Terry McAuliffe? What an embarrassment if He were to be Virginia’s Governor

Democrats in Virginia believe they have stuffed the state with enough mexican leeches to tip the election.
McAuliffe, Cuccinelli try to swing Libertarian vote in Virginia race for governor
Race tightens as Cuccinelli gains GOP supporters

With some polls showing the Virginia governor’s race tightening in its final days, Republicans and Democrats are looking to manipulate a bloc of libertarian voters who have withheld their support from the major parties but who could swing the hotly contested race if they return to the fold for Election Day.

A Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday showed Republican Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II trimming Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s lead in the Virginia governor’s race to 4 percentage points, suggesting the contest is much closer than some analysis has indicated.

The survey gave Mr. McAuliffe a lead of 45 percent to 41 percent, with 9 percent of likely voters opting for Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis. That advantage is down from 46 percent to 39 percent for Mr. McAuliffe in a Quinnipiac poll last week, when Mr. Sarvis had 10 percent.

Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said the results suggest that some people who committed to Mr. Sarvis might be “coming home” to Mr. Cuccinelli — good news for the Republican who has had a difficult time throughout the race solidifying support among members of his own party.
McAuliffe, Cuccinelli try to swing Libertarian vote in Virginia race for governor - Washington Times
I'm not really a big fan of Ron Paul, but if he can help keep the scum McAuliffe from winning more power to him.

Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, will campaign for Virginia Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II on Monday — a day before voters go to the polls to choose Virginia’s next governor.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, will also make appearances on behalf of Mr. Cuccinelli in the days leading up to Election Day.

Mr. Walker is scheduled to campaign with Mr. Cuccinelli in Prince William and Spotsylvania counties Saturday, and Mr. Rubio is scheduled to appear in Warrenton and Culpeper Monday. News of the appearances was first reported by Politico.

Ron Paul to campaign for Cuccinelli on Monday - Washington Times
Cooch is toast, man.

In fact, the 2013 elections aren't good news.

NYC is about to elect an unapologetic liberal.
NJ is about to re-elect a moderate.
VA is about to elect a liberal.

If these elections are a harbinger for 2014, Wingnuts need to be very worried.
Cooch is toast, man.

In fact, the 2013 elections aren't good news.

NYC is about to elect an unapologetic liberal.
NJ is about to re-elect a moderate.
VA is about to elect a liberal.

If these elections are a harbinger for 2014, Wingnuts need to be very worried.

Umm... New york already had a rich liberal running the place no change there. NJ landslide by Chris Christie is a good thing. Virgina lots of tainted liberal money and too many invaders from D.C. I wouldn't be counting any chickens commie lover.
Cooch is toast, man.

In fact, the 2013 elections aren't good news.

NYC is about to elect an unapologetic liberal.
NJ is about to re-elect a moderate.
VA is about to elect a liberal.

If these elections are a harbinger for 2014, Wingnuts need to be very worried.

In New York nothing would change, NYC is as liberal as San Francisco. If NJ re-elects a moderate they are moving FROM liberalism. We have to wait and see for VA, because it isn't looking too good for McAuliffe right now.
Cooch is toast, man.

In fact, the 2013 elections aren't good news.

NYC is about to elect an unapologetic liberal.
NJ is about to re-elect a moderate.
VA is about to elect a liberal.

If these elections are a harbinger for 2014, Wingnuts need to be very worried.

In New York nothing would change, NYC is as liberal as San Francisco. If NJ re-elects a moderate they are moving FROM liberalism. We have to wait and see for VA, because it isn't looking too good for McAuliffe right now.

Swapping out a Republican Billionaire with a guy who used to hang with the Sandinistas is a HUGE Change. Sorry, it looks really bad.

NJ is re-electing a Christie who can't run away from the Teabaggers fast enough. (Just had an image of his fat ass running, and it wasn't pretty.)

And, no, McAuliffe is going to in. Not one poll has Cooch in the lead.
Cooch is toast, man.

In fact, the 2013 elections aren't good news.

NYC is about to elect an unapologetic liberal.
NJ is about to re-elect a moderate.
VA is about to elect a liberal.

If these elections are a harbinger for 2014, Wingnuts need to be very worried.

In New York nothing would change, NYC is as liberal as San Francisco. If NJ re-elects a moderate they are moving FROM liberalism. We have to wait and see for VA, because it isn't looking too good for McAuliffe right now.

Swapping out a Republican Billionaire with a guy who used to hang with the Sandinistas is a HUGE Change. Sorry, it looks really bad.

NJ is re-electing a Christie who can't run away from the Teabaggers fast enough. (Just had an image of his fat ass running, and it wasn't pretty.)

And, no, McAuliffe is going to in. Not one poll has Cooch in the lead.

