The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.

Whether or not SAT scores predict academic success is a completely separate matter.

The fact is that during the time frame of this study, that SAT scores were being used to judge applicants.

And that the blacks students were being DISCRIMINATED IN FAVOR OF to the tune of an effective 230 point sat bonus.

Your characterization of the discrimination of 230 points as a handicap to balance out white skin is meaningless words strung together. That's not what happened, that's not the way the system works, and even if it was, it would still be discriminating against the white students.

This is real discrimination here, and you are supporting it, lefty.

Also, since you continue to call me names, without even a good faith attempt to back it up, I will treat you with the same respect,

except my insult will be true as demonstrated by your behavior.

You are a vile asshole and a liar.

No, you are a racist. I have backed up what have said multiple times. I don't want or need your respect. You disrespect me each and every time you post up this bullshit lie that whites are discriminated against when its just not the fucking truth. You are a liar and a racist Correll and if you don't' like me saying that, then start telling the truth.

The Demographics of the Ivy League
February 15, 2017

When you look at this information you see that in every Ivy League school, whites are he majority of the students. Second, will see that Asians are at least double he number of black students at almost every Ivy League school. Asians are 5 percent of the overall US population but are generally 15-20 percent of all Ivy League students. They are not being cheated out of anything nor are whites.

The Demographics of the Ivy League
. Quit crying already..
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
We want the same things whites do.

Then you work hard, save hard, and get an education.

The way you go about things with your hand open demanding Whitey to owe you the loot, is a wonderful way to piss off Whites.
Just sayin'.

I have a masters degree. So what's your point?

You don't' get it. Nobody black gives a damn about how mad whitey gets. Whitey ain't God? Blacks are owed at least 6.4 trillion dollars for the money we lost due to white racism. .You can pay it or you can keep costing our economy 2 trillion dollars per year .You've been shown this. Unlike the unproven stuff you keep repeating.

So let me say this is in a manner you understand, we don't give a fuck if whitey gets mad. Just sayin.

Can you personally itemize and account for exactly how much you have lost due to racism in your life?
That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.

No, your argument is without merit.

What are you talking about White skin is worth 230 more points?
No, it's really not.

The colleges are so desperate to fill in Blacks in their ranks, that they'll undercut higher performing Whites, and Asians just to fill Black quotas.
That's most certainly reverse discrimination, it's institutional racism.


If blacks are getting 230 points it means whites have a 230 point advantage because of their race so then blacks are given 230 points to even the score.


That is not a logical conclusion.

.It's a logical conclusion because that's why it would be done if it's even true.

Somewhat off topic, but...

Have you ever studied logic, formally?
Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.

No, your argument is without merit.

What are you talking about White skin is worth 230 more points?
No, it's really not.

The colleges are so desperate to fill in Blacks in their ranks, that they'll undercut higher performing Whites, and Asians just to fill Black quotas.
That's most certainly reverse discrimination, it's institutional racism.

My argument has 240 years of history that gives it the utmost merit.

If blacks are getting 230 points it means whites have a 230 point advantage because of their race so then blacks are given 230 points to even the score.

It's not racism, its not discrimination. These colleges have GPA standards , If backs are underperforming blacks get suspended or kicked out of that college The SAT score is not an indicator of college work
. Didn't they say it was an indicator of the doorway in, and not about the afterwards or about the work ?? Otherwise they were talking about the white person who was passed over in favor of someone with a much lower score all due to preferential treatment weren't they?? This issue brought up seems to be getting off track on purpose maybe ?? Not sure about the issue, but just following along with you all on it. Did the doorway get moved ?
You don't seem to understand how your comments are racist. You also don't seem to understand that your making a clam of how whites have been on the side of increasing rights of blacks is nothing to brag about.

The majority of whites have not been for increasing the rights of blacks and Lincoln believed hat blacks were inferior to whites.

YOu don't seem to know how to explain how my comments are supposedly racist.

You constantly claim it, but can't back up your claim.

Lincoln won an election, in which only white people voted, as a candidate in favor of increasing rights for blacks, specifically ending slavery.

