Teens Charged With Beating Man To Death In 'Knockout Game'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Brutal savage mongoloids. Don't listen to Obama, Pelosi, and the other pampered Millionaire Communists. They have round the clock armed security. And they won't be there to save you when you need saving. They'll be far too busy partying with Jay Z & Beyonce on their private jets and yachts. Packs of wild savages are stalking their prey everyday in America. Don't leave it all to chance. Arm and protect yourself and your family.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOVZBfLdWyU]3 Savage Teens Arrested For Beating To Death Homeless Man in New Jersey!!(Playing "Knock Out" Game) - YouTube[/ame]
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Killing people is fun. Don't you want kids to have fun? Pursuit of happiness, it's in the Constitution.

Everyone should be armed at all times. There is some kind of sickness among teens. Three American teens were among the terrorists in Kenya.

British hero of the mall massacre: Ex Royal Marine with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok | Mail Online

Up to three American teenagers and one British person among terrorists

Good thing one good guy with a gun was available to save 100 people.
Killing people is fun. Don't you want kids to have fun? Pursuit of happiness, it's in the Constitution.

Everyone should be armed at all times. There is some kind of sickness among teens. Three American teens were among the terrorists in Kenya.

British hero of the mall massacre: Ex Royal Marine with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok | Mail Online

Up to three American teenagers and one British person among terrorists

Good thing one good guy with a gun was available to save 100 people.

Yeah, it's scary stuff. I wouldn't leave it all to chance and hope Pelosi and Piers Morgan swoop in to save the day when you're in a trouble. Arm and protect yourself against the brutal savages.
Three more of obama's sons, huh?

I wonder if the Justice Department.....

Here's an oldie but goodie that I want to remind people of

Gotta watch this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHIYoMMuUzs&feature=player_detailpage]Heated interview between Megyn Kelly and Kirsten Powers on Fox News - YouTube[/ame]
Poor reporting in the story. First, the Knock out game is racial. The black thugs seek white victims. Many times Latinos are mistaken as white.

This was a hate crime. It was black on brown though!
Poor reporting in the story. First, the Knock out game is racial. The black thugs seek white victims. Many times Latinos are mistaken as white.

This was a hate crime. It was black on brown though!

Well, the American MSM isn't exactly known for credible journalism anymore. Their story is that it was just an 'innocent childrens' prank gone wrong.' They never get it right. Sadly, that's par for the course though.
Can't condone killing at all unless it's black thug on black thug. Sort of a natural thinning of the hood herd and that's a good thing for their innocent neighbors just trying to get by day to day amidst all the violence.
Poor reporting in the story. First, the Knock out game is racial. The black thugs seek white victims. Many times Latinos are mistaken as white.

This was a hate crime. It was black on brown though!

It's not "poor reporting'.

That's letting them off the hook.

It's racist. It's just that goddam, motherfucking simple.

It is racism to not report that a murder is committed based solely on the victim's race.

Why do you think I posted that clip of Megyn Kelly wiping the floor with the ignorant scrunt Kirsten Powers on the DoJ and the NBPP fiasco?


We've gone from a dimocrap scum-based anti-Black racist Country to a dimocrap scum-based anti-White racist Country.

Or, at the very least..... The appearance of it.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has even admitted that they censor the news in order to not show Blacks in a negative light.

THAT, is racism. However you want to justify it, whatever 'good intentions' may be at the base-cause of it.....

It is racism. Just that simple.

Wonder how long this one will survive until libturds start filing reports by the bucket and force the Mods to kick it to the Rubber Room or the Badlands..... :lmao:
I'm tired of hearing about black on white crime, as well as white on black crime. Turning every crime that involves different races into a race issue only makes you seem as desperate as the liberals you claim to despise. Crime is crime, no matter the color of the victim's skin.
What will you do when or if the 'Knockout Game' is played with you? It's an interesting question. What will you do?
The “game” is not random. It is a very racially charged “game” with very strong criteria for “target” selection.

There are many, many reasons for “target” selection beyond “than they are there.” There is the inherent hatred of the participants along with their boredom and restlessness, accompanied by a “they got and I don’t, so what does it matter if I hurt them” mentality.

In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes of the Knockout Game. In Oklahoma, an accused killer of the Australian college student Chris Lane tweeted that he was “playing golf” and hitting “woods” prior to the murder earlier this month. Woods is short for “peckerwoods:” White people. The Knockout Game.

