The Bush Presidency: A Retrospective

Well, I'm new here, so please forgive me if this has already occurred on this board. If at all possible, which it probably isn't, it would be nice if Bush detractors could remain silent for a while as to get a good list going.

What I'm looking for is this from Bush Supporters - what do you consider to be his best achievements during his presidency?

The best thing he did was not have a son so that he's the last male. THANK GOD
Ya, him and that Hurricane Machine he keeps next to the mind control ray gun and his Nintendo controller he let Dick use to guide those planes on 9/11.

He was talking about the awful development, not the Hurricane you douschebag. Please read before you respond
No more 9/11's in the US. woirk begun on empowering people in Middle EAstern Countries rather than megalomaniacs, The ending of the near decade and a half war with the government of Saddam Hussein at a cost in human suffering considerably less than what leaving him in power would have eventually cost.

Ya I guess in 2000 before he even got elected all the attacks and claims he was gonna cause WW3 and destroy the US were just my imagination? I guess the monkey boy calls in 2000 before he even was President was my imagination? I guess all the personal attacks and lies told about him through out his presidency are my imagination.

By the way, if you are not going to post something with in the context of the threads purpose, just admit you are a troll so we can have your ass banned.

After 9-11, Bush had over 95% support in this nation. Had he gone and gotten Bin Laden, he would have been hailed worldwide. Instead he went with the Imperial delusions of the PNAC and invaded a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11. He lost the support of the world, and a great many Americans. After the incompetance of the occupation of Iraq was fully revealed, he lost the support of over 70% of Americans. His legacy is that of the worst President this nation has ever had the misfortune to be governed by.
Mr. Bush will never come close to being as bad as that piece of trash Chicargo thug the Democrats just elected.
By why did "Conservatives" wait till he was unpopular to declare they don't support him? They voted for him again in 2004 though it was clear that he was no Conservative.

And why are you threatening to ban someone when you yourself started liberal bashing right in this very thread? Hello McFly! :cuckoo:

How many times does "lesser of evils" have to be stated? Bush has not been my favorite REP... but I'd vote fr him ANY day over Kerry.... I do not regret that vote one bit

Now... onto the subject... rather than dealing with the ignorant troll

Bush's best work has been with national security... that much is pretty obvious... he had done some initial good work on helping with policy that was needed with Clinton's economic and budgetary mess (And please libs... don't give us any more on the completely debunked "surplus".... try looking at all the spending and the 'funny' use of intra-governmental 'funds')..

Unlike what the people suffering from BDS, and the far lefties want you to believe... Bush actually governed as a centrist for the most part.. working across the aisle more than they would like you to believe....
Bush's accomplishment of note is the ruination of the Republican Party. That is a good thing. Huge majorities in both houses of Congress for the Democrats and the executive branch in their hands also :clap2:

Well done Mr. Miserable Failure

Worst President in a long, long time.

Thank God, Jimmy Carter moves up a couple of pegs thank to Bush!

Still defending Bush?

Unfortunately, this isn't the truth. Is that something that Sean Hannity told you to parrot?

Bush got substantial Democratic support for his tax cuts for the rich, his Iraq War, Afghanistan, Patriot Act, and his Education policy.

I understand its painful for you that eventually Bush's policies failed, and eventually he could never recover any meaningful Democratic support. Failed policies will do that you know; no one wants to be tied to them. Even your own party started to run against bush and pretend they never supported him. Remember?

Losers. Hacks.
Seems as if every thread a conservatives posts that says anything good about conservatives brings out the exact same idiot squad each and every time to shit all over it.

Guess I need to start moving posts again so people don't get squelched.
...around here, they seem to be everywhere :). But are you serious?--How can you pretend to estimate what cost to humanity or otherwise leaving that man in power would've exacted?

I know, the same way you could say violence has never changed.:doubt:
President George W. Bush

Easily the most misunderstood and irrationally hated President...... ever? Possibly.

He was given more challenges than almost any other President, certainly in our lifetime and yet he didn't change his conviction to protect the American people in anyway possible, regardless of political repercussions, the definition of a real leader. He had his faults of course, he isn't like Osama, he is human. Overall I feel he was a very good President and history will prove that correct. It is so easy to judge by todays standard rather than by the context in which decisions were made. For those that blame him for the problems in Louisiana, you are ignorant of the facts and should just shut the fuck up. Blame him for September 11th, you are idiots, nobody could have stopped that from happening at that time........ even with all that has happened, those that live in the world of September 10th do nothing but bitch at the things done at airports to make us safer....... no way the American public would have taken off there shoes before September 11th.

He worked to rebuild the United States Military both in advancing technologies to more pride in the outstanding job they do for us. Clinton had nearly destroyed the structure and readiness of every branch, President Bush provided what was needed to bring them back to the most fearful fighting force on the planet. He also helped keep the space program alive by making sure they had the funding needed.

He didn't let this country get fucked by the rest of the world with that asinine Kyoto Treaty that allowed China and India, the most ridiculously overpopulated countries on any planet, to do what they wanted.

Until the imbeciles that took over Congress in the November election destroyed the work that gave of 6 years of unprecedented prosperity, the economy was doing great under a Bush Administration.

