Testimony of What the Left Believes...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It is more than passing interesting to plumb the depths, the thinking of those with whom we debate....

Sometimes the testimony is from the Right, which opens it up to obvious debate.

But it is pure gold to see the statements from an inveterate 'leftie' who gives his views of 'the other side.'

First, here is a statement from the Right:

1. The American left hates the America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental solutions, etc. The American left, like the rest of the world's left, loathes that America.

2. So what America does the American Left love? That is for those on the left to answer. But given their beliefs that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, it is a fair question. The World Doesn't Hate America, the Left Does - Dennis Prager - [page]

Now, from a piece by the New Yorker's John Cassidy, describing what he sees as 'the craziness' of Right-wing Americans.., establishing the proof for what Prager writes.

"Are firearms the only subject on which Americans are, let us say, a little batty?

Not all Americans subscribe to them, of course. In some instances, the true believers may amount to a small but vocal minority. Still, the popular sentiment underlying these statements is so strong that politicians defy it at their peril.

1. Gun laws and gun deaths are unconnected.
2. Private enterprise is good; public enterprise is bad.
3. God created America and gave it a special purpose.
4. Our health-care system is the best there is.
5. The Founding Fathers were saintly figures who established liberty and democracy for everyone.
6. America is the greatest country in the world.
7. Tax rates are too high.
8. America is a peace-loving nation: the reason it gets involved in so many wars is that foreigners keep attacking us.
9. Cheap energy, gasoline especially, is our birthright.
10. Everybody else wishes they were American.

...the point here: it is whether or not certain beliefs are amenable to reason. I don’t think these are, which is what puts them in the category of irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."
Is America Crazy? Ten Reasons it Might Be : The New Yorker

If it is not evident to you lefties what the point is, reverse each of the ten statements and you have the catechism of the Left.
I'm not sure if America is crazy...but you are putting in a pretty good showing for yourself.

I love the way we throw a blanket on each other just for shits and giggles. I've seen it happen on both sides and the reason seems to be that some asshole just wants to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans.

If you think you're really making a value point here....Your fucking nuts. If your just trying to be an asshole....congratulations....you've succeeded.
I'm not sure if America is crazy...but you are putting in a pretty good showing for yourself.

I love the way we throw a blanket on each other just for shits and giggles. I've seen it happen on both sides and the reason seems to be that some asshole just wants to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans.

If you think you're really making a value point here....Your fucking nuts. If your just trying to be an asshole....congratulations....you've succeeded.

Well, this was frustrating.

The left has a list (a legitimate list) just like this. If those who are not super extremist whackos can get away from the extremist whackos there might be a good conversation.

However, those lists are pretty much describe the kinds of conflicts that are in the public arena right now.

What is more important is the methodology of those who promote the whackiness....we never talk about that....and we never discuss what societal goals are.

If you have that discussion......a lot of what you need to work out is resolved.
I'm not sure if America is crazy...but you are putting in a pretty good showing for yourself.

I love the way we throw a blanket on each other just for shits and giggles. I've seen it happen on both sides and the reason seems to be that some asshole just wants to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans.

If you think you're really making a value point here....Your fucking nuts. If your just trying to be an asshole....congratulations....you've succeeded.

1. What's strange here is that I kind of agree with the essence of your post....but if I had written it, the language would have been more....restrained.

But let me walk you through this, as it seems that you have missed the point by quite a margin....

2. "I love the way we throw a blanket on each other ... to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans."

Do you know who John Cassidy is?
Is he from my side of the aisle?

Let's see: "... John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker,..."
John Cassidy on ObamaCare - WSJ.com

See where I'm going with this?
Which side painted Americans as as suffering from " irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."?
Especially Americans who believe in our exceptionalism?

3. So...the vituperation?
For revealing this gratuitous attack from the Left?
Blaming me for not turning the other cheek?

4. BTW....do you want to defend Cassidy?
Or argue that my precis about the beliefs of the Left is incorrect?
No, huh.

I'll be here when you're ready to apologize.

And I like the fact that you think it would be nice if the nation were less polarized.
It is more than passing interesting to plumb the depths, the thinking of those with whom we debate....

Sometimes the testimony is from the Right, which opens it up to obvious debate.

But it is pure gold to see the statements from an inveterate 'leftie' who gives his views of 'the other side.'

First, here is a statement from the Right:

1. The American left hates the America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental solutions, etc. The American left, like the rest of the world's left, loathes that America.