He said he did that five times since the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin.

The Knockout Game is documented in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.” Many of the examples are on video, which readers of the new edition can see by scanning a QR code as they read about it in the book.

In St. Cloud, Minn., a car full of black people came upon a college student in an alley walking two girls home from the library. The car screeched to a stop, one man got out, and hit 20-year old Colton Gleason in the face. He died.

This week, Jesse Smithers told the court the attack was in self defense: Gleason and the two girls attacked his car.

In Chicago, two black people played the Knockout Game with a father of 11. He died last year.

In St. Louis last year, the mayor came upon the remnants of a Knockout Game when he found a badly beaten and bloody Matthew Quan in the gutter. Knocked Out. As he stopped his car, the black people sauntered away, laughing.

Get the “Shooting Back” bundle, and discover the biblical case for individuals to be armed, written by an author credited with chasing of gang of terrorists who attacked parishioners during a church service.

One of the assailants was arrested but the charges were dropped after a witness disappeared. The mayor said she was threatened.

The accused assailant died earlier this year when he was shot while breaking into someone’s house. He was 15. His grandfather said he was a good boy and this was another case similar to Trayvon Martin: a black person shot for no reason whatsoever.

In St. Louis earlier this year, a black person was sentenced to life for the Knockout Game death of a 72-year old Vietnamese immigrant.

In Alabama earlier this year, four members of the national championship football team were kicked out of school after three admitted to playing the Knockout Game two times on campus.

In Syracuse, a man died this year after a black mob kicked his eye out playing the Knockout Game. This prompted a commentary from another resident of that city talking about his son’s experience as a victim of the Knockout Game.

In Pittsburgh last year, several black people were caught on video punching a teacher in the face as they passed each other in an alley. That happened twice: Earlier that year, another teacher was almost killed as he slipped and fell in traffic while fleeing the Knockout Game, on video.

Last year in Meriden, Conn., DeAndre Felton and his friend thought they found an easy mark for a bit of the old Knockout Game. They chose the wrong guy: He pulled a knife and killed DeAndre and wounded the other attacker. The attackers’ parents said their children were innocent, just like Trayvon.

The list goes on and on. Mlive.com says this kind of evidence is “anecdotal.”

But anyone looking at the hundreds and hundreds of anecdotes knows this: The victims can be white. Or Asian. Or women. Or homosexual. But this much they have in common: All of attackers in the Knockout Game are black.

But MLive.com wanted no part of that uncomfortable truth. Neither did some of its readers. “Please don’t tell me you’re bring[ing] the race card into play,” said one. Other said that perhaps Weaver could have taken the victim’s gun and done even more damage.

Whatever the merits of ignoring the intensity and frequency and racial angle of this crime, some gun owners were happy with the story nevertheless.

“MLive is great on firearms issues and crime coverage,” said Barry Shickinger. “And as a disclosure, I’m the executive director of the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners – Michigan’s largest state-based gun group and ally with the National Rifle Association.”

While the people of Lansing try to sort out the best way to protect themselves, the prosecutor is trying to figure out how to charge Weaver.

Weaver’s two accomplices – the ones who drove him and helped him scout the victim and watched the attack – were not charged. And some in Lansing worry Weaver may get off easy as well.

Because the intended victim was not harmed, and there was “no evidence” Weaver wanted to rob him, prosecutors will not charge him with robbery or aggravated assault. A plea bargain conference is set for next month.

Weaver is sorry, he told the victim in a letter:

“I don’t blame you for what you did. You were only trying to protect yourself. I only wish I could go back to change it to were (sic) I never did it. .. Im very sorry.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Race Riots to America”

See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:

Read more at Intended Knockout Game victim shoots back

Nothing to see here. Move along
Here's how the knockout game SHOULD end.

Intended Knockout Game victim shoots back

The newspaper in Lansing, Mich., came so close to getting it right: An intended victim of the Knockout Game pulled a gun and shot at his attacker. So far so good.

This version of the game had a twist: Instead of punching the victim in the face, the predator used a taser – a KL-800 Type Stun Gun capable of generating 1.8 million volts.

The target pulled out his .40 caliber Smith and Wesson and shot Weaver as he tried to escape to the getaway van where two of his accomplices waited.

According to MLive.com:

“Weaver ran, sat down across the street, his leg going numb, bleeding. Pleading.

