Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

It's "secession", not "succession". What a dumb shit.

Oooooh, got me on spelling at 6 in the morning. Congrats. That'll be your greatest achievement this year. Congratulations. :clap:

Meanwhile, you're a total moron to think that "secession" has anything other than a zero chance of happening.
Spelling? No, you spelled it right, only you used the wrong word. That's because you're stupid.

Baaaahahahah..Toro stupid?

Well ducats to doughnuts I bet ol' Toro pays more in taxes then you make in a decade.

I'm with the stupid guy on this one.

The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

Local 2 investigates Texas secession movement | News - Home

Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

speaking of spineless politicians and Boehner (the tan man) with his alligator tears comes to mind .... not to mention Little (Eddie Munster) ryan with that coward of a leader John Cornyn ... with his fearless leader who still trying to remember the three things he wants out of gubment ... little rickie Ferry, I mean Perry...
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Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

speaking of spineless politicians and Boehner (the tan man) with his alligator tears comes to mind .... not to mention Little (Eddie Munster) ryan with that coward of a leader John Cornyn ... with his fearless leader who still trying to remember the three things he want out of gubment little rickie Ferry, I mean Perry...
You mean "Crocodile tears"? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm beginning to think all the stupid liberals get up early.
I'm with the stupid guy on this one.
That doesn't surprise me.

It shouldn't.

Because ol' Toro knows more about the Constitution then you folks do.

How ever you want to spell it.

Unless you go through congress? It's treason. And anyone advocating for a violent secession is a traitor.
Well, stupid, so far the only ones on this thread who have mentioned violence are liberals. You would be the third one.
Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.

The US would probably end up having to support Mexico in a conflict with Texas, as Mexico is our ally.
I can see it now ... Obama launches and attack on the capital city of TEX ASS with B2 bombers ... with guided laser missiles ... BAMB !!! theres goes perry and John conyn and the rest of the leader ship In the country of TEX ASS ... hell they would fall faster then Saddam did ... you see those TEX ASSASSINS running in circle shouting "we's a gona' die ... heaven help us we's a gona die...
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That doesn't surprise me.

It shouldn't.

Because ol' Toro knows more about the Constitution then you folks do.

How ever you want to spell it.

Unless you go through congress? It's treason. And anyone advocating for a violent secession is a traitor.
Well, stupid, so far the only ones on this thread who have mentioned violence are liberals. You would be the third one.


Exactly how do you think this should go down?

Because by the book?

A bill has to pass through congress. Then get signed by the President.

That's not going to happen.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

speaking of spineless politicians and Boehner (the tan man) with his alligator tears comes to mind .... not to mention Little (Eddie Munster) ryan with that coward of a leader John Cornyn ... with his fearless leader who still trying to remember the three things he want out of gubment little rickie Ferry, I mean Perry...
You mean "Crocodile tears"? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm beginning to think all the stupid liberals get up early.
no I clearly said alligator tears
It shouldn't.

Because ol' Toro knows more about the Constitution then you folks do.

How ever you want to spell it.

Unless you go through congress? It's treason. And anyone advocating for a violent secession is a traitor.
Well, stupid, so far the only ones on this thread who have mentioned violence are liberals. You would be the third one.


Exactly how do you think this should go down?

Because by the book?

A bill has to pass through congress. Then get signed by the President.

That's not going to happen.
I suggest you do a little (no, a lot) of reading before you make yourself look even dumber than you already do.
speaking of spineless politicians and Boehner (the tan man) with his alligator tears comes to mind .... not to mention Little (Eddie Munster) ryan with that coward of a leader John Cornyn ... with his fearless leader who still trying to remember the three things he want out of gubment little rickie Ferry, I mean Perry...
You mean "Crocodile tears"? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm beginning to think all the stupid liberals get up early.
no I clearly said alligator tears
I know. That's what's so funny. :lol::lol::lol:

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