2. So what America does the American Left love? That is for those on the left to answer. But given their beliefs that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, it is a fair question. The World Doesn't Hate America, the Left Does - Dennis Prager - [page]

Now, from a piece by the New Yorker's John Cassidy, describing what he sees as 'the craziness' of Right-wing Americans.., establishing the proof for what Prager writes.

"Are firearms the only subject on which Americans are, let us say, a little batty?

Not all Americans subscribe to them, of course. In some instances, the true believers may amount to a small but vocal minority. Still, the popular sentiment underlying these statements is so strong that politicians defy it at their peril.

1. Gun laws and gun deaths are unconnected.
2. Private enterprise is good; public enterprise is bad.
3. God created America and gave it a special purpose.
4. Our health-care system is the best there is.
5. The Founding Fathers were saintly figures who established liberty and democracy for everyone.
6. America is the greatest country in the world.
7. Tax rates are too high.
8. America is a peace-loving nation: the reason it gets involved in so many wars is that foreigners keep attacking us.
9. Cheap energy, gasoline especially, is our birthright.
10. Everybody else wishes they were American.

...the point here: it is whether or not certain beliefs are amenable to reason. I don’t think these are, which is what puts them in the category of irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."
Is America Crazy? Ten Reasons it Might Be : The New Yorker

If it is not evident to you lefties what the point is, reverse each of the ten statements and you have the catechism of the Left.

Americans by and large aren't nutty, crazy or derranged...just those on both sides that live and breathe politics and try to shape policy(ies). Average Americans don't awaken until close to an election cycle because they are busy maintaining families, jobs and businesses.

Average Americans just want to be left alone to thier own devices and Do become active when common sense no longer makes sense and has become a roadblock.

Good Thread as usual Political Chic...YOU are our 'Michele Malkin' of USMB in my mind.

Good job.
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Serious question. Are you related to ChessWarNow? It seems you both love making numbered lists in every one of your posts.
Distracted by hater BS, the dupes fight for the freedom to continue to be absolutely screwed by the greedy rich. Thanks for the depression and total obstruction, the lies and fear mongering. See sig. Change the channel.
Distracted by hater BS, the dupes fight for the freedom to continue to be absolutely screwed by the greedy rich. Thanks for the depression and total obstruction, the lies and fear mongering. See sig. Change the channel.

Poor sad franco.....his bête noire doesn't exist: due to the financial mobility of the United States, there is no perennial group known as 'the rich.'

"Thanks for the depression..."

I didn't realize that FDR was a Republican....you're just joshin,' aren't you?
Remember FDR? The guy who extended a recession into 'The Great Depression.' You know who I mean....the guy who idolized Mussolinin?

Well, you'll learn all about that when you get to college....(if?)
It is more than passing interesting to plumb the depths, the thinking of those with whom we debate....

Sometimes the testimony is from the Right, which opens it up to obvious debate.

But it is pure gold to see the statements from an inveterate 'leftie' who gives his views of 'the other side.'

First, here is a statement from the Right:

1. The American left hates the America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental solutions, etc. The American left, like the rest of the world's left, loathes that America.

2. So what America does the American Left love? That is for those on the left to answer. But given their beliefs that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, it is a fair question. The World Doesn't Hate America, the Left Does - Dennis Prager - [page]

Now, from a piece by the New Yorker's John Cassidy, describing what he sees as 'the craziness' of Right-wing Americans.., establishing the proof for what Prager writes.

"Are firearms the only subject on which Americans are, let us say, a little batty?

Not all Americans subscribe to them, of course. In some instances, the true believers may amount to a small but vocal minority. Still, the popular sentiment underlying these statements is so strong that politicians defy it at their peril.

1. Gun laws and gun deaths are unconnected.
2. Private enterprise is good; public enterprise is bad.
3. God created America and gave it a special purpose.
4. Our health-care system is the best there is.
5. The Founding Fathers were saintly figures who established liberty and democracy for everyone.
6. America is the greatest country in the world.
7. Tax rates are too high.
8. America is a peace-loving nation: the reason it gets involved in so many wars is that foreigners keep attacking us.
9. Cheap energy, gasoline especially, is our birthright.
10. Everybody else wishes they were American.

...the point here: it is whether or not certain beliefs are amenable to reason. I don’t think these are, which is what puts them in the category of irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."
Is America Crazy? Ten Reasons it Might Be : The New Yorker

If it is not evident to you lefties what the point is, reverse each of the ten statements and you have the catechism of the Left.

