The Basics of Economics.

But by the same token, there has been a bunch of products that someone supplied or tried to supply but there wasn't any demand.

too stupid!! You don't go into business and supply something no one wants or can afford!! People always demanded main frame computer power, but it was not until Gates and Job supplied it at an affordable price that everyone could successfully demand it.

Similarly, the demand was always there for the automobile, but it wasn't until Ford supplied it at an affordable price that everyone could afford it or successfully demand it.

Making sense now!!

Libeals are so stupid that they can't understand this and so interfere with the process of civilization. Why not make them illegal??

Demand is for food clothing shelter cars and computers is a given in nature. It is not until Republican Supply siders come along that demand can be satisfied and human progress can be made.
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But by the same token, there has been a bunch of products that someone supplied or tried to supply but there wasn't any demand.

too stupid!! You don't go into business and supply something no one wants or can afford!! People always demanded main frame computer power, but it was not until Gates and Job supplied it at an affordable price that everyone could successfully demand it.

Similarly, the demand was always there for the automobile, but it wasn't until Ford supplied it at an affordable price that everyone could afford it or successfully demand it.

Making sense now!!

Libeals are so stupid that they can't understand this and so interfere with the process of civilization. Why not make them illegal??

Demand is for food clothing shelter cars and computers is a given in nature. It is not until Republican Supply siders come along that demand can be satisfied and human progress can be made.

Like in 1931?

Or how about 1869 after that huge transcontinental railroad program, and during reconstruction and the manifest destiny Homestead landgrants?

1985 after a term of deficit spending to pump the economy?

Oh, I know. 2007! That housing welfare decade turnout out to be a bust a year later lol.

1805 when protectionist tariffs were going to pay for the Federal government?

When the heck are you talking about? Or are ya politicizing the darned patent office arm of big government and patents making inventions profitable enough to pursue?
too stupid!!!!

OMG!!!!demand is always sufficient !!! People are born demanding things like air, food, clothing, shelter, water as a necessity of survival. Giving them credit for breathing is a disgustingly low standard that only an deadly uber stupid liberal could imagine.

Life on the planet changed when Republicans invented or supplied a plow to till or bucket to carry water. Those rare geniuses supplied life on this planet and need to be encouraged in every conceivable way.

Consumer demand we can take for granted like the air we breath. Millions of people can look at a field and demand wheat for millions of years (and they did) but the Republican supply-sider who finally came along to make the field supply wheat literally saved milions and millions of lives from starvation and made millions and millions of more lives possible.

Similiarly, every human being had a limitless demand for computer power, but it was not until Gates and Jobs came along with the supply that the demand could be met!!!

Now even a liberal can understand what Republican supply-side economics is.

With all due respect, this is utter nonsense.
Supply and demand are the 2 sides of a can't say one is more important than the other.

Sure you can because demand produces nothing. There are millions of African babies crying all day because they want to be fed, but work applied to the soil is what puts food on the table.

Demand produces a lot - it produces revenue for those providing supply.

If there's no supply, we all starve. If there's no demand, producers loose their jobs.
What do you understand about capitalism

under capitalism and freedom all transactions are voluntary and so only conducted only for the betterment of both parties to a transaction.

under socialism most transactions are coerced so not for the betterment of both parties.

Now you can see why the USSR, Red China and East Germany failed.

Under some socialisms, yes, coercion was involved. And I'm not completely confident with my understanding of Red China, but the USSR and Germany were not socialisms. While Germany is generally referred to as fascist state, the soviet leadership actually desired to produce a neo-Marxist government, but later admitted that socialism had to be implemented elsewhere.
No one asks how humans managed to procreate, before there was contraception(?)! It's kind of like the 2nd Amendment, maybe. The Framers knew that the Founding Quakers had actually made peace with the Indians, and lived amongst them. It clearly followed in logic that the Indians would all then have to be killed off. Amendment 2 then happened.

And so there was thought to be infinite demand. Eventually the 19 dead no-accounts of 9/11 would be thought to be everywhere--especially in Iraq and and Afghanistan--if nowhere at all near Pakistan(?)! Everyone knew that they had been atomized.

