Teachers learning how to shoot to save lives.....stories from the training....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we are, an in depth look at some teachers going through the FASTER program in Ohio, learning how to carry and use guns to save the lives of their students and staff at the schools where they are employed...

When You Give a Teacher a Gun

We meet on the first day of FASTER Saves Lives, a three-day ā€œactive killerā€ response course in rural Adams County, Ohio, where school staff members learn how to carry a gun on campus and, should it one day become necessary, how to shoot to kill. By the end of this year, its sixth, around 2,000 people from 15 statesā€”including me, Pam, and about two dozen other men and women enrolled in this sessionā€”will have completed the training, which includes the above exercise, carried out in a controlled setting with actors and Airsoft pistols that fire plastic pellets
s of three months ago, Pam had never shot a handgun in her life. The night before attending an eight-hour gun-safety seminarā€”a prerequisite for obtaining her $67 concealed-carry permitā€”a cousin had taken her out on his property and let her squeeze off a few practice rounds, just so she could see which make and model fit her hands best. Over breakfast, we overhear a pair of veteran shooters chatter away about the intricacies of the gauntlet that awaits us, and Pam is all nerves. ā€œI feel like Iā€™m in over my head,ā€ she says.

Sheā€™s been a teacher for 14 years; once, I return to my seat to find ā€œPam was here!ā€ scrawled on the front of my notebook. Whenever she gets a fleeting bar of cell service, she calls or texts her husband and three children to check in. He knows what she is doing this week, but the kids have no idea. She confesses it feels like sheā€™s ā€œliving a secret life.ā€

When she started her career, Pamā€™s salary was $23,000. (ā€œIf I ever see $55,000, Iā€™ll be 105 years old,ā€ she says, laughing.) The district is covering her hotel and ammunition for training, but she paid for her new $500 Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun and for all her gearā€”magazines, magazine pouches, a holster, safety equipment, and that concealed-carry permitā€”out of her own pocket.

The course is offered by an Ohio nonprofit called the Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which uses donations to fund scholarships for most attendees. But since Parkland, overwhelming demand has prevented the Foundation from being able to cover everyone. Before the shooting, two dozen openings remained for all of summer 2018; in the months that followed, organizers sometimes fielded that number of applications in a single day. Eventually, they were able to accept several hundred of them in about a dozen overflow classes. Even so, today about 2,000 people are still sitting on a waitlist.

No one forced Pam to be here. But her own kids attend the same school at which she works, and while she believes that the districtā€™s other elementary campus has around two armed employees, hers has just oneā€”an administrator who is nearing retirement. The thought of them going unprotected for any period of time gnawed at her, and so when the superintendent asked for more volunteers during a staff meeting, she decided to raise her hand.

Pam still wonders if he thought she was kidding. ā€œBut then he listed all the things I needed to do: get a concealed-carry permit, do this class, get all this stuff,ā€ she remembers. ā€œI was like, Oh, my gosh, I donā€™t even have a gun. I have to go buy a gun now. Where do I buy a gun? What have I done?ā€

Wow. 3 days prepare teachers to effectively engage in a combat situation. I wonder why the military wastes all that time teaching our soldiers the same thing. Cutting back on all that wasteful training would save us millions.
Incredibly stupid.

Yeahā€¦lets take all of the violence on the streets that guns cause and insert the into the classroom.

Last year we had guys shot over mattresses in dumpsters,

Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 9.36.17 PM.png

Guys shot over parking spaces:

Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 9.37.39 PM.png

Guys shot over sneakers:

Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 9.38.48 PM.png

And now we want to introduce these weapons into classrooms. Patently stupid idea.
Wow. 3 days prepare teachers to effectively engage in a combat situation. I wonder why the military wastes all that time teaching our soldiers the same thing. Cutting back on all that wasteful training would save us millions.

And you have no idea what you are talking about. They are not going into a combat situation. If they face a mass public shooter, as soon as they confront him one of 3 things happens....the shooter surrenders, commits suicide, or runs away...which is what they do when the police arrive, but would now happen faster since an armed response is on site rather than 6-10 minutes away....and that saves lives.....

