Thanks God MCCain lost

Of course they are! BFD? They don't stand a chance. That issue is a distraction. And if all else fails, TORT REFORM is the ultimate ace in the hole. Politicians think the public is dumb. No, they know it.

Anyways, thank God McCain didn't win. Iraq would cost more, more jobs would go overseas, wages would continue to lower, we wouldn't have closed those offshore loophole tax breaks that cost the treasury over a billion dollars a year.

Tax breaks to the rich would continue. We'd continue to waste money on defense and we'd continue ending social programs that go to the masses and not the rich.

We'd have another 4 years of what Bush gave us. At best the corporations were doing great, but labor was left behind.

We don't know if Obama can undo what the GOP did. But we sure as hell know McCain wouldn't have done SHIT!

Hey--if McCain would have won--he certainly would have vetoed the new 2.7 MILLION taxpayer funded SURGERY CENTER IN OUTER SPACE---:lol::lol::lol: "Payoff to democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska."

I mean that's going to be one hell of an ambulance ride--don't ya think? - : Letter to Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska): Ben Nelson's vote bought off with more Deficit Pork Spending

How's all that Hopey & Changey working for ya?----:lol::lol:

View attachment 8999

And we're going to have to pay off Lieberman to get his vote too. So what? Those bastards are voting with the GOP obstuctionists. Us Democrats want them replaced in the primaries too. We tried to get rid of Lieberman too, but Republicans voted for him when he lost the Dem primary but ran as an independent. Ben Nelson is a scumbag. But we need his vote. Sorry thats the way politics work. But at least I like the Democratic agenda.

You supported Bush's agenda. His agenda didn't help anyone but the rich. And it didn't trickle down. He gave them tax breaks and bankrupted the treasury with war, and then the bank collapse happened right at the end of his watch. As if it wasn't all planned. Biggest bank robbery ever!!!

There is only so much Obama and Pelosi & Reed can do. If more people like you would wake up, we'd actually be able to take this country back. But instead you vote with the oil companies and healthcare giants ripping us off. What sense does that make?

On every issue, wages, NAFTA, CEO pay, bankruptsy laws, labor, tax breaks for the rich, etc., on EVERY ISSUE, you and McCain are dead wrong. Unless you too are rich like them? If so, then vote GOP. You should. If you are middle class, you're a fool. Brainwashed.

And I wonder, "do these people know what's really going on and they are lying on every issue like gay marriage, global warming, stem cell, sending jobs overseas, deregulations, war,

Isn't it funny how Liberman was a Democrat but now not only is he pro iraq war, but he's NOW also anti healthcare reform?

So yes, we are going to make deals with guys like Ben Nelson, because otherwise he'll continue siding with Republicans, lobbyists and corporations instead of voters.

Wooha.... Butt kicks in the Big Tent,
Of course they are! BFD? They don't stand a chance. That issue is a distraction. And if all else fails, TORT REFORM is the ultimate ace in the hole. Politicians think the public is dumb. No, they know it.

Anyways, thank God McCain didn't win. Iraq would cost more, more jobs would go overseas, wages would continue to lower, we wouldn't have closed those offshore loophole tax breaks that cost the treasury over a billion dollars a year.

Tax breaks to the rich would continue. We'd continue to waste money on defense and we'd continue ending social programs that go to the masses and not the rich.

We'd have another 4 years of what Bush gave us. At best the corporations were doing great, but labor was left behind.

We don't know if Obama can undo what the GOP did. But we sure as hell know McCain wouldn't have done SHIT!

Hey--if McCain would have won--he certainly would have vetoed the new 2.7 MILLION taxpayer funded SURGERY CENTER IN OUTER SPACE---:lol::lol::lol: "Payoff to democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska."

I mean that's going to be one hell of an ambulance ride--don't ya think? - : Letter to Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska): Ben Nelson's vote bought off with more Deficit Pork Spending

How's all that Hopey & Changey working for ya?----:lol::lol:

View attachment 8999

And we're going to have to pay off Lieberman to get his vote too. So what? Those bastards are voting with the GOP obstuctionists. Us Democrats want them replaced in the primaries too. We tried to get rid of Lieberman too, but Republicans voted for him when he lost the Dem primary but ran as an independent. Ben Nelson is a scumbag. But we need his vote. Sorry thats the way politics work. But at least I like the Democratic agenda.

You supported Bush's agenda. His agenda didn't help anyone but the rich. And it didn't trickle down. He gave them tax breaks and bankrupted the treasury with war, and then the bank collapse happened right at the end of his watch. As if it wasn't all planned. Biggest bank robbery ever!!!

There is only so much Obama and Pelosi & Reed can do. If more people like you would wake up, we'd actually be able to take this country back. But instead you vote with the oil companies and healthcare giants ripping us off. What sense does that make?

On every issue, wages, NAFTA, CEO pay, bankruptsy laws, labor, tax breaks for the rich, etc., on EVERY ISSUE, you and McCain are dead wrong. Unless you too are rich like them? If so, then vote GOP. You should. If you are middle class, you're a fool. Brainwashed.

