The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
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The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.

if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
Thank you for this fantastic post, Doc. Nicely done.
If Barr and Durham don't get the indictments out soon it will be too late.
WTF is taking so long?
There are obvious crimes like "falsifying evidence" that should get the wrecking ball rolling.

Your guess is as good as mine. I certainly hope that they drop the hammer within this month or the next...
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
The electoral college elects the president not the mass of voters.
If Barr and Durham don't get the indictments out soon it will be too late.
WTF is taking so long?
There are obvious crimes like "falsifying evidence" that should get the wrecking ball rolling.
Probably because they are waiting until October..
If Barr and Durham don't get the indictments out soon it will be too late.
WTF is taking so long?
There are obvious crimes like "falsifying evidence" that should get the wrecking ball rolling.
Regardless of what Durham will be painted as political.
If Trump wins re-election everyone who is in on this conspiracy knows that the hammer will come down on them.
I expect Hillary and Bill to move to Greece or some other country till the heat is off. Obama will be gone on the first flight out of here.
Trump won't worry about how it plays to the voters anymore.
Many Democrats and some Republicans will be waiting for a knock on their door after Midnight knowing it's federal agents serving a search warrant.
I also think the media is in for a big shock when Trump wins.
He's going to be in their asses with both feet.
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
The electoral college elects the president not the mass of voters.
If the Dems take back congress that won't last for long.
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
The electoral college elects the president not the mass of voters.
If the Dems take back congress that won't last for long.
They had better take back Congress and the majority of the states to repeal it.
If Barr and Durham don't get the indictments out soon it will be too late.
WTF is taking so long?
There are obvious crimes like "falsifying evidence" that should get the wrecking ball rolling.
There are not gonna be any indictments, with but the possible exception of some low level scumbags! Tom Fitton has been reporting the truth of this to you folks, all of whom refuse to hear it, for the last year, Durham hasn't even interviewed a single one of the principles, and he hasn't obtained a single indictment of anyone, for anything! Have you not observed the clever manner in which totally corrupt media has planted notion in nations head that Durham is rushing to finish his "REPORT!"

Prosecutors don't run year long investigations costing tens of millions of dollars to issue a report, they do so to obtain indictments, turn suspects into cooperating/informing witnesses and then prosecute the crimes! Its all a scam America, Barr picked right up where Sessions left off, running out the clock on Trump, which brings me to the OP's link, the whole point of getting the media, and all of social media tech to cancel, and attack not just the president but the half of the nation who voted him in, and carrying out those attacks 24/7/365 is not for nothing.

Look at the local filth that infests this site, including so-called moderators who are in truth leftist scum, they froth at mouth, all you hear anywhere is a constant stream of negativity, its constant and impossible to avoid. Why might you suppose they'd conduct such a monstrous, and dangerous assault on the other half of the nation? Sure, they'll win some weaklings over, but the true intent revolves around something referred to as, "expectation psychology!"

They have for four non-stop years created the plausibility that Trump is so hated he will lose and every fucking one of you knows that such has worked to perfection, that many many Americans honestly believe the majority of America could plausibly choose to reward the absolute worst of humanity for their conduct these last four years, and why not, because that is just what they did in 2018 at the midterm! "It could happen" is expectation psychology, then all they need do is steal just three states by any means, and that expectation psychology will be fulfilled, after all, the swamp counts the votes....

They plan on stealing the election, they are going to steal the election, the entire apparatus of the vast federal criminal syndicate is focused upon just that deed.... :wink:
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
The electoral college elects the president not the mass of voters.
If the Dems take back congress that won't last for long.
They had better take back Congress and the majority of the states to repeal it.
If that happens then your vote won't matter anymore.
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.
The electoral college elects the president not the mass of voters.
If the Dems take back congress that won't last for long.
They had better take back Congress and the majority of the states to repeal it.
If that happens then your vote won't matter anymore.
My vote never mattered because I don't elect the president the electoral college does.
The Biden Swap That Should Concern John Durham

