Thailand refuses to allow refugees in........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It seems that now the rest of the world is starting to shun the Islamic people....

BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- Bedraggled, hungry and dazed, the refugees arrived on the shores of Thailand after fleeing one of the most repressive governments in the world -- the hard-line military regime in Myanmar, also known as Burma.
This picture provided to CNN is said to show refugees being towed out to sea by the Thai army.

But a CNN investigation has uncovered evidence that for hundreds of Rohingya refugees -- members of a Muslim minority group -- abuse and abandonment at sea were what awaited them in Thailand, at the hands of Thai authorities.

Extraordinary photos obtained by CNN from someone directly involved in the Thai operation show refugees on their rickety boats being towed out to sea, cut loose and abandoned.

One photo shows the Thai army towing a boatload of some 190 refugees far out to sea.

For days, accusations have been carried in several regional papers that the Thai army has been systematically towing boat-loads of Rohingya refugees far out to sea and setting them adrift.

The army denied it, and the Thai government has launched an inquiry.

CNN's investigation -- based on accounts from tourists, sources in Thailand and a Rohingya refugee who said he was on a boat towed back out to sea -- helps to piece together a picture of survival thwarted by an organized effort not just to repel arriving refugees, but to hold them prisoner on shore, drag them in flimsy boats far out to sea and then abandon them. Video Watch CNN's investigation into reports of refugees being set adrift »

Three tourists recently voiced concern to CNN over what they had seen -- and in some cases photographed -- near Thailand's tourist areas.

One tourist provided CNN with photos last week of refugees detained by Thai authorities on a beach near a tourist site, with the refugees prone on the sun-bleached sand while guards stood nearby.

"Whenever someone raised their head or moved, they [guards] would strike them with a whip," said Australian tourist Andrew Catton.

A CNN crew traveled to a remote stretch of the Thai coast four hours north of the tourist island of Phuket to investigate the growing reports that the Thai military was secretly detaining Rohingya refugees before towing them out to sea and setting them adrift.

In an isolated beach area, debris including sandals and campfire remnants indicated that large numbers of people had been there but were nowhere to be seen.

The crew then traveled to a nearby island, where residents reported that refugees who had escaped were living in the jungle.

In one hamlet, villagers had captured a Rohingya man they believed had been living in the jungle for days.

The refugee, who identified himself as Iqbal Hussain, told CNN he was on one of six boats in a makeshift refugee fleet that arrived in Thailand in December.

He said all six boats with their refugee cargo were towed back out to sea in January, and five of the six boats sank. His boat made it back to shore, and he hid in the jungle for days until nearby villagers captured him.

In broken English and using sign language and drawings, he described what happened to the other men on the boats:

"All men dead," he said, putting the number of dead at several hundred.

The Rohingya, a persecuted minority in Myanmar, have been fleeing their country in rickety boats for years, in search of a better life.

In Thailand, many instead have found deprivation and the possibility of desertion far off shore, according to the CNN investigation.

The source who provided CNN with photos of refugees in a boat being towed out to sea stressed that the Thai army had given the refugees food and water, but he also confirmed that the boats had been pulled for more than two days into international waters before they were set adrift.

His account directly contradicts briefings by senior Thai army sources who denied any such operation was undertaken.

A source in the Thai military, after extensive questioning, did confirm to CNN that the Thai army was operating a dump-at-sea policy. But the source defended it, insisting that each boatload of refugees was always given sufficient supplies of food and water.

That source claimed local villagers had become afraid of the hundreds of Rohingya arriving each month, and that they were accusing the refugees of stealing their property and threatening them.

Probe questions fate of refugees in Thailand -

You know.....the Islamic people have been persecuting the population of the world for a long time via terrorism and violence.

It's good to see that Thailand is starting to refuse to allow these violent people in, as well as kinda interesting to see the BBC and Sky refusing to broadcast requests for aid to be sent to Gaza.

Good. They've told everyone else to convert or be killed. Now? Its come back upon them and they are being shunned.

Incidentally, the reason they went away to Thailand? They were being threatened in their own place, so they left, and want to start bullshit all over in another country.

I say, give 'em enough food and water to keep them for a week, and then take 'em back out in international waters.
I tell ya.. when looking around at the globe and pondering which nations are bellwether states that seep human rights and liberty the FIRST one that always comes to mind is... Thailand.
Are you sure you're not thinking of Mayanmar? That is where they went after the monks.......

I applaud Thailand for not allowing Islamic lunatics into their country.
You can applaud whomever you want to. Acting like Libya is your new hero because they shit on arabs probably doesn't say much about you or Libya. FYI.
Burmese democratic icon Aung San Suu Kyi has been presented with the prestigious Trumpet of Conscience Award for leading the people of her country in the fight against the military junta.