Americans by and large aren't nutty, crazy or derranged...just those on both sides that live and breathe politics and try to shape policy(ies). Average Americans don't awaken until close to an election cycle because they are busy maintaining families, jobs and businesses.

Average Americans just want to be left alone to thier own devices and Do become active when common sense no longer makes sense and has become a roadblock.

Good Thread as usual Political Chic...YOU are our 'Michele Malkin' of USMB in my mind.

Good job.


Wish I could live up to that: Malkin's great!
It is more than passing interesting to plumb the depths, the thinking of those with whom we debate....

Sometimes the testimony is from the Right, which opens it up to obvious debate.

But it is pure gold to see the statements from an inveterate 'leftie' who gives his views of 'the other side.'

First, here is a statement from the Right:

1. The American left hates the America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental solutions, etc. The American left, like the rest of the world's left, loathes that America.

2. So what America does the American Left love? That is for those on the left to answer. But given their beliefs that America was founded by racists and slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is largely racist and xenophobic, it is a fair question. The World Doesn't Hate America, the Left Does - Dennis Prager - [page]

Now, from a piece by the New Yorker's John Cassidy, describing what he sees as 'the craziness' of Right-wing Americans.., establishing the proof for what Prager writes.

"Are firearms the only subject on which Americans are, let us say, a little batty?

Not all Americans subscribe to them, of course. In some instances, the true believers may amount to a small but vocal minority. Still, the popular sentiment underlying these statements is so strong that politicians defy it at their peril.

1. Gun laws and gun deaths are unconnected.
2. Private enterprise is good; public enterprise is bad.
3. God created America and gave it a special purpose.
4. Our health-care system is the best there is.
5. The Founding Fathers were saintly figures who established liberty and democracy for everyone.
6. America is the greatest country in the world.
7. Tax rates are too high.
8. America is a peace-loving nation: the reason it gets involved in so many wars is that foreigners keep attacking us.
9. Cheap energy, gasoline especially, is our birthright.
10. Everybody else wishes they were American.

...the point here: it is whether or not certain beliefs are amenable to reason. I don’t think these are, which is what puts them in the category of irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."
Is America Crazy? Ten Reasons it Might Be : The New Yorker

If it is not evident to you lefties what the point is, reverse each of the ten statements and you have the catechism of the Left.

Americans by and large aren't nutty, crazy or derranged...just those on both sides that live and breathe politics and try to shape policy(ies). Average Americans don't awaken until close to an election cycle because they are busy maintaining families, jobs and businesses.

Average Americans just want to be left alone to thier own devices and Do become active when common sense no longer makes sense and has become a roadblock.

Good Thread as usual Political Chic...YOU are our 'Michele Malkin' of USMB in my mind.

Good job.


Wish I could live up to that: Malkin's great!

Style hon...style.
I'm not sure if America is crazy...but you are putting in a pretty good showing for yourself.

I love the way we throw a blanket on each other just for shits and giggles. I've seen it happen on both sides and the reason seems to be that some asshole just wants to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans.

If you think you're really making a value point here....Your fucking nuts. If your just trying to be an asshole....congratulations....you've succeeded.

1. What's strange here is that I kind of agree with the essence of your post....but if I had written it, the language would have been more....restrained.

But let me walk you through this, as it seems that you have missed the point by quite a margin....

2. "I love the way we throw a blanket on each other ... to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans."

Do you know who John Cassidy is?
Is he from my side of the aisle?

Let's see: "... John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker,..."
John Cassidy on ObamaCare - WSJ.com

See where I'm going with this?
Which side painted Americans as as suffering from " irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."?
Especially Americans who believe in our exceptionalism?

3. So...the vituperation?
For revealing this gratuitous attack from the Left?
Blaming me for not turning the other cheek?

4. BTW....do you want to defend Cassidy?
Or argue that my precis about the beliefs of the Left is incorrect?
No, huh.

I'll be here when you're ready to apologize.

And I like the fact that you think it would be nice if the nation were less polarized.

I'll address the points by number...

1. Thanks....however...as I had said in a different thread, yesterday...I think...I didn't used to be like this...when I first came here I was cordial and respectful to people I disagreed with...but, after a year of being called a fucking commie, a leech on society and all the other right wing crap that you guys say....SORRY if I don't show much restraint these days...in short, you guys helped make my online persona on here....You can consider that my apology.