He won REELECTION as a candidate waging a bloody horrific war with the stated intent of ending slavery in the South.

You back my claims each time you respond. You have been explained as to why your comments are racist. This tactic is not going to work.

Lincolns intent was tp save the Union.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.

Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley

And then there is the matter of the election which you say that only whites voted in. Now this illustrates your ability to lie and your refusal to explain the whole story. Lincoln did not run as a candidate in favor of increasing the rights of blacks.

Abraham Lincoln took the oath as President on March 4, 1861. Among the first words of his Inaugural Address was a pledge (repeating words from an August 1858 speech) intended to placate Southern apprehensions: "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Referring to the proposed Crittenden amendment, which would make explicit constitutional protection of slavery where it already existed, he said, "I have no objection to its being made express, and irrevocable." He also promised to support legislation for the capture and return of runaway slaves.

And then there is the little matter that blacks could not legally vote. But hey why include that when we can lie about how only whites voted and how they were all for "increasing the rights of blacks."

1. The way to demonstrate that someone is saying racist things, is to QUOTE them saying something racist, and then to explain how that statement meets the definition of racism. You have not done that. You have not even TRIED to do that. YOu just keep claiming over and over again that the things I say are racist, without any examples or explanations.

Also, in keeping with my policy of treating people with the respect they treat me, since you refuse to explain or support your vile accusations, making them nothing but personal smears,

FUck you your vile little piece of shit.

2. Lincoln's stated intent was to save the union. His actions demonstrate that that was a political fiction in an attempt to avoid civil war.

3. And yes, blacks were not allowed to vote. THat was my point. The majority of whites in this country voted for the abolitionist, and even in the midst of the bloodiest war in us history, the whites of the North REELECTED him.

AFTER he had demonstrated beyond doubt that abolition was his goal.

Correll you are a racist. I'll make it real simple . Your belief that we as blacks should be grateful to whites for some so called sacrifice they supposedly made for us is a racist belief. Hence your entire last post shows your racism.

You keep talking crazy, but what exactly was abolished Correll? Was the belief that blacls were inferior to whites abolished?

1. And still no actual quote, and no explanation as to how that fits the definition of racism. Thus, you are still an asshole.

2 Believing that gratitude should be shown for efforts made on someone's behalf in no way fits the definition of racism. I do not believe that showing gratitude is a sign of inferiority. Indeed, I think that being UNABLE or UNWILLING to show gratitude to someone who has done something for you, is a sign of inferiority.

3 Slavery was abolished. That this was not followed immediately by some recognition of racial equality, does not detract from the fact that the majority of whites in this country voted for, and then literally FOUGHT for the end of slavery.

If you feel no gratitude or respect for those whites, who ended slavery, you are a worse person for it.

Query: HOw do you feel about the BLACKS who fought to end slavery?

I am not answering that question either. And this is why:

When I mentioned. Dred Scott v Sandford you made the proclamation of how that was in 1857 how that was too long ago. You have done that every time I have mentioned any past wrong doing fro whites But here you are now demanding that I be grateful to whites who you claimed fought to end slavery in a war that has been over for more than 150 years.

Fuck you.
There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.

No, your argument is without merit.

What are you talking about White skin is worth 230 more points?
No, it's really not.

The colleges are so desperate to fill in Blacks in their ranks, that they'll undercut higher performing Whites, and Asians just to fill Black quotas.
That's most certainly reverse discrimination, it's institutional racism.

My argument has 240 years of history that gives it the utmost merit.

If blacks are getting 230 points it means whites have a 230 point advantage because of their race so then blacks are given 230 points to even the score.

It's not racism, its not discrimination. These colleges have GPA standards , If backs are underperforming blacks get suspended or kicked out of that college The SAT score is not an indicator of college work
. Didn't they say it was an indicator of the doorway in, and not about the afterwards or about the work ?? Otherwise they were talking about the white person who was passed over in favor of someone with a much lower score all due to preferential treatment weren't they?? This issue brought up seems to be getting off track on purpose maybe ?? Not sure about the issue, but just following along with you all on it. Did the doorway get moved ?

