Ted Cruz Tells AFA That Mobilizing Christians To 'Vote Biblical Values' Is The Key To Saving America


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
That stuff might play in Jesusland and certain parts of the country . Not surprising coming from a dominionist christian (Dominionists want to impose a form of Christian nationalism on the United States, a concept that was dismissed as eroding freedom and democracy by the founders of our country. Dominionism has become a major influence on the right-wing populist Tea Parties as Christian Right activists have flooded into the movement at the grassroots) PublicEye.org

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Nothing is more important in the next 18 months than that the body of Christ :uhoh3: rise up and that Christians stand up"

Ted Cruz Tells AFA That Mobilizing Christians To Vote Biblical Values Is The Key To Saving America Right Wing Watch
liberal logic 101 Christian.jpg

Poor Guano. What are you going to do next election when you have to vote for an old white person?
Big difference , the old white people we have are in a coalition with people of color and other progressive forces , the white christer party are white on rice regressives who are dying off.
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches.

Why do you hate black Christians???? Are you racist and wanting to deny blacks their rights???
That stuff might play in Jesusland and certain parts of the country . Not surprising coming from a dominionist christian (Dominionists want to impose a form of Christian nationalism on the United States, a concept that was dismissed as eroding freedom and democracy by the founders of our country. Dominionism has become a major influence on the right-wing populist Tea Parties as Christian Right activists have flooded into the movement at the grassroots) PublicEye.org

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Nothing is more important in the next 18 months than that the body of Christ :uhoh3: rise up and that Christians stand up"

Ted Cruz Tells AFA That Mobilizing Christians To Vote Biblical Values Is The Key To Saving America Right Wing Watch

Here's a Jew that disagrees with you:

My name is Jerry Fogel. I live in Providence, Rhode Island. I am a recovering Democrat.

I, too, have been afflicted long-term by the delusion that because Democrats have an affinity for social programs they are our friends and allies. Don’t we Jews learn in Torah compassion for the unfortunate, for strangers? These values are endemic to Jewish teaching, right? So, we should be Democrats.

I admit being party to this folly. I loved JFK, and when he was assassinated, I felt I’d lost a family member. Like all Americans, I can picture the exact moment I learned of his murder. I was crossing Harvard Yard, on my way to my afternoon class, the History of Classical Music.

So, too, Bobby Kennedy. I witnessed his shooting on TV and was screaming at the television. My parents taught me reverence for Roosevelt. I admire Harry Truman’s courage in supporting statehood for Israel. My son’s name is Harry, just a coincidence, I guess; his great grandfather’s name was Harry Fogel. When Bill Clinton was caught philandering, I gave him some slack.

I made phone calls for moveon.org in 2008 to break the Republican lock on both houses of Congress, and it worked! And, to my shame and regret, I supported Barack Obama in 2008. I even gave a little money to his campaign. I cried tears of gratitude when he was elected.

You can vote for Jack Reed. He’s okay. Vote for someone like Marco Rubio. He defends Israel with passion and conviction. Vote for Jeb Bush. He has vowed to stop acting like a schoolyard bully to Israel. Vote for Huckabee. He loves and defends Israel.

Here are the Top Ten Reasons American Jews Should Not Vote Democratic:

#10 Jimmy Carter called Israel an “apartheid state.” (Ah he was and is right!)

# 9 John Kerry also used the A-word about Israel. (Unbelievable)

# 8 Lincoln Chaffee hates AIPAC.

# 7 BDS has infected liberal universities.

# 6 Barack Obama’s middle name is Hussein. (OMG)

# 5 Hillary is a Clinton. (Really-are you sure?)

# 4 Sheldon Adelson, sponsor of Birthright Israel, is Republican. (SA, please I want to keep my breakfast down)

# 3 Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.(oh my)

# 2 Eisenhower was a Republican.

# 1 Clint Eastwood is a Republican. (that should be a deciding factor)

So, go ahead, make my day. Stop being a punk and start supporting Republicans, who are friends of Israel and support our right to the Jewish homeland that God promised us as long as we are faithful. Am Yisrael Chai!

My name is Jerry Fogel. I live in Providence, Rhode Island. I am a recovering Democrat.

All I can say Jerry Fogel, move to Israel and get the heck out of the US. As a True American we need to vote for America's best interest first, not Israel's.

Poor Guano. What are you going to do next election when you have to vote for an old white person?
Big difference , the old white people we have are in a coalition with people of color and other progressive forces , the white christer party are white on rice regressives who are dying off.
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches.

Why do you hate black Christians???? Are you racist and wanting to deny blacks their rights???
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches

It was and is the cracka churches that fought against civil rights and it is the crackas that support the racist white christer party, and that you call it the same values? Only in the rotted "mind" of the white christer it is

Poor Guano. What are you going to do next election when you have to vote for an old white person?
Big difference , the old white people we have are in a coalition with people of color and other progressive forces , the white christer party are white on rice regressives who are dying off.
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches.

Why do you hate black Christians???? Are you racist and wanting to deny blacks their rights???
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches

It was and is the cracka churches that fought against civil rights and it is the crackas that support the racist white christer party, and that you call it the same values? Only in the rotted "mind" of the white christer it is
Actually, it was the so-called Christian Democrats that fought against civil rights.... Thanks for pointing that out
Yea in nice white christians minds

Poor Guano. What are you going to do next election when you have to vote for an old white person?
Big difference , the old white people we have are in a coalition with people of color and other progressive forces , the white christer party are white on rice regressives who are dying off.
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches.

Why do you hate black Christians???? Are you racist and wanting to deny blacks their rights???
Actually, black churches share the same values as white churches

It was and is the cracka churches that fought against civil rights and it is the crackas that support the racist white christer party, and that you call it the same values? Only in the rotted "mind" of the white christer it is
Actually, it was the so-called Christian Democrats that fought against civil rights.... Thanks for pointing that out

I remember the 60's and the southern christer crackers fought hard against civil rights, thankfully the vermin and their spawn are now dying off faster than they can spawn , that's a good thing for America!!

Racial and ethic minorities children under the age of five are now the majority as non-Hispanic white children make up an ever-smaller slice of the population, according to the Census Bureau.

New population estimates reveal a striking shift in the composition of America’s population as racial and ethnic minority births are also outpacing minority deaths.

Meanwhile non-Hispanic whites are experiencing negative population growth, seeing 61,841 more deaths than births between 2013 and 2014. :itsok::laugh: :bye1:

The Census reports that in the past decade, the population has become more diverse, with the percentage of ethic and racial minorities growing from 32.9 percent to 37.9 percent over the last decade.
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