This is classic left-wing lunacy. The left literally cannot see the forest for the trees :lmao:
When the nuclear power plant closed, another environmental activist, Bill McKibben, confidently wrote that Vermont was “completely capable of replacing its power output with renewables . . .” That’s certainly a nice, happy, green thought — but that’s not exactly what happened. Vermont Yankee’s power supply was replaced with something else: Natural Gas.

The thing about natural gas is that it sounds pure and clean, but it’s still a fossil fuel that releases — you guessed it — CO2. What happened? Did the New England area continue to experience the annual decrease in emissions it was accustomed to with the switch to natural gas? In a word, no. The region saw a 5% increase in carbon emissions — the first year-to-year increase since 2010.
Green Fail: Bernie Sanders’ Push for Nuclear-free Energy Comes Back to Bite Him
This is what left-wing policy results in. Dumbed-down, ignorant, indoctrinated minions who constantly lower the bar...

These animals - who are so violent and dangerous that El Salvador is in a panic and holding emergency meetings over - are the people who the left not only invited into our nation, they insisted that these animals should be allowed to stay in the U.S. permanently.
The Trump administration is sending violent gang members back to their home countries in droves -- so many that one country is dreading what's to come.

El Salvador authorities are holding emergency meetings and trying to come up with new laws to keep track of all the criminals being deported from the U.S., The Washington Post reports.
Thank God for President Trump. Just compare that with what Dumbocrat Barack Insane Obama did..
This is the opposite of what former president Barack Obama did. "The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency released nearly 600 illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes, many because their home countries refused to take them back, according to newly obtained documents," the Washington Examiner wrote.
So Obama actually gave other nations a choice and these thugs were so bad, their own nations refused to take them back. So what did Obama do? Just turned them loose on the streets of America (while his wife and daughters were in bullet proof compounds and limos, surrounded by the finest Personal Security Details in the world, armed with fully automatic weapons). Typical lefty.

Trump Sending So Many Gang Members Back to El Salvador That Officials There Now in a Panic
Yet another glaring example of how progressives allow emotions instead of logic and reason to dictate policy...
Every governor should be forced to actually take economic classes before taking or even running for office, especially Democrats.
Connecticut tried the idiotic "punish those 'evil' wealthy bastards - tax them to death" policies. As always, it didn't end well.
What this means? It means that conservatives are once again right. You cannot tax the wealthy into oblivion and expect great returns. They will either figure out a way not to pay taxes or they will take their money elsewhere.
You can always can count on the left to collapse economies (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Detroit).

Connecticut Hikes Taxes on the "Rich;" Look What's Happening Now...
Choice always leads to better outcomes. The left knows that - which is why those fascists are forced to achieve their agenda at the barrel of a gun.
This spring, PBS has been airing a three-part documentary series, "School, Inc.", spotlighting some of the successes of education choice and free-market schooling options around the world.
The left destroys everything it touches with failed, 19th century policy - including education.

New PBS Documentary on Education in America is Creating a Stir
It doesn't require research or a major documentary to answer such a simple question...
"School, Inc." is the brainchild of Andrew Coulson, an education policy researcher who left a successful career at Microsoft to answer a perplexing question: Why is it that innovation occurs frequently in other areas, but not in education?
Government can't innovate. And the left refuses to innovate. Put them together, and you get policy forever stuck in Karl Marx's late 1800's.

New PBS Documentary on Education in America is Creating a Stir
Nothing ends in collapse, poverty, and misery like idiotic left-wing policy...
Pensions, which a judge ordered must be paid by Illinois, now amount to 100% of the state’s revenue.
That's right folks - just the state government pensions alone chew up 100% of the state's tax revenues. Of course, every progressive will immediately scream "punish the wealthy - tax them more and take their money. Well - just a quick reminder of how that worked out in Connecticut (hint: it didn't end well).

Illinois Bet the Farm and Lost—You’ll Never Guess Who They Want to Pay the Tab
CNN just announced need that a study by the University of Washington showed that the lowest income workers earned $125 less per month after Seattle implemented their $15 per hour minimum wage. While the workers earned on average 3% more, their hours were cut on average by 9% - resulting in a net loss to their income.

The study concluded that this is basic economics - that when something costs more (such as labor), people simply learn to do with less of it.

Thanks to the Dumbocrats - the poorest among us are now further behind. If only the left understood basic economics. I guess that's why they are called Dumbocrats.
CNN just announced need that a study by the University of Washington showed that the lowest income workers earned $125 less per month after Seattle implemented their $15 per hour minimum wage. While the workers earned on average 3% more, their hours were cut on average by 9% - resulting in a net loss to their income.

The study concluded that this is basic economics - that when something costs more (such as labor), people simply learn to do with less of it.

Thanks to the Dumbocrats - the poorest among us are now further behind. If only the left understood basic economics. I guess that's why they are called Dumbocrats.

I call bullflop . We are talking about min wage jobs , which are always available. If the donut shop cuts your hours , then walk across the street and get more hours at the burger shop .
Choice always leads to better outcomes. The left knows that - which is why those fascists are forced to achieve their agenda at the barrel of a gun.
This spring, PBS has been airing a three-part documentary series, "School, Inc.", spotlighting some of the successes of education choice and free-market schooling options around the world.
The left destroys everything it touches with failed, 19th century policy - including education.

New PBS Documentary on Education in America is Creating a Stir

Is that why the best scores/ed systems are in blue states ? While red states bring up the rear?

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