Among the Weird, Funny Stories made famous by Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called The Christ: There are two of arithmetic, based in the conquering Pantheon of the Greeks. The Greeks clearly had the superior concept of the deities, and created the superior technology. Jesus would acknowledge the usual Roman day of a relatively few hours in Matthew 20:1-16. There would be labor for about six hours with the afternoon for other business. Everyone got the same amount of pay, regardless if they had worked all the day, or but one hour. Then there would be a thriving marketplace with all the loot.

The Romans themselves became a more civilized kind of folk. Slavery was the way of life even before there were movies about Abraham Lincoln and the Evildoers. Yale University likely understands that best. Certainly their alumni seem to understand that. There had been banking and exchange, even under the Persians. Rich Persians made out like bandits. Lower Middle Income Persians would easily suck up and follow along. The lowest income servants would note that the arithmetic of fixed percentage increase meant that they themselves would never be able to keep up. They themselves would eventually be whipped and sent off to Iraq, or to Afghanistan: To die like dogs in Vomit. Others would just go through boot camp, instead(?)! That is called, "Freedom!" and, "The Blessings of Freedom," at Yale University.

So the Jesus story of Matthew 25:14-30, creates the concept of a smart, Greek servant--educated about the arithmetic. That servant knew about the householder: Being able to reap where that householder had never sown--maybe different from sewn. That servant knew that the arithmetic was not at all favorable to that servant's participation in the marketplace. It made better sense to bury the one talent in the earth. There would at least be something left to show. The householder was acknowldged to be a first class SOB.

So like expected from the deities of Greece, of the Pythagoreans, the household that should have been enriched 8 talents was only enriched seven. The dynamics of a complete collapse of an economy were therein shown.

That would further be ignored through all of Christian History--Just as surely as the Holy Father seems to have a certain fondness for pedophiles, instead. Certainly the followers in Los Angeles are getting a merry Irish glimpse of all that now!

And so we have the Ivy League, even to this date. There can be no capital formation since the outcome tends to collapse. There can be no infinite demand since the market place is left without consumers.

Ronald Reagan would famously remark, "Oh! The Hell With It!" Nancy would consult with astrologers, instead. Obama would remark on the federally funded, "Entrepreneurial Trajectory" that the Reagans had created.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Obama-Biden would eventually come into office, screw up the stimulus completely, and the Republicans would famously take Jesus Christ away from America--The Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit, created like Matthew 20:16. The intent would be to thorougly confuse the Mormons. Mitt Romney would become the proof of the strategy, the Republicans put in place! That is why everyone goes to school(?)!)
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Under some socialisms, yes, coercion was involved.

too stupid of course, under what socialim was coercion not involved. What is socilaism if not liberal coercion???????????????

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow. A liberal doesn't mind being slow anymore than a fish minds breathing air.
But by the same token, there has been a bunch of products that someone supplied or tried to supply but there wasn't any demand.

too stupid!! You don't go into business and supply something no one wants or can afford!! People always demanded main frame computer power, but it was not until Gates and Job supplied it at an affordable price that everyone could successfully demand it.

Similarly, the demand was always there for the automobile, but it wasn't until Ford supplied it at an affordable price that everyone could afford it or successfully demand it.

Making sense now!!

Libeals are so stupid that they can't understand this and so interfere with the process of civilization. Why not make them illegal??

Demand is for food clothing shelter cars and computers is a given in nature. It is not until Republican Supply siders come along that demand can be satisfied and human progress can be made.

Too stupid!!

I agree with you that supply is important, we agree on that. But demand is just as important. You can't have one without the other. To say that SUPPLY is all that matters is
downright "Too Stupid" to use your words.
I agree with you that supply is important, we agree on that. But demand is just as important.

you fool !! demand is not important. It is like water and air. It is a given in nature. It does not need to be created nurtured managed etc etc. Humans have always demanded air water cars and computers for a million years but not until Gates and Ford supplied cars and computers did they came into existence millons of years after air and water. Demand is a given, it is a free good. It is pure and perfect liberal ignorance to celebrate and encourage demand when it is the worst possible use of time energy and resources and 100% not necessary.

