I watched Jenner say he was NOT GAY as he was still attracted to women??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
He also said he was a female in his mind and always has been.

OK... I can accept that.

But why does he have to make himself look like a woman if the purpose is to attract women and he said he is heterosexual?
I mean the whole objective of shaving his Adam's apple, have breast augmentation medication, facial hair removed or shaped, and wearing dresses is to attract males...not other women.

My point is he can be in his mind feminine and that's fine with me. And if he wants to attract males. Fine.

BUT unless he has complete transgender operations i.e. as Rush calls them a "dickadectomy" and he is still attracted AS A MAN to women BUT he is feminized... he is a phony because all the efforts he is doing are simple cosmetics. Doesn't need them if he is feminine in his mind to support his gender.

The real reason for all this is money!
Think of the billions Jenner will make as a transgender attire manufacturer.
There is now a TV reality series pending transgenders.
PLUS according to ABC 700,000 kids are confused.
This is a marketing ploy pure and simple.
Capitalism at it's finest!
Surveys among gays have found that about 1/4 to 1/3 of them say they are attracted to women and still have sexual relations with women. So were they "born that way" too?

This is not to mention the fact that we have tens of thousands of former gays walking among us. They got tired of the homosexual lifestyle and left it. Check out the PFOX website (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays).

The "born that way" argument is ridiculous on so many levels. Homosexuality is simply another temptation of the flesh. Most people are never tempted by it, but some are, and some of those who are tempted by it give into it. And some of those who give into it later choose to stop and to return to normal sexual relations. It's just simple.
Surveys among gays have found that about 1/4 to 1/3 of them say they are attracted to women and still have sexual relations with women. So were they "born that way" too?

Than those people are not "gay", they are bisexual, obviously.
This is not to mention the fact that we have tens of thousands of former gays walking among us. They got tired of the homosexual lifestyle and left it. Check out the PFOX website (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays).

The "born that way" argument is ridiculous on so many levels. Homosexuality is simply another temptation of the flesh. Most people are never tempted by it, but some are, and some of those who are tempted by it give into it. And some of those who give into it later choose to stop and to return to normal sexual relations. It's just simple.

I do not believe people were "born that way". I think we all have the potential from birth to become attracted to either sex, and as we become older and are exposed to society, culture, and other people we begin to lean towards a certain direction. Then, the quality of our sexual experiences and what sexual experiences we choose to explore can greatly impact our existing sexual orientation.

I watched Jenner say he was NOT GAY as he was still attracted to women??

Dafuck business is it of yours? Have you done your special investigation on which hand he wipes his ass with too?

...as Rush calls them..

Ah. That explains a lot.

This is not to mention the fact that we have tens of thousands of former gays walking among us. They got tired of the homosexual lifestyle and left it. Check out the PFOX website (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays).

Assumes facts not in evidence.
The op is such a moron.

This is a marketing scheme he magically dreamed up 30 years ago?

He told ALL his wives about over all these years and had estrogen therapy in the EIGHTIES?

Man I hate drool cup morons.

Yea, let me already be unbelievably wealthy, and then uh....for money, begin to transform my body to a woman's making permanent changes in a plot I hatched 30 years ago.

Makes perfect sense.
One cannot live in the Kardashian empire and benefit from it without at some point whoring oneself....
Hey the Jenner kids had to go out and model,Kimmie had to release her sex tapes doing it with black guys....
That's what got this whole ball of wax off the ground.
One cannot live in the Kardashian empire and benefit from it without at some point whoring oneself....
Hey the Jenner kids had to go out and model,Kimmie had to release her sex tapes doing it with black guys....
That's what got this whole ball of wax off the ground.
Except its documented that Bruce has been dealing with this before anyone even knew who the Kardashians were.

People and their lil busy body theories. Hmmf!
Once he becomes a woman physically, he will be a lesbian. That will make him gay.
According to Wikipedia:
. . .For many ardent feminist lesbians, it was also important that the L come first, lest an L following a G become another symbol of male dominance over women,[31]although other women prefer the usage gay woman. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

So, if he wasn't gay before the reassignment surgery, I guess he will be afterwards, assuming that he continues to prefer women as sexual partners? :dunno:
...unless the fundies are right, and an artificially constructed vagina doesn't really make him a woman?

I'm so confused.
If he's female in his mind and he's STILL attracted to women what does that even mean....
He seems to be saying it as in defense of his still being a man.
But he's a woman trapped in a man's body.....

Oh at this point who even gives a shit what anyone in this fucked up family does...
I remember a scene in the movie Sleuth when Michael Caine was explaining to the great Laurence Oliver
how his father moved the family to England so they could "become English"
Oliver had a look on his face of total disgust....

Jenner with all the operations and hormone treatment will still be a man only trapped in the body
of someone trying to look like a woman.

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I think he should marry Anne Heche and they should raise a group of kids together as lesbians. Then we can study them when they're about 25 to see what this level of denial, insanity and confusion does to kids in a formative environment. After that then we should decide on whether or not "gay marriage" can go forward as a federal mandate.
I guess BJ who is still a man wanting to be a woman being attracted to women is.....
A Lesbian in waiting.
A Lesbian in training.
A wannabe Lesbian.....

Or all of the above.

Or as the future ruler of America once said....

"At this point what difference does it make"....

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