Tell Vladimir I'll Have More Flexability After the Election


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?


Like the finger he is using.
Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Do you need me to post a link to the presser?
Romney: Russia is a threat.
Obama: You living in the 80's? Russia is no threat.

FBI: Russia is interfering in our Presidental election.
Obama: Standown.

Putin: Yeah, we invaded them and shot down a civilian airliner.
Obama: Can I send you more money?
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Do you need me to post a link to the presser?
Link away.
LMf'nAO! A whole thread of "but...but...but... Obama!"

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Do you need me to post a link to the presser?
Link away.
I’m still waiting.

Direct quotes with a link for context sake is best. Go ahead, I’ll sit here until you can do it.
Putin: Help my ally Iran
Obama: I'll send them billions in cash loaded on pallets without Congress knowing.

Putin: Let my Sryrian ally do his thing.
Obama: I'll forget about that red line.

AFTER The Election:


1. Obama and his administration hide Russian crimes, allows Russia to buy Uranium One, gives 20% of US Uranium to Russia

2. Obama learns of Russian interference attempts - hides it, allows it to continue

3. Obama knows about Hillary compromise of national security by using illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server with TOP SECRET+ classified data on it
- Results: 6 foreign entities successfully acquire the data

4. Obama refuses to issue 'Red Line' / honor US promise to the Ukraine to help protect sovereign Ukraine borders, allows Putin to annex Crimea without as much as raising an eyebrow to intervene.

WOW! 2014 was one helluva year for Putin / Russia.

I believe the Chinese Calendar states 2014 was the 'year of the female dog'....and that is what Obama was in 2014, Putin's Bitch! Anything Vlad wanted, Vlad got....and all it cost him was his permission for Barry to illegally drag the US into another Un-Constitutional war by by-passing Congress and invading Syria...
Yup, the old ridiculously failed Hussein/Clinton 'Reset Button.' Democrats have conveniently forgotten about it. Go figure?
Let's see if this works to deflect from what Trump did and said yesterday.

What he did: Agree with Putin that we can investigate the people accused of collusion.

What he said: That he found Putin convincing, later stating that Russia may have still colluded (so far we don't know).

Call me when Trump kisses Putins ass like Obama and Hillary.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Do you need me to post a link to the presser?
Link away.
I’m still waiting.

Direct quotes with a link for context sake is best. Go ahead, I’ll sit here until you can do it.
I did. Go find it.
Well, since nobody has ever kissed Putin's ass like trump just did consider this your wake up call.
Do you need me to post a link to the presser?
Link away.
I’m still waiting.

Direct quotes with a link for context sake is best. Go ahead, I’ll sit here until you can do it.
I did. Go find it.
What a pathetic dodge.

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