And I wonder, "do these people know what's really going on and they are lying on every issue like gay marriage, global warming, stem cell, sending jobs overseas, deregulations, war,

Isn't it funny how Liberman was a Democrat but now not only is he pro iraq war, but he's NOW also anti healthcare reform?

So yes, we are going to make deals with guys like Ben Nelson, because otherwise he'll continue siding with Republicans, lobbyists and corporations instead of voters.

In case you haven't heard--Lieberman told Harry Reid to blow off. I am a middle class 30+ year sub-s corporation--used to have employees don't now--because of outrageous government spending & incompetent mis-management of government agencies.

Your hero Barack Obama did absolutely NADA for small business in this country which is still the largest employer in this country. Instead he used taxpayer dollars to bail out the auto unions--a major voting block for the democrat party--in his "too big to fail b.s."

He completely ignored the construction industry in this country which is 3 times larger than the largest union in this country (the auto industry). Construction in this country is primarily non-union. Right now we have an 18.7% unemployment rate in the construction industry--which employs millions of Americans.

Obama & democrats had a perfect opportunity to put millions of construction workers back to work in the 787 BILLION dollar so called stimulus bill that wasn't & to add to green energy sources at the same time. BY BUILDING a freakin nuclear power plant. Yet, they didn't dedicate one single penny for a nuclear power plant. They gave 11 billion for infracstructure for wind power to be generated back to power plants--when experts across the field needed 110 billion to complete.

Your party is so full of B.S.--now add to this--spending money in the worst economic crisis since the great depression--"quoted right out of your messiah's mouth" to build a surgery center in outer space--is a little over the top for me.

Hey--if McCain would have won--he certainly would have vetoed the new 2.7 MILLION taxpayer funded SURGERY CENTER IN OUTER SPACE---:lol::lol::lol: "Payoff to democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska."

I mean that's going to be one hell of an ambulance ride--don't ya think? - : Letter to Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska): Ben Nelson's vote bought off with more Deficit Pork Spending

How's all that Hopey & Changey working for ya?----:lol::lol:

View attachment 8999

And we're going to have to pay off Lieberman to get his vote too. So what? Those bastards are voting with the GOP obstuctionists. Us Democrats want them replaced in the primaries too. We tried to get rid of Lieberman too, but Republicans voted for him when he lost the Dem primary but ran as an independent. Ben Nelson is a scumbag. But we need his vote. Sorry thats the way politics work. But at least I like the Democratic agenda.

You supported Bush's agenda. His agenda didn't help anyone but the rich. And it didn't trickle down. He gave them tax breaks and bankrupted the treasury with war, and then the bank collapse happened right at the end of his watch. As if it wasn't all planned. Biggest bank robbery ever!!!

There is only so much Obama and Pelosi & Reed can do. If more people like you would wake up, we'd actually be able to take this country back. But instead you vote with the oil companies and healthcare giants ripping us off. What sense does that make?

On every issue, wages, NAFTA, CEO pay, bankruptsy laws, labor, tax breaks for the rich, etc., on EVERY ISSUE, you and McCain are dead wrong. Unless you too are rich like them? If so, then vote GOP. You should. If you are middle class, you're a fool. Brainwashed.

And I wonder, "do these people know what's really going on and they are lying on every issue like gay marriage, global warming, stem cell, sending jobs overseas, deregulations, war,

Isn't it funny how Liberman was a Democrat but now not only is he pro iraq war, but he's NOW also anti healthcare reform?

So yes, we are going to make deals with guys like Ben Nelson, because otherwise he'll continue siding with Republicans, lobbyists and corporations instead of voters.

In case you haven't heard--Lieberman told Harry Reid to blow off. I am a middle class 30+ year sub-s corporation--used to have employees don't now--because of outrageous government spending & incompetent mis-management of government agencies.

Your hero Barack Obama did absolutely NADA for small business in this country which is still the largest employer in this country. Instead he used taxpayer dollars to bail out the auto unions--a major voting block for the democrat party--in his "too big to fail b.s."

He completely ignored the construction industry in this country which is 3 times larger than the largest union in this country (the auto industry). Construction in this country is primarily non-union. Right now we have an 18.7% unemployment rate in the construction industry--which employs millions of Americans.

Obama & democrats had a perfect opportunity to put millions of construction workers back to work in the 787 BILLION dollar so called stimulus bill that wasn't & to add to green energy sources at the same time. BY BUILDING a freakin nuclear power plant. Yet, they didn't dedicate one single penny for a nuclear power plant. They gave 11 billion for infracstructure for wind power to be generated back to power plants--when experts across the field needed 110 billion to complete.

Your party is so full of B.S.--now add to this--spending money in the worst economic crisis since the great depression--"quoted right out of your messiah's mouth" to build a surgery center in outer space--is a little over the top for me.

View attachment 9000

Fuck nuclear. We don't need that. We also don't need to drill baby drill. Relax cowboy. There's plenty of oil. The rich under Bush created an energy crisis. Its all under control now buddy. Until the election. Then the oil company will fuck with the dems and raise prices. Watch.

He ignored construction? That's all the spending I see in my area are road projects that are being paid by Obama. Give me a break.

Your corporate troubles happened this year and you think its because of Obamanomics?

Or the Pelosi Reed slim majority government that Bush veto'd?

