The California Circus - Do Voters Actually Think This Way?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

California Governor, Gavin Whatshisname perversely announced that he would limit his options in selecting a replacement Senator for that Feinstein woman, to about 1/10,000th of the population - lesbian Black women - in the hope that the voters of California would reward him for that bit of stupidity.

Do voters really think like that? Do they say to themselves, "Well, we've had white men, a faux Black woman, a white woman...HEY, it's time we had a Black lesbian representing us in the Senate!"

And the woman seems to have some Leftist bona fides, and could have been justified on that basis, but the Left is all atwitter because she is a dyke. What does that have to do with anything? Does that make her a better Senator? More "diverse"?

And lately it comes to light that she has made no commitment not to run for the six-year term next year - something that Newsom promised that his appointee would do.

The bright side of this is that it markedly reduces the chances that that scumbag Schiff will make it to the Senate.

What's the deal in California? Is there something in the water?
I, and the OP, remember when trump promised to put a WOMAN on the SCOTUS.
The outrage.....

Now trump didn't say the other part out loud, even though he actually did the exact same thing.

A woman, a white woman (he would never even consider a black woman), a white woman with Christian values.

This ^^^^^ is OK by me, just don't deny it happened.
My father always told me you can never have too many black lesbian women in the Senate. I wish he was still alive to see this.
And lately it comes to light that she has made no commitment not to run for the six-year term next year - something that Newsom promised that his appointee would do.

This is why he choose her. To pick someone that has already said they were going to run would give them an unfair advantage
"achieved?" She was picked for the color of her skin and her sexual preferences.
She does support killing black babies. There is that. She's head of Emily's List that is pro baby murder. Politically she's right up there. She is also unlikely to run for office.
White guys have been getting picked for both things for decades for jobs, appointments, etc…when it happens for someone who isn’t white…you cry bloody murder
Can you name a single one that was chosen for his skin color and his heterosexuality?

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