Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities."

...and yet, you have no problem with the present health care system whereby 67% of hospitals bills are not collected because people simply can not pay them, so the hospitals are kept afloat by state and federal tax money....

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No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

Personally I'd prefer a choice myself.

No, you're stupid because your take on things is a) not set in reality and b) outrageously cruel if it somehow were reality.

What makes you even more stupid is that despite the fact that you seem to be aware you are paying for it anyway you are resistant to ideas that would help ease the burden on you and your employer.

Like I said, your blindness is stunning.

No. I just don't agree with you so I'm blind and stupid. Got it.

Oh and please let me know how the ACA is going to ease the cost of HC. I mean really. There is no reform as regards to cost in it.

AFter all. It will be the law of the land in 2014. Would be nice if it reduced cost but I surely won't hold my breath.

Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

According to this you have almost everyone covered but your costs are going up. Way up. I can see the same with the ACA.

I'm not championing ACA, moron, have you been paying any attention at all?

I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities."

...and yet, you have no problem with the present health care system whereby 67% of hospitals bills are not collected because people simply can not pay them, so the hospitals are kept afloat by state and federal tax money....


Where did I say that??

Who says I have no problem with the present system?? Certainly not me.

This system isn't the greatest but the ACA isn't any better. Neither do anything about the real problem, the cost.

As I said. The ACA is going to be anything but affordable. There is no reform as regards to cost in it and your adding loads of folks onto the system. It will be costly.
Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

My health care costs have been basically the same for about three years now.

I spent two and a half days over XMas in the hospital with colitis and racked up $14k in bills ... my cost? $150.
No, you're stupid because your take on things is a) not set in reality and b) outrageously cruel if it somehow were reality.

What makes you even more stupid is that despite the fact that you seem to be aware you are paying for it anyway you are resistant to ideas that would help ease the burden on you and your employer.

Like I said, your blindness is stunning.

No. I just don't agree with you so I'm blind and stupid. Got it.

Oh and please let me know how the ACA is going to ease the cost of HC. I mean really. There is no reform as regards to cost in it.

AFter all. It will be the law of the land in 2014. Would be nice if it reduced cost but I surely won't hold my breath.

Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

According to this you have almost everyone covered but your costs are going up. Way up. I can see the same with the ACA.

I'm not championing ACA, moron, have you been paying any attention at all?


Just where did I say you were championing ACA??

I merely mentioned it along with your MA HC system.

Moron. Geeze.
No. I just don't agree with you so I'm blind and stupid. Got it.

Oh and please let me know how the ACA is going to ease the cost of HC. I mean really. There is no reform as regards to cost in it.

AFter all. It will be the law of the land in 2014. Would be nice if it reduced cost but I surely won't hold my breath.

Oh and how are your HC costs in MA?

According to this you have almost everyone covered but your costs are going up. Way up. I can see the same with the ACA.

I'm not championing ACA, moron, have you been paying any attention at all?


Just where did I say you were championing ACA??

I merely mentioned it along with your MA HC system.

Moron. Geeze.

When you asked me to "please let me know how the ACA is going to ease the cost of HC" in response to this:

What makes you even more stupid is that despite the fact that you seem to be aware you are paying for it anyway you are resistant to ideas that would help ease the burden on you and your employer.
Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

That's it, huh? After all the specifics I gave? That's all?


You're not stupid, you're just intellectually paralyzed by your ideology.


Nope. I just don't like being forced to pay for others people responsibilities. Doubt ideology has anything to do with it.

If someone showed up at my house asking for a meal. I'd be happy to give him all the food he could eat. Why you ask?? Because its is my choice to do so. It comes down to MY CHOICE. Not some asshole Govt taking that choice away.

Its really just that simple.

Are you forced to live in America? For the matter, are you forced to live in a 1st world country?

You sure aren't. The things you seek don't exist in ANY 1st world civilized country. Maybe you need to reevaluate your value system.
So asking a question about ACA is championing ACA. Got it.

