Term limits needed


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Polls show that America does not want either Joe Biden or Donald Trump

Yet somehow with the majority not wanting either, we must have one or the other.

And how many second terms are successful? Government corruption is soooo bad, you almost inevitably have a scandal of some sort, and people simply get tired of looking at your face on the screen 24/7 for 4 years. And why do we want the President campaigning to win a second term? Would it not be better to focus on the job instead? Moreover, it makes picking a good VP that much more important, since you would want them to be your successor.

As for Congress, they have not had an approval rating over 25% in about half a century.

But instead, we have Feinstein looking like she won a battle with the Grim Reaper to take her away, so we are stuck with her, and the leader of the GOP, Mitch McConnell, having mini strokes as he gives public speeches saying, "Just a flesh wound, I'm Ok."

This is democracy? This is not democracy, this is insanity.

In fact, someone like Crusty corrupt Joe Biden running for President would be a thing of the past, since career politicians would become extinct.

It would give a broader representation of the constituency in government, and it would force those in office to try and create a world where they will soon be apart of after their short government careers instead of creating a world they will never have to be apart of as they live in their ivory towers. Gone will be the rich retirements and endless accumulation of wealth over a lifetime of "public service".

But how? Corruption dictates the fix is in. It will only get worse from here.
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Just imagine Republicans


If Trump could not run, what would democrats run on?

They have literally NOTHING except a country in decline and in crisis!!

And if Trump is America's only hope, then has has 4 short years to do what again? Have the establishment chew him up and spit him out some 5 impeachments later? As for cleaning the Swamp, he failed.

What we need is to continually flush the system of the corruption best we can.
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Term limits won't fix a corrupt political class hell bent on corruption.
That's true but it will go a long way to get rid of some of the biggest cheaters. Along with rules that politicians have to wait a decade or longer before they start lobbying.
I don't want term limits. What I believe the problem boils down to is the limited percentage of the voting public which determines our candidates. My choice would be an open primary on the Tuesday after Labor Day and if nobody gets a majority then have the top two square off in November.
I don't want term limits. What I believe the problem boils down to is the limited percentage of the voting public which determines our candidates. My choice would be an open primary on the Tuesday after Labor Day and if nobody gets a majority then have the top two square off in November.

The problem is the result of the built-in advantage that incumbents have. Your proposal wouldn't solve a thing.
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Just imagine Republicans


If Trump could not run, what would democrats run on?

They have literally NOTHING except a country in decline and in crisis!!

And if Trump is America's only hope, then has has 4 short years to do what again? Have the establishment chew him up and spit him out some 5 impeachments later? As for cleaning the Swamp, he failed.

What we need is to continually flush the system of the corruption best we can.
Taxes, healthcare, the environment, jobs, race relations...things Democrats are for talking about, you know, the mundane things we used to talk about before you assholes threw your support behind a cancer that was and still is determined to destroy this country whilst sucking the oxygen out of the political landscape at the same time.
Polls show that America does not want either Joe Biden or Donald Trump

Yet somehow with the majority not wanting either, we must have one or the other.

And how many second terms are successful? Government corruption is soooo bad, you almost inevitably have a scandal of some sort, and people simply get tired of looking at your face on the screen 24/7 for 4 years. And why do we want the President campaigning to win a second term? Would it not be better to focus on the job instead? Moreover, it makes picking a good VP that much more important, since you would want them to be your successor.

As for Congress, they have not had an approval rating over 25% in about half a century.

But instead, we have Feinstein looking like she won a battle with the Grim Reaper to take her away, so we are stuck with her, and the leader of the GOP, Mitch McConnell, having mini strokes as he gives public speeches saying, "Just a flesh wound, I'm Ok."

This is democracy? This is not democracy, this is insanity.

In fact, someone like Crusty corrupt Joe Biden running for President would be a thing of the past, since career politicians would become extinct.

It would give a broader representation of the constituency in government, and it would force those in office to try and create a world where they will soon be apart of after their short government careers instead of creating a world they will never have to be apart of as they live in their ivory towers. Gone will be the rich retirements and endless accumulation of wealth over a lifetime of "public service".

But how? Corruption dictates the fix is in. It will only get worse from here.
Most Americans don't want either a Trump or Biden match up and yet both Trump and Biden are far, far ahead in the polling for nominees of their party. That tells me that 100% of Democrats don't want Trump to be president and 100% of Republicans don't want Biden to be president.
Taxes, healthcare, the environment, jobs, race relations...things Democrats are for talking about, you know, the mundane things we used to talk about before you assholes threw your support behind a cancer that was and still is determined to destroy this country whilst sucking the oxygen out of the political landscape at the same time.
Trump is only determined to destroy the Democrat party, which is how to save the country.
It looks like Biden is the loser and the Yahoo poll didn't get the results it wanted so they decided to spin it to term limits. Whatever they think they gleaned from fifteen hundred people is relatively meaningless.
Term limits are not needed. Anyone who believes that it will get rid of corrpution should consider that we essentially have a new congress as opposed to the people we had in 2000. In 2000, we had a different congress than the folks we had in 1980. We had a new congress in 1980 as opposed to those who were around in 1960.... Has corruption gone away with new faces? Nope.

We do need to set age limits to hold federal jobs; elected and otherwise. Just like we do in the Army so there is precedent.

We also need to drastically codify how the Houses of Congress behave but that is a story for a different thread.
Most Americans don't want either a Trump or Biden match up and yet both Trump and Biden are far, far ahead in the polling for nominees of their party. That tells me that 100% of Democrats don't want Trump to be president and 100% of Republicans don't want Biden to be president.

I think you're in for a surprise on Election day if you think 100% of republicans are not going to vote for Biden.
I don't want term limits. What I believe the problem boils down to is the limited percentage of the voting public which determines our candidates. My choice would be an open primary on the Tuesday after Labor Day and if nobody gets a majority then have the top two square off in November.
Why on the Tuesday after Labor day?🤨
Term limits might have helped prior to 1913, no use now. Neither would a continental convention which would be co-opted and used by the same people perverting our system now. We can't vote our way clear now. Have you ever heard of any country voting itself out of socialism, without the US installing their own brand in it? You can vote yourself into a fascist state but you have to shoot your way out.
Term limits won't fix a corrupt political class hell bent on corruption.
You can't stop corruption like you can't stop cancer, but there are things to limit cancer as well as corruption.

But is that a reason not to implement things that could help? Just like stopping cancer, don't smoke, don't stay out in the sun all day, etc., ect. ect.
Term limits might have helped prior to 1913, no use now. Neither would a continental convention which would be co-opted and used by the same people perverting our system now. We can't vote our way clear now. Have you ever heard of any country voting itself out of socialism, without the US installing their own brand in it? You can vote yourself into a fascist state but you have to shoot your way out.
I would not stop at elected officials. I would make it mandatory to flush out the entire bureaucracy, like at the DOJ.
Taxes, healthcare, the environment, jobs, race relations...things Democrats are for talking about, you know, the mundane things we used to talk about before you assholes threw your support behind a cancer that was and still is determined to destroy this country whilst sucking the oxygen out of the political landscape at the same time.
The reason Trump even got elected was because of the sentiments I have expressed here.

Crusty career politicians like Biden who is now more than openly corrupt is the issue.

Trump is not the cancer, he is just a symptom

But feel free to blame all of your problems on him

Yea, that's the healthy thing to do.


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