean Air and Water acts, as well as other socialist reforms that enabled the rise of the middle class.

If you don't believe in the Constitution, you don't believe there are any limits on what government can make its citizens do.

O rly? So if I don't accept, say... prohibition, which was a part of the Constitution, then that means I don't believe in personal liberty?

Gawd, you're an idiot.

If you can't tell the difference between the people who wrote The Constitution and Hitler, you really need help.

Get some.

So.. you can't give any reason we should care what 'The Founders' envisioned?

I can't give you a reason you would understand. One can't explain Blue to a blind person.

Go on. Explain why we should reinstate slavery just because 'the Founders' had slaves.
1. The Founders envisioned
Why should we care what they envisioned any more than what FDR, King George, Taft, Hitler, Lincoln, or anyone else envisioned?

Gawd, you're an idiot.

If you can't tell the difference between the people who wrote The Constitution and Hitler, you really need help.

Get some.

In spite of the differences - and they're easy to list - the lives listed above and most of history's names from Genghis Khan to Mahatma Gandhi had LOTS in common at the start of their careers - if nothing else they were leaders.

Makes one want to pause before following.
Gawd, you're an idiot.

If you can't tell the difference between the people who wrote The Constitution and Hitler, you really need help.

Get some.

So.. you can't give any reason we should care what 'The Founders' envisioned?

Nothing that your liberal mind could wrap around. BTW, Revere had a good answer for you.

Your hackery is showing. Just because someone doesn't believe we should be ruled by dead kings like North Korea doesn't make them a liberal, you idiot.
I am surprised or perhaps speaking to soon, as I thought the redistricting would have the dems howling like scolded dogs, based on contesting the census figures ala the count being short because the number of minorities etc. are more difficult to ascertain vs. the constitutions language calling for an ‘enumeration’, not a statically driven estimate.

Not sure I follow,as redistricting has yet to take place....

And how could the Dems complain about the census if they ran it from the White House?

1. "Local Democratic officials and advocates for minority groups protested the nomination because they feared Gregg would not support efforts such as sampling that they think will result in a more accurate census count. The White House responded by publicly promising that the census director would "work closely with White House senior management."

Read more: Why the 2010 Census Stirs Up Partisan Politics - TIME

But MediaMatters denies same:
2. "Reviving a nearly two-year-old GOP falsehood, Fox News' White House correspondent Wendell Goler falsely reported that under the Obama administration, "the Census director report[ed] to former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel instead of the Commerce Secretary." In fact, the administration made clear that the Census director reported directly to the Commerce Secretary."

If you can add to this, please do.

I understand that why I thought I might be speaking to early, but the census was a very hot issue in late 09, and talk of lack of minority and most especially illegal aliens being counted due to the usual palaver over how helpless they are, afriad etc etc ...was seen as a possible wedge to try and introduce statistical estimation as compared to the enumeration I mentioned.

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