Teachers shouldn't have to pass a political test--- and how smart are those influencers of our future?

Your understanding of logic and the English language is pathetic. Slither back under your rock!

Logic was truly missing your comment...
"Those that can't teach, are morons like you!"
I wrote Those that can't teach and you evidently agree because you wrote.." they are morons"
So if you agree with me, why insult by adding "morons like you!"?
Talk about understanding of logic and English! I guess if you agree "those that can't teach are morons" does that mean
you are a moron also because you agree with "morons like you!" kind of an admission on your part!
By the way It is Admiral Rockwell Torrey, a fictional character...not Tory!
Thank you! I knew that!

I had to pick this username quickly because the mods banned by original username, which was "Liberalism is a Mental Defect".

I have had more than few morons think that I was using the name Tory because they thought I was a supporter of Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. Where they came up with that ridiculous idea was a testament to a room temerature IQ>
Logic was truly missing your comment...
"Those that can't teach, are morons like you!"
I wrote Those that can't teach and you evidently agree because you wrote.." they are morons"
So if you agree with me, why insult by adding "morons like you!"?
Talk about understanding of logic and English! I guess if you agree "those that can't teach are morons" does that mean
you are a moron also because you agree with "morons like you!" kind of an admission on your part!
The text I highlighted in your statement is in error. I never said that. Your interpretation is incorrect.
The text I highlighted in your statement is in error. I never said that. Your interpretation is incorrect.
Really...YOUR exact words "Those that can't teach, are morons like you!"
The statement that is commonly accepted is "Those that can't, teach" which is what I posted.
For most people, political opinions are likely to rank low among these priorities.
According to a report in EdWeek, though, that's what an increasing number of public schools are emphasizing
Adopting a practice that's already widespread in higher education, many districts are now considering applicants' "cultural competency." In other words, they're making progressive political views a requirement of the job.

Now my observation is that those that have the "appropriate cultural competency" are in most cases also less intelligent and
here is the reason for my personal subjective observation.
All of those that pass the "cultural competency." and those that asked the questions are truly ignorant of how formative THEIR
personal political opinions have been FORMED by the biased mainstream media (MSM).
If most of the above's political opinions are based on extremely biased MSM sources, they have been grossly misinformed.
A) Attached are two articles as to how the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and when she lost they spent the next 4 years
reporting extremely negative Trump news... so bad that this was the result:
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%), negative
George W. Bush (28%), negative
Barack Obama (20%), negative
Donald Trump (62%) negative.
So how many of these people who's opinions were based on extremely biased MSM, also created this "cultural competency." are totally uninformed? Ignorant. REMEMBER folks! These are the people that are making sure that their truly uniformed politically biased opinions are acceptable to the TEACHERS that are teaching your children! These teachers are not truly informed teachers as to pass this "cultural competency." test, they must have the same biased uninformed opinions.
AGAIN...THINK folks... these cultural competent teachers" are forming their opinions based on extremely biased MSM!
View attachment 574440
So you're whining about something that doesn't exist, never has, never will, based on something you might have heard or read on some wingnut site?

And you wnder why tests are needed?

Fortunately UNLIKE the current education paradigm, political correctness, political doctrine and political parties is not an issue on this forum. Most of us intelligent, objective readers/contributors are open to dialogue consisting of facts, links to facts and for most of us OBJECTIVE contributions.
How this is presented on this message board IS not the methodology of the ignorant left/democrat/anti-American and definitely not rational educators. People that are suppose to deal with facts, etc.
Thank goodness we still have this open discussion mechanism...unlike the poor propaganda driven "Educators"!

"us intelligent, objective readers/contributors are open to dialogue consisting of facts,"

Just further proof that you are an idiot. You were educated by a teacher just like everyone else. It is a pity that yours did not take!

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. -George Bernard Shaw​

See the problem with people like you is "half ass" thinking! So you in your juvenile "Tory" (wrong) mind think
if you alter a common and WeLL KNOW statement your's will be accepted... you are doing what you are commenting on! Moronic behavior! And as such YOU are living proof to YOUR statement... MORON!

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. -George Bernard Shaw​

See the problem with people like you is "half ass" thinking! So you in your juvenile "Tory" (wrong) mind think
if you alter a common and WeLL KNOW statement your's will be accepted... you are doing what you are commenting on! Moronic behavior! And as such YOU are living proof to YOUR statement... MORON!
Shaw was wrong. Get that through that thick melon you carry around where most people have a head. Also, learn to proofread. "WeLL KNOW" and "your's" proves you didn't read your one post before vomiting it up on the board!
Shaw was wrong. Get that through that thick melon you carry around where most people have a head. Also, learn to proofread. "WeLL KNOW" and "your's" proves you didn't read your one post before vomiting it up on the board!
From a well known phony movie character.... Rockwell W. "Rock" Torrey USN and you couldn't spell the last name right!
Off-topic and irrelevant.
What kind of respect do you have Tory? You can't even spell the character's name correct!
And what kind fo dummy would say George Bernard Shaw was wrong?
" Shaw was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist.
His influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond".
And where is your equivalent profile in Wikipedia? A movie character?
Talk about moronic behavior! Wow... you really represent yourself for what you are...truly a dummy!
What kind of respect do you have Tory? You can't even spell the character's name correct!
And what kind fo dummy would say George Bernard Shaw was wrong?
" Shaw was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist.
His influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond".
And where is your equivalent profile in Wikipedia? A movie character?
Talk about moronic behavior! Wow... you really represent yourself for what you are...truly a dummy!
Irrelevant and off topic.
GBS' oft-quoted observation has been occasionally associated with the observation in engineering and science programs that the
A students go into research and make a pittance,
B students go into production and make a good buck,
C students go into sales and make them all look sick.

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