Whites got preferential treatment by law for 189 years. We have been a nation for 241 years in a couple of weeks. Whites have gotten preferential treatment for 3.6 times the amount of years you claim others get it. So when you understand how that has benefitted whites to the point of where they are today, then talk to me about race or anything pertaining to race.
YOu don't seem to know how to explain how my comments are supposedly racist.

You constantly claim it, but can't back up your claim.

Lincoln won an election, in which only white people voted, as a candidate in favor of increasing rights for blacks, specifically ending slavery.

He won REELECTION as a candidate waging a bloody horrific war with the stated intent of ending slavery in the South.

You back my claims each time you respond. You have been explained as to why your comments are racist. This tactic is not going to work.

Lincolns intent was tp save the Union.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.

Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley

And then there is the matter of the election which you say that only whites voted in. Now this illustrates your ability to lie and your refusal to explain the whole story. Lincoln did not run as a candidate in favor of increasing the rights of blacks.

Abraham Lincoln took the oath as President on March 4, 1861. Among the first words of his Inaugural Address was a pledge (repeating words from an August 1858 speech) intended to placate Southern apprehensions: "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Referring to the proposed Crittenden amendment, which would make explicit constitutional protection of slavery where it already existed, he said, "I have no objection to its being made express, and irrevocable." He also promised to support legislation for the capture and return of runaway slaves.

And then there is the little matter that blacks could not legally vote. But hey why include that when we can lie about how only whites voted and how they were all for "increasing the rights of blacks."

1. The way to demonstrate that someone is saying racist things, is to QUOTE them saying something racist, and then to explain how that statement meets the definition of racism. You have not done that. You have not even TRIED to do that. YOu just keep claiming over and over again that the things I say are racist, without any examples or explanations.

Also, in keeping with my policy of treating people with the respect they treat me, since you refuse to explain or support your vile accusations, making them nothing but personal smears,

FUck you your vile little piece of shit.

2. Lincoln's stated intent was to save the union. His actions demonstrate that that was a political fiction in an attempt to avoid civil war.

3. And yes, blacks were not allowed to vote. THat was my point. The majority of whites in this country voted for the abolitionist, and even in the midst of the bloodiest war in us history, the whites of the North REELECTED him.

AFTER he had demonstrated beyond doubt that abolition was his goal.

Correll you are a racist. I'll make it real simple . Your belief that we as blacks should be grateful to whites for some so called sacrifice they supposedly made for us is a racist belief. Hence your entire last post shows your racism.

You keep talking crazy, but what exactly was abolished Correll? Was the belief that blacls were inferior to whites abolished?

1. And still no actual quote, and no explanation as to how that fits the definition of racism. Thus, you are still an asshole.

2 Believing that gratitude should be shown for efforts made on someone's behalf in no way fits the definition of racism. I do not believe that showing gratitude is a sign of inferiority. Indeed, I think that being UNABLE or UNWILLING to show gratitude to someone who has done something for you, is a sign of inferiority.

3 Slavery was abolished. That this was not followed immediately by some recognition of racial equality, does not detract from the fact that the majority of whites in this country voted for, and then literally FOUGHT for the end of slavery.

If you feel no gratitude or respect for those whites, who ended slavery, you are a worse person for it.

Query: HOw do you feel about the BLACKS who fought to end slavery?

I am not answering that question either. And this is why:

When I mentioned. Dred Scott v Sandford you made the proclamation of how that was in 1857 how that was too long ago. You have done that every time I have mentioned any past wrong doing fro whites But here you are now demanding that I be grateful to whites who you claimed fought to end slavery in a war that has been over for more than 150 years.

Fuck you.

You raised Dred Scott to counter my claim that whites have been for generations fighting FOR increased rights and equality for blacks.

Something that occurred 160 years ago does not counter a claim that something has been on going for the last several generations.

BUT, I note that you admitted that you haven't answered by previous question. That is a step forward for you.

