Teacher resigns at school board meeting

These new rules subject many religious people to discrimination. That may be unconstitutional.

For instance asking anyone to work on religious holidays has been illegal since 1960s.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims respect the Old Testament.
This ^^^^^ rarely happens, I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but rarely.
Whereas you believe it is an everyday, every lesson occurrence.
And here we go with its the no big deal horseshit

It's the same old crap over and over with these low iq brainwashed leftwing subhuman animals

Fucking disgusting human trash
And here we go with its the no big deal horseshit

It's the same old crap over and over with these low iq brainwashed leftwing subhuman animals

Fucking disgusting human trash
This ^^^^^^ is what we get when you have no verifiable response.

I asked for a verifiable example of CRT that is Currently taught in the district where you live.
If it happens constantly, it would be easy for you to supply an example. Post #22

So give me a verifiable example from your school district.
Nothing, nothing at all.

But these choices are NOT the end all answer.

Students thrive in different environments.
The constant attacks on public school do bother me.

I have had multiple students (over 36 years) that were homeschooling, enroll in math in the public school, because they just couldn't teach that math at home. They needed the Public School's help.

Am I wrong?

Nope you aren't wrong. A small percentage of homeschool parents are actually qualified to homeschool. And poster figures everyone can afford private school. They cannot. Additionally, kids need the social interaction or they often turn into slack-jawed Goobers.

That chick has great moral courage.

However, the Libtard shitheads sitting on that Board don't give a shit. They will just replace her with a worthless dumbass affirmative action hate filled Negro that is illiterate but has a social media record of supporting BLM.

Hope the lady gets a good job in a private school and can teach like an American should.
Nope you aren't wrong. A small percentage of homeschool parents are actually qualified to homeschool. And poster figures everyone can afford private school. They cannot. Additionally, kids need the social interaction or they often turn into slack-jawed Goobers.

You're so full of crap. Do you approve of the bill the Governor of Oregon signed about graduation requirements?
That chick has great moral courage.

However, the Libtard shitheads sitting on that Board don't give a shit. They will just replace her with a worthless dumbass affirmative action hate filled Negro that is illiterate but has a social media record of supporting BLM.

Hope the lady gets a good job in a private school and can teach like an American should.

Dude, just replace "Negro" with the other N word. Ya know ya wanna! ;)

That chick has great moral courage.

However, the Libtard shitheads sitting on that Board don't give a shit. They will just replace her with a worthless dumbass affirmative action hate filled Negro that is illiterate but has a social media record of supporting BLM.

Hope the lady gets a good job in a private school and can teach like an American should.
Fascinating....you're a GOPr.
1) That chick has great moral courage.

2) However, the Libtard shitheads sitting on that Board don't give a shit. They will just replace her with a worthless dumbass affirmative action hate filled Negro that is illiterate but has a social media record of supporting BLM.

Hope the lady gets a good job in a private school and can teach like an American should.
1) She has!

2) Sadly, Racism is a significant problem among some Republicans. Many African-Americans who are very Conservative and have great respect for Old Testament are repulsed by this Racism.

3) Muslims also respect many Laws of the Old Testament.
It would be really great if the teachers unions self destruct and we can get education back where it belongs.
All Patriotic Americans should consider themselves at war for the survival of the United States of America. Destroy these jackals.
1) She has!

2) Sadly, Racism is a significant problem among some Republicans. Many African-Americans who are very Conservative and have great respect for Old Testament are repulsed by this Racism.

3) Muslims also respect many Laws of the Old Testament.

Blacks in America are usually worthless welfare queens that have been brainwashed by the Liberals to think they are entitled to everything and responsible for nothing.

I suspect that if they replace this great teacher that resigned with a Negro the replacement teacher will be pretty much worthless.

Of course Liberals screw up education just like they screw up everything else so what else is new?
More evidence of the Right and how you REALLY feel about minorities. I wonder why more minorities don't flock to the GOP...............

Negroes would get more respect from Americans if they:

1. Got off welfare

2. Stop committing so much crime

3. Start taking care of their families

4. Stop being the House Neggras of the filthy destructive Democrat Party

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