23% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
For the second week in a row, just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, December 19. This remains the most pessimistic finding since January 2009.

Confidence that the country is moving in the right direction is down to 39% among Democrats from 59% the week before Election Day.

Among all voters, confidence in the nation's current course hovered around the 30% mark for roughly a year but has begun to go down since the end of November

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports

High five and a victory lap for dem dems. :clap2:
For the second week in a row, just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, December 19. This remains the most pessimistic finding since January 2009.

Confidence that the country is moving in the right direction is down to 39% among Democrats from 59% the week before Election Day.

Among all voters, confidence in the nation's current course hovered around the 30% mark for roughly a year but has begun to go down since the end of November

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports

High five and a victory lap for dem dems. :clap2:

Begun to go down since the big Republican victory? That's counterintuitive isn't it?

For the second week in a row, just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, December 19. This remains the most pessimistic finding since January 2009.

Confidence that the country is moving in the right direction is down to 39% among Democrats from 59% the week before Election Day.

Among all voters, confidence in the nation's current course hovered around the 30% mark for roughly a year but has begun to go down since the end of November

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports

High five and a victory lap for dem dems. :clap2:

And how many Republicans voted incumbents out of office last Nov?

Or are only dems the problem?
Yep all those Right wingers getting elected to congress caused the outlook for America to drop.

Talk about the OPster self skewering themselves.
The OP is too stupid to have figured out that the GOP victory in November should have caused the number to go up.

And YOU are too stupid to figure out that they aren't SEATED yet and have legislated ZERO POINT ZERO...

Americans are too busy reeling from the residual bullsqueeze that the Commucrats have saved up and are shoving down our throats in a fit of petulant child-like RAGE upon thier EXIT from being booted in the ASS BY the people.
Yep all those Right wingers getting elected to congress caused the outlook for America to drop.

Talk about the OPster self skewering themselves.

Maybe there was shift of teabaggers to the negative side after the crushing defeats of Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell.
By this time next year the TB supporters will be saying that most of those they elected were not really conservatives after all.
Yep all those Right wingers getting elected to congress caused the outlook for America to drop.

Talk about the OPster self skewering themselves.

Maybe there was shift of teabaggers to the negative side after the crushing defeats of Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell.

Wrong answer. Again Carbonated? The newbies haven't legislated YET...

But press on boy.
If people think we are going in the right direction, then they aren't paying attention to the road ahead.

We have been a very myopic society for a few decades and and the price is becoming glaringly evident.
However most of us have learned nothing yet and think that more of the same is the fix.
If people think we are going in the right direction, then they aren't paying attention to the road ahead.

Nor do they look at those that have gone before us on the same proverbial road. But they can do it better...or so they wish thier follows to think.

There's nothing new in the annals of human history, or human behaviour...only newer improved PC names for it as not to offend and be a magnet to the perpetually stupid among us.
As soon as the yoke of the state planned economy is off, things will get better.

Will it?

The problem is if we take the yoke of state planned economy off the people wont be prepared for it. Don't get me wrong, we need to get it off. But we also need a people prepared to deal with the realities of a truly free market economy.

We dont have that. We have a people who are slaves.
People saw during the election cycle, what judicial activism in the "Citizens United vs. FEC" case had brought about. Naturally they see that the republic is now lost to corporate influence. A no-brainer really...
As soon as the yoke of the state planned economy is off, things will get better.

Will it?

The problem is if we take the yoke of state planned economy off the people wont be prepared for it. Don't get me wrong, we need to get it off. But we also need a people prepared to deal with the realities of a truly free market economy.

We dont have that. We have a people who are slaves.

And you actually think that corporations are going to surrender their corporate aid in this global economy, for your free market?? LMAO!!!! You are dumber than I assumed you are.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yep all those Right wingers getting elected to congress caused the outlook for America to drop.

Talk about the OPster self skewering themselves.

The outlook has not dropped by the economists. Several articles I've read has said the economic forecast is much rosier for 2011 since the tax cut deal was signed. And as much as people don't like or don't understand Wall Street, it does "trickle down". Those Rasmussen numbers will go up when unemployment goes down.

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