Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:dance: Oh Oh! Democrats In Full Panic Mode. Looks like the Republicans just might win the race for the first Latino President! No wonder the pansy's on "Some Cable Networks" are already trashing Ted Cruz. So when Marco Rubio makes his announcement, is he next on the punching bag list? Marco Rubio for President? God Forbid! He's Hispanic! The left just wont settle for an Hispanic President!, well unless he is a Liberal Democrat. But unfortunately, we don't have any Latino&Liberal Senators to challenge Cruz or Rubio next year. Gosh Darn It !!!:crybaby::dunno::tongue-44:
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There's a "race" huh? :dunno:

Did you just say "an Hispanic"?
yes, but i wonder how the racists democrats will refer to a latino candidate.

I think the racist democrats [sic] went Republican or died off but I doubt anyone will be referring to him as "an Latino".
right, lets see if any of those leftists journalists have any class and refer to Ted Cruz as a Latino.
There's a "race" huh? :dunno:

Did you just say "an Hispanic"?
yes, but i wonder how the racists democrats will refer to a latino candidate.

I think the racist democrats [sic] went Republican or died off but I doubt anyone will be referring to him as "an Latino".
right, lets see if any of those leftists journalists have any class and refer to Ted Cruz as a Latino.
Why would they? Rafael Cruz is 'Murican!!!! I hope he's the President for 100 years!
There's a "race" huh? :dunno:

Did you just say "an Hispanic"?
yes, but i wonder how the racists democrats will refer to a latino candidate.

I think the racist democrats [sic] went Republican or died off but I doubt anyone will be referring to him as "an Latino".
right, lets see if any of those leftists journalists have any class and refer to Ted Cruz as a Latino.

You think there's a difference?

I noticed when you said "an Hispanic" it was a proper name upper case but when you went to "latino" [sic] it went lower. Now it's upper again.

These things change status in your head with solar flux or what?

More like the "liberal-leaning media" is enjoying the clown show. I know I am. Moar clowns! Moar clowns!

:dance: Oh Oh! Democrats In Full Panic Mode. Looks like the Republicans just might win the race for the first Latino President! No wonder the pansy's on "Some Cable Networks" are already trashing Ted Cruz. So when Marco Rubio makes his announcement, is he next on the punching bag list? Marco Rubio for President? God Forbid! He's Hispanic! The left just wont settle for an Hispanic President!, well unless he is a Liberal Democrat. But unfortunately, we don't have any Latino&Liberal Senators to challenge Cruz or Rubio next year. Gosh Darn It !!!:crybaby::dunno::tongue-44:

Rexx Taylor

Thing is, the only nonsensical "panic mode" "trashing" I can find have been from John McCain who called him a "wacko bird" and Donald Trump who has gone full burfur on him. In case you didn't know it, both of them are Republicans.

Please post links to where "liberal leaning media is in full panic mode".

"Some Cable Networks" ?? Links please.

Not content with their hate-filled tirades the left turns on the education provided by the "education" system they so cherish for having turned out grammatically deficient graduates.

T'is true! Democrats DO eat their own!
Not content with their hate-filled tirades the left turns on the education provided by the "education" system they so cherish for having turned out grammatically deficient graduates.

T'is true! Democrats DO eat their own!

Well, most of the western world have government ran public schools. The sad thing about our country is there's a extreme super leftist mindset to ours that doesn't value the family.
NBC news will call him a "Typical White Hispanic" until he is no longer a threat. Then they will start trashing Scott Walker for being too white.

Preview: Ted and Hillary debate --

Rexx Taylor

I'm sure you would not post the accusations in your OP if you did not have links to back them up.

Please post the links.

Thanks ever so much.

No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.

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