The attempt to refrain the gun control debate

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.
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I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Asshole. Scum.

you just pissed on the parents who lost their children today.

there's a special place in hell for the NRA and Wayne LaPierre.
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Asshole. Scum.

you just pissed on the parents who lost their children today.

there's a special place in hell for the NRA and Wayne LaPierre.

lolz... How are all the Democrat wars doin?
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Asshole. Scum.

you just pissed on the parents who lost their children today.

there's a special place in hell for the NRA and Wayne LaPierre.

I bet the guy that shot them pissed them off a lot more than I did.
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Are you for real? There nothing impossible about banning anything shorter than a hunting rifle, all semiautomatics and high-capacity magazines. And making licensing of the rest hard and expensive, so only determined hunters could get it.

Then if you are a homicidal maniac, where would steal your gun from? Police?
I am as liberal as they come.

However, I am a realist, guns are never going to go away.

Even if they did pass a law restricting them.. We can't even keep drugs and cell phones out of a prison, which is a few acres of land.. Let alone guns (already well distributed) in the entire USA.

After every event like this, we will see a "sparked" debate about it, however I would be very surprised to ever see anything happen about it.

The right and the NRA won this war, this are the consequences that all of us (including children) have to deal with... Repeatedly.
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

why did you need another gun thread today? the others weren't enough?

whining pretend libertarian.
There is lot that can be done short of banning firearms. I went to a PTA meeting at my grand-kids school last year. One of the speakers described the emergency planning being done which included school emergencies drills, better and faster lock-downs and improved communications. These can help limit damage, but you're right, there is no way to stop the violence.

Although this was a horrible tragedy, I think we need to keep things in prospective. There was about 60 school shootings this year in 7 schools. In the US we have 50 millions students in 100,000 public schools.
I am as liberal as they come.

However, I am a realist, guns are never going to go away.

Even if they did pass a law restricting them.. We can't even keep drugs and cell phones out of a prison, which is a few acres of land.. Let alone guns (already well distributed) in the entire USA.

After every event like this, we will see a "sparked" debate about it, however I would be very surprised to ever see anything happen about it.

The right and the NRA won this war, this are the consequences that all of us (including children) have to deal with... Repeatedly.

Having fun walking alll over those dead bodies to take your bull shit political jabs?
The problem liberals have on the issue of guns is the same problem Republicans have on Gay marriage but in reverse.

In the future gays will get married because that's how it in fact will happen.

In the future guns will even become more deadly and still legal.

To fight against gay marriage is useless as fighting to ban guns. You just look like bigots because that’s what you are.
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Asshole. Scum.

you just pissed on the parents who lost their children today.

there's a special place in hell for the NRA and Wayne LaPierre.

Your mother have any kids that lived??
I am as liberal as they come.

However, I am a realist, guns are never going to go away.

I think you are missing the point. It is not all or nothing. We can't solve the problem completely, but we can make it far less acute by introducing stricter gun controls.

The harder it is to get a gun, the less people would have to die.
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Would be better to keep guns from young men under the age of 30. They (young men) seem to have the big problems and all the recent mass killers were under the age of thirty.

If there is not something done, the crazy people with the easy access to weapons where they can kill quickly and easily, those people will define the gun control debate.

Is that what the NRA wants? To allow the crazy people to dictate the gun control debate.
You gun lovers need to come up with some solution or approach to get this situation under better control.

It is you NRAers who are so afraid of control. Yet the easy acces to weapons and the mass killings will be what dictates gun control in the future.
I am as liberal as they come.

However, I am a realist, guns are never going to go away.

I think you are missing the point. It is not all or nothing. We can't solve the problem completely, but we can make it far less acute by introducing stricter gun controls.

The harder it is to get a gun, the less people would have to die.

or the harder it is to get a gun....the more crimes we'll see being committed with other weapons of choice...knives, grenades, cars, hand to hand violence etc.

If a person wants to kill another person....weapon be damned, they're going to find a way to do it.

Guns are merely a luxury that these mass murderers have at their disposal.
Personally I would have no problem with strict gun control, but the Constitution is pretty clear on the issue imho. And I don't approve of taking end runs around the Constitution... so yeah get two thirds of the states onboard or forget about it.

Just MHO.
I am as liberal as they come.

However, I am a realist, guns are never going to go away.

I think you are missing the point. It is not all or nothing. We can't solve the problem completely, but we can make it far less acute by introducing stricter gun controls.

The harder it is to get a gun, the less people would have to die.

Lol, you couldn't prove that if your life depended on it.
Most people are in the mood to hug their kids right now, not their precious guns...
I have been listening to the pundits talk about the need to get guns out of the hands of crazy people, and how happy they are that Obama said something needs to be done to stop tragedies like the one today. What, exactly, are the alternatives? We have no way to determine if someone is going to flip out and go on a shooting spree. Even if we did, what are we going to do? If we put them in a database that prevents them from buying a gun what is to stop them from stealing one? Should we require everyone to be tested, and lock everyone who the tests identify as a danger up? Do we really want to create a society that locks people up because they might do something?

The way I see it is we have two choices, either deny everyone freedom, or accept the fact that crazy people are going to do crazy things. If anyone has an actual alternative to those options I would love to hear it.

Asshole. Scum.

you just pissed on the parents who lost their children today.

there's a special place in hell for the NRA and Wayne LaPierre.

:piss2:hazlnut :piss2:hazlnut :piss2:hazlnut :piss2:hazlnut
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This story is of course fluid and things change a lot but one report I heard Today was the shooter may have taken the guns used from his mothers house they are reporting they were registered to her as I said that could change.
I am as liberal as they come.

However, I am a realist, guns are never going to go away.

I think you are missing the point. It is not all or nothing. We can't solve the problem completely, but we can make it far less acute by introducing stricter gun controls.

The harder it is to get a gun, the less people would have to die.

or the harder it is to get a gun....the more crimes we'll see being committed with other weapons of choice...knives, grenades, cars, hand to hand violence etc.

That is such a bullshit. Everyone knows that you can kill much more people with guns. People go on killing spree because it is so much easier and cleaner to pull the trigger, than murder a person with a cold weapon.

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