As we see in self defense shootings, in particular the one in Chicago.....you don't have to be a Navy SEAL or a member of DELTA Force to use a gun to stop a low level criminal or mass shooter...

Please...get a grip, do some basic research and post with more knowledge...
Incredibly stupid.

Yeahā€¦lets take all of the violence on the streets that guns cause and insert the into the classroom.

Last year we had guys shot over mattresses in dumpsters,

View attachment 239247

Guys shot over parking spaces:

View attachment 239248

Guys shot over sneakers:

View attachment 239249

And now we want to introduce these weapons into classrooms. Patently stupid idea.

You are mixing up criminals with law abiding citizens......law abiding citizens with their legal guns use those guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals and they save lives. Over the last 26 year in the U.S. as more law abiding Americans have purchased, and some who carry guns....17.25 million Americans now carry guns for self defense....our gun murder rate has gone down 49%.....

How do you explain that? I repeat......How do you explain that?

Our gun crime rate has gone down 75%.....

How do you explain that? Again....How do you explain that?

Nothing you say about guns in America is true, accurate or based in reality......you make it up...
Here we are, an in depth look at some teachers going through the FASTER program in Ohio, learning how to carry and use guns to save the lives of their students and staff at the schools where they are employed...

When You Give a Teacher a Gun

We meet on the first day of FASTER Saves Lives, a three-day ā€œactive killerā€ response course in rural Adams County, Ohio, where school staff members learn how to carry a gun on campus and, should it one day become necessary, how to shoot to kill. By the end of this year, its sixth, around 2,000 people from 15 statesā€”including me, Pam, and about two dozen other men and women enrolled in this sessionā€”will have completed the training, which includes the above exercise, carried out in a controlled setting with actors and Airsoft pistols that fire plastic pellets
s of three months ago, Pam had never shot a handgun in her life. The night before attending an eight-hour gun-safety seminarā€”a prerequisite for obtaining her $67 concealed-carry permitā€”a cousin had taken her out on his property and let her squeeze off a few practice rounds, just so she could see which make and model fit her hands best. Over breakfast, we overhear a pair of veteran shooters chatter away about the intricacies of the gauntlet that awaits us, and Pam is all nerves. ā€œI feel like Iā€™m in over my head,ā€ she says.

Sheā€™s been a teacher for 14 years; once, I return to my seat to find ā€œPam was here!ā€ scrawled on the front of my notebook. Whenever she gets a fleeting bar of cell service, she calls or texts her husband and three children to check in. He knows what she is doing this week, but the kids have no idea. She confesses it feels like sheā€™s ā€œliving a secret life.ā€

When she started her career, Pamā€™s salary was $23,000. (ā€œIf I ever see $55,000, Iā€™ll be 105 years old,ā€ she says, laughing.) The district is covering her hotel and ammunition for training, but she paid for her new $500 Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun and for all her gearā€”magazines, magazine pouches, a holster, safety equipment, and that concealed-carry permitā€”out of her own pocket.

The course is offered by an Ohio nonprofit called the Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which uses donations to fund scholarships for most attendees. But since Parkland, overwhelming demand has prevented the Foundation from being able to cover everyone. Before the shooting, two dozen openings remained for all of summer 2018; in the months that followed, organizers sometimes fielded that number of applications in a single day. Eventually, they were able to accept several hundred of them in about a dozen overflow classes. Even so, today about 2,000 people are still sitting on a waitlist.

No one forced Pam to be here. But her own kids attend the same school at which she works, and while she believes that the districtā€™s other elementary campus has around two armed employees, hers has just oneā€”an administrator who is nearing retirement. The thought of them going unprotected for any period of time gnawed at her, and so when the superintendent asked for more volunteers during a staff meeting, she decided to raise her hand.

Pam still wonders if he thought she was kidding. ā€œBut then he listed all the things I needed to do: get a concealed-carry permit, do this class, get all this stuff,ā€ she remembers. ā€œI was like, Oh, my gosh, I donā€™t even have a gun. I have to go buy a gun now. Where do I buy a gun? What have I done?ā€
Lol @ Pam complaining about her miniscule teacherā€™s salary but volunteering to add armed security to her job responsibilities
Here we are, an in depth look at some teachers going through the FASTER program in Ohio, learning how to carry and use guns to save the lives of their students and staff at the schools where they are employed...