I'd say its the 6 years of Bush and Tom Delay all GOP run government that got us where we are today. Of course it is. I could school the shit out of you on all the bills passed after 9-11 that were more damaging to the economy than 9-11 was, as far as the recession we went thru. They let companies spend their pensions and then go bankrupt, they passed bankruptsy laws that made it attractive for companies to do, then just move overseas, they gave rich tax breaks and started the iraq war that we have to pay for, they deregulated the banking and mortgage industries that directly led to the crash, omg, you must be insane to still be a right winger. :cuckoo:

But yes, we just got Lieberman to go along on something. I forgot what it was about, but he is bribable. Don't put your hopes in Lieberman.

Or the Bush/Tom Delay run government for 6 years and ZERO veto's. Check all the pork and waste and corruption there. Where were you on that? You defended because you are a partisan. Didn't care where we got the money and didn't worry about paying back China then.
And we're going to have to pay off Lieberman to get his vote too. So what? Those bastards are voting with the GOP obstuctionists. Us Democrats want them replaced in the primaries too. We tried to get rid of Lieberman too, but Republicans voted for him when he lost the Dem primary but ran as an independent. Ben Nelson is a scumbag. But we need his vote. Sorry thats the way politics work. But at least I like the Democratic agenda.

You supported Bush's agenda. His agenda didn't help anyone but the rich. And it didn't trickle down. He gave them tax breaks and bankrupted the treasury with war, and then the bank collapse happened right at the end of his watch. As if it wasn't all planned. Biggest bank robbery ever!!!

There is only so much Obama and Pelosi & Reed can do. If more people like you would wake up, we'd actually be able to take this country back. But instead you vote with the oil companies and healthcare giants ripping us off. What sense does that make?

On every issue, wages, NAFTA, CEO pay, bankruptsy laws, labor, tax breaks for the rich, etc., on EVERY ISSUE, you and McCain are dead wrong. Unless you too are rich like them? If so, then vote GOP. You should. If you are middle class, you're a fool. Brainwashed.

And I wonder, "do these people know what's really going on and they are lying on every issue like gay marriage, global warming, stem cell, sending jobs overseas, deregulations, war,

Isn't it funny how Liberman was a Democrat but now not only is he pro iraq war, but he's NOW also anti healthcare reform?

So yes, we are going to make deals with guys like Ben Nelson, because otherwise he'll continue siding with Republicans, lobbyists and corporations instead of voters.

In case you haven't heard--Lieberman told Harry Reid to blow off. I am a middle class 30+ year sub-s corporation--used to have employees don't now--because of outrageous government spending & incompetent mis-management of government agencies.

Your hero Barack Obama did absolutely NADA for small business in this country which is still the largest employer in this country. Instead he used taxpayer dollars to bail out the auto unions--a major voting block for the democrat party--in his "too big to fail b.s."

He completely ignored the construction industry in this country which is 3 times larger than the largest union in this country (the auto industry). Construction in this country is primarily non-union. Right now we have an 18.7% unemployment rate in the construction industry--which employs millions of Americans.

Obama & democrats had a perfect opportunity to put millions of construction workers back to work in the 787 BILLION dollar so called stimulus bill that wasn't & to add to green energy sources at the same time. BY BUILDING a freakin nuclear power plant. Yet, they didn't dedicate one single penny for a nuclear power plant. They gave 11 billion for infracstructure for wind power to be generated back to power plants--when experts across the field needed 110 billion to complete.

Your party is so full of B.S.--now add to this--spending money in the worst economic crisis since the great depression--"quoted right out of your messiah's mouth" to build a surgery center in outer space--is a little over the top for me.

View attachment 9000

Fuck nuclear. We don't need that. We also don't need to drill baby drill. Relax cowboy. There's plenty of oil. The rich under Bush created an energy crisis. Its all under control now buddy. Until the election. Then the oil company will fuck with the dems and raise prices. Watch.

He ignored construction? That's all the spending I see in my area are road projects that are being paid by Obama. Give me a break.

Your corporate troubles happened this year and you think its because of Obamanomics?

Or the Pelosi Reed slim majority government that Bush veto'd?

I'd say its the 6 years of Bush and Tom Delay all GOP run government that got us where we are today. Of course it is. I could school the shit out of you on all the bills passed after 9-11 that were more damaging to the economy than 9-11 was, as far as the recession we went thru. They let companies spend their pensions and then go bankrupt, they passed bankruptsy laws that made it attractive for companies to do, then just move overseas, they gave rich tax breaks and started the iraq war that we have to pay for, they deregulated the banking and mortgage industries that directly led to the crash, omg, you must be insane to still be a right winger. :cuckoo:

But yes, we just got Lieberman to go along on something. I forgot what it was about, but he is bribable. Don't put your hopes in Lieberman.

Or the Bush/Tom Delay run government for 6 years and ZERO veto's. Check all the pork and waste and corruption there. Where were you on that? You defended because you are a partisan. Didn't care where we got the money and didn't worry about paying back China then.

