The Brainwashed Dad


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
A coworker was talking about how her Dad has changed since he retired. "He was such a nice guy and now he's turned mean and nasty. He watches Fox News all day"
I told her about an interesting documentary I watched about how the Dad became brainwashed by RWing media.

Here is the link to The Brainwashing of my Dad...

You people never stopped to think that a recently retired person might just be having a hard time adjusting to the fact that all of a sudden he has nothing to do ?

That maybe he needs something he needs to feel passionately about to give his life a little meaning?

No one who is living any sort of healthy life will be changed that quickly by some blowhard on the radio or by a cable news channel
You people never stopped to think that a recently retired person might just be having a hard time adjusting to the fact that all of a sudden he has nothing to do ?

That maybe he needs something he needs to feel passionately about to give his life a little meaning?

No one who is living any sort of healthy life will be changed that quickly by some blowhard on the radio or by a cable news channel
It's hard to imagine why he is so angry, maybe the out of control inflation just as he enters retirement on a fixed income?

If so, he should be locked up with the rest of the insurrectionist Potato head hating, Taliban Nazis for about 40 years or so.

At least he will get fed and have shelter, so maybe it would be a blessing in disguise..
It's hard to imagine why he is so angry, maybe the out of control inflation just as he enters retirement on a fixed income?

If so, he should be locked up with the rest of the insurrectionist Potato head hating, Taliban Nazis for about 40 years or so.

At least he will get fed and have shelter, so maybe it would be a blessing in disguise..

He's angry because it's the only emotion he's comfortable with.

All of a sudden the guy has no purpose in life. People , unfortunately bind up their jobs into their self image for a lot of people retirement is stressful because they don;' know what to do with themselves anymore. They lack purpose.

And why are you such a callous dick? Is it really that hard for you to understand people that you want them thrown in jail?
Without watching it I deem it to be left wing political propaganda. I'm an old father myself and if most of these old fathers are like me America has nothing to fear. However, the lefty loons do.

Men and women generally become more conservative with age, experience and wisdom.

The first time I heard Rush Limbough I was hooked. He expressed my thoughts perfectly. Fox News cannot possibly counter the enormous flood of destructive bullshit put out by the Left.
He's angry because it's the only emotion he's comfortable with.

All of a sudden the guy has no purpose in life. People , unfortunately bind up their jobs into their self image for a lot of people retirement is stressful because they don;' know what to do with themselves anymore. They lack purpose.

And why are you such a callous dick? Is it really that hard for you to understand people that you want them thrown in jail?
I thought you were just blaming the GOP or something.

But yea, lots of people don't have a purpose and have no jobs.

Maybe he could run for Congress. I hear it is one big support group for people like that.

Plus, he could be 90 years old and he could stay till the day he dies.
A coworker was talking about how her Dad has changed since he retired. "He was such a nice guy and now he's turned mean and nasty. He watches Fox News all day"
I told her about an interesting documentary I watched about how the Dad became brainwashed by RWing media.

Here is the link to The Brainwashing of my Dad...

Maybe he finally got tired of supporting her illegal drug addiction
My dad was never a hack. He used to be a fox viewer, but stopped watching when it became a right wing echo chamber.
My dad was never a hack. He used to be a fox viewer, but stopped watching when it became a right wing echo chamber.
People forget FOX is controlled opposition so these people are actually uninformed. FOX is there to distract people while the country dies.

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