Tea Party Tactics in Arizona...to Implement ObamaCare


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2010
New England
This is fascinating to watch. Jan Brewer is now effectively shutting down her legislature's agenda, vetoing everything they send her until they turn their attention to passing her Medicaid expansion. The Tea Party has taught her well.

Arizona's Brewer Labeled "Traitor" as She Pushes Medicaid - Bloomberg
Arizona’s Republican Governor Jan Brewer has been known nationally as one of the most outspoken foes of President Barack Obama -- a Fox News regular, border hawk and states’ rights advocate who once wagged her finger in the chief executive’s face on a Phoenix-area tarmac.

Now, Brewer, 68, is being called a traitor by members of her own party and heralded by advocates for the poor as she digs in for one of the toughest fights of her political career: expanding her state’s Medicaid program under Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Brewer “became a symbol for many of a Tea Party Republican, who was not willing to be flexible, who was going to stand up for red states,” Zelizer said. “This kind of position challenges that and suggests she may be more politically pragmatic than she appeared to be.”

I don't know, Z, if this isn't inflexibility, I don't know what is:

The standoff with lawmakers brought legislative progress in Phoenix to a halt, keeping legislators in session past the deadline when their per diem pay is automatically reduced. Yesterday, Brewer vetoed five unrelated measures saying that she wouldn’t sign any bills until progress was made on Medicaid.

Last week, in the largest of four rallies Brewer has hosted at the Capitol to promote her plan, more than 1,000 supporters gathered on the Senate lawn. Brewer shared the stage with a local talk-radio personality, a hemophiliac who said he needed Medicaid to live, an emergency room doctor and others. The audience chanted, “It’s the right thing to do!” as opponents on the periphery heckled them and held signs deriding socialism, death panels and “Obrewercare.”

Brewer vowed not to give up, saying she had mathematics and morality on her side. She called Medicaid expansion the “most important health issue that our state has faced in a decade.”

“I knew it wouldn’t be easy,” she told the crowd. “But let me tell you something else, I don’t think the opponents realized how hard we are going to fight.”

I'll admit, I certainly didn't realize!
holy cow, Bloomingidiot rag is in competition with the national Enquire..and look, it's dumping on the the Tea Party...color me shocked

how pathetic

but it's another paid job for the Obamacare pusher on this board
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We should have just expanded Medicaid instead of passing Obamacare. They grossly over exaggerated the number of people who were unable to buy health care insurance to create the illusion of a crisis, which they didn't waste. No need to force the rest of us into bureaucratic nightmare when there was an easier solution.

Obama and congress could have chosen to assist small businesses in succeeding by not passing so many oppressive laws. That would have meant people keeping jobs, more jobs created and employer sponsored healthcare. Welfare to work would have encourage people to step up and do more for themselves so the rest of us wouldn't have to carry the burden.

They could have allowed health insurance companies to compete across the country, which would have resulted in lower premiums and incentive for companies to offer more for the money. Having health insurance companies competing like the auto insurance companies would have been great.

Instead, this administration chose to reduce the availability of jobs by putting too large of a burden on small businesses and created more government dependents. Full time employees have either lost their jobs or were turned into part time employees and now qualify for government aid.

How can any liberal look at the whole picture and say we're going in the right direction? Less workers and higher tax burdens mean the middle class is about to be royally screwed again.

Unsustainable is the best word to describe liberal policies, from Social Security to Obamacare.
Last week, in the largest of four rallies Brewer has hosted at the Capitol to promote her plan, more than 1,000 supporters gathered on the Senate lawn. Brewer shared the stage with a local talk-radio personality, a hemophiliac who said he needed Medicaid to live, an emergency room doctor and others. The audience chanted, “It’s the right thing to do!” as opponents on the periphery heckled them and held signs deriding socialism, death panels and “Obrewercare.”

Obviously these hateful, ignorant, partisan nitwits aren’t representative of the TPM as a whole, but it’s telling nonetheless.
of course we should have expanded it because it was the smart thing and the right thing and the economic thing

but the far reactionary right said "no" and now they will pay for their stupidity

let's see if more AZ seats go Dem next year when they should be red

stupid, stupid, self-defeating TPM
Last week, in the largest of four rallies Brewer has hosted at the Capitol to promote her plan, more than 1,000 supporters gathered on the Senate lawn. Brewer shared the stage with a local talk-radio personality, a hemophiliac who said he needed Medicaid to live, an emergency room doctor and others. The audience chanted, “It’s the right thing to do!” as opponents on the periphery heckled them and held signs deriding socialism, death panels and “Obrewercare.”

Obviously these hateful, ignorant, partisan nitwits aren’t representative of the TPM as a whole, but it’s telling nonetheless.

ooo, they held signs...that makes them hateful, ignorant, partisan nitwits..

you should talk, look at your hateful post about people who were voicing their opinion

and you take this papers word that they were HECKLING the people speaking...YOU ARE SAD...
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of course we should have expanded it because it was the smart thing and the right thing and the economic thing

but the far reactionary right said "no" and now they will pay for their stupidity

let's see if more AZ seats go Dem next year when they should be red

stupid, stupid, self-defeating TPM

Nutball ignorance is almost exotic in its purity. And like most things exotic, the cost is great.
this article was written like something I would read at the dailyKos or Hufferpost..

and Bloomberg calls this a serious newspaper..

the Tea party is back in the news so it's time to make up all kinds of shit about them again...and spread the hate
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well well, a little about the author of this article
no wonder it sounded like something from the dailykos..

Amanda Crawford's Overview
Current Arizona correspondent at Bloomberg News
Past editor at CrawfordOnDrugs.com
Soros Justice Fellow at Open Society Institute
Writer & reporter at Freelance

Amanda Crawford | LinkedIn
the op should be ashamed for posting this national enquire like article..it was so BIASED it stunk
this is what I mean people, the Tea Party is back and it's now time to send out the smear campaign..that is all that article was that the OP posted..


Disgusting! Democrats Completely Lie About Tea Party in Latest Fundraising Letter …Update: TAKE ACTION NOW

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, May 25, 2013, 4:10 PM

Democrats and the DSCC sent out this letter Friday asking for donations and warning about the dreaded Tea Party.

letter at site couldn't bring it over

all of it here and a reward was offered for them to bring PROOF at this site also
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
this article was written like something I would read at the dailyKos or Hufferpost..

and Bloomberg calls this a serious newspaper..

the Tea party is back in the news so it's time to make up all kinds of shit about them again...and spread the hate

We can agree on this.
probably didn't miss much and filthy name calling

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Jan Brewer is doing the right thing in making the TPM to use the facilities instead of crapping in the corner when they get pissed. The TPM will comply.
Coverage for uninsured is cheaper than expected for millions, but red-state residents in poverty are facing pain.

Obamacare implementation is becoming the latest dividing line between blue- and red-state America, with Democrat-led states making progress to expand healthcare to the uninsured and the poor—and Republican-led states saying "screw you" to millions of their most vulnerable and needy residents.

The latest sign of the Republican Party’s increasingly secessionist tendencies comes as Obamacare passed a major milestone in California, which late last week announced lower-than-expected healthcare premiums for its 5.3 million uninsured, less than many small businesses now pay in group plans.

More: How's Obamacare Turning Out? Great If You Live in a Blue State, and 'Screw You' If You Have a Republican Governor

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