You can't have one without the other.

so what you idiot!! You can t have life without water but you don't extoll the virtues of water when it is a free good, you don't create a God of Water, but you do create a Repubican supply God of Cars and computers because cars and computers are very very rare, can transform life and would not exist in a liberal soviet like atmosphere like the one libturds are trying to create!!

Now you know why the soviet union failed.
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If you laid all the economists end to end they still couldn't reach a conclusion. And on these boards we see why economics is probably the softest of the soft sciences.
If you laid all the economists end to end they still couldn't reach a conclusion. And on these boards we see why economics is probably the softest of the soft sciences.

If you think Republican economics is mistaken please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so!!

Under some socialisms, yes, coercion was involved.

too stupid of course, under what socialim was coercion not involved. What is socilaism if not liberal coercion???????????????

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow. A liberal doesn't mind being slow anymore than a fish minds breathing air.

Interactions cannot exist without some form of coercion. Even anarchist Spain and the government-lacking Argentina were subject to coercion by outside forces.

In what capitalism was coercion not involved?
With all due respect, this is utter nonsense.
Supply and demand are the 2 sides of a can't say one is more important than the other.

Sure you can because demand produces nothing. There are millions of African babies crying all day because they want to be fed, but work applied to the soil is what puts food on the table.

Demand produces a lot - it produces revenue for those providing supply.

If there's no supply, we all starve. If there's no demand, producers loose their jobs.

I agree, both supply and demand are "important". Although it would be nice if people actually defined what they meant with these terms. E.g. Demand vs desire.

Anyway, I think the relationship of supply and demand is best decided on a free market. So demand and supply side economics are both incorrect. In demand side economics you take the producer's money so the customers can "afford their products". And then for this they are supposed to produce more? I think not.

In supply side economics it's reverse. Same dumb logic.

On the other hand supply and demand is often made to be about savings vs consumption. Savings means having more stuff later and consumption more stuff now. Again, I think free market decides the ideal relationship best. USA is in the demand side through the roof though, and as such is having great party today at the expense of tomorrow.
Strangely, Edward is correct for the very first time. Demand, in equilibrim does not matter. Price fall to increase demand sufficiently to purchase all of the supplied goods. Unfortunately for Ed, the transition period may take a very long time. Upwards of 10 years (a la Japan in the 1990s) to restore equilibrium.
No one sellls something that there is NO market for.

Some are innovative enough to see a future need.

That still means they need the consumer demand to make the idea sellable

I think there is some definitional confusion here. The poster you are replying to equates "demand" to "wants". In that sense, demand might be infinite (although I personally don't believe that). Economists more precisely refer to "effective demand" which includes not only the desire to consume but the ability to pay the prevailing price. Demand curves are downward sloping in general because (among other reasons) at higher prices fewer consumers are able to afford a product or service.
With all due respect, this is utter nonsense.
Supply and demand are the 2 sides of a can't say one is more important than the other.

Don't get sucked into an exchange with Ed. He lives in an alternate universe and does not communicate well with reality.
No one sellls something that there is NO market for.

Some are innovative enough to see a future need.

That still means they need the consumer demand to make the idea sellable

I think there is some definitional confusion here. The poster you are replying to equates "demand" to "wants". In that sense, demand might be infinite (although I personally don't believe that). Economists more precisely refer to "effective demand" which includes not only the desire to consume but the ability to pay the prevailing price. Demand curves are downward sloping in general because (among other reasons) at higher prices fewer consumers are able to afford a product or service.

To be ever so slightly more pedantic, "demand" in economics is the desire to consume, the ability to pay, and have made a definite plan to purchase. Demand curves are downward sloping because of diminishing marginal utility.
What do you understand about capitalism

under capitalism and freedom all transactions are voluntary and so only conducted only for the betterment of both parties to a transaction.

LOL - Caveat Emptor

under socialism most transactions are coerced so not for the betterment of both parties.

Now you can see why the USSR, Red China and East Germany failed.

Totalitarianism failed, the economic system in such systems produces three classes, the very rich, the military and the poor. Some include the Clergy, as a force to keep the poor poor.

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