Tea party vs. Boston Tea Party


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
When looking at the Tea Party of today and the Boston Tea Party of centuries ago, we see many similarities. We see a people tired of a governmnet that they feel no longer represents them and tired of over taxation. Ben Franklin once said that it would be a harsh government to tax its people 1/10 part. We may laugh about such quotes today, and it shows how far we have come since that time in terms of taxation.

The colonalists were told that they must pay their fair share of the expenses for maintaining the colonies in America and were taxed accordingly, dialogue we are all familiar with today. The British made fun of the colonialists who felt exploited, which is represented by the song, "Yankee Doodle Dandee". This song was originally created by the British to poke fun at Americans who were not as well educated or cultured. Such derision is common in the media today in regards to the modern day Tea Party.

So what are the differences today between the two movements? One difference is that the Tea Party of today has no face assigned to it as where the Founding Fathers were the voices for the original Tea Party. I would even say that the American Revolution would have gone no where without the Founding Fathers. Why? It is because in and of itself, mob rule and violence gets you no where. What is needed are intellectuals that are wealthy to lead the charge, men of power and influence to oppose other men of power and influence. Most importanty, however, they must be benevolent and wish to surrender their power to serve their fellow man, much like how George Washington declined being crowned king. Of course, the fact that an ocean seperated America from her oppressors was also key.

However, today the Tea Party has no one to represent them who has power and influence and no ocean to seperate them from those they feel exploit them. In fact, the Tea Party has been successfully marginalized and stereotyped as right winged extremists, all because they want to balance budgets. For you see, the people running trillion dollar deficits are the moderates.

By in large those in the Tea Party are no different from the early rebels who fought the British. For the most part, they are not as well educated or culturally astute as those they oppose. All they know is that they feel exploited and that there is something amiss. As a result, they are no match for the powers that array themselves against them, such as the media who marginalize them or the powerful elite who are in the back pockets of those in Washington. One might even argue that the GOP hijacked the movement to further marginalize the movement that sought to curb the power of Big Brother. For you see, limited government are two words that are both foreign to those in Washington as well as terrifying no matter if an "R" or "D" comes before your name.

Even with Revolution within their grasps, the Founding Fathers almost failed in their endevour. However, the modern Tea Party has even less a chance of succes, more is the pity. You might even say it is mission impossible.
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Very well stated and most accurate.

It is surprising in some sense that no one of significant status as come forward to lead the TP. This could be because those of significant status (the power elite) have become corrupted and benefit from the status quo. It could also be that none are courageous enough to sustain the hate and intolerance they would be subject to by the entire left establishment.

If America has no one of high status willing to lead the charge for limited government and individual liberty, America is lost.
Very well stated and most accurate.

It is surprising in some sense that no one of significant status as come forward to lead the TP. This could be because those of significant status (the power elite) have become corrupted and benefit from the status quo. It could also be that none are courageous enough to sustain the hate and intolerance they would be subject to by the entire left establishment.

If America has no one of high status willing to lead the charge for limited government and individual liberty, America is lost.

With the British crown half a world away seperated by a huge ocean, the Founders felt that resistance was not suicidal. Even at that, they almost lost.

Yes, America is lost. In the end, Europe won.
Tea party members are victims of both parties. They have allied themselves with the Republican party and thus defeated the purpose of being part of the tea party in the first place. The original tea party was against the establishment. The current tea party is in favor of the establishment, just the version that has seduced them better.
When looking at the Tea Party of today and the Boston Tea Party of centuries ago, we see many similarities. We see a people tired of a governmnet that they feel no longer represents them and tired of over taxation. Ben Franklin once said that it would be a harsh government to tax its people 1/10 part. We may laugh about such quotes today, and it shows how far we have come since that time in terms of taxation.

The colonalists were told that they must pay their fair share of the expenses for maintaining the colonies in America and were taxed accordingly, dialogue we are all familiar with today. The British made fun of the colonialists who felt exploited, which is represented by the song, "Yankee Doodle Dandee". This song was originally created by the British to poke fun at Americans who were not as well educated or cultured. Such derision is common in the media today in regards to the modern day Tea Party.

So what are the differences today between the two movements? One difference is that the Tea Party of today has no face assigned to it as where the Founding Fathers were the voices for the original Tea Party. I would even say that the American Revolution would have gone no where without the Founding Fathers. Why? It is because in and of itself, mob rule and violence gets you no where. What is needed are intellectuals that are wealthy to lead the charge, men of power and influence to oppose other men of power and influence. Most importanty, however, they must be benevolent and wish to surrender their power to serve their fellow man, much like how George Washington declined being crowned king. Of course, the fact that an ocean seperated America from her oppressors was also key.

However, today the Tea Party has no one to represent them who has power and influence and no ocean to seperate them from those they feel exploit them. In fact, the Tea Party has been successfully marginalized and stereotyped as right winged extremists, all because they want to balance budgets. For you see, the people running trillion dollar deficits are the moderates.

By in large those in the Tea Party are no different from the early rebels who fought the British. For the most part, they are not as well educated or culturally astute as those they oppose. All they know is that they feel exploited and that there is something amiss. As a result, they are no match for the powers that array themselves against them, such as the media who marginalize them or the powerful elite who are in the back pockets of those in Washington. One might even argue that the GOP hijacked the movement to further marginalize the movement that sought to curb the power of Big Brother. For you see, limited government are two words that are both foreign to those in Washington as well as terrifying no matter if an "R" or "D" comes before your name.

Even with Revolution within their grasps, the Founding Fathers almost failed in their endevour. However, the modern Tea Party has even less a chance of succes, more is the pity. You might even say it is mission impossible.

No. in fact it's because they are indeed right winged extremists; they have no desire to ‘balance the budget’ motivated by responsible governance.

For the TPM ‘balance the budget’ is a weapon to use against the social programs and policies that conflict with their rightist dogma, and to intimidate and belittle those whom they accuse of being ‘takers.’
No. in fact it's because they are indeed right winged extremists; they have no desire to ‘balance the budget’ motivated by responsible governance.

For the TPM ‘balance the budget’ is a weapon to use against the social programs and policies that conflict with their rightist dogma, and to intimidate and belittle those whom they accuse of being ‘takers.’

Who is they? Are you suggesting that the GOP created the movement? I submit that they did not, rather, they simply hijacked the movement. And yes, the GOP could care less about balancing budgets.

The insane part is that those who support a balanced budget are the ones being called right winged extremists.

At least the colonists were not mandated to buy the tea like Americans are mandated to buy corporate health care under Obamacare.

I would agree that those on the right are blind to the evils of the corporate structure. After all, the corporate structure is created by government and funds government. That is why they are too big to fail and why taxpayre money goes to that end.

On the other hand, without wealthy men to lead the revolt against the British, the revolution would probably have gone no where.

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