AND you managed to not call me a racist for one post in a row.

I think I am seeing learning occur. GOOD FOR YOU.

FYI, I feel pride for the blacks that fought in the Civil War. Here were Americans in a very horrible time for them, fighting to free others, even while being greatly looked down on by their fellow soldiers.

That must have been very, very hard.
You don't seem to understand how your comments are racist. You also don't seem to understand that your making a clam of how whites have been on the side of increasing rights of blacks is nothing to brag about.

The majority of whites have not been for increasing the rights of blacks and Lincoln believed hat blacks were inferior to whites.

YOu don't seem to know how to explain how my comments are supposedly racist.

You constantly claim it, but can't back up your claim.

Lincoln won an election, in which only white people voted, as a candidate in favor of increasing rights for blacks, specifically ending slavery.

He won REELECTION as a candidate waging a bloody horrific war with the stated intent of ending slavery in the South.

You back my claims each time you respond. You have been explained as to why your comments are racist. This tactic is not going to work.

Lincolns intent was tp save the Union.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.

Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley

And then there is the matter of the election which you say that only whites voted in. Now this illustrates your ability to lie and your refusal to explain the whole story. Lincoln did not run as a candidate in favor of increasing the rights of blacks.

Abraham Lincoln took the oath as President on March 4, 1861. Among the first words of his Inaugural Address was a pledge (repeating words from an August 1858 speech) intended to placate Southern apprehensions: "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Referring to the proposed Crittenden amendment, which would make explicit constitutional protection of slavery where it already existed, he said, "I have no objection to its being made express, and irrevocable." He also promised to support legislation for the capture and return of runaway slaves.

And then there is the little matter that blacks could not legally vote. But hey why include that when we can lie about how only whites voted and how they were all for "increasing the rights of blacks."

1. The way to demonstrate that someone is saying racist things, is to QUOTE them saying something racist, and then to explain how that statement meets the definition of racism. You have not done that. You have not even TRIED to do that. YOu just keep claiming over and over again that the things I say are racist, without any examples or explanations.

Also, in keeping with my policy of treating people with the respect they treat me, since you refuse to explain or support your vile accusations, making them nothing but personal smears,

FUck you your vile little piece of shit.

2. Lincoln's stated intent was to save the union. His actions demonstrate that that was a political fiction in an attempt to avoid civil war.

3. And yes, blacks were not allowed to vote. THat was my point. The majority of whites in this country voted for the abolitionist, and even in the midst of the bloodiest war in us history, the whites of the North REELECTED him.

AFTER he had demonstrated beyond doubt that abolition was his goal.

Correll you are a racist. I'll make it real simple . Your belief that we as blacks should be grateful to whites for some so called sacrifice they supposedly made for us is a racist belief. Hence your entire last post shows your racism.

You keep talking crazy, but what exactly was abolished Correll? Was the belief that blacls were inferior to whites abolished?
A racist calling someone else a racist, is illogical.

That would be illogical. But since I am not a racist, me calling correll who is a racist, one is not.
Give us your input on this guy IM2..

Do you agree or not ?

What input to give ?

It's the same way you get white people like this

and you get white people like this

What's your point ?

It's always been the case that blacks who pretty much agree with whites will have a much easier time getting on television. You always be liked by many white people if you put a black face on white opinion and power. This is why guys like Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Sheriff David Clarke are put out front on Fox News and Sean Hannity etc.

So the white supremacist can say "See !! Were not racist. They're black and even they agree that black people are fucked up" It's the same thing they are dong with Cosby trial.


Blacking up the so called victims to make seem like the trial is not racial.

It's a common tactic white people us.

I mean if I was sit in these forum and talk about "Black on Black" crime, fatherlessness, out-of-wedlock births, drug use and dropping out of high school. You and others would say "Hey. That Essien guy speaks sense"
. You are a disaster, and you putting on these racist doesn't do anything to help your cause in which you have embarked upon with IM2. We can admit to the racism that exist on our side, but you can't. Ok, so I will ask this now " if a black man speaks out about the problems in the black community or about the problems of some black people who cause trouble in the black community", is he or she a sell out ??? If so what are they selling out when battling the bullcrap going on within the black community ?? Are you ashamed when people like the Ferguson guy speaks out like that or does it set you back in your cause is the way you feel about it ??? What is your agenda or cause ??
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.

