The Air Is Leaking From The Conservative Bubble


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The recent firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson should serve as a lesson on what withdrawal from a bastardized ideology looks like.

The latest victim of the conservative drug coursing through the veins of backbiters, liars, and professional destructionist is former Fox producer Abby Grossberg. Yesterday she was interviewed by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who kicked “that [GOP] narcotic” herself following the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

Although some who once considered themselves unflappable Republicans, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele and Lincoln Project co-founder, and strategist, Steve Schmidt, are desperately trying to rid themselves of the stench of Trump.

They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.

Losers gonna lose
The recent firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson should serve as a lesson on what withdrawal from a bastardized ideology looks like.

The latest victim of the conservative drug coursing through the veins of backbiters, liars, and professional destructionist is former Fox producer Abby Grossberg. Yesterday she was interviewed by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who kicked “that [GOP] narcotic” herself following the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

Although some who once considered themselves unflappable Republicans, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele and Lincoln Project co-founder, and strategist, Steve Schmidt, are desperately trying to rid themselves of the stench of Trump.

They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.

Losers gonna lose
and have you heard....trump loves pussy.....the democrats will never understand and at least Joe is a pedophile
The recent firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson should serve as a lesson on what withdrawal from a bastardized ideology looks like.

The latest victim of the conservative drug coursing through the veins of backbiters, liars, and professional destructionist is former Fox producer Abby Grossberg. Yesterday she was interviewed by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who kicked “that [GOP] narcotic” herself following the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

Although some who once considered themselves unflappable Republicans, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele and Lincoln Project co-founder, and strategist, Steve Schmidt, are desperately trying to rid themselves of the stench of Trump.

They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.

Losers gonna lose
Seems the only way you folks can win is by lying, cheating, and attacking a news channel that's really part of the same media conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

John McCain and Mitt Romney were both punching bags for Obama that both threw their perspective elections.
Fox News is just the punching bag for the left.
No real conservative trusts Fox News and you're a fucking idiot if you think we do.
That doesn't mean I trust CNN or another corrupt state-run media source that specializes in advocacy for the DNC.
All this proves is that you people will swallow every hoax turd that the left craps out and then ask for seconds.
The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to be irrefutably exposed for their dishonesty, or reach enlightenment, cease opposition to progress, and then all will be good, are delusions derived from the accurate aspects of the American Experiment, but nullified by the unidentified inadequate, or otherwise, adverse aspects. It is a complex mess, and ultimately, none of the subsisting political parties are prepared to be the benevolent oligarchy to guide us to the American Dream and prove that the system designed over two hundred years ago, and then readjusted by a couple of amendments here and there, finally works correctly, because it is finally being run by the good party is irrational.
The recent firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson should serve as a lesson on what withdrawal from a bastardized ideology looks like.

The latest victim of the conservative drug coursing through the veins of backbiters, liars, and professional destructionist is former Fox producer Abby Grossberg. Yesterday she was interviewed by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who kicked “that [GOP] narcotic” herself following the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

Although some who once considered themselves unflappable Republicans, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele and Lincoln Project co-founder, and strategist, Steve Schmidt, are desperately trying to rid themselves of the stench of Trump.

They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.

Losers gonna lose

you been drinking to much of that queer beer
It seems that the left's bubble deflated a long time ago when the opinion of somebody with the preposterous name of "ReasonaBill" is the best the Daily Kos can do.
The recent firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson should serve as a lesson on what withdrawal from a bastardized ideology looks like.

The latest victim of the conservative drug coursing through the veins of backbiters, liars, and professional destructionist is former Fox producer Abby Grossberg. Yesterday she was interviewed by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who kicked “that [GOP] narcotic” herself following the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

Although some who once considered themselves unflappable Republicans, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele and Lincoln Project co-founder, and strategist, Steve Schmidt, are desperately trying to rid themselves of the stench of Trump.

They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.

Losers gonna lose
Yep. The one saving grace for the GOP is that most Americans have the attention span of a gnat.

Nixon got a second term. Bush II did also. Shockingly, he did it in part by portraying himself as some sort of warrior when, in reality, he defeated a decorated war vet...a guy who served while Bush partied in Alabama.

So I wouldn't count the GOP out in 2024. But it looks really good for Biden at this point.
Yep. The one saving grace for the GOP is that most Americans have the attention span of a gnat.

Nixon got a second term. Bush II did also. Shockingly, he did it in part by portraying himself as some sort of warrior when, in reality, he defeated a decorated war vet...a guy who served while Bush partied in Alabama.

So I wouldn't count the GOP out in 2024. But it looks really good for Biden at this point.

Oh sure, as she shuffles and mumbles around Korea, yet a year and a half away from the election.
They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.
I don't know. People like Steele and Schmidt -- those who are on the outside looking in -- want to improve things through the system, while the base essentially wants to rip the system down. They are the children who want to wreck the sandbox because they're not getting their way.

The rank and file somehow doesn't understand that destroying the system wouldn't happen in a vacuum. Their world has become so small that they don't understand the peripheral damage it would cause the country. They just want to scream and shoot and emote and repeat slogans.

Even worse, there is now an element on the Right that simply no longer cares. They appear to be fine with seeing the whole thing fall apart, whether it rises again or not. They lack the capacity to convince others by leveraging intelligence and reason, so fuck it, they want to just end it. Like suicide.

Maybe Steele and Schmidt see a path back to sanity for the party. Good luck to them, for the sake of the country, before it's too late. I'll believe it when I see it.
The recent firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson should serve as a lesson on what withdrawal from a bastardized ideology looks like.

The latest victim of the conservative drug coursing through the veins of backbiters, liars, and professional destructionist is former Fox producer Abby Grossberg. Yesterday she was interviewed by MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who kicked “that [GOP] narcotic” herself following the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

Although some who once considered themselves unflappable Republicans, like former RNC Chair Michael Steele and Lincoln Project co-founder, and strategist, Steve Schmidt, are desperately trying to rid themselves of the stench of Trump.

They long for the days when entering a room, people do not hold their noses.

Losers gonna lose
LOL. So, you really think that any lost viewers are going to be flocking to vote for Democrats?
One theory on Tucker's firing is that Blackrock had him fired after they bought 15% of Fox News just recently. Tucker has been attacking ESG's for months on his shows and Blackrock has lost millions as a result. This was payback.

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