Teachings from J.C. Philpot

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
These are a collection of scriptures and teachings on those scriptures by the humble servant of God, J.C. Philpot. For those who desire a deeper walk with the LORD, studying the Word of God is most important and it is always helpful to glean from the wisdom of men who sought the LORD with their whole heart. Such is J.C. Philpot, William Gurnall, Dumitru Duduman and many others from the past. Here is a link to a collection of his teachings, some of his quotes will be posted here. Enjoy!

http://grace-ebooks.com/library/J C Philpot/JCP Riches of J C

Take me as I am
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be
saved." Jeremiah 17:14

Here is this sin! Save me from it!—Here is this snare! Break it to
pieces!—Here is this lust! Lord, subdue it!—Here is this
temptation! Deliver me out of it!—Here is my proud heart! Lord,
humble it!—Here is my unbelieving heart! Take it away, and give
me faith—give me submission to Your mind and will. Take me as
I am with all my sin and shame and work in me everything well
pleasing in Your sight.
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Here is a daily devotional calendar using J.C. Philpot teachings. The Link:
J. C. Philpot s Daily Portions 366 Daily Devotions on Gospel Web


"Do not love the world or anything in the world." –1 John 2:15

This is a very wide sentence. It stretches forth a hand of vast grasp. It places us, as it were, upon a high mountain, such as the Lord stood upon when tempted of Satan, and it says to us, "Look around you--now there is not one of these things which you must love." It takes us, again, to the streets of a crowded city; it shows us shop windows filled with objects of beauty and ornament; it points us to all the wealth and grandeur of the rich and noble, and everything that the human heart admires and loves. And having thus set before us, as Satan did before our Lord upon the high mountain, the kingdoms of the world, it says, not as he did, "All this will I give you," but, "All this I take from you. None of these things are for you. You must not love one of these glittering baubles; you must not touch one of them, or scarcely look at them, lest, as with Achan, the golden wedge and the Babylonish garment should tempt you to take them and hide them in your tent."

The precept takes us through the world as a mother takes a child through a bazaar, with playthings and ornaments on every side, and says, "You must not touch one of these things." In some such similar way the precept would, as it were, take us through the world, and when we had looked at all its playthings and its ornaments, it would sound in our ears, "Don't touch any one of them; they are not yours; not for you to enjoy, not for you even to covet." Can anything less than this be intended by those words which should be ever sounding in the ears of the children of God, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world?"
The J. C. Philpot Collection -- Bible Bulletin Board biblebb.com
[URL='http://www.biblebb.com/philpot.htm']The J. C. Philpot Collection(1802-1869)


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Backslidden The Straying Sheep and the Sin-Bearing Shepherd - "Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness– by whose stripes you were healed. For you were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." [1 Peter 2:24, 25] J. C. Philpot
Blessings Zion's Blessings - "I will abundantly bless her provision—I will satisfy her poor with bread. I will also clothe her priests with salvation—and her saints shall shout aloud for joy." [Psalm 132:15, 16] J. C. Philpot
Christian Life [01] The Eagle and Her Young - "He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness--he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. As an eagle stirs up her nest, flutters over her young, spreads abroad her wings, takes them, bears them on her wings--so the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him."[Deut. 32:10-12] J. C. Philpot
Christian Life [02] Farewell - "Brethren, farewell." [2 Corinthians 13:11] J. C. Philpot
Christian Life [03] Heavenly Teaching - "All your children shall be taught of the Lord." [Isaiah 54:13] J. C. Philpot
Christian Life [04] The Houseless Wanderer - "They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way--they found no city to dwell in. Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out their distresses. And he led them forth by the right way that they might go to a city of habitation." [Psalm 107:4-7] J. C. Philpot
Christian Life [05] Living Complaints - "Lord, all my desire is before you; and my groaning is not hidden from you. My heart pants—my strength fails me; as for the light of my eyes, it also is gone from me." [Psalm 38:9-10] J. C. Philpot

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