The 21st Century Confederacy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Anti-Biden ad with Obama's voice came from PAC led by Coloradan

Excuse me everybody because I am about to be very, very blunt here. It is time for republicans to stop the race pimping. Plain and simple. I for one am tired of it. So let me cut to the chase. You republicans don't get to talk about how you never owned slaves, how you were not around during slavery then tell us blacks that we should join the current republican party because they freed the slaves. You were not alive then, you aren't responsible for what your grandparents did, don't take credit so you can try tricking blacks into joining your party so you can impose your racist agenda. The republican party of today did not free the slaves. The republican party of today endorses the confederacy. The confederacy was all about slavery.

Black republicans need to wake the fuck up. They're pawns. Keep on grinning for massa charley and see what you get. For 100 years after Lincoln freed the slaves we lived in apartheid in the north, south, east and west. Republican states and democratic states. Republican presidents and Democratic presidents. All practiced apartheid. It is the one thing that was truly bi partisan. But republicans think we are dumb, that all they have to say is slavery and plantation and we'll just up and leave the democratic party to embrace the 21st century confederacy.

And so ignoring racism and denying the existence of white supremacy is independent thinking. Funny how it is whites telling blacks that and then we get the sellouts who actually believe they are free and independent because the white man tells them that's how they should think. And while they tell us how ignoring white racism is independent thinking, they run around talking abut reverse racism and anti white racism.

So it's time for the bs to come to a close. It's time for republicans to end the racism or shut up trying to tell black people disingenuous tales about the republican party. I don't want to hear how not all republicans are racists, because if you are non racist, you reject racism no matter what. Racism, not criticism of the whites who are continuing to practice racism, for being racists. You don't vote for a candidate endorsed by the KKK. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HOW F-ING BAD YOU REPUBLICANS THOUGHT HILLARY WAS, SHE WAS NOT SO BAD THAT THE KKK ENDORSED HER! But white republicans who don't face racism and stupid fattened up blacks who made a few bucks and now they ain't black, they're OJ, figured that racism could not be as bad as Hillary Clinton.

Of course many people here at USMB don't give a damn because they are white supremacists.

So it's like this. There is no democratic plantation. Republicans have been no better on race than democrats. This is not 1865 and todays republican party is controlled by racists. That's the majority of the republican base. So if you didn't own slaves when we talk about reparations, you didn't free slaves in 2020.
Anti-Biden ad with Obama's voice came from PAC led by Coloradan
Excuse me everybody because I am about to be very, very blunt here. It is time for republicans to stop the race pimping. Plain and simple. I for one am tired of it.

A Coloradan? Sounds pretty racist to me. Are you about to be very blunt, IM2? You mean you been holding back? And you are sick and tired of Republicans race pimping? Apparently not so much that you are equally sick and tired of the Democrats doing it as well.

WHEN YOU COME OUT against race pimping whether done by EITHER side and stop it yourself, then maybe you'll have some slight cred here.
Doesn't it suck that Obama and Biden both had ancestors that owned slaves???

When are you going to knock on their doors, and demand your reparations???
You say that like it's a bad thing ...

It must really suck to wake up every morning thinking you're in the 1920's.


It must suck to stay triggered when you see a black person calling you out for what republicans are doing in 2020.
Anti-Biden ad with Obama's voice came from PAC led by Coloradan
Excuse me everybody because I am about to be very, very blunt here. It is time for republicans to stop the race pimping. Plain and simple. I for one am tired of it.

A Coloradan? Sounds pretty racist to me. Are you about to be very blunt, IM2? You mean you been holding back? And you are sick and tired of Republicans race pimping? Apparently not so much that you are equally sick and tired of the Democrats doing it as well.

