Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

LOL, you are so ignorant it's stunning. Hopefully you've never had cancer or some other major illness. But if you did you would know that treatment for such horrible diseases costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Costs that I promise you, that you couldn't afford without going broke. Good thing you have insurance though......which is other people paying for your treatment. Yes you pay in, but you can and will get coverage beyond the amount that you've contributed.

Still think other people shouldn't have to pay for your healthcare? Then drop your insurance since you're mooching off of me the day you get sick.

I'm ignorant? Your beginning to sound pretty damned ignorant yourself.

Of course cancer treatments as well as other can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why do you think I don't want to pay for someone elses HC you idiot. Why should I pay higher premiums so someone can get free HC??

I wonder if someone is paying for your HC. Thats why your so sure that everyone should foot the bill.

So you're ok with other people paying for your treatment but you don't want to pay anyone elses bills. Hypocritical much?

This is where you say..."I never said that". But the fact that you have insurance is proof enough that you're ok with a shared pool system where other people will pay for your treatment when the bills get expensive. That's the way insurance works, people pitching in to pay for others bills when they need it the most.

Don't like paying for others, then you should drop your insurance and show how personally responsible you really are.

Your just being silly now. I have no control over how the insurance system works. Neither do you. Can't change it and neither can you. Nothing hypocritical about it. It is what it is.

I don't agree with you so I'm wrong and your're right. Got it.

I will never agree with you and you won't agree with me. No sweat. I sure as shit don't need your approval for anything.

I live a pretty good life. Have a great job that I'm damned good at.

Don't owe anyone a dime and I do as I please. That personal responsibility you seem to abhorr pays dividends down the road. It sure has for me.

Hope you can say the same.
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Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

My health care costs have been basically the same for about three years now.

I spent two and a half days over XMas in the hospital with colitis and racked up $14k in bills ... my cost? $150.

my wife last year spent a week in there .....she had Ulcerative colitis and had about 3-4 inches of the Intestines removed Artie....are you at that point yet? the way it only cost me $250.00 for the week and her Surgery.........
I'm ignorant? Your beginning to sound pretty damned ignorant yourself.

Of course cancer treatments as well as other can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why do you think I don't want to pay for someone elses HC you idiot. Why should I pay higher premiums so someone can get free HC??

I wonder if someone is paying for your HC. Thats why your so sure that everyone should foot the bill.

So you're ok with other people paying for your treatment but you don't want to pay anyone elses bills. Hypocritical much?

This is where you say..."I never said that". But the fact that you have insurance is proof enough that you're ok with a shared pool system where other people will pay for your treatment when the bills get expensive. That's the way insurance works, people pitching in to pay for others bills when they need it the most.

Don't like paying for others, then you should drop your insurance and show how personally responsible you really are.

Your just being silly now. I have no control over how the insurance system works. Neither do you. Can't change it and neither can you. Nothing hypocritical about it. It is what it is.

I don't agree with you so I'm wrong and your're right. Got it.

I will never agree with you and you won't agree with me. No sweat. I sure as shit don't need your approval for anything.

I live a pretty good life. Have a great job that I'm damned good at.

Don't owe anyone a dime and I do as I please. That personal responsibility you seem to abhorr pays dividends down the road. It sure has for me.

Hope you can say the same.

LOL. Clueless doesn't begin to describe you. Willfully ignorant and admittedly selfish are more fitting.
My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

What company?

Shhhhhh..... they don't ever give specifics...

I sure did!!!!

...but it's the lefties who refuse to give info about their helathcare costs.... hmmmm wonder why???

Could it really be that Obama could take every last cent from you nutjobs and you would still support him if he gave you fed housing and food stamps???
so lets see , your are saying it appears; that not only is it still budget neutral, according to what was forecast, but, it is even more so because of a 'slow down in health cost growth'?

I realize this must be very hard to grasp because of the stuff Rush is spoonfeeding. So I'll keep it simple.