When You Give a Teacher a Gun

We meet on the first day of FASTER Saves Lives, a three-day ā€œactive killerā€ response course in rural Adams County, Ohio, where school staff members learn how to carry a gun on campus and, should it one day become necessary, how to shoot to kill. By the end of this year, its sixth, around 2,000 people from 15 statesā€”including me, Pam, and about two dozen other men and women enrolled in this sessionā€”will have completed the training, which includes the above exercise, carried out in a controlled setting with actors and Airsoft pistols that fire plastic pellets
s of three months ago, Pam had never shot a handgun in her life. The night before attending an eight-hour gun-safety seminarā€”a prerequisite for obtaining her $67 concealed-carry permitā€”a cousin had taken her out on his property and let her squeeze off a few practice rounds, just so she could see which make and model fit her hands best. Over breakfast, we overhear a pair of veteran shooters chatter away about the intricacies of the gauntlet that awaits us, and Pam is all nerves. ā€œI feel like Iā€™m in over my head,ā€ she says.

Sheā€™s been a teacher for 14 years; once, I return to my seat to find ā€œPam was here!ā€ scrawled on the front of my notebook. Whenever she gets a fleeting bar of cell service, she calls or texts her husband and three children to check in. He knows what she is doing this week, but the kids have no idea. She confesses it feels like sheā€™s ā€œliving a secret life.ā€

When she started her career, Pamā€™s salary was $23,000. (ā€œIf I ever see $55,000, Iā€™ll be 105 years old,ā€ she says, laughing.) The district is covering her hotel and ammunition for training, but she paid for her new $500 Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun and for all her gearā€”magazines, magazine pouches, a holster, safety equipment, and that concealed-carry permitā€”out of her own pocket.

The course is offered by an Ohio nonprofit called the Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which uses donations to fund scholarships for most attendees. But since Parkland, overwhelming demand has prevented the Foundation from being able to cover everyone. Before the shooting, two dozen openings remained for all of summer 2018; in the months that followed, organizers sometimes fielded that number of applications in a single day. Eventually, they were able to accept several hundred of them in about a dozen overflow classes. Even so, today about 2,000 people are still sitting on a waitlist.

No one forced Pam to be here. But her own kids attend the same school at which she works, and while she believes that the districtā€™s other elementary campus has around two armed employees, hers has just oneā€”an administrator who is nearing retirement. The thought of them going unprotected for any period of time gnawed at her, and so when the superintendent asked for more volunteers during a staff meeting, she decided to raise her hand.

Pam still wonders if he thought she was kidding. ā€œBut then he listed all the things I needed to do: get a concealed-carry permit, do this class, get all this stuff,ā€ she remembers. ā€œI was like, Oh, my gosh, I donā€™t even have a gun. I have to go buy a gun now. Where do I buy a gun? What have I done?ā€
Lol @ Pam complaining about her miniscule teacherā€™s salary but volunteering to add armed security to her job responsibilities

Yes....dedication and the desire to protect the innocent...of course you would mock that...you are a left wing socialist....
Wow. 3 days prepare teachers to effectively engage in a combat situation. I wonder why the military wastes all that time teaching our soldiers the same thing. Cutting back on all that wasteful training would save us millions.

And you have no idea what you are talking about. They are not going into a combat situation. If they face a mass public shooter, as soon as they confront him one of 3 things happens....the shooter surrenders, commits suicide, or runs away...which is what they do when the police arrive, but would now happen faster since an armed response is on site rather than 6-10 minutes away....and that saves lives.....

As we see in self defense shootings, in particular the one in Chicago.....you don't have to be a Navy SEAL or a member of DELTA Force to use a gun to stop a low level criminal or mass shooter...

Please...get a grip, do some basic research and post with more knowledge...

