The ABC's of Environmentalism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The aim of the environmental movement is to "keep 'em primitive," meaning don't let children lose those childhood fantasies. Encourage them to talk to trees and think of animals as their equals who just never learned to speak human language.

And, as environmentalism is a religion, instill catechisms, such as "two legs bad, four legs good" (Orwell). Just slightly more sophisticated are these versions:

a. Recycling is always good

b. Forests are disappearing due to the greedy developers.

c. Global warming threatens life on earth

d. Greed is the cause of environmental problems

e. Nature is always right

f. Primitive people are smarter managers of nature than we are.
(Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 85-86)

2. "...recycling frequently costs more than it saves...the use of reusable cloth diapers may save trees, but it also wastes energy through both production and repeated washings...requiring lots of water and detergents. ...sewage plants [must increase] chemical use. Recycling paper also saves trees, but the chemicals necessary to remove ink and stains create more pollutants than the chemicals used to process new wood."
Kaufman, Op. Cit.

a. How about the threat that we are running out of landfill? "...we are making so much garbage that in many places there is not enough room to bury it all."
"50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth," byEarthWorks Group andSophie Javna" "

b. When will the United States run out of landfill space? Not for centuries. "

3. How about all those avaricious builders who are destroying all the forest? Kids learn about this in books and films, like "Fern Gully": " The magical inhabitants of a rain-forest fight to save their home, which is threatened by logging and a polluting force of destruction called Hexxus."

These claims vary between exaggerations and lies.

a. For example: "... the ‘Eco-Fascists’ have managed the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!

b. "...we now have more forests than we had fifty years ago, and the tree covering is increasing. A large part of the reason for this increase is ethat we have replaced the horse on farms and roads with tractors, autos, buses, and trucks. Every horse and mule used for power used some two or three acres of cleared pasture land. Even in Europe, wher children are told tehat air pollution has created 'forest death' or waldsterben, scientists have found what journalists and textbook writers do not want to hear- forests are expanding."
Kaufman, Op. Cit., p. 87.

BTW....Professor Wallace Kaufman, quoted extensively above, is a well known environmental activist, and past president of several environmental groups.
He speaks the truth.

4. " NYC Bans Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers, Opens Market to Alternatives" NYC Bans Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers Opens Market to Alternatives - Scientific American

Plastics bad??? Leads us to the eternal query: Plastic or paper.

Professor Hocking compared the 10.1 gram paper cup made from fully-bleached kraft pulp with the 1.5 gram expandable bead ("Styrofoam) polystyrene cup. His primary findings are:

a. Because 6 times as much wood pulp as polystyrene is required to produce a cup, the paper cups consume about 12 times as much steam, 36 times as much electricity and twice as much cooling water as a polystyrene cup.

b. Producing the pulp required of a paper cup results in 580 times the volume of waste water compared to the polystyrene requirement for the foam cup. Contaminants present in thewastewater from pulping and bleaching operations are estimated to be 10 to 100 times those present in wastewater streams for polystyrene processing.

c. Air emissions per metric ton of bleached pulp are estimated at 22.7 kg per metric ton compared with 53 kg per metric ton of polystyrene, but Hocking estimates that on a per cup basis this becomes 136 kg from paper versus 53 kg from polyfoam.

d. Hocking writes that the 43 kg of pentane employed as the blowing agent for each metric ton of polystyrene used is "the most significant single emission to air from the two technologies."

e. Although recognizing that pentane is a "greenhouse effect" gas, he argues that, theoretically, the methane (another greenhouse gas) produced from the anaerobic decomposition of paper cups in a landfill more than offsets the greenhouse effect of pentane emissions.

Based on these findings, Hocking concludes that "for single-use applications it would appear that polystyrene foam cups should be given a much more even-handed assessment as regards their environmental impact relative to paper cups than they have received during the last few years."

4. " NYC Bans Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers, Opens Market to Alternatives" NYC Bans Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers Opens Market to Alternatives - Scientific American

Plastics bad??? Leads us to the eternal query: Plastic or paper.