The construction industry BUILDS everything in this country, not just the roads you drive on-Da--duh--Da--duh--Da--duh. Your hero completely ignored the millions of Americans that work in this industry. He completely ignored all small business in this country--that is still the largest employer in this nation. Now he is frantic--actually threatening banks to loan out to small business--"he must have gotten a clue just last night--that small business is the origin of economic recovery"--:lol::lol:

To add the "shovel ready" projects are non-existent--as it takes at least 5 to 7 years of design & engineering & permits to get that first shovel in the ground. So--if you're actually seeing road work in your area--it is two guys repaving an existing street or filling up pot holes---:lol::lol: You have elected a blast from the past. Here we have this so articulate- intellectual-well-spoken President--who is doing a carbon copy of a President that existed over 70 years ago--when we actually needed roads & bridges. In the 1930's it took thousands of men with shovels to complete a project. That same project today can be done with 2 heavy equipment operators. This is the course Obama has set out. The ONLY people who are today happy in this country are road & bridge builders, or those who are employed by the federal government.

It is Obama that lied with all his blown up promises of spending 787 BILLION taxpayer dollars that was going to "create" 600K new jobs by the end of August 2009. Then it went to the "jobs saved or created" which turned out to be more Obama bs. Now your messiah & this moron congress is wanting to do another "job" stimulus bill--using Tarp 1 funds that have been paid back by banks.-:lol::lol:

These are the little economic Einsteins that YOU elected--:lol::lol: This is Obama's flood the basement economics.

How's all that Hopey & Changey working for ya?

Last edited:
And we're going to have to pay off Lieberman to get his vote too. So what? Those bastards are voting with the GOP obstuctionists. Us Democrats want them replaced in the primaries too. We tried to get rid of Lieberman too, but Republicans voted for him when he lost the Dem primary but ran as an independent. Ben Nelson is a scumbag. But we need his vote. Sorry thats the way politics work. But at least I like the Democratic agenda.

You supported Bush's agenda. His agenda didn't help anyone but the rich. And it didn't trickle down. He gave them tax breaks and bankrupted the treasury with war, and then the bank collapse happened right at the end of his watch. As if it wasn't all planned. Biggest bank robbery ever!!!

There is only so much Obama and Pelosi & Reed can do. If more people like you would wake up, we'd actually be able to take this country back. But instead you vote with the oil companies and healthcare giants ripping us off. What sense does that make?

On every issue, wages, NAFTA, CEO pay, bankruptsy laws, labor, tax breaks for the rich, etc., on EVERY ISSUE, you and McCain are dead wrong. Unless you too are rich like them? If so, then vote GOP. You should. If you are middle class, you're a fool. Brainwashed.

And I wonder, "do these people know what's really going on and they are lying on every issue like gay marriage, global warming, stem cell, sending jobs overseas, deregulations, war,

Isn't it funny how Liberman was a Democrat but now not only is he pro iraq war, but he's NOW also anti healthcare reform?

So yes, we are going to make deals with guys like Ben Nelson, because otherwise he'll continue siding with Republicans, lobbyists and corporations instead of voters.

In case you haven't heard--Lieberman told Harry Reid to blow off. I am a middle class 30+ year sub-s corporation--used to have employees don't now--because of outrageous government spending & incompetent mis-management of government agencies.

Your hero Barack Obama did absolutely NADA for small business in this country which is still the largest employer in this country. Instead he used taxpayer dollars to bail out the auto unions--a major voting block for the democrat party--in his "too big to fail b.s."

He completely ignored the construction industry in this country which is 3 times larger than the largest union in this country (the auto industry). Construction in this country is primarily non-union. Right now we have an 18.7% unemployment rate in the construction industry--which employs millions of Americans.

Obama & democrats had a perfect opportunity to put millions of construction workers back to work in the 787 BILLION dollar so called stimulus bill that wasn't & to add to green energy sources at the same time. BY BUILDING a freakin nuclear power plant. Yet, they didn't dedicate one single penny for a nuclear power plant. They gave 11 billion for infracstructure for wind power to be generated back to power plants--when experts across the field needed 110 billion to complete.

Your party is so full of B.S.--now add to this--spending money in the worst economic crisis since the great depression--"quoted right out of your messiah's mouth" to build a surgery center in outer space--is a little over the top for me.

View attachment 9000

Fuck nuclear. We don't need that. We also don't need to drill baby drill. Relax cowboy. There's plenty of oil. The rich under Bush created an energy crisis. Its all under control now buddy. Until the election. Then the oil company will fuck with the dems and raise prices. Watch.

He ignored construction? That's all the spending I see in my area are road projects that are being paid by Obama. Give me a break.

Your corporate troubles happened this year and you think its because of Obamanomics?

Or the Pelosi Reed slim majority government that Bush veto'd?

I'd say its the 6 years of Bush and Tom Delay all GOP run government that got us where we are today. Of course it is. I could school the shit out of you on all the bills passed after 9-11 that were more damaging to the economy than 9-11 was, as far as the recession we went thru. They let companies spend their pensions and then go bankrupt, they passed bankruptsy laws that made it attractive for companies to do, then just move overseas, they gave rich tax breaks and started the iraq war that we have to pay for, they deregulated the banking and mortgage industries that directly led to the crash, omg, you must be insane to still be a right winger. :cuckoo:

But yes, we just got Lieberman to go along on something. I forgot what it was about, but he is bribable. Don't put your hopes in Lieberman.