There is a vast range of things that can happen when a virtually untrained person inserts another gun into a mass shooting situation. They are likely to shoot the wrong person, or themselves, or they confuse the real first responders reducing their effectiveness. An idiot with a few hours training just can't effectively do what needs to be done.
The only thing proven to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Time and time again, when confronted with armed resistance, the bad guy shoots himself or commits suicide by armed citizen or cop.
Here we are, an in depth look at some teachers going through the FASTER program in Ohio, learning how to carry and use guns to save the lives of their students and staff at the schools where they are employed...

When You Give a Teacher a Gun

We meet on the first day of FASTER Saves Lives, a three-day ā€œactive killerā€ response course in rural Adams County, Ohio, where school staff members learn how to carry a gun on campus and, should it one day become necessary, how to shoot to kill. By the end of this year, its sixth, around 2,000 people from 15 statesā€”including me, Pam, and about two dozen other men and women enrolled in this sessionā€”will have completed the training, which includes the above exercise, carried out in a controlled setting with actors and Airsoft pistols that fire plastic pellets
s of three months ago, Pam had never shot a handgun in her life. The night before attending an eight-hour gun-safety seminarā€”a prerequisite for obtaining her $67 concealed-carry permitā€”a cousin had taken her out on his property and let her squeeze off a few practice rounds, just so she could see which make and model fit her hands best. Over breakfast, we overhear a pair of veteran shooters chatter away about the intricacies of the gauntlet that awaits us, and Pam is all nerves. ā€œI feel like Iā€™m in over my head,ā€ she says.

Sheā€™s been a teacher for 14 years; once, I return to my seat to find ā€œPam was here!ā€ scrawled on the front of my notebook. Whenever she gets a fleeting bar of cell service, she calls or texts her husband and three children to check in. He knows what she is doing this week, but the kids have no idea. She confesses it feels like sheā€™s ā€œliving a secret life.ā€

When she started her career, Pamā€™s salary was $23,000. (ā€œIf I ever see $55,000, Iā€™ll be 105 years old,ā€ she says, laughing.) The district is covering her hotel and ammunition for training, but she paid for her new $500 Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun and for all her gearā€”magazines, magazine pouches, a holster, safety equipment, and that concealed-carry permitā€”out of her own pocket.

The course is offered by an Ohio nonprofit called the Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which uses donations to fund scholarships for most attendees. But since Parkland, overwhelming demand has prevented the Foundation from being able to cover everyone. Before the shooting, two dozen openings remained for all of summer 2018; in the months that followed, organizers sometimes fielded that number of applications in a single day. Eventually, they were able to accept several hundred of them in about a dozen overflow classes. Even so, today about 2,000 people are still sitting on a waitlist.

No one forced Pam to be here. But her own kids attend the same school at which she works, and while she believes that the districtā€™s other elementary campus has around two armed employees, hers has just oneā€”an administrator who is nearing retirement. The thought of them going unprotected for any period of time gnawed at her, and so when the superintendent asked for more volunteers during a staff meeting, she decided to raise her hand.

Pam still wonders if he thought she was kidding. ā€œBut then he listed all the things I needed to do: get a concealed-carry permit, do this class, get all this stuff,ā€ she remembers. ā€œI was like, Oh, my gosh, I donā€™t even have a gun. I have to go buy a gun now. Where do I buy a gun? What have I done?ā€
Lol @ Pam complaining about her miniscule teacherā€™s salary but volunteering to add armed security to her job responsibilities

Yes....dedication and the desire to protect the innocent...of course you would mock that...you are a left wing socialist....
You would rather her die in a hail of gunfire than raise her pay. GFY, trash.
The only thing proven to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Time and time again, when confronted with armed resistance, the bad guy shoots himself or commits suicide by armed citizen or cop.

Or he shoots the person shooting at him.
Incredibly stupid.

Yeahā€¦lets take all of the violence on the streets that guns cause and insert the into the classroom.

Last year we had guys shot over mattresses in dumpsters,

View attachment 239247

Guys shot over parking spaces:

View attachment 239248

Guys shot over sneakers:

View attachment 239249

And now we want to introduce these weapons into classrooms. Patently stupid idea.

