Ted Cruz goes all out for the Evangelical vote...

We live in a society in a social aggregate for one reason...LIFE IS EASIER THAT WAY.... doing this requires compromise...one cannot be a total Libertarian..while at one at the same time enjoying the benefits of living in a society ... an aggregate of human beings of varying colors , faiths beliefs and points of views ...acceptance tolerance is surely a necessary virtue ....
can't help it if you guys [herd] don't understand or appreciate Freedom !!
of course thats the larger issue Statist , all are unconstitutional and have no place in a free society !! If a guy doesn't want to rent me a hotel room then I just go down the road to a guy that caters to me .

No one doing business has the right to discriminate under the law of the land. If you want to be a bigot you have to do that in private with your fellow bigots.
I say the queer is the bigot. The baker was friends with the queers and they decided to force her to bake the cake. What assholes.
They are whipping it and stoking it and the Fundamentalist Religious fears too...

"Fear the big, black"... uhhh,oh, wait...


Fear the "wife of Monica's boyfriend"*, the freedom hating "wife of Monica's boyfriend"*!!!!

Conservaspeak for: Vagina
No, that just shows the character of the Clinton's.

Oh, you think so, hmmmm????

Yes, and the constant lying by both doesn't help.
They are whipping it and stoking it and the Fundamentalist Religious fears too...

Hardly surprising since they can't run on a track record of any actual accomplishments for the American people.
After Obama, neither can democrats.
man you all have trouble with reality....Obama changed the economy that was shedding 800k jobs a month to one that is on a long streak of 200k jobs a month...he has tripled or nearly tripled the valuations of the American stock market...he has led the recovery of the Housing market from the "hell hole on Earth" that the Bush administration left it...Obama has provided Medical Insurance access to millions of Americans who previously did not have such access... get in touch with realty...
of course thats the larger issue Statist , all are unconstitutional and have no place in a free society !! If a guy doesn't want to rent me a hotel room then I just go down the road to a guy that caters to me .

No one doing business has the right to discriminate under the law of the land. If you want to be a bigot you have to do that in private with your fellow bigots.
I say the queer is the bigot. The baker was friends with the queers and they decided to force her to bake the cake. What assholes.

Your opinion doesn't trump the law of the land.
We live in a society in a social aggregate for one reason...LIFE IS EASIER THAT WAY.... doing this requires compromise...one cannot be a total Libertarian..while at one at the same time enjoying the benefits of living in a society ... an aggregate of human beings of varying colors , faiths beliefs and points of views ...acceptance tolerance is surely a necessary virtue ....


The weird thing is just to have to imagine that there are "Christians" out there who for hundreds of years did business with anyone who would do business, but all of a sudden, gay people are the ebbil ebbil infidels who absolutely must be shunned at all costs. Don't these "Christian" businessmen and women realize that they are shooting themselves in the foot when they do this? If I am a pro-baker and someone wants me to bake a cake, I bake a cake. The content on the top of the cake has absolutely no bearing on me as a person or a believer in any particular faith. If I run a print shop that makes invitations, I print invitations for my clients, basta. The content of the invitations themselves is none of my business and would be no reflection on me as a person in any way, anyway. If I am a photographer and am contracted to photograph a wedding, then I go, photograph the wedding, send the contacts to my clients, make a package out of their choices and basta, I earn money from that client. The people who are actually pictured in the photos have absolutely no bearing on me. I mean, isn't that the purest meaning of "free market"?

And here we have Ted Cruz going around calling the call to OBEY the law of the land "liberal fascism".

Too funny.

There is no way talk this kind of Cruzian nonsense and then win the middle in a national election.
the very rich and the smart people are the guys making money . Immigration is hurting the pockets of the working class and improvement in employment is into jobs that pay less than I was making in 1980 . War , you ain't seen a good war yet so just stay tuned . Mandate for healthcare is unacceptable and is un-American . Gay marriage is stupid and there are lots of gays that agree with me on that issue De rideo !!
These are sophisticated freeloaders who want the benefits of living in a society thus benefiting from common obligations [the things taxes provide] while at the same time saying "I have no corresponding obligation to anyone because "FREEDOM"?"...WTF ? Go to Idaho I hear they are creating a religious paradise there LOL
They are whipping it and stoking it and the Fundamentalist Religious fears too...

Hardly surprising since they can't run on a track record of any actual accomplishments for the American people.
After Obama, neither can democrats.

Rescued the failing Bush jr economy.
Gay marriage.
Rising DOW.
Unemployment down to 5.5%
Immigration reform.
End of Bush era warmongering.
In over six years and the economy still sucks.
Making people buy shitty insurance or be fined, no matter if you can afford it or not. Isn't an accomplishment.
Gay marriage? Social problem, while ignoring Putin. Not an accomplishment.
How many tax payers billions are being put in the dow?
Go by real numbers, it's around 10%. Black unemployment numbers are worse. Again not an accomplishment.
Letting millions of immigrants have a free ride over the boarder, with free benefits. Isn't reform, some are gangsters and terrorist that have already been deported.
End of war mongering? Yeah that red line proved Obama a pussy. Again not an accomplishment.
Try again.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Under this Constitution you are not allowed to discriminate ...sorry...
of course thats the larger issue Statist , all are unconstitutional and have no place in a free society !! If a guy doesn't want to rent me a hotel room then I just go down the road to a guy that caters to me .

No one doing business has the right to discriminate under the law of the land. If you want to be a bigot you have to do that in private with your fellow bigots.
I say the queer is the bigot. The baker was friends with the queers and they decided to force her to bake the cake. What assholes.

Your opinion doesn't trump the law of the land.
The baker sold the queers anything they wanted over the counter. She couldn't make them a wedding cake because of her religious beliefs. So the queers were going against the law of the land by trumping on her religious rights.
the very rich and the smart people are the guys making money . Immigration is hurting the pockets of the working class and improvement in employment is into jobs that pay less than I was making in 1980 . War , you ain't seen a good war yet so just stay tuned . Mandate for healthcare is unacceptable and is un-American . Gay marriage is stupid and there are lots of gays that agree with me on that issue De rideo !!

You are fully entitled to your misinformed opinions.

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