Or the Bush/Tom Delay run government for 6 years and ZERO veto's. Check all the pork and waste and corruption there. Where were you on that? You defended because you are a partisan. Didn't care where we got the money and didn't worry about paying back China then.

Sorry, you lose on the construction arguement. Construction and DOT are two completely seperate industries. Sure, you "build roads" but that's not the construction that we're talking about. BO campaigned on rebuilding infrastructure i.e. roads and bridges. That's why there were so many billions set aside for DOT nationwide. We've got alot of road work going on in our area too. But I pass 3 major construction sites everyday that sit abandoned. Where are the men and women who used to work these sites? Probably collecting unemployment like the other 10% of our workforce.

Of course you believe this is all Bush's fault. Why wouldn't you. You can't handle the truth. That's why. Let's remember that a majority of your precious democrats voted to go to Iraq...Bush couldn't make that call on his own. Don't you dare lecture about pork and corruption. Unless you'd like to rehash the ACORN nightmare...dems dodging for clunkers and the rest of it.
Second term..:lol:.. you are a comedian..

No, just a realist

After "We the people" gave the Republicans free reign to implement their policies they trashed the economy and started two wars. Only one word to describe the Republican performance........FAIL

The GOP is still in exile and has done nothing but pout and whine that nobody wants to do things their way anymore.

Oh ye of convenient memory loss, Democrats.. you recall what they were up to?
Doesn't matter. The Repubs fucked up, so the idiot masses ran to the Dems. After the Dems bend them over, the idiot masses will run to the Reps... back and forth, back and forth, too stupid to figure it out. It's been like this for a long time
like who, Jindahl? Perhaps that great republican Liebermann? Perhaps the killer, if fox would let him off his show?

Who is a qualified republican? I cant think of one right now.

yup...both sides are scraping the bottom of the barrel... pretty sad....

And since BOTH sides have been responsible for misgovernance, and neither have very appealing candidates....

You'd think a 3rd party might have a chance.....

But then, how would FNC and MSNBC stay in business, playing off one another?

Surely you're not implying that they're more interested in money7 that the wellfare of the masses? :lol:
In case you haven't heard--Lieberman told Harry Reid to blow off. I am a middle class 30+ year sub-s corporation--used to have employees don't now--because of outrageous government spending & incompetent mis-management of government agencies.

Your hero Barack Obama did absolutely NADA for small business in this country which is still the largest employer in this country. Instead he used taxpayer dollars to bail out the auto unions--a major voting block for the democrat party--in his "too big to fail b.s."

He completely ignored the construction industry in this country which is 3 times larger than the largest union in this country (the auto industry). Construction in this country is primarily non-union. Right now we have an 18.7% unemployment rate in the construction industry--which employs millions of Americans.

Obama & democrats had a perfect opportunity to put millions of construction workers back to work in the 787 BILLION dollar so called stimulus bill that wasn't & to add to green energy sources at the same time. BY BUILDING a freakin nuclear power plant. Yet, they didn't dedicate one single penny for a nuclear power plant. They gave 11 billion for infracstructure for wind power to be generated back to power plants--when experts across the field needed 110 billion to complete.

Your party is so full of B.S.--now add to this--spending money in the worst economic crisis since the great depression--"quoted right out of your messiah's mouth" to build a surgery center in outer space--is a little over the top for me.

View attachment 9000

Fuck nuclear. We don't need that. We also don't need to drill baby drill. Relax cowboy. There's plenty of oil. The rich under Bush created an energy crisis. Its all under control now buddy. Until the election. Then the oil company will fuck with the dems and raise prices. Watch.

He ignored construction? That's all the spending I see in my area are road projects that are being paid by Obama. Give me a break.

Your corporate troubles happened this year and you think its because of Obamanomics?

Or the Pelosi Reed slim majority government that Bush veto'd?

I'd say its the 6 years of Bush and Tom Delay all GOP run government that got us where we are today. Of course it is. I could school the shit out of you on all the bills passed after 9-11 that were more damaging to the economy than 9-11 was, as far as the recession we went thru. They let companies spend their pensions and then go bankrupt, they passed bankruptsy laws that made it attractive for companies to do, then just move overseas, they gave rich tax breaks and started the iraq war that we have to pay for, they deregulated the banking and mortgage industries that directly led to the crash, omg, you must be insane to still be a right winger. :cuckoo:

But yes, we just got Lieberman to go along on something. I forgot what it was about, but he is bribable. Don't put your hopes in Lieberman.

Or the Bush/Tom Delay run government for 6 years and ZERO veto's. Check all the pork and waste and corruption there. Where were you on that? You defended because you are a partisan. Didn't care where we got the money and didn't worry about paying back China then.

Sorry, you lose on the construction arguement. Construction and DOT are two completely seperate industries. Sure, you "build roads" but that's not the construction that we're talking about. BO campaigned on rebuilding infrastructure i.e. roads and bridges. That's why there were so many billions set aside for DOT nationwide. We've got alot of road work going on in our area too. But I pass 3 major construction sites everyday that sit abandoned. Where are the men and women who used to work these sites? Probably collecting unemployment like the other 10% of our workforce.