Professor Hocking compared the 10.1 gram paper cup made from fully-bleached kraft pulp with the 1.5 gram expandable bead ("Styrofoam) polystyrene cup. His primary findings are:

a. Because 6 times as much wood pulp as polystyrene is required to produce a cup, the paper cups consume about 12 times as much steam, 36 times as much electricity and twice as much cooling water as a polystyrene cup.

b. Producing the pulp required of a paper cup results in 580 times the volume of waste water compared to the polystyrene requirement for the foam cup. Contaminants present in thewastewater from pulping and bleaching operations are estimated to be 10 to 100 times those present in wastewater streams for polystyrene processing.

c. Air emissions per metric ton of bleached pulp are estimated at 22.7 kg per metric ton compared with 53 kg per metric ton of polystyrene, but Hocking estimates that on a per cup basis this becomes 136 kg from paper versus 53 kg from polyfoam.

d. Hocking writes that the 43 kg of pentane employed as the blowing agent for each metric ton of polystyrene used is "the most significant single emission to air from the two technologies."

e. Although recognizing that pentane is a "greenhouse effect" gas, he argues that, theoretically, the methane (another greenhouse gas) produced from the anaerobic decomposition of paper cups in a landfill more than offsets the greenhouse effect of pentane emissions.

Based on these findings, Hocking concludes that "for single-use applications it would appear that polystyrene foam cups should be given a much more even-handed assessment as regards their environmental impact relative to paper cups than they have received during the last few years."

There is no science behind the religion of environmentalism.
With my 43 acre forest, my policy is never to waste a good tree..replant and no toxic chemicals...
According to PC that's unamerican. Planting a new tree causes three times the damage of just cutting down another one.
I enjoy my madness, she can continue to live on concrete where nothing grows but in middle of a city..

I have a 70 foot pine in front of my castle.

And piranhas in the moat.
With my 43 acre forest, my policy is never to waste a good tree..replant and no toxic chemicals...
According to PC that's unamerican. Planting a new tree causes three times the damage of just cutting down another one.

The environmental movement has made it less than economical to keep old trees....look up the RCW (red-cockaded woodpecker) problems in mature trees. Folks cut down their trees before they reach maturity.

And junior high school humor....
With my 43 acre forest, my policy is never to waste a good tree..replant and no toxic chemicals...
According to PC that's unamerican. Planting a new tree causes three times the damage of just cutting down another one.

Good stewardship and envirowackoism crap are two entirely different things. Any good logging operation knows that you must replant for future jobs. ITS COMMONSENSE....

Thinking things through and using your dam brain is something the alarmist wackos dont do. The alarmist mantra is built on lies and deception. Time to pull you head out of your asses..
With my 43 acre forest, my policy is never to waste a good tree..replant and no toxic chemicals...
According to PC that's unamerican. Planting a new tree causes three times the damage of just cutting down another one.

Good stewardship and envirowackoism crap are two entirely different things. Any good logging operation knows that you must replant for future jobs. ITS COMMONSENSE....

Thinking things through and using your dam brain is something the alarmist wackos dont do. The alarmist mantra is built on lies and deception. Time to pull you head out of your asses..
I've never seen one tree replanted when property is logged by loggers, in this area..
With my 43 acre forest, my policy is never to waste a good tree..replant and no toxic chemicals...
According to PC that's unamerican. Planting a new tree causes three times the damage of just cutting down another one.

Good stewardship and envirowackoism crap are two entirely different things. Any good logging operation knows that you must replant for future jobs. ITS COMMONSENSE....

Thinking things through and using your dam brain is something the alarmist wackos dont do. The alarmist mantra is built on lies and deception. Time to pull you head out of your asses..
I've never seen one tree replanted when property is logged by loggers, in this area..

DO they leave mature trees spotted throughout the area? Do they do a ground burn to clear limbs and open the seed pods of pines near the end of operations?

The ground burn opens the seed pod of pines that have been cut down reseeding the area. many people are clueless to how the pine tree reproduces. One of the effects of fire fighting small fires has stopped the natural reseeding process and removal of damaged trees. Man is pretty stupid when it comes to land management of forests, but they have learned much in the last 30 years and are changing practices. The US Forest Service was more damaging than logging operations to our nations forests for many years. They now allow fires to burn and natural process to happen. To the untrained person they simply do not understand what is happening.
Environmentalism is simply one iteration of Leftist, of control of people's lives and assets.
And they do it by dreaming up one hand-wringing crisis after another. Simpletons buy it like it was on sale!
And they do it with the passions of an Elmer Gantry.....and, irony of irony, their adherents claim that members of other religions are fools!

