The Afghan Army

Name a country.
I named several. Why don’t you name one that is a democracy with the same rights as ours? Name one that has a sizable population of Jews and Christians. Name one that allows free speech and criticism towards its own government. Name one that allows homosexuality.
I named several. Why don’t you name one that is a democracy with the same rights as ours? Name one that has a sizable population of Jews and Christians. Name one that allows free speech and criticism towards its own government.
The largest Jewish community after Israel in the Middle East is in Iran. By law a seat in the parliament is reserved for a Jewish representative
Egypt has a large number of Christians estimated to be almost 10% of the population, about 10 million people.
I named several. Why don’t you name one that is a democracy with the same rights as ours? Name one that has a sizable population of Jews and Christians. Name one that allows free speech and criticism towards its own government. Name one that allows homosexuality.

Iraq has a sizeable population of Christians and Jews... So does Bahrain.. Saudi Arabia has 40,000 Christians.. They don't vote. Iraq had Christians and Jews.

Morocco, Libya, Iran and Iraq had sizeable Jewish population unti 1948.

The United Arab Emirates gained its independence from the UK on December 2, 1971. Its constitution was established on independence, and was made permanent in 1996. The form of government can be referred to as a federal presidential elected monarchy, as the president is elected from among the absolute monarchs who rule each of the seven emirates.

Shura Council and Majlis are both for Consulatation. The Saudi monarchy consults with the governors, clerics, royal family, technocrats and merchant class.

Forcing our ways on them is the stuff of the ugly American and the ignorant.
Are they made of chocolate ? A bump in the road seems to cause the Taliban more problems than they do.
And what were the Americans doing there for 20 years ? Sitting on their arses by the look of it.
Since we didn't really have enough presence to make a difference, we should have been making sure Government forces could defend themselves.
LOL Turkey. Yea, when the Ataturks ruled they had to overthrow the government every other decade, because the people kept elected radicals. Well now they are gone thanks to the Hussein not backing them, now Erdofag is turning Turkey into a regular radicalized Muslim shit hole.

LOL Lebanon? Lebanon used to be a Christian nation, then they allowed millions of Muslim refugees in. Then when Muslims had the numbers, proceeded to start a civil war and genocide the Christians. That’s been a shit hole ever since.

Egypt just went through a bunch of bullshit with the Muslim Brotherhood that the Hussein backed. Thankfully they were kicked to the curb, so for now Egypt is okay. But it’s only a matter of time until the radicals take over again.

Iraq is a joke, as soon as we leave Iraq the same thing will happen, and Iran will step in and start a civil war and genocide.
We should had broken up Iraq into different nations according to its ethnic groups, so they could live in some relative peace. But even then the different factions of Muslims hate each other they probably would had started wars anyway.

Again, I could care less if they are radicals ruled by dictators. We should leave them be and just contain them to the ME. They would be happy to start wars and genocide each other. That would be a win win situation for us, instead of pushing democracy and multiculturalism onto them.

USA can not even organize a flawless election.
USA is increasingly witnessing civil violence, just pick your story (BLM, Antifa, Capitol Hill, Proud boys etc.).
Ok, in Middle East are the Islamists, what's your excuse for USA turning into a banana country ?

Are they made of chocolate ? A bump in the road seems to cause the Taliban more problems than they do.
And what were the Americans doing there for 20 years ? Sitting on their arses by the look of it.
MerryCants were making sure the poppy crops were safe and healthy

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