Teacher shortage = Virtual Teacher + "teaching assistant"

So the goal of teaching young people math is simply to make engineers?
No.... Of course not. Teachers are the pivotal point of a civilized society. To the extent that we support them and make their lives easier to live the pay back to us in the improvement of the human condition is beyond anything that we could substitute in the way of value.
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Simply replying to the claim that any teacher may produce several hundred proficient engineers during their career.

Statistically highly unlikely.

I know for a fact that human resources managers check on which schools the engineering students come from before offering positions to them. I've been in a few of those high-level hiring meetings.

Some schools are known for proficiency in certain subjects. That of course would be due to the people teaching those subjects.

Other than that your statistical analysis is absolutely solid...
I'm a Fan of statistics myself.
Regarding the coming teacher shortage, one cannot discount the common practice of allowing teachers to retire on full pension after 30 years service, which results in them retiring in their early 50's, and puts the taxpayers on the hook for 35-40 years of monthly retirement checks and benefits. Without that absurd 30-year thing, the coming shortage would be nowhere near as challenging.

The fundamental problem with American public schools is that they are run by the Government. Accordingly, they are horribly inflexible, notably inefficient, and prone to creating perverse incentives that get in the way of accomplishment of the true mission which, one might note, is the imparting of useful information and nurturing well-adjusted, productive citizens. At that, they are conspicuously unsuccessful.

When I was a lad, I participated in a study of how different students learn. We were exposed to teaching workbooks, video lectures with teacher-assistants, and read-only learning, in addition to traditional classroom & homework. I never heard any results from this exercise, but obviously different kids learn in different ways. Could public schools do these assessments and create policies based on the results? Divide students according to learning style? I don't know.

I see no reason why exemplary teachers could not be employed to record classroom lectures, and those shown to students in a controlled environment, possibly with a Marine Drill Sergeant monitoring the process. Those videos could be used for multiple classes, schools, and even years. I'm talking about the best teachers here. But that would never happen with our teachers' unions standing in the way.
..... Could public schools do these assessments and create policies based on the results? Divide students according to learning style? I don't know.

Schools do studies and assessments ALL THE TIME. Teachers are educated and trained to recognize learning styles and make adjustments to practice ALL THE TIME. You keep coming up with these "brilliant ideas" about things that are already being done.
I know for a fact that human resources managers check on which schools the engineering students come from before offering positions to them. I've been in a few of those high-level hiring meetings.

Then, teachers in those schools are in higher demand for their services. They should use that demand to bargain for a better compensation.
Regarding the coming teacher shortage, one cannot discount the common practice of allowing teachers to retire on full pension after 30 years service, which results in them retiring in their early 50's, and puts the taxpayers on the hook for 35-40 years of monthly retirement checks and benefits. Without that absurd 30-year thing, the coming shortage would be nowhere near as challenging.

The fundamental problem with American public schools is that they are run by the Government. Accordingly, they are horribly inflexible, notably inefficient, and prone to creating perverse incentives that get in the way of accomplishment of the true mission which, one might note, is the imparting of useful information and nurturing well-adjusted, productive citizens. At that, they are conspicuously unsuccessful.

When I was a lad, I participated in a study of how different students learn. We were exposed to teaching workbooks, video lectures with teacher-assistants, and read-only learning, in addition to traditional classroom & homework. I never heard any results from this exercise, but obviously different kids learn in different ways. Could public schools do these assessments and create policies based on the results? Divide students according to learning style? I don't know.

I see no reason why exemplary teachers could not be employed to record classroom lectures, and those shown to students in a controlled environment, possibly with a Marine Drill Sergeant monitoring the process. Those videos could be used for multiple classes, schools, and even years. I'm talking about the best teachers here. But that would never happen with our teachers' unions standing in the way.

We have loads more brain research these days. So we have a lot more to offer than just "workbooks, video lectures and read only". In fact, many good lessons of less than an hour duration includes all three of these components. That's first.

Some states and nations won't let teachers retire before a certain age. Until and unless that happens, the current culture remains entrenched: it's a young person's profession, so teachers in their 50s are routinely asked when they're going to retire, no matter how successful they are or how much they still enjoy teaching.
We’re going to see a similar situation in hospitals and nursing homes.

I wonder how many know that the person administering medications and treatments to your parents/grandparents in assisted living facilities aren’t RNs or even LPNs but uneducated $11/hr people who may or may not have a high school diploma, and have no license or accountability.

It’s not even about a nursing shortage, it’s about saving money.