You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.
Notice how the libtard doesn't mention that it was Southern White Democrats, that owned the slaves, and the Northern White Democrats who voted to keep the south with slaves. It was the Southern White Democrats(KKK) that when about hanging blacks and white Republicans. It was Southern White Democrats(Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's fathers) who wanted the Democrats to bar the doors from blacks and keep blacks in the back of the bus. It is White Democrats today who want to GIVE just enough to blacks to keep then alive and enslaved to the Democrat party, by keep blacks uneducated with public indoctrination(schools). This OP is just another typical student of the indoctrination of the left and it shows greatly, with his goose stepping, liberal kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed, useful idiot mentality.

I bet the OP has never read the constitution either.

View attachment 132925

None of that rant has anything to do with the topic,


This is 2017 not the 1800's and republicans of today are full of shit.​

Bah, you just got a bad case of ONS, looks terminal to me, but I'm no doctor.

You back my claims each time you respond. You have been explained as to why your comments are racist. This tactic is not going to work.

Lincolns intent was tp save the Union.

Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley

And then there is the matter of the election which you say that only whites voted in. Now this illustrates your ability to lie and your refusal to explain the whole story. Lincoln did not run as a candidate in favor of increasing the rights of blacks.

And then there is the little matter that blacks could not legally vote. But hey why include that when we can lie about how only whites voted and how they were all for "increasing the rights of blacks."

1. The way to demonstrate that someone is saying racist things, is to QUOTE them saying something racist, and then to explain how that statement meets the definition of racism. You have not done that. You have not even TRIED to do that. YOu just keep claiming over and over again that the things I say are racist, without any examples or explanations.

Also, in keeping with my policy of treating people with the respect they treat me, since you refuse to explain or support your vile accusations, making them nothing but personal smears,

FUck you your vile little piece of shit.

2. Lincoln's stated intent was to save the union. His actions demonstrate that that was a political fiction in an attempt to avoid civil war.

3. And yes, blacks were not allowed to vote. THat was my point. The majority of whites in this country voted for the abolitionist, and even in the midst of the bloodiest war in us history, the whites of the North REELECTED him.

AFTER he had demonstrated beyond doubt that abolition was his goal.

Correll you are a racist. I'll make it real simple . Your belief that we as blacks should be grateful to whites for some so called sacrifice they supposedly made for us is a racist belief. Hence your entire last post shows your racism.

You keep talking crazy, but what exactly was abolished Correll? Was the belief that blacls were inferior to whites abolished?

1. And still no actual quote, and no explanation as to how that fits the definition of racism. Thus, you are still an asshole.

2 Believing that gratitude should be shown for efforts made on someone's behalf in no way fits the definition of racism. I do not believe that showing gratitude is a sign of inferiority. Indeed, I think that being UNABLE or UNWILLING to show gratitude to someone who has done something for you, is a sign of inferiority.

3 Slavery was abolished. That this was not followed immediately by some recognition of racial equality, does not detract from the fact that the majority of whites in this country voted for, and then literally FOUGHT for the end of slavery.

If you feel no gratitude or respect for those whites, who ended slavery, you are a worse person for it.

Query: HOw do you feel about the BLACKS who fought to end slavery?

I am not answering that question either. And this is why:

When I mentioned. Dred Scott v Sandford you made the proclamation of how that was in 1857 how that was too long ago. You have done that every time I have mentioned any past wrong doing fro whites But here you are now demanding that I be grateful to whites who you claimed fought to end slavery in a war that has been over for more than 150 years.

Fuck you.

You raised Dred Scott to counter my claim that whites have been for generations fighting FOR increased rights and equality for blacks.

Something that occurred 160 years ago does not counter a claim that something has been on going for the last several generations.