2. No...I don't know who John Cassidy is...I don't particularly care. but I do disagree on your "the left hates the America that believes in American Exceptionalism" premise...That wasn't Cassidy....that was you. I just disagree with the right wing vision and definition of it.....THAT'S NOT HATE. and perhaps what drew my ire the most was your ridiculous assumption and pompous judgement that reversing the list was ....the "catechism of the left".....That's where I had to talk about "blanket throwing"....and that's exactly what you did.

3. What do I care what Cassidy said? I don't agree with that list point by point. BTW....I love that when a left leaning person writes something...it's a "gratuitous attack", but when someone on the right does the same thing, it's like the unadulterated truth....and you felt the need to lash out against everyone but the author of that attack....and the idea that one person says something, that those ideas are immediately attributable to the entire group who share an ideology is just plain lazy.

4. I think that I answered #4 with the earlier part of my reply....

I'll be here when YOU'RE ready to aplogize...I won't hold my breath.
I'm not sure if America is crazy...but you are putting in a pretty good showing for yourself.

I love the way we throw a blanket on each other just for shits and giggles. I've seen it happen on both sides and the reason seems to be that some asshole just wants to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans.

If you think you're really making a value point here....Your fucking nuts. If your just trying to be an asshole....congratulations....you've succeeded.

1. What's strange here is that I kind of agree with the essence of your post....but if I had written it, the language would have been more....restrained.

But let me walk you through this, as it seems that you have missed the point by quite a margin....

2. "I love the way we throw a blanket on each other ... to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans."

Do you know who John Cassidy is?
Is he from my side of the aisle?

Let's see: "... John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker,..."
John Cassidy on ObamaCare - WSJ.com

See where I'm going with this?
Which side painted Americans as as suffering from " irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."?
Especially Americans who believe in our exceptionalism?

3. So...the vituperation?
For revealing this gratuitous attack from the Left?
Blaming me for not turning the other cheek?

4. BTW....do you want to defend Cassidy?
Or argue that my precis about the beliefs of the Left is incorrect?
No, huh.

I'll be here when you're ready to apologize.

And I like the fact that you think it would be nice if the nation were less polarized.

I'll address the points by number...

1. Thanks....however...as I had said in a different thread, yesterday...I think...I didn't used to be like this...when I first came here I was cordial and respectful to people I disagreed with...but, after a year of being called a fucking commie, a leech on society and all the other right wing crap that you guys say....SORRY if I don't show much restraint these days...in short, you guys helped make my online persona on here....You can consider that my apology.

2. No...I don't know who John Cassidy is...I don't particularly care. but I do disagree on your "the left hates the America that believes in American Exceptionalism" premise...That wasn't Cassidy....that was you. I just disagree with the right wing vision and definition of it.....THAT'S NOT HATE. and perhaps what drew my ire the most was your ridiculous assumption and pompous judgement that reversing the list was ....the "catechism of the left".....That's where I had to talk about "blanket throwing"....and that's exactly what you did.

3. What do I care what Cassidy said? I don't agree with that list point by point. BTW....I love that when a left leaning person writes something...it's a "gratuitous attack", but when someone on the right does the same thing, it's like the unadulterated truth....and you felt the need to lash out against everyone but the author of that attack....and the idea that one person says something, that those ideas are immediately attributable to the entire group who share an ideology is just plain lazy.

4. I think that I answered #4 with the earlier part of my reply....

I'll be here when YOU'RE ready to aplogize...I won't hold my breath.

1. "I don't know who John Cassidy is."

Cassidy is a well-known journalist, paid to present the Left's view.

2. "I don't know who John Cassidy is."

That's why you post is erroneous.

3. Why would you expect me to apologize? First, I used far less inflammatory language than you did....

...and, secondly, everything I stated was correct.

4. Oh...I see....it's that man thing about not apologizing when you are wrong.
Try it....confession is good for the soul.
Distracted by hater BS, the dupes fight for the freedom to continue to be absolutely screwed by the greedy rich. Thanks for the depression and total obstruction, the lies and fear mongering. See sig. Change the channel.

Poor sad franco.....his bête noire doesn't exist: due to the financial mobility of the United States, there is no perennial group known as 'the rich.'

"Thanks for the depression..."

I didn't realize that FDR was a Republican....you're just joshin,' aren't you?
Remember FDR? The guy who extended a recession into 'The Great Depression.' You know who I mean....the guy who idolized Mussolinin?

Well, you'll learn all about that when you get to college....(if?)