At the beginning of 2009, when Obama took office and five months before the health reform bills rolled out, Medicare was expected to cost $963 billion by the end of the decade, 2019. Flash forward to February 2013: now it's expected to cost $811 billion in 2019. Total savings of $152 billion in a single year. Meanwhile, the February 2013 estimates of the total net cost of the Affordable Care Act at the end of the decade--coverage provisions, tax credits, everything--are that it will cost $149 billion in 2019.

As I said, when they were passing this legislation it was assumed a lot more revenues were needed to cover the costs because the size of the savings we're seeing today wasn't anticipated back then. Who knew?

Elmendorf has to take to his blog to explain this one:
The Recent Changes in CBO’s Baseline Reflect Trends That Have Developed Over the Past Few Years

In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.

In response to that slowdown, over the past several years CBO has made a series of downward adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. For example, from the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, technical revisions—mostly reflecting the slower growth in the programs’ spending in recent years—have lowered CBO’s estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

Trajan said:
so what 'health cost' , exactly, has gone down?


It must indeed be hard to be you guys right now.

rush? :lol: why is it drones that peddle the truth ministrys line always seem to burp up crap like that?

so lets get back to cases- your logic is wonderful, you guys are the only ones I know that claim to be smart before the fact.

this savings which you claim is going benefit obamacre costs ( you actually said health costs btw) , obamacare did not foresee nor schedule for, its a windfall. Plain and simple
( if in fact it exists) so, in effect, IF this had not occurred, would obamacare be budget neutral? No.

But hey, you stick to the don't worry its all going according to plan horsehockey.....hard for you guys? well, I don't think its hard for you, at all, you're a sheep and you have been programmed, this must succeed and like say, head-start, even when it isn't succeeding since it must, it will , the questions is, I just wonder when the whole thing turns to shit if you'll still show your face here. I'd say yea, shame isn't an emotion in an apparatchiks liibrary....( I love how the CBO now has gained favored status again too:lol:)..what a riot...

I am patient, we've heard this all before, we heard it every year while Medicare outran its budget so far its a running joke, those yahoos in 1965 saw Medicare spending by 1990 at 9 Bn, thats NINE was 67 Bn..Sixty Seven Billion......between 1985 and 2009 medicare costs grew 9% a year, the Bush Medicare drug benefit? a DISASTER!!!! Its way over budget, its a mess, ...but here? Nope, not here, won't happen, all is well, everything is A-ok and will be, we'll just pray some more health care costs 'savings' to bail us out......but every line of BS runs out of steam eventually and so to, will this:rolleyes:
And if they can't afford it? Tough luck?

Please, I have worked with oncologists. My Father died of cancer not 6 years ago. He was uninsured and 64 when his treatments began, and the oncologist wrote off 70% of his charges taking only what medicare payed once medicare finally kicked in. Nobody EVER said, "You don't have coverage? Screw you! Just die!!" --- they wrote off 70% and he never paid a dime from his fixed income/savings...

"They wrote it off". LOL. Tell me what you think happens when they "write it off". They just eat the cost out of the goodness of their heart.....please tell me thats what you think happens. PLEASE.

I know exactly what happens, been involved in the business for 23 years...
(fist thing and most important to him living on a fixed income is that he never paid a cent)
Why don't you tell me what YOU THINK HAPPENS after that...

My wife is a masters level therapist (LPC) who deals with unpaid bills every year, so don't try to liberalize the truth...

go on... share with us...
Oh goodie. Let's start with your first incorrect statement that "conservatives weren't invited to the healthcare discussion meetings".

They were in fact, they even broadcast the discussions on TV. Bipartisan meetings.

Let me know when you're done with that and I'll address your next incorrect statement. I can do this all day long

You can't do chit all day long. I watched the healht care summit and the GOP was shut down at every turn. Anyone who wasn't for preemptive gov't takeover of healthcare was shut down and ignored. You say my statements are false and then use bogus statements and a video that proves my point!

You can't disprove ANY of my claims because they are all TRUE!

Yet your statement that they weren't invited to the discussions was in fact, false. As I've shown. LOL.