Of course you believe this is all Bush's fault. Why wouldn't you. You can't handle the truth. That's why. Let's remember that a majority of your precious democrats voted to go to Iraq...Bush couldn't make that call on his own. Don't you dare lecture about pork and corruption. Unless you'd like to rehash the ACORN nightmare...dems dodging for clunkers and the rest of it.

You're splitting hairs. And you forget, you are against all these projects, so don't act like the GOP are going to put construction workers back to work.

Plus its still his first year in office. Have patience grass hopper.

The majority of dems voted to go to Iraq? So did the majority of GOP. You seem to forget that. And they were in charge, not the Dems. And if a Dem didn't vote in favor of invading, they were called traitors and appeasers of terrorism.

Do you forget the con job Chaney and Powell and Bush did to us? Of course you did. In fact, you voted for them again in 2004. Now you want us to listen to you? Fuck that.

Also don't forget that we wanted Bush impeached for lying us into Iraq. You argued.

But even righties like Lindsay Graham admit that Chaney even lied to them. Yet still you would not want Bush impeached I bet. Brainwashed republicans like you swallow the cool aid.

Funny you right wingers want to forget that this all started last year. And then day one you wanted to blame Obama. DAY ONE. So no, day 300 and it still isn't his fault. Won't be for years. Gonna take a lot to undo everything the GOP did from 2000-2006. They even knew they were going to lose in 2006 so they passed a bunch of bullshit on the way out. Now its tough to undo it all because of guys like Lieberman.

Wake up. You may be interested in politics, but you are not brite enough to discuss it.

Unless you are rich? In that case, you are a liar. You'll defend anything the GOP does to protect your millions. I almost don't blame you.

But middle class Republicans? They are just dummies. All of them!!! They let the GOP ruin their country and still have the audacity to blame the Dems when we sat there for 8 fucking years and watched the GOP do all the deregulating and sending jobs overseas.

Wake the fuck up!!! How did their policies help you? Your home value? Your 401k? $4 a gallon? The Iraq war? How did you benefit?

Tax breaks you say? Trust me, you gave it all back. And you haven't even paid for the wars yet. That's $10K per American. And maybe we wouldn't each owe so much if

a. Bush didn't get hit on 9-11

b. Bush didn't lie us into Iraq

c. You didn't re elect Bush in 2004
In case you haven't heard--Lieberman told Harry Reid to blow off. I am a middle class 30+ year sub-s corporation--used to have employees don't now--because of outrageous government spending & incompetent mis-management of government agencies.

Your hero Barack Obama did absolutely NADA for small business in this country which is still the largest employer in this country. Instead he used taxpayer dollars to bail out the auto unions--a major voting block for the democrat party--in his "too big to fail b.s."

He completely ignored the construction industry in this country which is 3 times larger than the largest union in this country (the auto industry). Construction in this country is primarily non-union. Right now we have an 18.7% unemployment rate in the construction industry--which employs millions of Americans.

Obama & democrats had a perfect opportunity to put millions of construction workers back to work in the 787 BILLION dollar so called stimulus bill that wasn't & to add to green energy sources at the same time. BY BUILDING a freakin nuclear power plant. Yet, they didn't dedicate one single penny for a nuclear power plant. They gave 11 billion for infracstructure for wind power to be generated back to power plants--when experts across the field needed 110 billion to complete.

Your party is so full of B.S.--now add to this--spending money in the worst economic crisis since the great depression--"quoted right out of your messiah's mouth" to build a surgery center in outer space--is a little over the top for me.

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Fuck nuclear. We don't need that. We also don't need to drill baby drill. Relax cowboy. There's plenty of oil. The rich under Bush created an energy crisis. Its all under control now buddy. Until the election. Then the oil company will fuck with the dems and raise prices. Watch.

He ignored construction? That's all the spending I see in my area are road projects that are being paid by Obama. Give me a break.

Your corporate troubles happened this year and you think its because of Obamanomics?

Or the Pelosi Reed slim majority government that Bush veto'd?

I'd say its the 6 years of Bush and Tom Delay all GOP run government that got us where we are today. Of course it is. I could school the shit out of you on all the bills passed after 9-11 that were more damaging to the economy than 9-11 was, as far as the recession we went thru. They let companies spend their pensions and then go bankrupt, they passed bankruptsy laws that made it attractive for companies to do, then just move overseas, they gave rich tax breaks and started the iraq war that we have to pay for, they deregulated the banking and mortgage industries that directly led to the crash, omg, you must be insane to still be a right winger. :cuckoo:

But yes, we just got Lieberman to go along on something. I forgot what it was about, but he is bribable. Don't put your hopes in Lieberman.

Or the Bush/Tom Delay run government for 6 years and ZERO veto's. Check all the pork and waste and corruption there. Where were you on that? You defended because you are a partisan. Didn't care where we got the money and didn't worry about paying back China then.