5. Some other cornerstones of the environmentalist cult are hatred of pesticides and genetically engineered foods.

a. “We are energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment, just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs imbibe.” Michael Crichton.

Climate Change As Religion The Gospel According To Gore - Forbes

b. " For Progressives, science and technology are great…until they go too far! They oppose nuclear power, and genetically modified food, demanding that corporations prove a food or chemical is safe…rather than the common sense demand, wait for it to be unsafe. While claiming to wholeheartedly trust in science and scientists, Progressives do so only until scientific findings fail to uphold their cherished progressive values. When that occurs, the progressives accuse the scientists of transforming into shills for big industry."
"Science Left Behind: Feel-Good Fallacies and the Rise of the Anti-Scientific Left," byAlex BerezowandHank Campbell, chapter one.

c. The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who s More Anti-Science Republicans or Democrats -
I disagree with GMO food being safe. Many new studies show sterility, obesity, certain cancers and insulin dependent diabetes are directly linked to the modifications. Lab mice and chimps have all replicated these problems.

This is one area I simply do not agree on. The facts are damming.
I've never seen one tree replanted when property is logged by loggers, in this area..
Seriously? Where I live it is common practice to replant logged areas. Young actively growing forests benefit the environment immensly and also provide future wood and pulp for the companies that harvest them. It's standard practice in my neck of the USA to replant harvested forest. They treat it just like any food crop, corn, potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, soybean, you name it, they replant.
6. Perhaps the best indicator that environmentalism is simply one more form of communism is its hatred of the free market in general, and corporations, specifically. For the Left, 'profit' is anathema; e.g., the environmental movement, and 'Occupy Wall Street.'

Somehow, Leftists are prone to believe that the wealthy don't need clean water and air just like anyone else. Or that the owners of corporations are perfectly happy to kill off their own customers.

Envy seems to be an antidote to common sense.

a. Of course, the glaring error is that the simpletons of the Left don't realize that most corporations are owned by ordinary folks, and even 'environmentalists' want the best price for any land they sell.

a. Here is an example:
“Exxon Mobil, in fact, is owned mostly by ordinary Americans. Mutual funds, index funds and pension funds (including union pension funds) own about 52 percent of Exxon Mobil’s shares. Individual shareholders, about two million or so, own almost all the rest. The pooh-bahs who run Exxon own less than 1 percent of the company.
7. And, one more aspect- this one appropriate to mention on a Sunday......the same folks who decry religion being taught in public schools, i.e., Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, are perfectly copacetic with the religion of environmentalism rearing its ugly head.

The religious holiday, Earth Day, the annual event, celebrated on April 22, coincidentally " The first Earth Day took place April 22, 1970. The centennial of Lenin’s birth took place April 22, 1970." (Happy Earth Day and Lenin Day The American Spectator ..

.....a pagan religious holiday if ever there was one: all hail Gaia, Mother Earth!

a. "As the largest environmental celebration on the planet, impacting practically every community in the Western World, it is imperative that we grasp the importance of this movement. You see, Earth Day isn’t just a twenty-four hour global event, but the tip of a needle that seeks to infect the world with a radical anti-human philosophy.

... some aspects that are often overlooked – yet are visible to those who understand the symbolism and spiritual undercurrents that guide this movement." All for Gaia - Earth Day and Total Transformation

b. "Earth religion is a term used mostly in the context of neopaganism.

Earth-centered religion or nature worship is a system of religion based on the veneration of natural phenomena.[1] It covers any religion that worships the earth,nature, or fertility gods and goddesses, such as the various forms of goddess worship or matriarchal religion. Also most Indian religions can be included in earth religion. Some find a connection between earth-worship and the Gaia hypothesis."
Earth religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Seems our Leftist pals are not really against religion......just the Judeo-Christian forms.

c. "Although humans have worshiped various incarnations of the earth-goddess Gaia for centuries, modern Environmentalism was founded by Rachel Carson in 1962 with the publication of her book Silent Spring.

Carson taught that the use of certain pesticides upset Gaia through their deleterious effects on certain birds, and that Gaia preferred that humans simply accept the possibility of death from mosquito-transmitted malaria, a disease created by Gaia herself.

Following closely behind her was scientist/prophet Paul Ehrlich, who preached that Gaia demanded the cessation of economic growth and human reproduction or else she would starve to death hundreds of millions of people."

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