You are mixing up criminals with law abiding citizens......law abiding citizens with their legal guns use those guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals and they save lives. Over the last 26 year in the U.S. as more law abiding Americans have purchased, and some who carry guns....17.25 million Americans now carry guns for self defense....our gun murder rate has gone down 49%.....

How do you explain that? I repeat......How do you explain that?

Our gun crime rate has gone down 75%.....

How do you explain that? Again....How do you explain that?

Nothing you say about guns in America is true, accurate or based in reality......you make it up...

Total Bullshit.

Itā€™s mid morning. There should have been about 1,000 defensive gun uses so far today. Any link to 5% of those uses (that would be 50)? No? Carry on.
Here we are, an in depth look at some teachers going through the FASTER program in Ohio, learning how to carry and use guns to save the lives of their students and staff at the schools where they are employed...

When You Give a Teacher a Gun

We meet on the first day of FASTER Saves Lives, a three-day ā€œactive killerā€ response course in rural Adams County, Ohio, where school staff members learn how to carry a gun on campus and, should it one day become necessary, how to shoot to kill. By the end of this year, its sixth, around 2,000 people from 15 statesā€”including me, Pam, and about two dozen other men and women enrolled in this sessionā€”will have completed the training, which includes the above exercise, carried out in a controlled setting with actors and Airsoft pistols that fire plastic pellets
s of three months ago, Pam had never shot a handgun in her life. The night before attending an eight-hour gun-safety seminarā€”a prerequisite for obtaining her $67 concealed-carry permitā€”a cousin had taken her out on his property and let her squeeze off a few practice rounds, just so she could see which make and model fit her hands best. Over breakfast, we overhear a pair of veteran shooters chatter away about the intricacies of the gauntlet that awaits us, and Pam is all nerves. ā€œI feel like Iā€™m in over my head,ā€ she says.

Sheā€™s been a teacher for 14 years; once, I return to my seat to find ā€œPam was here!ā€ scrawled on the front of my notebook. Whenever she gets a fleeting bar of cell service, she calls or texts her husband and three children to check in. He knows what she is doing this week, but the kids have no idea. She confesses it feels like sheā€™s ā€œliving a secret life.ā€

When she started her career, Pamā€™s salary was $23,000. (ā€œIf I ever see $55,000, Iā€™ll be 105 years old,ā€ she says, laughing.) The district is covering her hotel and ammunition for training, but she paid for her new $500 Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun and for all her gearā€”magazines, magazine pouches, a holster, safety equipment, and that concealed-carry permitā€”out of her own pocket.

The course is offered by an Ohio nonprofit called the Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which uses donations to fund scholarships for most attendees. But since Parkland, overwhelming demand has prevented the Foundation from being able to cover everyone. Before the shooting, two dozen openings remained for all of summer 2018; in the months that followed, organizers sometimes fielded that number of applications in a single day. Eventually, they were able to accept several hundred of them in about a dozen overflow classes. Even so, today about 2,000 people are still sitting on a waitlist.

No one forced Pam to be here. But her own kids attend the same school at which she works, and while she believes that the districtā€™s other elementary campus has around two armed employees, hers has just oneā€”an administrator who is nearing retirement. The thought of them going unprotected for any period of time gnawed at her, and so when the superintendent asked for more volunteers during a staff meeting, she decided to raise her hand.

Pam still wonders if he thought she was kidding. ā€œBut then he listed all the things I needed to do: get a concealed-carry permit, do this class, get all this stuff,ā€ she remembers. ā€œI was like, Oh, my gosh, I donā€™t even have a gun. I have to go buy a gun now. Where do I buy a gun? What have I done?ā€
Lol @ Pam complaining about her miniscule teacherā€™s salary but volunteering to add armed security to her job responsibilities

Yes....dedication and the desire to protect the innocent...of course you would mock that...you are a left wing socialist....
You would rather her die in a hail of gunfire than raise her pay. GFY, trash.