Dumbass!! Those weren't discussion on the draft of the ACA. They were "pre"discussions. You know that you have to manipulate the truth in order to have a defense. Obama to dems, behind closed doors to draft the ACA --- prompting even the democrat, Nanci Pelosi, to tell ALL of America that we will like it ONCE WE GET A CHANCE to find out what's in it....

Your lies will not work with me!
Do you believe that the poor and uninsured who show up at ERs should not be treated?

unless its an EMERGENCY.....they should be directed to an URGENT care center....

So flu = urgent care

Broken arm = ER

Something like that?

See you guys keep missing the REALITY in this. If an ER sent a patient to an urgent care in an attempt to keep the cost of heralthcare down....

Well lets put it like this ---- If an idengent person shows up with the flu to an ER we end up doing a CT of the Abdomen/Pelvis with IV and oral contrast. The reason is that the doctor is afraid of missing the ileus that we may not realize is happening and being hidden by the symptoms of the flu. After all the ER doctor doesn't want to get sued.

So the cost of one person with the flu can be over $3000.00 through one trip to the ER.

The ACA does NOTHING to fix the cost of healthcare!!!

This example shows us EXACTLY why the cost of health care is so outragous.

First, the patient with the flu should have made an appointment to see their doctor for $60.00 as there NEVER WAS AN EMERGENCY!!!!

Second, the ER doc should not be so afraid of lawsuit that he could simply treat the patient for the obvious (and provable) case of the flu WITHOIUT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT A 1 in 10,000 ilius that would cost the hospital SEVERAL MILLION dollars if missed.

Again, I will be glad to explain more when I am not busy doing $2500.00 procedures on patients with NON -Emergent issues...
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this savings which you claim is going benefit obamacre costs ( you actually said health costs btw) , obamacare did not foresee nor schedule for, its a windfall. Plain and simple
( if in fact it exists) so, in effect, IF this had not occurred, would obamacare be budget neutral? No.

Sure it was, even under the (as it turns out, overly pessimistic) spending growth estimates they used. But it's a moot point now, given how quickly health care cost growth has mitigated.

I get that in the rightwing fantasy world it wasn't (or still isn't?) deficit neutral because health spending was supposed to speed up. In the real world, health spending growth has slowed to historic lows.

I'll continue to deal with my real world, you continue to analyze it through the prism of your made-up world.
this savings which you claim is going benefit obamacre costs ( you actually said health costs btw) , obamacare did not foresee nor schedule for, its a windfall. Plain and simple
( if in fact it exists) so, in effect, IF this had not occurred, would obamacare be budget neutral? No.

Sure it was, even under the (as it turns out, overly pessimistic) spending growth estimates they used. But it's a moot point now, given how quickly health care cost growth has mitigated.

I get that in the rightwing fantasy world it wasn't (or still isn't?) deficit neutral because health spending was supposed to speed up. In the real world, health spending growth has slowed to historic lows.

I'll continue to deal with my real world, you continue to analyze it through the prism of your made-up world.

It's not deficit neutral!! That is just more liberal misrepresentation of facts....

Even after including $515 billion in associated tax hikes, the net cost increase totals nearly $1.2 trillion. The new spending is the one certainty of the President’s health care takeover; without it, Obamacare doesn’t exist.
Obamacare Loses Again in Deficit Reduction Debate | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

2. There is no dispute that the scoring convention used to find that the ACA reduces federal deficits differs from actual law
Why Obamacare Expands the Deficit: Charles Blahous Rebuts His Critics - Forbes

New CBO Report States Obamacare not "Deficit Neutral", as Dems said
New CBO Report States Obamacare not "Deficit Neutral", as Dems said

Such a repeal would knock another $28 billion out of the funding for the deficit-blasting ObamaCare, which was once hilariously advertised as “revenue-neutral” or even a cost-efficiency system that would actually reduce the deficit. But as always with Democrat schemes, once the lollipop-dispensing vote-buying machinery is in place, it is no longer necessary to pretend that Big Government can actually pay for it. We’ll pass the bills along to our children, and they’ll pass them on to their children, forever and ever.
ObamaCare's New Year tax "surprises" | Conservative News, Views & Books

“First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future,” said President Obama about health care reform on September 9th of 2009. “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.”

