Term limits needed

Term limits won't fix a corrupt political class hell bent on corruption.
It actually increases it... The Party Machines have more control....

Multi-seat districts and preference voting... Simplest way and reason used by most of the world...

While we are here:
Also all social issues, enshrine in the constitution and allow a referendum of the people to set it and change it...
That means asking politicians views on Abortion or Death Penalty is worthless... Politicians in other countries don't need to answer that question much as they don't legislate on it much... They just agree with the people's wishes and move on...
The reason Trump even got elected was because of the sentiments I have expressed here.

Crusty career politicians like Biden who is now more than openly corrupt is the issue.

Trump is not the cancer, he is just a symptom

But feel free to blame all of your problems on him

Yea, that's the healthy thing to do.

Damn...When his Goldeness...bends...do..you..open..wide?? :auiqs.jpg:

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