Sorry I asked. I surely won't ask again.
Of course I know and have known that we all pay for those that can't pay. We pay higher premiums and pay for Medicaide. We pay for all of it.

The ACA isn't going to change that. There is no reform in it as regards to cost.

Oh yeah. And I'm really, really fucking stupid because I don't have any moral push to cover anyones bills.


I'm sure I'll give that factoid all the consideration that its due.

Read post #265. Nothing short of you taking yourself off the grid or moving to some crusty third world country is going to take that burden away from you but we can sure as shit do better and help lessen that burden. No, "letting them die" is not on the table.

And I said you are really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid. At least get THAT right.

No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

And of course there is no way to get out of paying for everyone. Not as long as our Govt ignores the constitution. Nothing in the constitution about paying for HC or Welfare or Medicade. No where will you find a mention of Charity in that document.

LOL, you are so ignorant it's stunning. Hopefully you've never had cancer or some other major illness. But if you did you would know that treatment for such horrible diseases costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Costs that I promise you, that you couldn't afford without going broke. Good thing you have insurance though......which is other people paying for your treatment. Yes you pay in, but you can and will get coverage beyond the amount that you've contributed.

Still think other people shouldn't have to pay for your healthcare? Then drop your insurance since you're mooching off of me the day you get sick.
Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Always with the 47 percent! Don't you people ever learn?
That's it, huh? After all the specifics I gave? That's all?


You're not stupid, you're just intellectually paralyzed by your ideology.


Nope. I just don't like being forced to pay for others people responsibilities. Doubt ideology has anything to do with it.

If someone showed up at my house asking for a meal. I'd be happy to give him all the food he could eat. Why you ask?? Because its is my choice to do so. It comes down to MY CHOICE. Not some asshole Govt taking that choice away.

Its really just that simple.

Are you forced to live in America? For the matter, are you forced to live in a 1st world country?

You sure aren't. The things you seek don't exist in ANY 1st world civilized country. Maybe you need to reevaluate your value system.

Nothing wrong with my values there RD. I just don't agree with yours so therefore I'm stupid and a moron. At least according to you and Arty. In fact I have a pretty good set of values. I just don't appreciate being forced to pay other peoples bills. On that. I'll disagree with you all day long.

Thing is our country didn't used to run that way. Folks took care of themselves. No one payed someone elses bill for them. And no one expected them to. Oh yeah and we were a 1st World country back then also.

Big difference today. Folks with hands out all over this country and folks like you see nothing wrong with taking care of their needs. Oh yeah.

There is no charity in the constitution yet look at us today. Loads of folks live on our taxdollars. I'm sure the FF would turn in their graves if they could see the America of today.

Personal responsibility is becoming extinct.

Yeah. We are a 1st World country. I hope we stay that way and no. I will never believe as you do RD. I like to make my own choices about charity.

Its really just that simple.
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Nope. I just don't like being forced to pay for others people responsibilities. Doubt ideology has anything to do with it.

If someone showed up at my house asking for a meal. I'd be happy to give him all the food he could eat. Why you ask?? Because its is my choice to do so. It comes down to MY CHOICE. Not some asshole Govt taking that choice away.

Its really just that simple.

Are you forced to live in America? For the matter, are you forced to live in a 1st world country?

You sure aren't. The things you seek don't exist in ANY 1st world civilized country. Maybe you need to reevaluate your value system.

Nothing wrong with my values there RD. I just don't agree with yours so therefore I'm stupid and a moron. At leaset according to you and Arty. Think I can live with your condemnation.

Thing is our country didn't used to run that way. Folks took care of themselves. No one payed someone elses bill for them.

There is no charity in the constitution yet look at us todayy. Loads of folks live on our taxdollars. I'm sure the FF would turn in their graves if they could see the America of today.