He and his wife of 31 years have set an example for what marriage should look like, obviously a couple who have a great deal of respect and love for each other, something that was totally lacking in the previous administration that made blow job a household term and caused an entire generation to believe that it isn't sex. The president and his wife showed what the word humble means when it was obvious that their favorite place was to be together on their ranch, not a energy guzzling 10,000 square foot behemoth like Algore but a 4,000 square foot model of environmental efficiency. President Bush showed us the importance of hard work to stay in shape by working at the ranch on holiday, riding a mountain bike when his knees prevented him from running around it...... these were things he loved over attending bullshit Hollywood functions and traveling to beach front mansions. He and his wife also showed tremendous courage after September Eleventh, when the rubble of the Twin Towers had been removed and the walked down that extremely long ramp to the bottom of Ground Zero to place a wreath and speak to surviving members of the attacks. I have a friend who was there and said that it was the most real moment he had ever witnessed by a leader, the hugs, the kisses and the tears rolling down their faces, he said he felt the ultimate in compassion from them over the loss of his Mother. He told the President to "give them hell tomorrow" about his UN speech and President Bush smiled with a tear rolling down his cheek, hugged him and whispered in his ear, "you bet I will!".

He tried to work with the crybabies on the left that could only whine and blather about how he stole the election. The left contributed nothing but negativity to this country for the last eight years, blaming the Bush administration for anything and everything they could pull out of their fat asses. What were they doing in Congress besides talking down the economy at every opportunity and sabotaging anything constructive being done by the administration. The clowns that are the face of the media world wide, over 80 percent admitted ultra liberal, have worked with the Democrats to misinform the lemmings on the left so they could once again regain power. The hypocrisy is astounding, they preach to us about what wasteful spenders Republicans are and then elect an asshole that spent 715,000,000 dollars to buy the election. They whine everyday about the overuse of resources and the environmental impact and yet they elect an elitist dipshit that in the 21st Century(as he constantly reminds us), he made the decision to fly back and forth across the country(ignoring his actual job as Senator), constantly, for almost 2 years in a 757, an aircraft designed as an airliner to carry 300 of us common folk around. An aircraft that spews pollution at 37,000 feet as it burns 1200 gallons of Kerosene an hour to carry a puppet to make the same bullshit speech over and over again........ that's the 21st Century?

He also appointed 2 real black Americans to the highest positions ever held by anyone from that race, at least in the executive branch.

I just watched Brit Hume's interview with President Bush and his father, two men of extreme dignity and class that have never taken themselves seriously but always took their responsibilities as President very seriously. Neither had anything negative to say about the child that is about to take office, they will both let him make a fool out of himself without their help.

Bring it on leftists, bring your insults and negative reps, show me how smart you are........:meow::cranky:
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No, it just shows how dumb you are.

Anybody who believes anything but Bush was a total embarassment to the USA needs their IQ tested.

In your case Shitty, no need. We already know you are as dumb as a post....And I ain't insulting ya, I'm just keeping to the facts...
"What I'm looking for is this from Bush Supporters - what do you consider to be his best achievements during his presidency?"

I don't consider myself a Bush supporter other than the fact he is my President. He is not the ogre some would make him out to be, but rather a man out of his depths. All that said, in terms of achievement the taking of Afghanistan was absolutely stunning. _____________
No, it just shows how dumb you are.

Anybody who believes anything but Bush was a total embarassment to the USA needs their IQ tested.

In your case Shitty, no need. We already know you are as dumb as a post....And I ain't insulting ya, I'm just keeping to the facts...

I don't give a shit what you have to say Dr.Dump, when you admitted to being a gay child molester last year you lost what little credibility you might have had........ although that confession probably made you points with other liberal dipshits, have you received any offers to run for office yet?.
I don't give a shit what you have to say Dr.Dump, when you admitted to being a gay child molester last year you lost what little credibility you might have had........ although that confession probably made you points with other liberal dipshits, have you received any offers to run for office yet?.

Of course you can link to that admission, or are you just trolling (for a change).

ya know for somebody who doesn't give a shit for what I have to say, you sure do seem to answer EVERY post I put to you.

How is the baggage handling business? God, I wish I was over 50 and met all my life's dreams by being a BAGGAGE HANDLER!!! I bet you momma and poppa are real proud of you....:clap2:

Shitty mom: "Hey Paw, what's Cletus doin' these days?"
Shitty Dad: "When he ain't emptying piss pots at the old folks home, he's handling baggage at the airport."
Shitty Mom: "Holy hell, that's even better than when Festus used to empty spitoons at the old Blue's Joint in Hicksville."
I don't give a shit what you have to say Dr.Dump, when you admitted to being a gay child molester last year you lost what little credibility you might have had........ although that confession probably made you points with other liberal dipshits, have you received any offers to run for office yet?.

Notwithstanding the bolded. I don't give a shit what feriners think of Pres. Bush either. Fuck em! :lol::lol:
It's sad that poor George was set up as far back as FDR to fail in his presidency. The misunderstood are the revisionists who would try and make this man anything but an abject failure.

He sold our country's values to fight his war on terror and then screwed that up. How many more prisoners will be released with no charges after having been held for years and tortured?

He fucked up the economy with his neo conservative friends, but he an they will all retire with their millions of dollars while his supporters in the middle economic class are screwed.

President Bush has presided over the weakest eight-year span for the U.S. economy in decades, according to an analysis of key data, and economists across the ideological spectrum increasingly view his two terms as a time of little progress on the nation's thorniest fiscal challenges.

...The number of jobs in the nation increased by about 2 percent during Bush's tenure, the most tepid growth over any eight-year span since data collection began seven decades ago. Gross domestic product, a broad measure of economic output, grew at the slowest pace for a period of that length since the Truman administration. And Americans' incomes grew more slowly than in any presidency since the 1960s, other than that of Bush's father.

He says he didn't sell his soul for popularity. True, he sold it for oil, power, and the invasion of a third world countyry that posed no viable threat to US. He is the most incompetent president of our times. The rich got richer and the poor and middle class got $screwed.

Only the total Kool Aid swiling true believers will still believe that he was a great man. Sittaro on it.:lol:

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