Tea party "love" lol

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Views of Congress, tea party reach new low in poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Not all the anger is necessarily aimed at Washington, however. Public perception of the tea party movement, which many see as the driving force that kept Republicans from voting to raising the debt ceiling without implementing unprecedented spending reductions, is at a record low. In a New York Times/CBS poll released Friday, 40 percent of respondents said they held an "unfavorable" view of the movement, up from 29 percent before the debt negotiations began in April, and higher than any number since pollsters started asking the question last year. One in five respondents said they approved of the tea party, down from 26 percent a few months ago.

LMAO @ the forum retards who really think their Tea Party was really what all Americans want. Their debt deal "victory" turned out to be closer to a Pyrrhic victory,
why do you feel superior to those that think differently than you?
OMG, does ANYONE do a search. ???

The BIG poll that counts is the Obama's

And they are FALLING daily.
Maybe the TEA Party got tar babied? Oh my! I said 'tar baby', I must be a racist.

Fucking idiots.

Calling someone a damn tar baby is racist, seems like having a black president is the excuse that some whites needed to unload the latent and covert racism.
why do you feel superior to those that think differently than you?

Its not a feeling of superiority, its one of contempt for the delusional.

seeing one as delusional when you have no fact to back it up as one being delsuional, is the same as feeling superior.

So I again ask...

Why do you feel superior to those that think differently than you?

I personally see it as a sign of weakness.

But thats me.
Maybe the TEA Party got tar babied? Oh my! I said 'tar baby', I must be a racist.

Fucking idiots.

Calling someone a damn tar baby is racist, seems like having a black president is the excuse that some whites needed to unload the latent and covert racism.

As long as there are people spewing crap like this, racism will never die in America.

Why do you insist on allowing racism to play a role in America?
why do you feel superior to those that think differently than you?

Its not a feeling of superiority, its one of contempt for the delusional.

seeing one as delusional when you have no fact to back it up as one being delsuional, is the same as feeling superior.

So I again ask...

Why do you feel superior to those that think differently than you?

I personally see it as a sign of weakness.

But thats me.

It superiority unless you think those people in the polls have a feeling of superiority. They are delusional people with their extremism.
Its not a feeling of superiority, its one of contempt for the delusional.

seeing one as delusional when you have no fact to back it up as one being delsuional, is the same as feeling superior.

So I again ask...

Why do you feel superior to those that think differently than you?

I personally see it as a sign of weakness.

But thats me.

It superiority unless you think those people in the polls have a feeling of superiority. They are delusional people with their extremism.

And you are a Extremist racist and Race baiter.

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