Well, according to the GAO, Obamacare is set to add $6.2 trillion to budget deficits. So, uh, where’s that provision for spending cuts?

[ame=]Sessions: GAO Report Indicates Obamacare Will Add $6.2T to Deficit - YouTube[/ame]
Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

My health care costs have been basically the same for about three years now.

I spent two and a half days over XMas in the hospital with colitis and racked up $14k in bills ... my cost? $150.

my wife last year spent a week in there .....she had Ulcerative colitis and had about 3-4 inches of the Intestines removed Artie....are you at that point yet? the way it only cost me $250.00 for the week and her Surgery.........


No, thankfully I'm not at that point. This was the first time it came up for me. It was pretty damn scary at the time. I had no idea what was going on with me. Needless to say when I showed up at the ER and told them my symtoms I was moved immediately to the front of the line.

After I was released I was told I SHOULD be fine but not to eff around if anything doesn't feel right in the future.
My health care costs have been basically the same for about three years now.

I spent two and a half days over XMas in the hospital with colitis and racked up $14k in bills ... my cost? $150.

my wife last year spent a week in there .....she had Ulcerative colitis and had about 3-4 inches of the Intestines removed Artie....are you at that point yet? the way it only cost me $250.00 for the week and her Surgery.........


No, thankfully I'm not at that point. This was the first time it came up for me. It was pretty damn scary at the time. I had no idea what was going on with me. Needless to say when I showed up at the ER and told them my symtoms I was moved immediately to the front of the line.

After I was released I was told I SHOULD be fine but not to eff around if anything doesn't feel right in the future.

Gatsby is a blowhard. thank you guys for real stories
Ahh. Your insurance company tried to fuck you over.

Thats a different story. As long as your payed for you HC no way they should have refused to treat you or even balked at any part of it. My sympathies for you on that one Joe.

As for you getting cut, I can't address that as I don't know how your company runs. Lay offs from the top down or the bottom up??

I still don't feel obliged to pay someone elses bills. Sorry but that just how I feel.

No, my insurance company SUCCESSFULLY fucked me over. that's kind of the point.

As for who got cut, it was based mostly on cuttnig the people with medical issues first, followed by people who had seniority because they were making more and realized the boss was mostly full of shit.

That's why the notion of "paying someone else's bills" is kind of silly. We are all paying someone else's bills, that's the point. Whether it be through a public program, a private program that is heavily subsidized by the government, or through just showing up at an emergency room.

So the question is, would you rather have whether you get treatment determined by the government we have the option of voting out if they aren't providing good service, or by an insurance company that is answerable to shareholders to produce a profit.

Oh, the rest of the industrialized world has already figured this one out. They pay less, live longer and have better results overall.

LOL Your assuming I voted for Romney?? Oh and BTW I'm not a Rep. I'm an Indi.

No one wants to admit to being a Republican these days...

Now, if you threw away your vote on a third party non-entity, that's your own business.

I will say that Romney was a better choice that the current fuck in the WH. He would have repealed the ACA. The ACA that is going to be anything but affordable. He also was a damned good businessman who would have gotten this economy up and rolling at other than the slower than molassas pace its at now.

First, businessmen make shitty presidents because for the most part, businessmen are shitty human beings. Our "Businessmen" Presidents. Hoover and Bush-43. Nuff said.

Second, Romney would not have repealled the ACA. He invented it! He'd give a few more wet sloppy kisses to big insurance and big pharma and called it a day. Please don't imagine Romney was a small government conservative or teabagger.

The only reason you voted for Barry was because Romney is a Mormon. Not a goot reason in my book. Hell. I think he would have made a better POTUS than the current asshole.

Personally I could care what religion someone is. Hell. He can worship an idol in the corner for all I care. Anyone would have been a better choice that Barry boy.