BUT, I note that you admitted that you haven't answered by previous question. That is a step forward for you.

AND you managed to not call me a racist for one post in a row.

I think I am seeing learning occur. GOOD FOR YOU.

FYI, I feel pride for the blacks that fought in the Civil War. Here were Americans in a very horrible time for them, fighting to free others, even while being greatly looked down on by their fellow soldiers.

That must have been very, very hard.

There is no leaning here. There have been no generations where the majority of whites have fought for increasing black rights.
1. The way to demonstrate that someone is saying racist things, is to QUOTE them saying something racist, and then to explain how that statement meets the definition of racism. You have not done that. You have not even TRIED to do that. YOu just keep claiming over and over again that the things I say are racist, without any examples or explanations.

Also, in keeping with my policy of treating people with the respect they treat me, since you refuse to explain or support your vile accusations, making them nothing but personal smears,

FUck you your vile little piece of shit.

2. Lincoln's stated intent was to save the union. His actions demonstrate that that was a political fiction in an attempt to avoid civil war.

3. And yes, blacks were not allowed to vote. THat was my point. The majority of whites in this country voted for the abolitionist, and even in the midst of the bloodiest war in us history, the whites of the North REELECTED him.

AFTER he had demonstrated beyond doubt that abolition was his goal.

Correll you are a racist. I'll make it real simple . Your belief that we as blacks should be grateful to whites for some so called sacrifice they supposedly made for us is a racist belief. Hence your entire last post shows your racism.

You keep talking crazy, but what exactly was abolished Correll? Was the belief that blacls were inferior to whites abolished?

1. And still no actual quote, and no explanation as to how that fits the definition of racism. Thus, you are still an asshole.

2 Believing that gratitude should be shown for efforts made on someone's behalf in no way fits the definition of racism. I do not believe that showing gratitude is a sign of inferiority. Indeed, I think that being UNABLE or UNWILLING to show gratitude to someone who has done something for you, is a sign of inferiority.

3 Slavery was abolished. That this was not followed immediately by some recognition of racial equality, does not detract from the fact that the majority of whites in this country voted for, and then literally FOUGHT for the end of slavery.

If you feel no gratitude or respect for those whites, who ended slavery, you are a worse person for it.

Query: HOw do you feel about the BLACKS who fought to end slavery?

I am not answering that question either. And this is why:

When I mentioned. Dred Scott v Sandford you made the proclamation of how that was in 1857 how that was too long ago. You have done that every time I have mentioned any past wrong doing fro whites But here you are now demanding that I be grateful to whites who you claimed fought to end slavery in a war that has been over for more than 150 years.

Fuck you.

You raised Dred Scott to counter my claim that whites have been for generations fighting FOR increased rights and equality for blacks.

Something that occurred 160 years ago does not counter a claim that something has been on going for the last several generations.

BUT, I note that you admitted that you haven't answered by previous question. That is a step forward for you.

AND you managed to not call me a racist for one post in a row.

I think I am seeing learning occur. GOOD FOR YOU.

FYI, I feel pride for the blacks that fought in the Civil War. Here were Americans in a very horrible time for them, fighting to free others, even while being greatly looked down on by their fellow soldiers.

That must have been very, very hard.

There is no leaning here. There have been no generations where the majority of whites have fought for increasing black rights.

What do you base that nonsensical belief on?
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
We want the same things whites do.

Then you work hard, save hard, and get an education.

The way you go about things with your hand open demanding Whitey to owe you the loot, is a wonderful way to piss off Whites.
Just sayin'.

I have a masters degree. So what's your point?

You don't' get it. Nobody black gives a damn about how mad whitey gets. Whitey ain't God? Blacks are owed at least 6.4 trillion dollars for the money we lost due to white racism. .You can pay it or you can keep costing our economy 2 trillion dollars per year .You've been shown this. Unlike the unproven stuff you keep repeating.

