Teenager won't apologize to Kansas governor for tweet


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A Kansas teenager who wrote a disparaging tweet about Gov. Sam Brownback said Sunday that she is rejecting her high school principal’s demand for a written apology.

Emma Sullivan, 18, of the Kansas City suburb of Fairway, said she isn’t sorry and doesn’t think such a letter would be sincere.

The Shawnee Mission East senior was taking part in a Youth in Government program last week in Topeka, Kan., when she sent out a tweet from the back of a crowd of students listening to Brownback’s greeting. From her cellphone, she thumbed: “Just made mean comments at gov. brownback,” and then specified what the comments were.

She actually made no such comment and said she was “just joking with friends.” But Brownback’s office, which monitors social media for postings containing the governor’s name, saw Sullivan’s post and contacted the Youth in Government program.

Sullivan received a scolding at school and was ordered to send Brownback an apology letter. She said Prinicipal Karl R. Krawitz even suggested talking points for the letter she was supposed to turn in Monday.

The situation exploded after Sullivan’s older sister contacted the media. Since then, Sullivan’s following on Twitter has grown to about 3,000 people, up from about 65 before the tweet. She said she thinks the tweet has helped “open up dialogue” about free speech in social media..

Sullivan said she disagrees with Brownback politically, particularly his decision to veto the Kansas Arts Commission’s entire budget, which eliminated the state’s arts funding. Brownback has argued arts programs can flourish with private dollars and that state funds should go to core government functions, such as education and social services.

“I think it would be interesting to have a dialogue with him,” she said. “I don’t know if he would do it or not though. And I don’t know that he would listen to what I have to say.”

Sherriene Jones-Sontag, the governor’s spokeswoman, told The Star previously that Sullivan’s message wasn’t respectful and that it takes mutual respect to “really have a constructive dialogue.” Brownback’s office didn’t return calls or emails Sunday from the AP.

Teen tweeter won't apologize to Sam Brownback - Associated Press - POLITICO.com
I'm afraid I'll have to take the opposing view on this one.

Yes, a voter has the right to critisize a politician but there is a right way and wrong way to do that. First of all what she "tweeted" (whatever the hell that is) was a lie. She never openly spoke to him as she alluded to. Second, if she had that would have been enormously disrespectful. My daughters have been raised to respect their elders. And that girl should be able to express her opinion without telling some older than her that "You suck". I would have raised holy hell with either of my daughters had they done that and forced them to apologize.
Brownback is a paranoid little twerp.......

<Is he going to investigate me for this?>
Old enough to vote, old enough to complain about politicians. What's the deal with a forced apology anyway? Only a total prick would demand one or accept one, especially now that the sordid mess went public.
Republicans stifling free speech again? That is chilling. I agree w/ the parent:
“If she wants to tweet her opinion about Gov. Brownback, I say for her to go for it and I stand totally behind her.”

Read more: Teen tweeter won't apologize to Sam Brownback - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

What was the student prevented from saying? Nothing.

Oh, and since the Principal is the one who told her to apologize (which he has no right to do, IMHO), please prove his Republican party affiliation.
Republicans stifling free speech again? That is chilling. I agree w/ the parent:
“If she wants to tweet her opinion about Gov. Brownback, I say for her to go for it and I stand totally behind her.”

Read more: Teen tweeter won't apologize to Sam Brownback - Associated Press - POLITICO.com
What Republican is stifling her speech?

The school is telling her to apologize. Is the principal Republican? I didn't see any mention of the principal's party affiliation in the piece.
From the Wiki article on the HS

The Eastonian is an underground newspaper known for its longevity and long lists of editors who all use the pseudonym John Galt, the character in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. The paper traditionally features political and social commentary and also includes a page of quotations that are taken out of context from the conversations of unsuspecting students and teachers. The Eastonian is readily confiscated by faculty and staff, but the tradition continues and many teachers have been known to be avid readers. Punishment for participation in the publication of the Eastonian is usually a five day out-of-school suspension. In the late 70's an underground comic was published called "The Tuesday Afternoon Reader" which featured cartoons and commentary on school policies and student life.


Seems fighting free speech is a long term battle at that school.
But Brownback&#8217;s office, which monitors social media for postings containing the governor&#8217;s name, saw Sullivan&#8217;s post and contacted the Youth in Government program.

That would be the Republican Gov Brownback contacting the extracurricular program to voice their displeasure to the faculty involved. I'm assuming the Gov holds the pursestrings for the school.
I'm afraid I'll have to take the opposing view on this one.

Yes, a voter has the right to critisize a politician but there is a right way and wrong way to do that. First of all what she "tweeted" (whatever the hell that is) was a lie. She never openly spoke to him as she alluded to. Second, if she had that would have been enormously disrespectful. My daughters have been raised to respect their elders. And that girl should be able to express her opinion without telling some older than her that "You suck". I would have raised holy hell with either of my daughters had they done that and forced them to apologize.

And I would have raised holy hell if my kid backed down. She owes no apology and I wish the principal would try to discipline her for her tweet. Respect is earned, not given due to age.
She is a child playing with her toys. Unless her tweets were vulgar who fucking cares. If they were her parents should care. Otherwise your just desperate to change the subject from real issues Chris.

She's 18. I know 18 year olds who died serving their country.
A few people have asked what this has to do with Republicans stifling free speech:

Teen&#146;s joking tweet on Topeka trip creates a capital fracas - KansasCity.com

The staff of Governor Brownback (a Republican) complained to the Youth in Government program about the tweet. This complaint prompted the student's school to initiate disciplinary action, a result entirely predictable to the gubernatorial staff. It seems inescapable that as a result of the student's speech, Republicans initiated disciplinary action, irrespective of the school staff's own private political positions. That doesn't mean there is something inherent in the Republican party that abhors free speech, but in this case Republicans definitely suppressed it after the fact.

The student doesn't strike me as particularly laudable: her tweet was disrespectful and counterfactual. However, the behavior of the Governor's staff and the school administration seems incredibly foolish. Now, instead of the student's 65 friends seeing a mild message of complaint about the Governor, we have a national news story about how the Governor has been complaining about teenagers claiming to say mean things about him.

While this case is an unlikely one for a lawsuit, particularly since the school doesn't appear to be insisting on punishing the student, I think the student's speech was clearly Constitutionally protected (which would mean that an agency of a state government, such as her school, couldn't punish her for it or force her to recant it). Under Tinker, (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) students enjoy full free speech rights unless their speech is vulgar, it advocates illegal activity, or it disrupts the educational process. Clearly, this speech did not, and it was expressly political, requiring heightened scrutiny. Of course, in practice full Tinker protections are not applied, since very few students have the inclination or resources to fight to the Supreme Court to get out of detention.
I wonder if the Dems/libs in here who are outraged at the idea of an apology to a Republican governor would feel just as outraged if it were a Democratic governor. I think not.
She is a child playing with her toys. Unless her tweets were vulgar who fucking cares. If they were her parents should care. Otherwise your just desperate to change the subject from real issues Chris.

She's 18. I know 18 year olds who died serving their country.

Your right. My mistake. I didn't read his entire op.

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