"The Americans" - Can You Relate?This


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
This highly-acclaimed program is a poignant drama with excellent acting, compelling characters, and more than its fair share of dramatic intensity. There's even a bit of skin for the geezers like me. It has had, among others, Oliver North, serve as advisors to guide the writers on what it was like at the time (early Reagan years).

But I'm old and I can relate to it.

I wonder about people who are too young to remember the reality and intensity of the Cold War. I suspect that people under 40 think the Cold War was something that was more a charade than real, and that was absolutely not the case. There were ideological, political, and actual combat battles around the world pitting the Soviet empire against The West - led by the U.S. and NATO. Hell, NATO's very existence makes no sense without the menace of the USSR lurking in the background.

So what about it? Does this seem realistic to younger adults, or is the show difficult to relate to?
I was in High School for Reagan's last term. We had to watch nuclear war movies in school, like one called The Day After.
We also had to watch explicit Nazi concentration camp movies. I don't think they do that anymore. There's more of an optimistic attitude today about the inevitability of technological progress.
Talk about a throwback: I see this morning that Russia is threatening to aim its nuclear warheads at DANISH warships if they allow NATO missile defenses on them. Denmark, for Christ sake! That Putin is a fucking nut-job.

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