So let me say this is in a manner you understand, we don't give a fuck if whitey gets mad. Just sayin.
. And what would you all do with that 6.4 trillion ??? If whitey lined up the businesses and products for you to purchase, then you would claim that it was all a set up, and that whitey stole the money from y'all. Then you would come back to say that it wasn't enough (you underestimated), and that you want to try that again... LOL
Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
We want the same things whites do.

Then you work hard, save hard, and get an education.

The way you go about things with your hand open demanding Whitey to owe you the loot, is a wonderful way to piss off Whites.
Just sayin'.

I have a masters degree. So what's your point?

You don't' get it. Nobody black gives a damn about how mad whitey gets. Whitey ain't God? Blacks are owed at least 6.4 trillion dollars for the money we lost due to white racism. .You can pay it or you can keep costing our economy 2 trillion dollars per year .You've been shown this. Unlike the unproven stuff you keep repeating.

So let me say this is in a manner you understand, we don't give a fuck if whitey gets mad. Just sayin.
. And what would you all do with that 6.4 trillion ??? If whitey lined up the businesses and products for you to purchase, then you would claim that it was all a set up, and that whitey stole the money from y'all. Then you would come back to say that it wasn't enough (you underestimated), and that you want to try that again... LOL

YOu can easily see that that is what he would do,

Because he is doing it RIGHT NOW.

Dismissing ALL THAT WAS DONE by generations of white people, and insisting on judging white people today as though we are all personally slavers.
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
We want the same things whites do.

Then you work hard, save hard, and get an education.

The way you go about things with your hand open demanding Whitey to owe you the loot, is a wonderful way to piss off Whites.
Just sayin'.

I have a masters degree. So what's your point?

You don't' get it. Nobody black gives a damn about how mad whitey gets. Whitey ain't God? Blacks are owed at least 6.4 trillion dollars for the money we lost due to white racism. .You can pay it or you can keep costing our economy 2 trillion dollars per year .You've been shown this. Unlike the unproven stuff you keep repeating.

So let me say this is in a manner you understand, we don't give a fuck if whitey gets mad. Just sayin.
. You got a master's degree ??? In what "how to hate whitey" ??? LOL... I see you wasted your time, and you want 6.4 trillion more to waste ??
1. The way to demonstrate that someone is saying racist things, is to QUOTE them saying something racist, and then to explain how that statement meets the definition of racism. You have not done that. You have not even TRIED to do that. YOu just keep claiming over and over again that the things I say are racist, without any examples or explanations.

Also, in keeping with my policy of treating people with the respect they treat me, since you refuse to explain or support your vile accusations, making them nothing but personal smears,

FUck you your vile little piece of shit.

2. Lincoln's stated intent was to save the union. His actions demonstrate that that was a political fiction in an attempt to avoid civil war.

3. And yes, blacks were not allowed to vote. THat was my point. The majority of whites in this country voted for the abolitionist, and even in the midst of the bloodiest war in us history, the whites of the North REELECTED him.

AFTER he had demonstrated beyond doubt that abolition was his goal.

Correll you are a racist. I'll make it real simple . Your belief that we as blacks should be grateful to whites for some so called sacrifice they supposedly made for us is a racist belief. Hence your entire last post shows your racism.

You keep talking crazy, but what exactly was abolished Correll? Was the belief that blacls were inferior to whites abolished?

1. And still no actual quote, and no explanation as to how that fits the definition of racism. Thus, you are still an asshole.

2 Believing that gratitude should be shown for efforts made on someone's behalf in no way fits the definition of racism. I do not believe that showing gratitude is a sign of inferiority. Indeed, I think that being UNABLE or UNWILLING to show gratitude to someone who has done something for you, is a sign of inferiority.

3 Slavery was abolished. That this was not followed immediately by some recognition of racial equality, does not detract from the fact that the majority of whites in this country voted for, and then literally FOUGHT for the end of slavery.

If you feel no gratitude or respect for those whites, who ended slavery, you are a worse person for it.

Query: HOw do you feel about the BLACKS who fought to end slavery?