We are fast leaving personal responsibility behind. Now those that have are expected to support those that don't have.

This country used to have a top marginal tax rate of 90%
I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities."

...and yet, you have no problem with the present health care system whereby 67% of hospitals bills are not collected because people simply can not pay them, so the hospitals are kept afloat by state and federal tax money....


Where did I say that??

Who says I have no problem with the present system?? Certainly not me.

This system isn't the greatest but the ACA isn't any better. Neither do anything about the real problem, the cost.

As I said. The ACA is going to be anything but affordable. There is no reform as regards to cost in it and your adding loads of folks onto the system. It will be costly.

Medicare is the only effective cost control medical system in the USA. Why? Because the government has contracted to pay medical costs at a rate that is exactly 6% above the average cost of any device or proceedure. As a result, what Medicare pays for my hospital bill is somewhere areound 10% of what a hospital would bill someonewho had no insurance. If someone has HMO insrance, the Hospital has probably contracted to bill about 15-20% above their actual costs. The only thing that this does not apply to is RX, which the pharmacutical companies have managed to get a law passed forbidding the government from negotiating RX costs. As a result, RX in this country costs 50% more than in any other developed nation. If this country had switched to a simgle payer universal health system, trillions would have been saved over a decade.

I am not just making this stuff up. My career was negotiating HMO provider contracts. The facts are also laid out in full in Time Magazine March 4 special edition, which was solely dedicated to this issue.
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I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities."

...and yet, you have no problem with the present health care system whereby 67% of hospitals bills are not collected because people simply can not pay them, so the hospitals are kept afloat by state and federal tax money....


Where did I say that??

Who says I have no problem with the present system?? Certainly not me.

This system isn't the greatest but the ACA isn't any better. Neither do anything about the real problem, the cost.

As I said. The ACA is going to be anything but affordable. There is no reform as regards to cost in it and your adding loads of folks onto the system. It will be costly.

Medicare is the only effective cost control medical system in the USA. Why? Because the government has contracted to pay medical costs at a rate that is exactly 6% above the average cost of any device or proceedure. As a result, what Medicare pays for my hospital bill is somewhere areound 10% of what a hospital would bill someonewho had no insurance. If someone has HMO insrance, the Hospital has probably contracted to bill about 15-20% above their actual costs. The only thing that this does not apply to is RX, which the pharmacutical companies have managed to get a law passed forbidding the government from negotiating RX costs. As a result, RX in this country costs 50% more than in any other developed nation. If this country had switched to a simgle payer universal health system, trillions would have been saved over a decade.

I am not just making this stuff up. My career was negotiating HMO provider contracts. The facts are also laid out in full in Time Magazine March 4 special edition, which was solely dedicated to this issue.

As I said. I'm no fan of the current system but I don't see where the ACA is going to be better.

The CBO says this thing is going to cost up the ass.
Read post #265. Nothing short of you taking yourself off the grid or moving to some crusty third world country is going to take that burden away from you but we can sure as shit do better and help lessen that burden. No, "letting them die" is not on the table.

And I said you are really, really, really, REALLY effin' stooooooooooopid. At least get THAT right.

No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

And of course there is no way to get out of paying for everyone. Not as long as our Govt ignores the constitution. Nothing in the constitution about paying for HC or Welfare or Medicade. No where will you find a mention of Charity in that document.

LOL, you are so ignorant it's stunning. Hopefully you've never had cancer or some other major illness. But if you did you would know that treatment for such horrible diseases costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Costs that I promise you, that you couldn't afford without going broke. Good thing you have insurance though......which is other people paying for your treatment. Yes you pay in, but you can and will get coverage beyond the amount that you've contributed.

Still think other people shouldn't have to pay for your healthcare? Then drop your insurance since you're mooching off of me the day you get sick.

I'm ignorant? Your beginning to sound pretty damned ignorant yourself.

