Tell us something about you....


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
USMB is a community...often in this partisan atmosphere - it can get toxic. But we exist beyond a political label.

So...who are you? What can you tell us that we might not expect, in our readiness to label?

I'll start.

I adore dogs, they've given meaning to my life as I have no children (but, no, I don't think of them AS child replacements - they are who they are). I'm involved in Australian Shepherd rescue but have a soft spot for all the herding dogs and Pitties too. Any dog. I have a real fondness for asshole dogs no one else wants.

I have cats. They rule. Need more be said?

I live in a state that is VERY red, but also full of wonderfully kind people. The sort that when you stupidly drive to fast in a snowstorm and plow into a drift will pull you out.

I love hiking and running and live in the perfect area to enjoy both.

I love horses but will never be able to afford them.

I love to read - my junk food reading of choice is mysteries and sci fi.

I"ve enjoyed conversations with liberals and conservatives both...and learned things and adjusted my assumptions.

I think our country is great.

Who are you?
Hmmmm something you don't know... I enjoy chatting on you guys should try it.
Tell us something about you.

I was court ordered to post here..I am also a MyStie ...Aka MiSTie or MiSTy..I'll riff you to pieces...Edited for tender hearts..
I live in the sky, or so it seems.

My view is to the south, north, and west of the valley from downtown Salt Lake City.

The family has a home down in Saratoga Springs and can see the 4th and 24th of July firework around Utah lake, ten to twelve major displays all at once.
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I live in the sky, or so it seems.

My view is to the south, north, and west of the valley from downtown Salt Lake City.

The family has a home down in Saratoga Springs and can see the 4th and 24th of July firework around Utah lake, ten to twelve major displays all at once.

My mother's side of the family is from SLC - we used to visit my Grandmother and hike in the Albion (sp?) Basin area years ago.
SLC is by far the prettiest and cleanest city in the West, with the best weather, and the best theatre and symphony, and the worst restaurants.
I live in the sky, or so it seems.

My view is to the south, north, and west of the valley from downtown Salt Lake City.

The family has a home down in Saratoga Springs and can see the 4th and 24th of July firework around Utah lake, ten to twelve major displays all at once.
Ok so that's why they call you Mr. Utah.
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SLC is by far the prettiest and cleanest city in the West, with the best weather, and the best theatre and symphony, and the worst restaurants.

The worst restaurants?

It's been 25 years since I was last there, but the developments had enroached on formerly pristine areas on the mountain flanks. It is a pretty city though :)
SLC is by far the prettiest and cleanest city in the West, with the best weather, and the best theatre and symphony, and the worst restaurants.

The worst restaurants?

It's been 25 years since I was last there, but the developments had enroached on formerly pristine areas on the mountain flanks. It is a pretty city though :)

Worst coffee too :puke:

I think it's the water. :eusa_shifty:
USMB is a community...often in this partisan atmosphere - it can get toxic. But we exist beyond a political label.

So...who are you? What can you tell us that we might not expect, in our readiness to label?

I'll start.

I adore dogs, they've given meaning to my life as I have no children (but, no, I don't think of them AS child replacements - they are who they are). I'm involved in Australian Shepherd rescue but have a soft spot for all the herding dogs and Pitties too. Any dog. I have a real fondness for asshole dogs no one else wants.

I have cats. They rule. Need more be said?

I live in a state that is VERY red, but also full of wonderfully kind people. The sort that when you stupidly drive to fast in a snowstorm and plow into a drift will pull you out.

I love hiking and running and live in the perfect area to enjoy both.

I love horses but will never be able to afford them.

I love to read - my junk food reading of choice is mysteries and sci fi.

I"ve enjoyed conversations with liberals and conservatives both...and learned things and adjusted my assumptions.

I think our country is great.

Who are you?
Cool......I have had Australian Shepherds for 25 years
Wicked smart dog
I am registered politically nonpartisan.

I first registered GOP and voted for Nixon. Big mistake.

Then I registered DEM and voted for Carter. Also a mistake.

Since then I have been nonpartisan.

This time I voted for the CIA guy.

My dad was Army.

So I joined the Navy.

Then I switched over to the USMC because the Navy was too easy.

Then I went back to grad school.

Then I got a real job.

I am always armed 24/7/365 even at night when my gun is under my pillow.

I encourage everyone to vote.

I encourage everyone to be armed.

Yay though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for there is nothing on this Earth that I cannot kill.

I am Catholic.

My mom was Catholic.

My grandparents were Catholic.

I am probably related to the Pope.

I am everybody's Catholic guardian angel.

I am also a philosopher.

And a backpacker.

And a hunter.

And an archer.

And mountain biker.

And swordfencer.

Ant tennis instructor.

And a crosscountry skier.

My I/Q is so high that I maxed all the tests I ever took in every school I ever went to including MIT.

I live in the Rocky Mountains now.

I used to live in California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Morocco, Germany.

I have visited London, Paris, Geneva, Athens, Peloponnese, Israel, Fiji, and Mexico.

I got my first black belt at age 21 in college.

I wrestled and played football and ran track in high school and college.

I am addicted to reading.

I also do writing too.

I love my cat, my sister, and my niece.
Something about me: I am the reincarnation of Pan. :dev3:

I can't think of much else that I haven't already made up revealed on the board, to the bored.

Also this site needs a Pan smilie.
I am registered politically nonpartisan.

I first registered GOP and voted for Nixon. Big mistake.

Then I registered DEM and voted for Carter. Also a mistake.

Since then I have been nonpartisan.

This time I voted for the CIA guy.

My dad was Army.

So I joined the Navy.

Then I switched over to the USMC because the Navy was too easy.

Then I went back to grad school.

Then I got a real job.

I am always armed 24/7/365 even at night when my gun is under my pillow.

I encourage everyone to vote.

I encourage everyone to be armed.

Yay though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for there is nothing on this Earth that I cannot kill.

I am Catholic.

My mom was Catholic.

My grandparents were Catholic.

I am probably related to the Pope.

I am everybody's Catholic guardian angel.

I am also a philosopher.

And a backpacker.

And a hunter.

And an archer.

And mountain biker.

And swordfencer.

Ant tennis instructor.

And a crosscountry skier.

My I/Q is so high that I maxed all the tests I ever took in every school I ever went to including MIT.

I live in the Rocky Mountains now.

I used to live in California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Morocco, Germany.

I have visited London, Paris, Geneva, Athens, Peloponnese, Israel, Fiji, and Mexico.

I got my first black belt at age 21 in college.

I wrestled and played football and ran track in high school and college.
Don't you ever get tired?
Tell us something about you....

I am not really a rightwinger, I am actually quite liberal
One of these things is not true about me

  1. I've testified in front of Congress
  2. I've lectured at a university
  3. I was drafted by an NHL team
  4. A future Foreign Minister of Canada once passed out on my apartment floor after a hard night of partying in college

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