Texas Federal Judge Blocks All Unconstutional Vaccine Mandates for Federal Workers Nationwide


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This just happened today.

"A federal judge in Texas granted Friday a nationwide preliminary injunction against President Biden’s Executive Order mandating that all federal workers consent to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or else face termination.

The order poses a substantial threat of irreparable harm to the “liberty interests of employees who must choose between violating a mandate of doubtful validity or consenting to an unwanted medical procedure that cannot be undone,” Judge Jeffrey V. Brown of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas said.

There’s also a strong likelihood that the plaintiffs, who represent federal workers, will prevail in challenging the order on constitutional grounds, Brown said.

“This case is not about whether folks should get vaccinated against COVID-19—the court believes they should,” Brown noted.

But the President’s order, which took effect without any Congressional input, is “a bridge too far,” he said."

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers Blocked Nationwide.
Excellent. And when the court said it believes in vaccines, I think that was more of a political statement than anything else too. This decision actually gives the sniffer an easy way out of the horrendous decision he made. Let the pilots fly and the doctors doctor. People gotta do what people do.
Look. We thinkers have been telling you the “get the shot (s) or get fired” is intimidation hooey.
A new angle in this is that since federal state and local have tried intimidation and coercion then other entities would also. All sorts of individual businesses and offices are coming up with their own “you must comply crap”. Won’t take cash. Doctor yesterday did not want me to wear my mask, had to put on his mask out of a brand new package. Not huge things but just more hoax coercion crap to try and trick us into believing how hugely serious this hoax is.
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Look. We thinkers have been telling you the “get the shot s) or get fired” is intimidation hooey.
A new angle in this is that since federal state and local have tried intimidation and coercion then other entities would also. All sorts of individual businesses and offices are coming up with their own “you must comply crap”. Won’t take cash. Doctor yesterday did not want me to wear my mask, had to put on his mask out of a brand new package. Not huge things but just more hoax coercion crap to try and trick us into believing how hugely serious this hoax is.

Wait until the DemoKKKrats propose a new income tax to offset the cost of the "pandemic". It's coming, just watch...
Such little response to this thread because lockdown loons see the writing is on the wall that productive and thinking Americans won’t be following “orders” from those not legally empowered to issue edicts nor be forced to take medical actions against their own personal health interest
This la de da horseshit about “we are all in this together” is socialistic fluff that thinkers ignore.

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