The American Dream is Dead

The A--murkin dream is about predatory capitalism and finding people dumb enough to buy into your bullshit. Bill Gates is the master of it.
The A--murkin dream is about predatory capitalism and finding people dumb enough to buy into your bullshit. Bill Gates is the master of it.

Naw....all the dumb people go for Communism...Just look at the alt-left. Buncha knuckle-dragging thugs.
You have to work hard at eliminating debt. Student loan debt is a terrible problem and contributes to the feeling of hopelessness.

Exactly. In America, where capitalism has almost no regulations, people can't afford education because of debt. Compare that to countries like Sweden, that also has capitalism – but regulated capitalism – education is not only free for ALL, you actually get money each month for studying! Everyone gets a fair chance to succeed in life, if they only work hard!

There is a reason why Sweden has more dollar billioners per capita than America – and that reason is capitalism under regulations. A government that first and formost take care of the people, not the capital.

In America, where capitalism has almost no regulations

Clearly anyone who thinks the USA is unregulated has outed themselves as a fool, but I bet they watch CNN.
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

Clearly the US government is run by and for the benefit of the .01% corporatists. However that does not mean that many Americans can't be economically successful.
Obama did his best to kill the American Dfeam just like all Left Wingers try to destroy prosperity.

Obama didn't quite kill it but he tried by increasing poverty, decreasing family income, incurring astronomical debt, increasing income disparity and having dismal economic growth.

Trump has a big job ahead of him to fix what Obama broke.
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

Clearly the US government is run by and for the benefit of the .01% corporatists. However that does not mean that many Americans can't be economically successful.

I still don't understand that claim. So many companies were against net neutrality. It still passed. So many companies were against Obamacare, it still passed. So many banks were against the banking regulations and credit card regulations, and both passed.

How many hundreds of times, do policies that corporations are completely against, have to be passed over and over and over again.... before you question the idea that government is run by the corporatists?
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

Clearly the US government is run by and for the benefit of the .01% corporatists. However that does not mean that many Americans can't be economically successful.

I still don't understand that claim. So many companies were against net neutrality. It still passed. So many companies were against Obamacare, it still passed. So many banks were against the banking regulations and credit card regulations, and both passed.

How many hundreds of times, do policies that corporations are completely against, have to be passed over and over and over again.... before you question the idea that government is run by the corporatists?

The biggest corporations love big government. The two are best buds. The more regulations the better to prevent competition. Obamacare was written by Big hospital and big Pharma. So I think your thinking on this is wrong.
Dream? There never was such a thing....I never was ignorant enough to believe there was an America so called dream. Truth be told country comes way far behind his and light years behind.
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

Clearly the US government is run by and for the benefit of the .01% corporatists. However that does not mean that many Americans can't be economically successful.

I still don't understand that claim. So many companies were against net neutrality. It still passed. So many companies were against Obamacare, it still passed. So many banks were against the banking regulations and credit card regulations, and both passed.

How many hundreds of times, do policies that corporations are completely against, have to be passed over and over and over again.... before you question the idea that government is run by the corporatists?

The biggest corporations love big government. The two are best buds. The more regulations the better to prevent competition. Obamacare was written by Big hospital and big Pharma. So I think your thinking on this is wrong.

When Obamacare was being debated in 2009, dozens of major corporations went to capital hill to oppose it. Even the insurance companies walked out of Obamacare talks.

You are wrong about that. There was massive opposition to Obamacare.

Revealed: millions spent by lobbyists fighting Obama health reforms

Insurers were under fire from Democrats last year for their business practices as well as their lobbying against reform legislation being considered by Congress.

Health insurers spent big bucks on lobbying over the past year

No, you are wrong. There was massive opposition from all the corportists.

How much evidence do you need, before you question your unsupportable assumptions?
/----/ The Trumps donate more to charity each year than you will earn in a lifetime.,
So fuckin what? The reference to the Alger story reminded me of the Trump flat tire story. That's ALL. For chrissakes, let it go!
OldLady, this is how I fill some spots on my Iggie list. Sometimes I make what I consider to be a small joke or innocent comment, then someone takes offense and wants to post angry replies for the rest of the night.

I can handle a couple of the unneeded replies but after that I use my Sanity Saver: the Iggie list.

For what it's worth, I love your contributions to the forum: always concise, well-written and fun to read.
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

Shut down Obeaner care, stop the $100 billion per year spent on illegal wetbacks and let's funnel the savings through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans.
Whatta ya say?
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

Clearly the US government is run by and for the benefit of the .01% corporatists. However that does not mean that many Americans can't be economically successful.

I still don't understand that claim. So many companies were against net neutrality. It still passed. So many companies were against Obamacare, it still passed. So many banks were against the banking regulations and credit card regulations, and both passed.

How many hundreds of times, do policies that corporations are completely against, have to be passed over and over and over again.... before you question the idea that government is run by the corporatists?

The biggest corporations love big government. The two are best buds. The more regulations the better to prevent competition. Obamacare was written by Big hospital and big Pharma. So I think your thinking on this is wrong.

When Obamacare was being debated in 2009, dozens of major corporations went to capital hill to oppose it. Even the insurance companies walked out of Obamacare talks.

You are wrong about that. There was massive opposition to Obamacare.

Revealed: millions spent by lobbyists fighting Obama health reforms

Insurers were under fire from Democrats last year for their business practices as well as their lobbying against reform legislation being considered by Congress.

Health insurers spent big bucks on lobbying over the past year

No, you are wrong. There was massive opposition from all the corportists.

How much evidence do you need, before you question your unsupportable assumptions?

I need more evidence.

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