“‘I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I don’t know why I did that, I’m high you know, I just wanna go home,’” the teen told the man who had just shot him.

Instead it ends in death. The one in Killadelphia isn't the first. It's just the latest.

Violent 'knockout game' a national phenomenon - WSJ.com

Knockout-- the game a group of teenagers in Syracuse allegedly played that resulted in the violent, random death of a 51-year-old man-- has been a national phenomenon for at least a decade.

Reports of the game have surfaced in states, such as Massachusetts, New Jersey and Illinois. In Missouri, a special police squad and prosecutor were assigned to battle the problem. The game there has been characterized in news reports as "almost contagious," with endings that mirror the incident in Syracuse on May 23.

That night, a group of teenagers attempting to knock Michael Daniels out with a single punch wound up beating and stomping him to death, according to police. A 15-year-old and a 13-year-old have been arrested and charged with first-degree manslaughter, and Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler said more arrests may come.

The 15-year-old will be prosecuted in criminal court. The 13-year-old will be dealt with during closed proceedings in Onondaga County Family Court. The Associated Press is withholding the names of the accused because they are juveniles.

Fowler said his department was currently investigating at least four other instances of people being attacked in a similar manner.
Here's how the knockout game SHOULD end.

Intended Knockout Game victim shoots back

The newspaper in Lansing, Mich., came so close to getting it right: An intended victim of the Knockout Game pulled a gun and shot at his attacker. So far so good.

This version of the game had a twist: Instead of punching the victim in the face, the predator used a taser – a KL-800 Type Stun Gun capable of generating 1.8 million volts.

The target pulled out his .40 caliber Smith and Wesson and shot Weaver as he tried to escape to the getaway van where two of his accomplices waited.

According to MLive.com:

“Weaver ran, sat down across the street, his leg going numb, bleeding. Pleading.

“‘I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I don’t know why I did that, I’m high you know, I just wanna go home,’” the teen told the man who had just shot him.

Instead it ends in death. The one in Killadelphia isn't the first. It's just the latest.

Violent 'knockout game' a national phenomenon - WSJ.com

Knockout-- the game a group of teenagers in Syracuse allegedly played that resulted in the violent, random death of a 51-year-old man-- has been a national phenomenon for at least a decade.

Reports of the game have surfaced in states, such as Massachusetts, New Jersey and Illinois. In Missouri, a special police squad and prosecutor were assigned to battle the problem. The game there has been characterized in news reports as "almost contagious," with endings that mirror the incident in Syracuse on May 23.

That night, a group of teenagers attempting to knock Michael Daniels out with a single punch wound up beating and stomping him to death, according to police. A 15-year-old and a 13-year-old have been arrested and charged with first-degree manslaughter, and Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler said more arrests may come.

The 15-year-old will be prosecuted in criminal court. The 13-year-old will be dealt with during closed proceedings in Onondaga County Family Court. The Associated Press is withholding the names of the accused because they are juveniles.

Fowler said his department was currently investigating at least four other instances of people being attacked in a similar manner.

Looks like he answered my question. He was prepared to play the 'Knockout Game.' God Bless him.
Poor reporting in the story. First, the Knock out game is racial. The black thugs seek white victims. Many times Latinos are mistaken as white.

This was a hate crime. It was black on brown though!

Well, the American MSM isn't exactly known for credible journalism anymore. Their story is that it was just an 'innocent childrens' prank gone wrong.' They never get it right. Sadly, that's par for the course though.

They hardly ever get it right because the truth does not support their agenda. We can't be too critical of Muslims, we can't be too critical of black boys, we can't be too critical of Democrats, we can't be critical of Obama...the list goes on....

Hell fire, if you pay CNN enough they'll print rosy stories about regimes to cover up atrocities committed by them. The news today is whatever the MSM wants to present to you.
Let me help:

"blah blah black people...blah they suck.....yadda yadda not racist...I have black friends....wamp wamp"

To be fair, both sides are guilty of that kind of behavior. Would you be expressing the same sentiment of this had been a gang of White Guys beating an African American to death? Try to be honest.
Let me help:

"blah blah black people...blah they suck.....yadda yadda not racist...I have black friends....wamp wamp"

To be fair, both sides are guilty of that kind of behavior. Would you be expressing the same sentiment of this had been a gang of White Guys beating an African American to death? Try to be honest.

If there are any gangs of white kids playing this knockout game, please let us all know.

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