Of course cancer treatments as well as other can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why do you think I don't want to pay for someone elses HC you idiot. Why should I pay higher premiums so someone can get free HC??

I wonder if someone is paying for your HC. Thats why your so sure that everyone should foot the bill.
Where did I say that??

Who says I have no problem with the present system?? Certainly not me.

This system isn't the greatest but the ACA isn't any better. Neither do anything about the real problem, the cost.

As I said. The ACA is going to be anything but affordable. There is no reform as regards to cost in it and your adding loads of folks onto the system. It will be costly.

Medicare is the only effective cost control medical system in the USA. Why? Because the government has contracted to pay medical costs at a rate that is exactly 6% above the average cost of any device or proceedure. As a result, what Medicare pays for my hospital bill is somewhere areound 10% of what a hospital would bill someonewho had no insurance. If someone has HMO insrance, the Hospital has probably contracted to bill about 15-20% above their actual costs. The only thing that this does not apply to is RX, which the pharmacutical companies have managed to get a law passed forbidding the government from negotiating RX costs. As a result, RX in this country costs 50% more than in any other developed nation. If this country had switched to a simgle payer universal health system, trillions would have been saved over a decade.

I am not just making this stuff up. My career was negotiating HMO provider contracts. The facts are also laid out in full in Time Magazine March 4 special edition, which was solely dedicated to this issue.

As I said. I'm no fan of the current system but I don't see where the ACA is going to be better.

The CBO says this thing is going to cost up the ass.

By law, a hospital must stabilize a patient with an emergency, regardless of whether he has insurance or not. This means that your taxes are already paying for the uninsured. The only thing that ACA is going to do is to shift the cost of this care from the taxes, to the private sector. There will be some increses in costs, because under the present law, a hospital is not required to give you a heart bypass or chemo treratment, since that is not "stabilization". however, in most cases, the uninsured manage to get this done under Medicaid, or other government programs. If all else fails, they simply write it off, and mark up the cost to your insurance comapny, instead, which simply passes it on to you. So, for the most part, all ACA is doing is "cost shifting", "not cost increasing".
No. You and your likeminded buddies think I'm stupid because I DON"T AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE ON THINGS. I'm not interested in assuming someone elses responsibilities.

Its just that simple.

I don't agree with you so I'm stupid and you moral giants are just the greatest. You feel we should all be thinking just like you. Sorry but that isn't the case.

I'm sure if anyone asked you you'd be more than delighted to tell them just how great you are because you love spending yours and everyone elses money taking care of those poor downtrodden souls who can't take care of themselves.

And of course there is no way to get out of paying for everyone. Not as long as our Govt ignores the constitution. Nothing in the constitution about paying for HC or Welfare or Medicade. No where will you find a mention of Charity in that document.

LOL, you are so ignorant it's stunning. Hopefully you've never had cancer or some other major illness. But if you did you would know that treatment for such horrible diseases costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Costs that I promise you, that you couldn't afford without going broke. Good thing you have insurance though......which is other people paying for your treatment. Yes you pay in, but you can and will get coverage beyond the amount that you've contributed.

Still think other people shouldn't have to pay for your healthcare? Then drop your insurance since you're mooching off of me the day you get sick.

I'm ignorant? Your beginning to sound pretty damned ignorant yourself.

Of course cancer treatments as well as other can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why do you think I don't want to pay for someone elses HC you idiot. Why should I pay higher premiums so someone can get free HC??

I wonder if someone is paying for your HC. Thats why your so sure that everyone should foot the bill.

So you're ok with other people paying for your treatment but you don't want to pay anyone elses bills. Hypocritical much?

This is where you say..."I never said that". But the fact that you have insurance is proof enough that you're ok with a shared pool system where other people will pay for your treatment when the bills get expensive. That's the way insurance works, people pitching in to pay for others bills when they need it the most.

Don't like paying for others, then you should drop your insurance and show how personally responsible you really are.

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