The construction industry BUILDS everything in this country, not just the roads you drive on-Da--duh--Da--duh--Da--duh. Your hero completely ignored the millions of Americans that work in this industry. He completely ignored all small business in this country--that is still the largest employer in this nation. Now he is frantic--actually threatening banks to loan out to small business--"he must have gotten a clue just last night--that small business is the origin of economic recovery"--:lol::lol:

To add the "shovel ready" projects are non-existent--as it takes at least 5 to 7 years of design & engineering & permits to get that first shovel in the ground. So--if you're actually seeing road work in your area--it is two guys repaving an existing street or filling up pot holes---:lol::lol: You have elected a blast from the past. Here we have this so articulate- intellectual-well-spoken President--who is doing a carbon copy of a President that existed over 70 years ago--when we actually needed roads & bridges. In the 1930's it took thousands of men with shovels to complete a project. That same project today can be done with 2 heavy equipment operators. This is the course Obama has set out. The ONLY people who are today happy in this country are road & bridge builders, or those who are employed by the federal government.

It is Obama that lied with all his blown up promises of spending 787 BILLION taxpayer dollars that was going to "create" 600K new jobs by the end of August 2009. Then it went to the "jobs saved or created" which turned out to be more Obama bs. Now your messiah & this moron congress is wanting to do another "job" stimulus bill--using Tarp 1 funds that have been paid back by banks.-:lol::lol:

These are the little economic Einsteins that YOU elected--:lol::lol: This is Obama's flood the basement economics.

How's all that Hopey & Changey working for ya?

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I forget. Is Obama trying to do too much or is he not doing enough?

It hasn't even been a year. Relax.

And do you think McCain/Palin would be doing any better? They would have done nothing to fix the problems we have. They would have only veto'ed every bill the Dems sent their way, so no chance of closing tax loopholes or taking away tax breaks to companies going overseas. And no help to labor. Don't act like the GOP's policies are good to the middle class. Reagan broke the unions and the economy tanked under both HW and GW's watch. 2 times under GW. And don't say 9-11, because that would be an ignorant response. The policies they pushed thru after 9-11 were worse on the economy than that one day event.

But corporations actually did well under the GOP. Labor didn't though. That's a fact you can't deny. We took a huge step back. Who's fault? The GOP and the mortgage and bankers and wallstreet and enron's and sending all those fucking jobs overseas.

What do you want Obama to do? What construction? Build what? Houses? :cuckoo: Who's investing? I guess we should give the corporations 100% tax break so they will come and save us. Maybe corporations shouldn't pay any taxes. Yea, that's the right thing to do. :cuckoo:
☭proletarian☭;1809988 said:
yup...both sides are scraping the bottom of the barrel... pretty sad....

And since BOTH sides have been responsible for misgovernance, and neither have very appealing candidates....

You'd think a 3rd party might have a chance.....

But then, how would FNC and MSNBC stay in business, playing off one another?

Surely you're not implying that they're more interested in money7 that the wellfare of the masses? :lol:

I was thinking about that earlier. Republicans care more about capitalism/free markets/corporations than they do the American middle class.

Or they don't understand what created America's huge middle class.

I think Republicans would accept free market capitalism, even if it meant 25% unemployment. Just as long as it wasn't them who became unemployed, they would find it acceptable that the economy got that bad.

They would say the oil companies and healthcare providers and credit card companies can do whatever they want. NO RULES! Charge as much as they want.

And Republicans and Libertarians actually believe that the market would work itself out and that the huge American middle class would remain in tact. This way of thinking is insane. The middle class would disappear. Most of it. We'd have a huge working poor class, small middle class and small ruling class.

And they counter this by calling us socialists. As if we want any more than what is fair for labor. We're supposed to see our wages go down while CEO wages go thru the roof and meanwhile the cost of living is going up, and how many of us owe more than our homes are worth? Reaganomics/Bushanomics failed!!!
Personally I think Mac whould have surged in both Iraq and Afganistan long before Bush or Obama did, and I think he would have dealt with Iran by now.

John McCain may be the greatest war president America never elected.

Sad that.
Personally I think Mac whould have surged in both Iraq and Afganistan long before Bush or Obama did, and I think he would have dealt with Iran by now.

John McCain may be the greatest war president America never elected.

Sad that.

Here was my hope, should McCain have won. I would hope he would go back to the McCain he once was. The 1999 McCain.

But I doubt that because he clearly was a sellout. Unless you believe he would have rebelled once he got the job. I don't believe he would have. He's a loyal righty. But he probably would have worked with the Dems on SOME things. Not many, but some. But only to make himself look good.

But then I think about how he was involved in the Keating 5 scandal. That was very similar to the crash we just experienced. Only $1 billion dollars, but that was a lot back in the 80's. So no, he would not have been the right guy for the times. We need a smart man in the White house and also a diplomat. John McCain calls asians gooks, sings bomb bomb Iran.

Now do you see why Obama got the Nobel Piece Prize? Its almost an acknowledge from the rest of the world that the job of President of the United States can do a lot towards piece, or he can be a war monger like Bush/McCain.

The right guy won. McCain was just the best option of all the GOP candidates. Then he picked Palin. :cuckoo:
☭proletarian☭;1809983 said:
No, just a realist

After "We the people" gave the Republicans free reign to implement their policies they trashed the economy and started two wars. Only one word to describe the Republican performance........FAIL

The GOP is still in exile and has done nothing but pout and whine that nobody wants to do things their way anymore.

