Tell us again that these books are not kiddie porn and our public schools.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah.....another book read to a school board...this time by an 11 year old......

Tell us again this isn't grooming children for sex.....and leftism...

Eleven-year-old sixth grader Knox Zijac got up at a school board meeting to read a page from the book Nick and Charlie, which is about a homosexual couple having sex. This explicit book was a featured novel on a display stand in his middle school library, according to Knox. The student, so young he still had trouble pronouncing the “r” in “library” and “librarian,” said that his middle school librarian not only helped him check the pornographic book out (Knox wanted to show his father the book) but offered to help him find similar books, including a graphic novel version. “Graphic” is certainly the accurate description of this supposedly sixth-grade-level reading material.

Here is the next Youtube challenge for leftists....

Take this book, or the other books and hand them out at a public park to children.....wait for the police to arrive, and video what happens next.......
It really does sound like porn is being taught to children in America's schools.

The evidence presented should be subject to close scrutiny, as is the evidence on too many guns also being scrutinized as to it's influence on children.

Pornography also fitting as a description of American children being convinced to be supportive of war!

The books obviously being the least of the evils in my opinion.
Eleven-year-old sixth grader Knox Zijac got up at a school board meeting to read a page from the book Nick and Charlie, which is about a homosexual couple having sex.

If you're not lying, you can quote the pornographic part.

If you are lying, you'll scream and deflect now, enraged about that your use of Nazi tactics is being exposed

Please proceed.

We get it. You want to incite violence against your political opponents, so you tell shameless lies about them. The Nazis lied about the Jews for the same reasons.
If you're not lying, you can quote the pornographic part.

If you are lying, you'll scream and deflect now, enraged about that your use of Nazi tactics is being exposed

Please proceed.

We get it. You want to incite violence against your political opponents, so you tell shameless lies about them. The Nazis lied about the Jews for the same reasons.

There's video, dumbass
We get it. You want to incite violence against your political opponents, so you tell shameless lies about them.
It is you and yours are the ones who play games. . We tire of it all, since it's every day, but what can we do?

In other words, if we can find you maybe 10 books now in elementary or middle school libraries where the words or the pictures are deemed "pornographic," would it make one iota of difference to you? . No, it would not. . So why pick nits with this poster when you already know that what he says is prevalent in our schools? . Because lefties would rather appear to have won an argument than honestly address the crux of the matter.
I didn't ask for you to rage and deflect. I asked for the words that were pornographic.

Since you won't provide them, I think everyone correctly takes that as your admission that you're lying about it all, and you know it.

No you didn't, asshole. You can't remember what you said 5 minutes ago
I didn't ask for you to rage and deflect. I asked for the words that were pornographic.

Since you won't provide them, I think everyone correctly takes that as your admission that you're lying about it all, and you know it.
Here, try this:
"MRCTV shared the video clip of Zijac, who attends Windham Middle School in Maine. The passage Zijac read included kissing, other sexual actions, and a condom. “But this reminds me so much of the first time we had sex,” Knox read. “We were both f**king terrified and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn’t know what we were doing, but it was good, too, so good.”

You think this is appropriate for 11 year olds, dumb ass?
It is you and yours are the ones who play games. . We tire of it all, since it's every day, but what can we do?
You could stop lying. Then we'd stop humiliating you because of it, and you wouldn't be so tired of getting humiliated.

Just a thought. Remember, we're not going to stop busting you for lying and using fascist tactics just because it upsets you.

In other words, if we can find you maybe 10 books now in elementary or middle school libraries where the words or the pictures are deemed "pornographic," would it make one iota of difference to you? .

You're all pushing a big lie here. I busted you for it. That means you _don't_ get to claim the moral high ground. You're the ones behaving badly here, so own it, instead of projecting it.
Here, try this:
"MRCTV shared the video clip of Zijac, who attends Windham Middle School in Maine. The passage Zijac read included kissing, other sexual actions, and a condom. “But this reminds me so much of the first time we had sex,” Knox read. “We were both f**king terrified and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn’t know what we were doing, but it was good, too, so good.”
So you're claiming that's "homosexual pornography"?

After all, that is what your conservative source claimed.

That's obviously _not_ pornography, and only the most shameless cult liars would claim it is. Are you in that group?

You think this is appropriate for 11 year olds, dumb ass?
No. That's why it's rated 13+.
If you're not lying, you can quote the pornographic part.

If you are lying, you'll scream and deflect now, enraged about that your use of Nazi tactics is being exposed

Please proceed.

We get it. You want to incite violence against your political opponents, so you tell shameless lies about them. The Nazis lied about the Jews for the same reasons.

“My back over my hips as I ask if we should take our clothes off,” Zijac began reading. “He’s undoing my belt, I’m reaching into his bedside drawer for a condom. We’re kissing, again rolling over, obviously you can see where this is going.”

“But this reminds me so much of the first time we had sex. We were both f**king terrified and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn’t know what we were doing, but it was good too, so good.”
It means dad told the kid to seek out the book. Just another conservative using his kid as a political prop.
“My back over my hips as I ask if we should take our clothes off,” Zijac began reading. “He’s undoing my belt, I’m reaching into his bedside drawer for a condom. We’re kissing, again rolling over, obviously you can see where this is going.”

“But this reminds me so much of the first time we had sex. We were both f**king terrified and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn’t know what we were doing, but it was good too, so good.”

Your opinion is that this is appropriate for an 11 year old to read?
You support the sexual grooming of children in public schools.

I do not.


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