Team Trump ends how it began


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
Lying about crowd sizes, Team rump ends how it began - It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team rump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.
Lying about crowd sizes, Team Trump ends how it began

It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team Trump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.

In the aftermath of Election Day 2016, we saw some memorable things: a presidential victor who earned 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump lying about electoral fraud, Trump accused of engaging in unscrupulous financial schemes, and Team Trump lying about crowd sizes.
In the aftermath of Election Day 2020, we are once again seeing a presidential victor who earned 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump lying about electoral fraud, Trump accused of engaging in unscrupulous financial schemes, and Team Trump lying about crowd sizes.
On a day when the president's supporters touted a vast array of falsehoods, his spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, offered perhaps the most ludicrous. "More than one MILLION marchers for President [Donald Trump] descend on the swamp in support," she tweeted, vastly exaggerating the crowd size.
At issue were demonstrations in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, with die-hard Trump followers marching to show their support for the outgoing president. By most accounts, there were "tens of thousands" of Trump fans on hand for the gatherings, though for the president and his team, that reality wasn't quite good enough.

And so, nearly four years after Trump and then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer offered bizarre claims about the underwhelming crowd who attended the Republican's inauguration, the president claimed over the weekend that "hundreds of thousands" of supporters showed up, which Kayleigh McEnany inflated, just for the heck of it, to "more than one million."
It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team Trump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.
As for the demonstrations themselves -- the point of which weren't altogether clear -- the outgoing president seemed proud of the showing, overlooking the fact that the crowds included "white nationalists, conspiracy theorists and far-right activists."
The Washington Post's report on the demonstrations added, "Among the rallygoers were members of the Proud Boys, an extremist group known for their black-and-yellow garb and endorsements of violence. Some wore flak jackets and helmets. 'Stand Back, Stand By,' read several of their shirts, referencing the president's directive to them during a September debate."
Lying about crowd sizes, Team rump ends how it began - It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team rump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.
Lying about crowd sizes, Team Trump ends how it began

It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team Trump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.

In the aftermath of Election Day 2016, we saw some memorable things: a presidential victor who earned 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump lying about electoral fraud, Trump accused of engaging in unscrupulous financial schemes, and Team Trump lying about crowd sizes.
In the aftermath of Election Day 2020, we are once again seeing a presidential victor who earned 306 electoral votes, Donald Trump lying about electoral fraud, Trump accused of engaging in unscrupulous financial schemes, and Team Trump lying about crowd sizes.
On a day when the president's supporters touted a vast array of falsehoods, his spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, offered perhaps the most ludicrous. "More than one MILLION marchers for President [Donald Trump] descend on the swamp in support," she tweeted, vastly exaggerating the crowd size.
At issue were demonstrations in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, with die-hard Trump followers marching to show their support for the outgoing president. By most accounts, there were "tens of thousands" of Trump fans on hand for the gatherings, though for the president and his team, that reality wasn't quite good enough.

And so, nearly four years after Trump and then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer offered bizarre claims about the underwhelming crowd who attended the Republican's inauguration, the president claimed over the weekend that "hundreds of thousands" of supporters showed up, which Kayleigh McEnany inflated, just for the heck of it, to "more than one million."
It's hard not to appreciate the symmetry. It's as if Team Trump were trying to create matching bookends for its term.
As for the demonstrations themselves -- the point of which weren't altogether clear -- the outgoing president seemed proud of the showing, overlooking the fact that the crowds included "white nationalists, conspiracy theorists and far-right activists."
The Washington Post's report on the demonstrations added, "Among the rallygoers were members of the Proud Boys, an extremist group known for their black-and-yellow garb and endorsements of violence. Some wore flak jackets and helmets. 'Stand Back, Stand By,' read several of their shirts, referencing the president's directive to them during a September debate."
Hadn't thought of that. Very appropriate.
And the lying continues
Judges appear increasingly frustrated with rump's legal claims about 2020 election - "Come on now," one judge said after hearing a rump team claim.
Judges appear increasingly frustrated with Trump's legal claims about 2020 election
"Come on now," one judge said after hearing a Trump team claim.

The recent scene in Clark County, Nevada, has become increasingly common in courthouses around the country as President Donald Trump continues to push thinly supported allegations of election misconduct and fraud.
When Republican lawyers in Nevada complained their observers were not close enough if they could not hear everything poll workers were saying, U.S. District Judge Andrew Gordon pushed back.

"At what point does this get ridiculous?" the exasperated judge, an appointee of President Barack Obama, asked before ruling against the Republicans.
In court hearings and opinions around the country, judges are voicing similar frustrations with the Trump campaign's legal filings to a degree rarely seen in venues where political rhetoric is generally unwelcome, experts and courthouse veterans said.
MORE: A look at 5 false or misleading Trump team claims of election fraud
"Judge after judge after judge has asked, in essence, 'Where is the beef?'" said Karl Racine, the attorney general for the District of Columbia and a frequent Trump critic, in a call with reporters Friday.
"We have seen numerous instances where affidavits have been filed … only to be immediately pulled back once tested in state and federal court," said Racine, whose own lawsuit against Trump in connection with the president’s Washington, D.C., hotel is on hold pending appeal. "I would not be surprised that if these baseless allegations continue, judges will begin to threaten and indeed issue sanctions.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
4-years of TDS proves only one thing, that the slimy democrats are too fucked-up to govern.
The next 4-years is what's called "payback", enjoy.
kyzr We're up for it Just a breath of fresh air getting the stink of your moron trump out of the peoples house Now go back to your Qanon meeting
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
No he didn't OL....he won in a landslide....the truth will come out one way or the other....Trump is no Georgie Bush.....
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
No he didn't OL....he won in a landslide....the truth will come out one way or the other....Trump is no Georgie Bush.....
Trump lost bro.
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
And his denial only proves how mentally ill he is What I don't get is his mental illness is spreading like the virus to 70 million of his nitwit supporters
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
And his denial only proves how mentally ill he is What I don't get is his mental illness is spreading like the virus to 70 million of his nitwit supporters
Do any of you trump morons know that Asia just completed the largest trade deal ever WITHOUT the USA?? Trump is a complete AH and has damaged America world wide
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
We don't know that the election wasn't stolen yet, if the GA recount doesn't prove anything, and the other lawsuits come up empty then Biden won. The election is not official until the vote is certified. We'll see what happens.
Excuse me for a while Hope mods treat this kindly Need to see how Bidens stock market is doing
The toothless trailer camp trash necks, will have squirrel pie tonight
Trumps team and the massive Trump base are here to stay....I still think he will win this but if the dems do steal this election they are stealing it from 75 million Americans from all walks of life....and they will pay in the midterms for that.....if I were them I would allow a real recount and examination of all ballots....if they don't the dem party is can't steal a man's landslide win without get ready chumps......
No one is stealing the election. Trump lost.
We don't know that the election wasn't stolen yet, if the GA recount doesn't prove anything, and the other lawsuits come up empty then Biden won. The election is not official until the vote is certified. We'll see what happens.
But what are you now ?? 0-10? You're worse than my Jets
Do any of you trump morons know that Asia just completed the largest trade deal ever WITHOUT the USA?? Trump is a complete AH and has damaged America world wide
WTF do you expect after moving 12,000 US factories to China?
That only proves that the democrats, and especially the "globalist" Bidens, prefer to "cash-in" and to grow China's economy rather than grow the US economy with Trump's "populist" agenda.
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