Oh ye of convenient memory loss, Democrats.. you recall what they were up to?
Doesn't matter. The Repubs fucked up, so the idiot masses ran to the Dems. After the Dems bend them over, the idiot masses will run to the Reps... back and forth, back and forth, too stupid to figure it out. It's been like this for a long time

If you didn't say idiots, I'd say Yup. How about misinformed and loving it...:lol:
I don't think McCain really cares as much about domestic politics as he does about issues of war and peace. He tacs here and there domestically, where ever his whims take him, but when it comes to issues of war and peace he is a lion in winter.

He is a rock of conviction.

He would have finished Iraq and Afganistan off quick, and Iran would now be humble rather than arrogant and defiant.
teabaggers, those morons at the townhalls, birthers, Beckites, Limbaugh dittoheads

Thanks, interesting,

Does it concern you that only 30% According to Rasmussen Reports believe the countries on the right track and Democrats have almost full control?

The only effective control on Democrats is their very own leaders concerned with the votes from teabaggers, townhallers, Beckites, and the Democrat dittoheads that are influenced by Limbaugh.That's the Democrat big tent, biting your ass.

You would have to admit that the leftists are pushing policy in the Democratic party now but the country is center right.


Didn't you get the memo? Your side lost....your side lost BIG
That means you boys don't get to call the shots anymore. "We the People" have spoken. We saw what you guys had to offer and it nearly destroyed the country.
Republicans have nothing to offer but fear, hate and blame
The entire country lost with the election of Obonzo. What a fucking fraud.

teabaggers, those morons at the townhalls, birthers, Beckites, Limbaugh dittoheads

Thanks, interesting,

Does it concern you that only 30% According to Rasmussen Reports believe the countries on the right track and Democrats have almost full control?

The only effective control on Democrats is their very own leaders concerned with the votes from teabaggers, townhallers, Beckites, and the Democrat dittoheads that are influenced by Limbaugh.That's the Democrat big tent, biting your ass.

You would have to admit that the leftists are pushing policy in the Democratic party now but the country is center right.

Seriously, did you just quote a rasmussen poll and expected to be taken seriously?
Seems I've already seen you get your ass waxed after making that stupid statement. You libs just never learn anything, do you?

Personally I think Mac whould have surged in both Iraq and Afganistan long before Bush or Obama did, and I think he would have dealt with Iran by now.

John McCain may be the greatest war president America never elected.

Sad that.

Here was my hope, should McCain have won. I would hope he would go back to the McCain he once was. The 1999 McCain.

But I doubt that because he clearly was a sellout. Unless you believe he would have rebelled once he got the job. I don't believe he would have. He's a loyal righty. But he probably would have worked with the Dems on SOME things. Not many, but some. But only to make himself look good.

But then I think about how he was involved in the Keating 5 scandal. That was very similar to the crash we just experienced. Only $1 billion dollars, but that was a lot back in the 80's. So no, he would not have been the right guy for the times. We need a smart man in the White house and also a diplomat. John McCain calls asians gooks, sings bomb bomb Iran.

Now do you see why Obama got the Nobel Piece Prize? Its almost an acknowledge from the rest of the world that the job of President of the United States can do a lot towards piece, or he can be a war monger like Bush/McCain.

The right guy won. McCain was just the best option of all the GOP candidates. Then he picked Palin. :cuckoo:
I believe he was exonerated in the Keating 5 scandal. That's just some of the bullshit the libs slung to divert voters from the fact that McCain is exponentially more a man than the Boy King could ever hope to be.
I don't think McCain really cares as much about domestic politics as he does about issues of war and peace. He tacs here and there domestically, where ever his whims take him, but when it comes to issues of war and peace he is a lion in winter.

He is a rock of conviction.

He would have finished Iraq and Afganistan off quick, and Iran would now be humble rather than arrogant and defiant.
Yes he would have. The libs won't admit that we are at war today. It is a unique war that cannot be won with diplomacy and announcements of withdrawal dates. Obama is a complete idiot when it comes to acting as President of a powerful nation at war with a powerful, clandestine enemy. He is a baby in charge of a man's position...put there by votes of idiots that thought he was going to pay their way into a carefree lifestyle.
I don't think so Harry. The public believe it or not wants healthcare reform. Whether you're smart enough to want it is a different subject. But the "bottom of the barrel" politicians right now are the blue dogs like Lieberman voting against the democratic base. They are renigging on their promise of a public option when we elected them.

Obama wants healthcare reform. Harry Reid wants it. Pelosi wants it. Yet not one obstructionist Republicans and a dozen turncoat democrats won't go along so no real progress was made. We'll just have to give Lieberman something and he'll cave.

Are you happy if the healthcare giants win? Get ready for the prices to go up if they win.

I don't know if it will ever affect you Harry, but maybe one of your kids or grand kids. Completely free market capitalism shouldn't win over making sure the masses can afford insurance. Its too expensive!

Just like oil. They could have continued to charge us $4 a gallon, but look what it did to the economy. It shut it down! So the oil companies needed to be reigned in. So do the insurance giants. Capitalism can be corrupted too, not just communism.

Bobo....the bottom of the Barrell has been reached....the ONLY reason the guys up there now are doing the health reform because the PEOPLE were up in arms about the Ins. situation....otherwise if no big stink was made about it,do you actually believe they would be doing something about it?.....i dont think so.....

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