Mormons are fucking evil. Period. They are a batshit crazy cult started by child molestors.

Pretty much the discussion was over when I found out he was a Mormon.
Ahh. Your insurance company tried to fuck you over.

Thats a different story. As long as your payed for you HC no way they should have refused to treat you or even balked at any part of it. My sympathies for you on that one Joe.

As for you getting cut, I can't address that as I don't know how your company runs. Lay offs from the top down or the bottom up??

I still don't feel obliged to pay someone elses bills. Sorry but that just how I feel.

No, my insurance company SUCCESSFULLY fucked me over. that's kind of the point.

As for who got cut, it was based mostly on cuttnig the people with medical issues first, followed by people who had seniority because they were making more and realized the boss was mostly full of shit.

That's why the notion of "paying someone else's bills" is kind of silly. We are all paying someone else's bills, that's the point. Whether it be through a public program, a private program that is heavily subsidized by the government, or through just showing up at an emergency room.

So the question is, would you rather have whether you get treatment determined by the government we have the option of voting out if they aren't providing good service, or by an insurance company that is answerable to shareholders to produce a profit.

Oh, the rest of the industrialized world has already figured this one out. They pay less, live longer and have better results overall.

That is the lefty angle to work. The real issue is that you don't believe in the free market and you are confused into thinking that FREEDOM doesn't really matter that much.

Either way Obamacare is a FAR CRY from what you are describing when you say "pay less, live longer and have better lives." As a matter of fact that just isn't the truth at all - or I should say you would have to provide substancial data before I would even consider the possiblity of truth to that!

That is the lefty angle to work. The real issue is that you don't believe in the free market and you are confused into thinking that FREEDOM doesn't really matter that much.

I don't think people should DIE because someone needs to make a quick buck. (Contrariwise, I also don't think that we should extend the lives of terminal patients for an agonizing few more weeks because the hospitals are making a mint off that shit.)

whenever a Wingnut talks about "freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money to abuse the rest of us.

Either way Obamacare is a FAR CRY from what you are describing when you say "pay less, live longer and have better lives." As a matter of fact that just isn't the truth at all - or I should say you would have to provide substancial data before I would even consider the possiblity of truth to that!

I think ACA has a lot of flaws. Frankly, we should have just set up a single payer system like Canada or the UK or most of the rest of the world where they do exactly that. But the political reality was that Big Pharma and Big Insurance have the "Freedom" to buy politicians, and Obama took too many things off the table right off the bat.

Still, a vast improvment over what we've been doing.
So you're ok with other people paying for your treatment but you don't want to pay anyone elses bills. Hypocritical much?

This is where you say..."I never said that". But the fact that you have insurance is proof enough that you're ok with a shared pool system where other people will pay for your treatment when the bills get expensive. That's the way insurance works, people pitching in to pay for others bills when they need it the most.

Don't like paying for others, then you should drop your insurance and show how personally responsible you really are.

Your just being silly now. I have no control over how the insurance system works. Neither do you. Can't change it and neither can you. Nothing hypocritical about it. It is what it is.

I don't agree with you so I'm wrong and your're right. Got it.

I will never agree with you and you won't agree with me. No sweat. I sure as shit don't need your approval for anything.

I live a pretty good life. Have a great job that I'm damned good at.

Don't owe anyone a dime and I do as I please. That personal responsibility you seem to abhorr pays dividends down the road. It sure has for me.

Hope you can say the same.

LOL. Clueless doesn't begin to describe you. Willfully ignorant and admittedly selfish are more fitting.

LOL Think I will manage to survive your condemnation there RD.

After all you have the moral highground, what with wanting to take care of your fellow man no matter what it costs. Just be glad the rest of us are on board, willing or not, to foot those bills because if we weren't. You'd be broke in no time. Loads of freeloaders in this country and they love being taken care of. Good thing your on the job. LOL

LMAO Can't say you bother me one way or the other. I just have my view and you have yours. So be it.
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