WHEN YOU COME OUT against race pimping whether done by EITHER side and stop it yourself, then maybe you'll have some slight cred here.
Colorado is a state dumb ass and I did not write the article. I don't give a fuck about getting cred from white supremacists. I am calling out the real race pimping not the imaginary race pimping you supremacists make up. I expect you triggered idiots to say what you are. Your white fragility doesn't allow you to man up.
The standard stupid coming from the usual suspects. White fragility on display. So you are for reparations since republicans freed the slaves but didn't provide economic assistance. Thank you for your support for reparations.
IM2 is still butthurt because his great, great, great, great, grandmammy and grandpappy were slaves. ... :cuckoo:. :cuckoo:

The ultimate irony would be if it turned out his great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather was owned by the very democrats he defends! Like Biden's ancestors!
Once again, there was 100 years after slavery where apartheid was the law of the land and it was practiced by republicans and democrats. So repeating the dumb ass refrain of democrats owned slaves is dead. You guys are too cowardly to discuss this matter because you know it kills your race pimped lie. And then we have the modern support of the confederacy by republicans. The confederacy seceded and created their country so they could own slaves. So the republican party of today is all about the support of slavery. You guys are members of the 21st Century Confederacy. Go put your gray uniforms on.
3 things that are so certain you could bet your life on it.

- The sun rises in the east.
- Water is wet.
- Yet another racist thread by IM2. :auiqs.jpg:
Anti-Biden ad with Obama's voice came from PAC led by Coloradan

Excuse me everybody because I am about to be very, very blunt here. It is time for republicans to stop the race pimping. Plain and simple. I for one am tired of it. So let me cut to the chase. You republicans don't get to talk about how you never owned slaves, how you were not around during slavery then tell us blacks that we should join the current republican party because they freed the slaves. You were not alive then, you aren't responsible for what your grandparents did, don't take credit so you can try tricking blacks into joining your party so you can impose your racist agenda. The republican party of today did not free the slaves. The republican party of today endorses the confederacy. The confederacy was all about slavery.

Black republicans need to wake the fuck up. They're pawns. Keep on grinning for massa charley and see what you get. For 100 years after Lincoln freed the slaves we lived in apartheid in the north, south, east and west. Republican states and democratic states. Republican presidents and Democratic presidents. All practiced apartheid. It is the one thing that was truly bi partisan. But republicans think we are dumb, that all they have to say is slavery and plantation and we'll just up and leave the democratic party to embrace the 21st century confederacy.

And so ignoring racism and denying the existence of white supremacy is independent thinking. Funny how it is whites telling blacks that and then we get the sellouts who actually believe they are free and independent because the white man tells them that's how they should think. And while they tell us how ignoring white racism is independent thinking, they run around talking abut reverse racism and anti white racism.

So it's time for the bs to come to a close. It's time for republicans to end the racism or shut up trying to tell black people disingenuous tales about the republican party. I don't want to hear how not all republicans are racists, because if you are non racist, you reject racism no matter what. Racism, not criticism of the whites who are continuing to practice racism, for being racists. You don't vote for a candidate endorsed by the KKK. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HOW F-ING BAD YOU REPUBLICANS THOUGHT HILLARY WAS, SHE WAS NOT SO BAD THAT THE KKK ENDORSED HER! But white republicans who don't face racism and stupid fattened up blacks who made a few bucks and now they ain't black, they're OJ, figured that racism could not be as bad as Hillary Clinton.

Of course many people here at USMB don't give a damn because they are white supremacists.

So it's like this. There is no democratic plantation. Republicans have been no better on race than democrats. This is not 1865 and todays republican party is controlled by racists. That's the majority of the republican base. So if you didn't own slaves when we talk about reparations, you didn't free slaves in 2020.

Hello, IM2. Like me, do you experience EMBARRASSMENT & ANGER witnessing America's large LIBERAL-leaning, SEGREGATION-minded, #INTRA_RACIAL_DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing ProBlack community LOUDLY bullying & INTIMIDATING peaceful, free thinking fellow citizens?

Succinctly, veteran social commentator Mr. David Carroll explains how to become an admired SUPPORTER of America's large #Segregation-minded, FEMALE-dominated, LIBERAL-leaning #IntraRacialDiscrimination & HATE practicing #ProBlackCommunity:


_SENSIBLE Citizens Ben Carson, Republican, Democrat.png


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