This the SECOND Pub World Depression, caused by corruption and cronyism. I have a Masters in World History, and you're a brainwashed moron Beckbot. Shove "Fascist Liberalism" up your azz, idiot. LOL.

Thank god this time the Dems got in quickly while there was still an economy to stimulate. But Pub total obstruction has stalled the recovery- anything to get power to steal again. Memorize my sig and change the channel, pompous windbag.

The rich have never been richer and less obtainable, fool.
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I'm not sure if America is crazy...but you are putting in a pretty good showing for yourself.

I love the way we throw a blanket on each other just for shits and giggles. I've seen it happen on both sides and the reason seems to be that some asshole just wants to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans.

If you think you're really making a value point here....Your fucking nuts. If your just trying to be an asshole....congratulations....you've succeeded.

What in the following do you condemn ?

1. The American left hates the America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental solutions,
The center is sick to death of brainwashed loudmouth ignorant RW ugly 'Merican haters, actually....LOL The 25% of the US and half the GOP who believe Obama is a Muslim socialist Kenyan, ACORN stole the election, and Pub lies in sig pp3 basically. Change the channel.
1. What's strange here is that I kind of agree with the essence of your post....but if I had written it, the language would have been more....restrained.

But let me walk you through this, as it seems that you have missed the point by quite a margin....

2. "I love the way we throw a blanket on each other ... to be mean and miserable to their fellow Americans."

Do you know who John Cassidy is?
Is he from my side of the aisle?

Let's see: "... John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker,..."
John Cassidy on ObamaCare - WSJ.com

See where I'm going with this?
Which side painted Americans as as suffering from " irrationality, flakiness, nonsense, nuttiness, absurdity, craziness…."?
Especially Americans who believe in our exceptionalism?

3. So...the vituperation?
For revealing this gratuitous attack from the Left?
Blaming me for not turning the other cheek?

4. BTW....do you want to defend Cassidy?
Or argue that my precis about the beliefs of the Left is incorrect?
No, huh.

I'll be here when you're ready to apologize.

And I like the fact that you think it would be nice if the nation were less polarized.

I'll address the points by number...

1. Thanks....however...as I had said in a different thread, yesterday...I think...I didn't used to be like this...when I first came here I was cordial and respectful to people I disagreed with...but, after a year of being called a fucking commie, a leech on society and all the other right wing crap that you guys say....SORRY if I don't show much restraint these days...in short, you guys helped make my online persona on here....You can consider that my apology.

2. No...I don't know who John Cassidy is...I don't particularly care. but I do disagree on your "the left hates the America that believes in American Exceptionalism" premise...That wasn't Cassidy....that was you. I just disagree with the right wing vision and definition of it.....THAT'S NOT HATE. and perhaps what drew my ire the most was your ridiculous assumption and pompous judgement that reversing the list was ....the "catechism of the left".....That's where I had to talk about "blanket throwing"....and that's exactly what you did.

3. What do I care what Cassidy said? I don't agree with that list point by point. BTW....I love that when a left leaning person writes something...it's a "gratuitous attack", but when someone on the right does the same thing, it's like the unadulterated truth....and you felt the need to lash out against everyone but the author of that attack....and the idea that one person says something, that those ideas are immediately attributable to the entire group who share an ideology is just plain lazy.

4. I think that I answered #4 with the earlier part of my reply....

I'll be here when YOU'RE ready to aplogize...I won't hold my breath.

1. "I don't know who John Cassidy is."

Cassidy is a well-known journalist, paid to present the Left's view.

2. "I don't know who John Cassidy is."

That's why you post is erroneous.

3. Why would you expect me to apologize? First, I used far less inflammatory language than you did....

...and, secondly, everything I stated was correct.

4. Oh...I see....it's that man thing about not apologizing when you are wrong.
Try it....confession is good for the soul.

1. Great...whoop-de-doo....Once again, how is what HE wrote attributable to every Democrat?....like I said...LAZY

2. See #1.

3. See #1.

and lastly....you're full of shit.
The center is sick to death of brainwashed loudmouth ignorant RW ugly 'Merican haters, actually....LOL The 25% of the US and half the GOP who believe Obama is a Muslim socialist Kenyan, ACORN stole the election, and Pub lies in sig pp3 basically. Change the channel.

You have zero credibility.

I can buy a sheet of paper that says M.S. on it too.

Muslim ? Who cares.

He is a moron.

The GOP is working to keep him from ruining the country.

Take your 200K and move to Cuba...please.

We won't miss you so you needn't worry.

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