I am not answering that question either. And this is why:

When I mentioned. Dred Scott v Sandford you made the proclamation of how that was in 1857 how that was too long ago. You have done that every time I have mentioned any past wrong doing fro whites But here you are now demanding that I be grateful to whites who you claimed fought to end slavery in a war that has been over for more than 150 years.

Fuck you.

You raised Dred Scott to counter my claim that whites have been for generations fighting FOR increased rights and equality for blacks.

Something that occurred 160 years ago does not counter a claim that something has been on going for the last several generations.

BUT, I note that you admitted that you haven't answered by previous question. That is a step forward for you.

AND you managed to not call me a racist for one post in a row.

I think I am seeing learning occur. GOOD FOR YOU.

FYI, I feel pride for the blacks that fought in the Civil War. Here were Americans in a very horrible time for them, fighting to free others, even while being greatly looked down on by their fellow soldiers.

That must have been very, very hard.

There is no leaning here. There have been no generations where the majority of whites have fought for increasing black rights.
. I hope all the useful idiot's are reading your dribble.
Give us your input on this guy IM2..

Do you agree or not ?

What input to give ?

It's the same way you get white people like this

and you get white people like this

What's your point ?

It's always been the case that blacks who pretty much agree with whites will have a much easier time getting on television. You always be liked by many white people if you put a black face on white opinion and power. This is why guys like Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Sheriff David Clarke are put out front on Fox News and Sean Hannity etc.

So the white supremacist can say "See !! Were not racist. They're black and even they agree that black people are fucked up" It's the same thing they are dong with Cosby trial.


Blacking up the so called victims to make seem like the trial is not racial.

It's a common tactic white people us.

I mean if I was sit in these forum and talk about "Black on Black" crime, fatherlessness, out-of-wedlock births, drug use and dropping out of high school. You and others would say "Hey. That Essien guy speaks sense"
. You are a disaster, and you putting on these racist doesn't do anything to help your cause in which you have embarked upon with IM2. We can admit to the racism that exist on our side, but you can't. Ok, so I will ask this now " if a black man speaks out about the problems in the black community or about the problems of some black people who cause trouble in the black community", is he or she a sell out ??? If so what are they selling out when battling the bullcrap going on within the black community ?? Are you ashamed when people like the Ferguson guy speaks out like that or does it set you back in your cause is the way you feel about it ??? What is your agenda or cause ??

Why did the riots occur in Ferguson?

No you can' t admit to the racism on your side. You can't even understand exactly what the racism of your side includes. Being called whitey has cost you nothing. But you equate that to more than 2 centuries of racism by whites that is backed up by law and by policy even to right now.

I have worked in the black community. The guy in your video is not productive to our community.

I have spent 32 years of my life providing ways to help blacks defeat racism. What has the guy the video done? Do you know? All you did was post up someone who validates your racist beliefs. There are millions of blacks working the .problems we have. Where are the whites who are doing the same in white communities? You have a higher rate of crime, drug use, and domestic violence just to name a few things and yet you are here talking about the black community like your white ass lives in the Garden of Eden.

Dehumanizing the Black Lives of America: Michael Eric Dyson on Ferguson, Police Brutality and Race

You could not find this to post, why?
Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
We want the same things whites do.

Then you work hard, save hard, and get an education.

The way you go about things with your hand open demanding Whitey to owe you the loot, is a wonderful way to piss off Whites.
Just sayin'.

I have a masters degree. So what's your point?

You don't' get it. Nobody black gives a damn about how mad whitey gets. Whitey ain't God? Blacks are owed at least 6.4 trillion dollars for the money we lost due to white racism. .You can pay it or you can keep costing our economy 2 trillion dollars per year .You've been shown this. Unlike the unproven stuff you keep repeating.

So let me say this is in a manner you understand, we don't give a fuck if whitey gets mad. Just sayin.
. You got a master's degree ??? In what "how to hate whitey" ??? LOL... I see you wasted your time, and you want 6.4 trillion more to waste ??

I got a masters degree in a discipline taught by an American university. Not all whites believe as you, so hating whitey is not it.
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