Terrorists want to disrupt elections...

Unfortunatley, I think this isnt really news. Most people are under the impression that terrorists will try to disrupt the election process, especially after they see countries like Spain giving into their every demand.

Fortunately, unlike 9/11, it looks like we may be ready for them this time.
Actually, I probably should have said "more ready". I dont think anyone, anywhere can be fully prepared for a massive terrorist attack like we experienced on 9/11. At least they wont blindside us this time.
In my opinion, it is only logical that various terrorist groups would try to influence the elections. One of the side effects of a semi successful terrorist campaign is that it is not necessary to actually execute a terrorist act to achieve an effect. The threat of an attack can sometimes be effective (though not with as much impact).

One of the problems the terrorists have at this point is gauging the reaction of the US citizenry to a large scale attack. They grossly underestimated the results of the 9/11 event. It is difficult to assess the reaction of the American people to another attack, even by our own government.
Agreed----I've been wondering myself how voters would react to a pre election attack. would they blame Bush for "creating more terrorists" and failing at homeland security or would they see the seriousness of the war on terror and the need to keep Bush as pres. Either way--it's time for the media spin to get in high gear. Get you filters on folks !
Of all the gifts given to me by my late father, my most prized possession is my very own, fully functioning BS detector. The LMM keep that sucker wailing like an air raid siren.
I feel that if the terrorists were to attack in an effort to disrupt the elections, they would probably do so in some manner which will help the re-election chances of the President. Not because they like Bush, but because they hate him. The terrorists want Bush in office because he represents that part of America that they hate - the strenth coming from our hegemonic power.

Bush is despised by much of the rest of the world (believe me, I just returned from Africa and they hate him there, to the point of irrationality). Thus, having him in office allows the terrorists to feed, like a parasite, off that hatred and transform it into a more vile hatred of America itself. The worst part is, this sad fact is unavoidable; as the hegemon, as the becaon of liberty, America will always have a target on her face.
Well,I don't know if they will succeed or not,but I know they will get us again somewhere and somehow. They are flaming in the Middle East and seem to be awful determined. I pray nothing happens,but I think these constant warnings are a good way for Bush to cover himself. If he doesn't warn us,he will be hammered if something happens. If he does and nothing happens,at least he knows his government did their job by giving a warning and tightening security.
They already attacked us on the campaign trail. Disguised as a black chick in dreadlocks with a wine bottle and various other "popular" types, they made a complete ass out of the democratic candidates.
Damn--1 for them.:banana:
I can't figure out why the Dems enjoy the backing from these Hollywood types anyway. From what I have seen on the news,most people don't mind them supporting their candidate,but despise it when they use a concert or movie that someone has paid to see to further their political agenda. Who wants to go to a concert and listen to that crap?
Originally posted by Zhukov
1.) Because they think most people are stupid and worship at the feet of Hollywood stars.

2.) $$

You mean...



3)$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$

4) So they can hang out with all their heroes from the 70's.
dilloduck said:
Agreed----I've been wondering myself how voters would react to a pre election attack. would they blame Bush for "creating more terrorists" and failing at homeland security or would they see the seriousness of the war on terror and the need to keep Bush as pres. Either way--it's time for the media spin to get in high gear. Get you filters on folks !

When was the last time a US President was not re-elected during a war in which the US was involved?

Who among this group, except the Arabists, think that any attack by terrorists before November would result in Mr. Bush issuing threat warnings or going to the UN asking for assistance?

Does anyone think that Bush has already warned the terrorists through covert means that any major attack against the US would have an immediate and powerful response that would not sit well in the world of Islam?

How many think that Johns 'Kerry and Edwards' would respond to terrorist attacks with anything more than rhetoric or laying on their bellies in a subserviant position of 'giving into the Islamic dominance'?

Would the World Court in the Hague justify Islamic terror in America as their right as oppressed Muslims?
lilcountriegal said:
Unfortunatley, I think this isnt really news. Most people are under the impression that terrorists will try to disrupt the election process, especially after they see countries like Spain giving into their every demand.

Fortunately, unlike 9/11, it looks like we may be ready for them this time.

I would NEVER want this, but if the terroists attack now, Bush's re-election is completly assured.
lilcountriegal said:
Actually, I probably should have said "more ready". I dont think anyone, anywhere can be fully prepared for a massive terrorist attack like we experienced on 9/11. At least they wont blindside us this time.

Yes they will blinside us again if they want to.

The attack on 9-11 amounted to grandstanding by Al-Qaeda. They were as interested in gaining notoriety as they were in attacking us.

Terrorists who are interested in simply inflicting casualties will:

dump biological contaminants into a reservoir which serves a large city.

blow up railroad track just in advance of a train carrying toxic chemicals or cause the derailment of a high speed commuter train.

shoot heat seekers at airliners.

inject nerve gas into the air circulation system of a large building.

There are thousands of ways to attack this country. We aid the terrorists by having too many law enforcement agencies with their fingers in the pie. Instead of cooperating with each other, these agencies engage in petty turf battles. We have the ATF, CIA, FBI, Treasury, DEA, Federal Marshalls, NSA, and even the Post Office investigating terrorism. It's time to streamline the process and to stop worrying about offending the sensitivities of moslem Americans. For the time being, they'll just have to understand that there have been no recent attacks on this country by Africans, South Americans, Asians, Canadians, or even Frenchmen and our counter-terrorism efforts need to be directed toward muslims in general and Arab muslims in particular.
Merlin, no doubt, we are 'target rich'. Hit a mall, school, church, synagog, sports arena. Not to mention any number of train terminals, docks, office buildings. Lists go on and on....

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