Team Trump ends how it began

I remain concerned that the dems do not accept, let alone have any strategy, to accommodate the issues raised by Bannon in Trump's rise. Biden seems in a rush to open the borders to asylum seekers and undocumented children. The dems nearly lost the House on "defund the police." Imo they would have if Trump's race baiting had not offended not just suburban educated but even high school educated people … like in Ga, and nearly NC.

These should not be racial issues. Possibly half the people in central America could qualify as deserving amnesty. But we ceased welcoming all a century ago. American citizens of all heritages aren't lining up to pay for children of illegal immigrants educations and healthcare. There is a saying that "I'm a nice guy, but I'm nobody's bitch." Biden isn't even sworn in yet, and in Ga the dems are having to run from him. The dems won when they were the centrist party, and they lost when they weren't …. unless Trump was the other alternative.

It may be that measures of how offensive Trump is to a large maj are correct, but when the dems veer from the center, the gop does just fine when people don't have to vote for Trump personally

And meanwhile the Trumpanzees STILL have not understood that in America if the candidate is actually the message … you lose. Bannon said it clearly that Trump was not the ideal candidate, but he was the only one willing to carry the message. America first does not have to include self-defeating embargos that will never bring back jobs that have a market value of less than 20/hr, with benefits. It absolutely does not need to include removing HC support from Americans making 20/hr without benefits. And the dems say "we can't carry the woke message," and I admit I don't understand the woke message, but I'm sure the woke folks haven't worked as laborers for 20/hr.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
No he didn't OL....he won in a landslide....the truth will come out one way or the other....Trump is no Georgie Bush.....
If you keep saying the Moon is made of cheese.
That Hitler won WWll.
That Elvis is alive.

Do Trumpsters think everybody will eventually come round?
And are you really saying Fox News is lying?
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
We don't know that the election wasn't stolen yet, if the GA recount doesn't prove anything, and the other lawsuits come up empty then Biden won. The election is not official until the vote is certified. We'll see what happens.
Fair enough. But until I see some evidence there was widespread fraud, i see no reason to question the results.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
We don't know that the election wasn't stolen yet, if the GA recount doesn't prove anything, and the other lawsuits come up empty then Biden won. The election is not official until the vote is certified. We'll see what happens.
Fair enough. But until I see some evidence there was widespread fraud, i see no reason to question the results.
Why won't trump do something to help American people instead of lying and feeding his ego??
Well that's hitting the nail on the head. For Trump BEING president was about his ego, and he is a sociopath, always has been. But I still don't think the dems are about doing something for all Americans … at least since Bill Clinton was potus, and that's the real tragedy of Hillary. She may have understood that intellectually, but Park Ridge Il is not a bad place … compared to red state America.

I just get the feeling that Dems understand families of 4 making $150K and up, and those making under $70K.

Trump's beginning 4 years of economic scrutiny, and he's probably going to be found to being money laundering in Scotland. Not that he's alone in doing that, and it's not a crime in America to do it in Scotland. Trump is going to want to be the king maker in 24, even if his hopes of being the American King don't work out.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......

I agree. If Biden does what he says he will then the mid terms will be all Red. They will take the House and keep the Senate. Lets see Biden do anything then.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
No he didn't OL....he won in a landslide....the truth will come out one way or the other....Trump is no Georgie Bush.....
Trump lost bro.

Slow down, Winnie. Donald Trump won 410 electoral votes on election night, to Biden's 128. You will see. You will weep. Americans from coast to coast have had it with radical leftist cultural and social change madness. With democrat policies resulting in explosions of crime, drug addiction, homelessness, rolling power outages, wildfires and inner city murder mania. And don't forget the riots; the looting, burning and killing. America voted for its own salvation and the media lied, claiming a Biden victory. I've got a few extra boxes of tissues if you need them.
Why won't trump do something to help American people instead of lying and feeding his ego??
Well that's hitting the nail on the head. For Trump BEING president was about his ego, and he is a sociopath, always has been. But I still don't think the dems are about doing something for all Americans … at least since Bill Clinton was potus, and that's the real tragedy of Hillary. She may have understood that intellectually, but Park Ridge Il is not a bad place … compared to red state America.

I just get the feeling that Dems understand families of 4 making $150K and up, and those making under $70K.

Trump's beginning 4 years of economic scrutiny, and he's probably going to be found to being money laundering in Scotland. Not that he's alone in doing that, and it's not a crime in America to do it in Scotland. Trump is going to want to be the king maker in 24, even if his hopes of being the American King don't work out.
Think he'll still be a king maker after NY AG gets through with the lying cheat?
Why won't trump do something to help American people instead of lying and feeding his ego??
Well that's hitting the nail on the head. For Trump BEING president was about his ego, and he is a sociopath, always has been. But I still don't think the dems are about doing something for all Americans … at least since Bill Clinton was potus, and that's the real tragedy of Hillary. She may have understood that intellectually, but Park Ridge Il is not a bad place … compared to red state America.

I just get the feeling that Dems understand families of 4 making $150K and up, and those making under $70K.

Trump's beginning 4 years of economic scrutiny, and he's probably going to be found to being money laundering in Scotland. Not that he's alone in doing that, and it's not a crime in America to do it in Scotland. Trump is going to want to be the king maker in 24, even if his hopes of being the American King don't work out.
Think he'll still be a king maker after NY AG gets through with the lying cheat?
Yeah. I don't think he loses any cred with the Trumpanzees. Not even if its proven he's been washing money for Moscow. But whether he can get to 270 again … I'm doubtful

The money guys - the Adelsons and Kochs - that may be different. But the Trumpanzees will donate. But Trump lost by 3%, and that makes Jimmy Carter look good.
Trump BS ends here
rump’s Legal Path to Overturn the Election Results Appears 100 Percent Dead
With an overwhelming number of losses and withdrawals of cases, there is no path for the Trump campaign to overturn the results in a single state, much less states making up more than 36 electoral college votes.
It’s over. Trump may still say he has won the election. But there is no path. Even the two key federal cases in Pennsylvania do not involve nearly enough votes to overturn the results there even if they were successful (and I don’t expect them to be).
There is no path. Rudy Giuliani can say what he wants and the President can keep declaring that he’s won, but there’s no plausible legal way this election gets overturned.
We are not talking three Hail Marys anymore. We are talking done.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
We don't know that the election wasn't stolen yet, if the GA recount doesn't prove anything, and the other lawsuits come up empty then Biden won. The election is not official until the vote is certified. We'll see what happens.
Fair enough. But until I see some evidence there was widespread fraud, i see no reason to question the results.
True, so far so good, but I'm waiting for the hand recount in GA to confirm if the Dominion machines are accurate.
Lying about crowd sizes, Team rump ends how it began - It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team rump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.

SAD. Another tard who supposedly just "won" an election who is still racked with four year old TDS still carrying the lies of his puppeteers, easily dispelled by a single photograph.


Trump: a president loved by more people than any other.
Trump: a president with the largest inauguration turnout second only to Obumma's first.
Trump: the president to get more legal votes than any other president in the history of this nation.

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