Closing in.....:eusa_pray:

3:03 PM, Nov 1, 2013

Is Ken Cuccinelli closing in on Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor's race? The latest poll from Emerson College shows McAuliffe, the Democrat, with 42 percent support and Cuccinelli, the Republican, with 40 percent. Libertarian Robert Sarvis has 13 percent in the poll of 874 likely voters.

Poll: McAuliffe 42, Cuccinelli 40, Sarvis 13 | The Weekly Standard
In New York nothing would change, NYC is as liberal as San Francisco. If NJ re-elects a moderate they are moving FROM liberalism. We have to wait and see for VA, because it isn't looking too good for McAuliffe right now.

Swapping out a Republican Billionaire with a guy who used to hang with the Sandinistas is a HUGE Change. Sorry, it looks really bad.

NJ is re-electing a Christie who can't run away from the Teabaggers fast enough. (Just had an image of his fat ass running, and it wasn't pretty.)

And, no, McAuliffe is going to in. Not one poll has Cooch in the lead.

Closing in.....:eusa_pray:

3:03 PM, Nov 1, 2013

Is Ken Cuccinelli closing in on Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor's race? The latest poll from Emerson College shows McAuliffe, the Democrat, with 42 percent support and Cuccinelli, the Republican, with 40 percent. Libertarian Robert Sarvis has 13 percent in the poll of 874 likely voters.

Poll: McAuliffe 42, Cuccinelli 40, Sarvis 13 | The Weekly Standard

We are talking about a poll conducted by a COLLEGE, with a smaller sample than the surveys that show the 7 point average the other polls are showing.

And frankly, this Coochicelli guy is a nut who wants to shove ultrasounds up women's hoo-has if they want to get an abortion...
Hey, does anyone else find it ironic that "National Socialist" and "JRoc" are on the same side on coal?

He's hijacking the thread...Nobody wants this nutjobs support
I am not hijacking anything I am interested in the election
Quite a bit of similarity of Jroc to National Socialist.

Not hardly idiot. more like you and the liberal, tyrannical, massive, federal government you support tyranny not me.

Aw come on buddy!

Yup, Jroc the Neo-con is the failed liberal, tyrannical, massive, federalists you could ever want. A good running buddy with national socialists.
If McAuliffe wins with 42% of the vote and Cuccinelli gets 40%, then McAuliffe will have to govern a state where 40% of the public is actively working to obstruct his policies and undermine his authority. Democrats thought obama had it bad!
If? If you Rs/TPers weren't so stupid about women's issues, there wouldn't even be a question. Just continue on that track though, maybe you'll lose every freaking race in the future.
He's hijacking the thread...Nobody wants this nutjobs support
I am not hijacking anything I am interested in the election
Not hardly idiot. more like you and the liberal, tyrannical, massive, federal government you support tyranny not me.

Aw come on buddy!

Yup, Jroc the Neo-con is the failed liberal, tyrannical, massive, federalists you could ever want. A good running buddy with national socialists.

You're pathetic attempt to piss me off is a waste of time fake. Stick to the topic and add something of substance or stay off the thread. You're taking up space, but then again that's what you do.
If? If you Rs/TPers weren't so stupid about women's issues, there wouldn't even be a question. Just continue on that track though, maybe you'll lose every freaking race in the future.

Women's issues are killing babies and tit implants. That should determine elections? Now we know why the founding fathers refused to give women the vote.
I am not hijacking anything I am interested in the election

Aw come on buddy!

Yup, Jroc the Neo-con is the failed liberal, tyrannical, massive, federalists you could ever want. A good running buddy with national socialists.

You're pathetic attempt to piss me off is a waste of time fake. Stick to the topic and add something of substance or stay off the thread. You're taking up space, but then again that's what you do.

Only an attempt to make sure that folks here undersand what you are, Jroc. Now I want you add something to the OP. Cuccinelli is as deranged as you. The dem is poor, but you two, along with your buddy, are far, far worse.

Step along, Jroc, step along.
Cooch is toast, man.

In fact, the 2013 elections aren't good news.

NYC is about to elect an unapologetic liberal.
NJ is about to re-elect a moderate.
VA is about to elect a liberal.

If these elections are a harbinger for 2014, Wingnuts need to be very worried.

In New York nothing would change, NYC is as liberal as San Francisco. If NJ re-elects a moderate they are moving FROM liberalism. We have to wait and see for VA, because it isn't looking too good for McAuliffe right now.

Swapping out a Republican Billionaire with a guy who used to hang with the Sandinistas is a HUGE Change. Sorry, it looks really bad.

NJ is re-electing a Christie who can't run away from the Teabaggers fast enough. (Just had an image of his fat ass running, and it wasn't pretty.)

And, no, McAuliffe is going to in. Not one poll has Cooch in the lead.

Republican? ..Bloomberg?:lol: Chris Christie is fine as NJ Governor certainly a major step up from that liberal, scum, billionaire, thief, that was running NJ before. Cuccinelli still has a shot in spite of being outspent by millions