Keep on lowering education standards for entry to professional practice, whether it be nursing or teaching. See what happens.
......The fundamental problem with American public schools is that they are run by the Government. Accordingly, they are horribly inflexible, notably inefficient, and prone to creating perverse incentives that get in the way of accomplishment of the true mission which, one might note, is the imparting of useful information and nurturing well-adjusted, productive citizens. At that, they are conspicuously unsuccessful.......
Aka, Socialism. That's why they're inefficient and riddled with problems.
People are eligible to retire in their early 50s is a bad thing now? What a regressive mindset. Many teachers eligible to retire are retiring and going into the private sector. They're making more money than they were before. Good for them!!! You want to force people to work longer? That's beyond idiotic.
People are eligible to retire in their early 50s is a bad thing now? What a regressive mindset. Many teachers eligible to retire are retiring and going into the private sector. They're making more money than they were before. Good for them!!! You want to force people to work longer? That's beyond idiotic.

For new teachers starting out in Ohio, they can retire when they reach 65 years of age, or 60 years of age with 35 years of service.

Many teachers I know "bought years" and "retired" in their 40s. That is a LOT of teacher payout on their pensions, IMO. Conceivably those teachers could have taught for 20 years and will be paid a pension for 40. So...yeah.
It's too bad every person couldn't retire after 20 years of working. Talk about a happier country.
I don’t know. It sounds nice but most people I know who’ve retired that young age rapidly and don’t seem particularly happy with their lives of leisure.
This will be the wave of the future: your child will have a "virtual teacher" on the screen and a teaching assistant in the room. That is if school districts can find people to work in classrooms for whatever peanuts they will pay them to act as "teaching assistants" and deal with exploding student behavior problems and mental health issues.

We are in a real fix. I can tell you that.

CHAPIN, S.C. — Amanda Mignault has been teaching for three years and has yet to step foot in a classroom.
"I live in South Carolina, and my classes are in Louisiana and Georgia,” said Mignault.
Her students are in person sitting side by side at their desks while she is at home teaching virtual lessons, remotely.

It's made possible by an Austin, Texas, based company called Proximity Learning which helps school districts fill the need for teachers.

Local school district using innovative way to fill teacher shortages

Actually, it sounds like a brilliant way to incorporate technology into the classroom. We can assume the person on the screen can be in dozens of classrooms across the country. Which means you find the most engaging person you can to be on the screen, and the less talented people can be the kid wranglers who make sure they are paying attention.
Retiring as soon as possible is by far the smartest thing a person can do. The worst day of retirement is always better than the best day at work. There is no argent here.
The videos on Libs of Tik Tok are horrendous. These are mentally ill narcissists using children to make themselves feel relevant. It's horrific.

We are in error when we think this is anything other than a fraction of the teacher workforce though. As I have said so many times here. The Right is doing to teachers now just what the Left did with Defund the Police.

Results coming in Fall 2022 and beyond.
After we wipe the floor with the Republican LIARS
Retiring as soon as possible is by far the smartest thing a person can do. The worst day of retirement is always better than the best day at work. There is no argent here.

I’m 66 years old
Bored to tears

Will start subbing again later this month
I have always said that teachers, not professional athletes, are the ones that should have multimillion dollar contracts.
Not Feasible, as a teacher, it would be nice, but c'mon, It is just not possible, and Teachers Don't deserve a Million Dolla$ Contract. From a Teacher of 37 Years.
I don't want to hear about teachers complaining about their salaries.
I don't, When I started I made <<< $20K in 1986.
I managed w/out complaining.
This was CA, but it was 1986 and our first house cost $80K
While the old "pay teachers like baseball players" mantra seems like a viable idea, it simply isn't economically feasible
Again, I support this 100%.
Teachers are NOT athletes, they do not get people to watch them perform.
Yet, some claim to have witnessed every infraction by every teacher.
c'mon man, 99%+ of teachers are doing their best.
This will be the wave of the future: your child will have a "virtual teacher" on the screen and a teaching assistant in the room.
THAT WON'T WORK. Believe me, this will only further serve to dehumanize our children making them better suited to texting on machines than dealing with actual human interaction. And those children will grow up and face running the world.

That is if school districts can find people to work in classrooms for whatever peanuts they will pay them to act as "teaching assistants" and deal with exploding student behavior problems and mental health issues.
I'm all goosebumps. :smoke:

We are in a real fix. I can tell you that.
Yep. Sure sounds like it.

It's made possible by an Austin, Texas, based company
Figures. Socialist Central. And I predict that soon, they won't even use real people anymore to teach kids, they will create synthetic computer generated artificial CGI models to just look and talk like people.

How else will these companies stay in business and make money?

Gee, I hope nobody already thinks and wonders why we have so many kids NOW who already have emotional, reality and violence issues! Kids being forced to live in and grow up in an unnatural, synthetic environment!

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