The annual award is given by Realizing the Dream, a non-profit organization set up by Martin Luther King III in honour of his father great Martin Luther King Jr. The award is given on the occasion of birth anniversary of the great American leader. Monday happens to be his 80th birthday.

At a glittering function held last evening, a few blocks away from the US capitol, the award was presented by Queen Noor of Jordan to Aung Ding, executive director of US Campaign for Burma, on behalf of Aung San Suu Kyi.

"Daw Aung San Suu Kyi epitomizes the ideals of this award," Queen Noor said in her speech. "She is a freedom fighter and passionate advocate for the use of non-violent action against repression and military force," she said.

"A dedicated practicnor of Buddhism, a dedicated student of Gandhian principles and a follower of King's teachings, Aung San Suu Kyi has led her followers in Burma to engage the repressor with calm, passion and collective conviction," Queen Noor said.

The Hindu News Update Service
You can applaud whomever you want to. Acting like Libya is your new hero because they shit on arabs probably doesn't say much about you or Libya. FYI.

Where did I say anything about Libya? Shit squadron (VFA-131) is the ones that FIRED MISSILES INTO LIBYA!

Never said anything about the Arabs either.

I DID however mention Islamics and Muslims.
Clearly, you pick up on sarcasm well. All the more pertinent given how much dick Gaddafi has been sucking these days. I would offer a longer rebuttal but your comprehension of how closely muslims are related to jews and christians is so minimal that it would be a wasted effort trying to educate you beyond your goofy insistence that demons are the core of islam instead of thegod of abraham.
Clearly, you pick up on sarcasm well. All the more pertinent given how much dick Gaddafi has been sucking these days. I would offer a longer rebuttal but your comprehension of how closely muslims are related to jews and christians is so minimal that it would be a wasted effort trying to educate you beyond your goofy insistence that demons are the core of islam instead of thegod of abraham. much have you studied Islam? Me? Right around 5 years. I've also been looking (quite a bit actually) into Judaism. One of the best resources for that is the Universal Torah Network here on the web.

Now.......if you were to compare the two, you would see what I'm talking about. Rather quickly too.

For the first 3 years that I was looking into Islam, I was one of the biggest defenders of their belief system. But, when I started to find out what it was REALLY about, I became one of their biggest adversaries.

And, for the record, I like the Middle East. There are some really cool things there. And, I've been all across it, from the Red Sea on the west to the Persian Gulf on the east.
You can applaud whomever you want to. Acting like Libya is your new hero because they shit on arabs probably doesn't say much about you or Libya. FYI.
Never said anything about the Arabs either.

I DID however mention Islamics and Muslims.
What a cop out !!

Considering that about 99% of all Arabs are Muslims!!

ABikerSailor you are a fraud delux :cuckoo:
Yeah Sunnidiot.......just like you say the Holocaust is a hoax.

Hey.......the Pope has done some things that you'd like lately........are ya gonna convert to Catholicism now?
Clearly, you pick up on sarcasm well. All the more pertinent given how much dick Gaddafi has been sucking these days. I would offer a longer rebuttal but your comprehension of how closely muslims are related to jews and christians is so minimal that it would be a wasted effort trying to educate you beyond your goofy insistence that demons are the core of islam instead of thegod of abraham. much have you studied Islam? Me? Right around 5 years.
5 years!!!

You must be a slow learner!!

From what you have posted, you barely know the basics of Islam
Clearly, you pick up on sarcasm well. All the more pertinent given how much dick Gaddafi has been sucking these days. I would offer a longer rebuttal but your comprehension of how closely muslims are related to jews and christians is so minimal that it would be a wasted effort trying to educate you beyond your goofy insistence that demons are the core of islam instead of thegod of abraham. much have you studied Islam? Me? Right around 5 years. I've also been looking (quite a bit actually) into Judaism. One of the best resources for that is the Universal Torah Network here on the web.

Now.......if you were to compare the two, you would see what I'm talking about. Rather quickly too.

For the first 3 years that I was looking into Islam, I was one of the biggest defenders of their belief system. But, when I started to find out what it was REALLY about, I became one of their biggest adversaries.

And, for the record, I like the Middle East. There are some really cool things there. And, I've been all across it, from the Red Sea on the west to the Persian Gulf on the east.

listen, dude. people study all kinds of shit for years and years but that doesn't make the bullshit they say true. I don't care how long you think you've been a scholar. When you keep insisting that muslims worship a demon every time they utter the word "allah" then you burst your own bubble. Muslims, jews and christians all worship the same entity and if YOUR god is not a demon then neither is theirs.

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