And I didn't say anything about raising her pay you doofus. You are a certified moron. You would rather innocent, unarmed children die in your gun free zone, than protect them with something that actually works.......you need the dead children to push your agenda.....so you push gun free killing zones...you are the monster, not me.
Wow. 3 days prepare teachers to effectively engage in a combat situation. I wonder why the military wastes all that time teaching our soldiers the same thing. Cutting back on all that wasteful training would save us millions.

And you have no idea what you are talking about. They are not going into a combat situation. If they face a mass public shooter, as soon as they confront him one of 3 things happens....the shooter surrenders, commits suicide, or runs away...which is what they do when the police arrive, but would now happen faster since an armed response is on site rather than 6-10 minutes away....and that saves lives.....

As we see in self defense shootings, in particular the one in Chicago.....you don't have to be a Navy SEAL or a member of DELTA Force to use a gun to stop a low level criminal or mass shooter...

Please...get a grip, do some basic research and post with more knowledge...

There is a vast range of things that can happen when a virtually untrained person inserts another gun into a mass shooting situation. They are likely to shoot the wrong person, or themselves, or they confuse the real first responders reducing their effectiveness. An idiot with a few hours training just can't effectively do what needs to be done.

And yet actual, real world experience shows you are wrong.....when an armed citizen confronts an active shooter, their success rate at stopping them and/or limiting death and injuries is 94%.....actual research into shootings shows this.....

You have nothing....the facts, the truth, the reality in the actual, real world shows you are wrong...

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen ā€œfailedā€ to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to ā€œsave the day.ā€ A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
The only thing proven to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Time and time again, when confronted with armed resistance, the bad guy shoots himself or commits suicide by armed citizen or cop.

Or he shoots the person shooting at him.

And yet the real world experience shows that armed citizens with little to no training are 94% successful against these guys at either stopping them...since they kill themselves, run away or surrender as soon as they are confronted.....or they reduce the deaths and injuries before the police arrive....

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen ā€œfailedā€ to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to ā€œsave the day.ā€ A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Incredibly stupid.

Yeahā€¦lets take all of the violence on the streets that guns cause and insert the into the classroom.

Last year we had guys shot over mattresses in dumpsters,

View attachment 239247

Guys shot over parking spaces:

View attachment 239248

Guys shot over sneakers:

View attachment 239249

And now we want to introduce these weapons into classrooms. Patently stupid idea.

You are mixing up criminals with law abiding citizens......law abiding citizens with their legal guns use those guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals and they save lives. Over the last 26 year in the U.S. as more law abiding Americans have purchased, and some who carry guns....17.25 million Americans now carry guns for self defense....our gun murder rate has gone down 49%.....

How do you explain that? I repeat......How do you explain that?

Our gun crime rate has gone down 75%.....

How do you explain that? Again....How do you explain that?

Nothing you say about guns in America is true, accurate or based in reality......you make it up...

Total Bullshit.

Itā€™s mid morning. There should have been about 1,000 defensive gun uses so far today. Any link to 5% of those uses (that would be 50)? No? Carry on.

The Centers for Disease Control....1.1 million Americans a year use guns for self defense.....the Department of Justice? 1.5 million...bitch to them......then bitch to the other 15 researchers with their studies that show high numbers of defensive gun uses each year...

The research says you are wrong.....you are wrong...
Wow. 3 days prepare teachers to effectively engage in a combat situation. I wonder why the military wastes all that time teaching our soldiers the same thing. Cutting back on all that wasteful training would save us millions.

And the most important point, that you guys don't want to address since it shows you don't know what you are talking about.......when a school has armed security, with numerous people who are unknown on campus ready to fight back....shooters choose another target.....we know this from actual statements from captured mass shooters and from the notes of the dead shooters.....they state this....they say you are wrong and don't understand them.....
Criminals and crazies pick SOFT TARGETS and "gun free zones" for a reason. They know people will be unarmed, vulnerable, and easy targets. Sheep for the slaughter.
Criminals and crazies pick SOFT TARGETS and "gun free zones" for a reason. They know people will be unarmed, vulnerable, and easy targets. Sheep for the slaughter.

Yep....and they tell everyone who asks them that they do this....... or they leave it in their notes....

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