8 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cliff Nichols
The Democratic party has placed America in an interesting pickle. Three months before the election, Democrats continue pretending to support a presidential candidate who can’t possibly defeat the incumbent they all hate. How can one know they are pretending? Because in any remotely fair election, Biden can’t beat Trump. More importantly, the Democrats know this. Which leaves us wondering what they’re really up to.
Of course, they may hope to win by their vote-by-mail gambit, predicated on the “dangers” of Covid-19. But even if they could pull that off, aided by their mainstream media friends and the skewed anti-conservative censorship of social media, it remains unlikely they’d want Biden as the beneficiary of their shell game.
Why? Quite simply, no reasonably intelligent person could seriously want a president who delights more in letting children smooth down his curly leg hairs than anything else. That holds true even when his handlers let him out of his basement long enough to speak about the “city” of Arizona or tell the non-diverse block of voters who happen to be black—that is, when compared to Hispanics—how to officially qualify as black.
Little things like committing perjury, destroying evidence, obstructing justice, violating the Espionage Act, misusing their offices in corrupt pay-for-play schemes, sex trafficking, and child abuse. All before getting to those well-documented acts that fall under the heading of sedition or, in the words of the president, treason. Criminal acts known as #Obamagate. To say these Democrats are desperately motivated to end Trump’s presidency by any means would be an understatement. Their reluctance to place their fate in Biden’s incompetent hands to achieve that goal is an even greater understatement.
Thus logic and reason dictate that Biden will be removed from the equation, if not at the DNC Convention, certainly prior to November 3rd. This late in the game, that leaves Democrats only two viable options: Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A: The most predictable option is sucker-punching the president at the DNC Convention with a last-minute swap-out of Biden for a ticket with sufficient demographic/political cachet to defeat the Trump/Pence ticket. Such a maneuver was actually anticipated in a 2019 editorial entitled, “Is Michelle Obama Plotting to Take the White House in 2020?
Plan B: The other option is not as pretty as Plan A. This would be using America’s current state of social upheaval to achieve the overthrow of our government that some already attempted by misusing Clinton’s fraudulent Steele Dossier, a coup attempt code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane that metastasized into the amazingly corrupt Mueller investigation. For many elite Democrats, that might appear a better option than allowing the president a second term which could result in coup co-conspirators spending the remainder of their lives in prison.
if Trump wins in November, Plan B will not only most probably survive the election but will be likely ratcheted up to even more violent and widespread proportions than we are seeing now if people like Lynch, Rice, Yates or Comey have anything to do with it. Not to mention Obama or Hillary.
How can Barr accuse local officials of failing to uphold the rule of law when it comes to street mobs when his own inaction on Obamagate is making the DOJ appear guilty of the same failure with respect to a treasonous coup attempt?
Perhaps now would be a good time to do the right thing, Mr. Durham. Enforce the law equally to all regardless of their power or status. Put a stop to all these seditious attempts to bring about a coup d’état, and restore the rule of law now rather than later. Hopefully, this will put a stop to at least some of the attacks against our democracy.
America is waiting for your answers.

Their traitorous insurrection and plan to overthrow the government and take power permanently is obviously failing in the eyes of everyday Americans.
The most important thing is that Durham have ironclad evidence that will stand up in court against the corrupt criminals within the Obama Administration, including Obama and Biden. It is also important that no Simpson type juries can look away from the evidence and decide based on political bias.
Indeed, Obama has further praised the Antifa violence of the protests while Pelosi and Schumer have bowed and kneeled to them.
First we must understand that it is important that In our system of law, Grand Juries are required to hand down criminal indictments, and they operate under conditions of absolute secrecy. Prosecutors are strictly forbidden to discuss pending cases – and professionals such as Barr and Durham actually doing that.
Contrary to the investigation being conducted by AG Barr and Dunham, the progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat "Deep State actors have attempted to destroy and/or slowed the investigation by all means possible, to include murder, looting, arson, and rioting.
Even Mayor Wheeler has admitted that the ANTIFA terrorists paid by the PMS/DSA Left are attempting to commit murder in their attacks and attempts to burn down federal and municipal buildings with people inside them....
Despite the machinations of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists, we await an answer to the question:
Are there any honorable men left in America to uphold the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and laws of this land? Barr and Durham have an opportunity to answer in the affirmative if indeed that’s what they are.

Exactly what I wou;ld expect from Townhall. before,Trump, I visited that site often. Now is is as crazy and conspiracy driven as Trump is. Everyday Americans don't buy the crap Trump's minions shovel out. The fact is that there have been plenty of peaceful protests. Garbage like you wants to smear protestors. White supremacists have been behind dome of this. You know, Trump supporters. Barr, Durham and Trump have slimed the Constitution already.

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